• LOD«; Fleet- Sons of Retired Lutheran Pastor P» -»d Marflyn J Mr» Henry THE KUTZTOWN PATRIOT Are Awarded Doctorates Today VOL. LXXV KUTZTOWN, PA^ THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1949 NO. 6 indalp 300 Attend Ground VFW Auxiliary to PENN STATE GRAD Daily Vacation IKatxtown Calendar os low as Breaking for New Share in Vets Dance Bible School Has Tonight—Visiting Nurse Association—Gonser Home 189 Kutztown Armory Coatesville Hospital Tonight—father's Day Program—Grange Registration of 164 June 16-17-18—liam—Tenth Birthday Festival—Fair Grounds June 17—Oley Valley Tour—Berks Federation Women's Club June 17—Berks VFW Auxiliary Council Dance—Veterans Hospital, Coatesville Burgess Moyer Officiates To Sponsor Band Concert at Faculty of 10; Helpers 12; Juno 18—9 A. M. Bake Sale—Business and Professional Woman's Club— Lebanon Hospital; Food At Ceremony; Colonel Schlenker Show Room* 29 Intermediates; To Harry Markle Speaks Sale June 25th Juno 18—At 1:30 P. M. Picnic—Fire Company Auxiliary—Park Close June 24th Juno 19—At 9 P.M. (following service) Old-Fashioned Hymn Sine;—Grace bargain pric«| Stressing that a center for military The Auxiliary of Geiger-Zimmerman The Daily Vacation Bible School, E. C. Church, led by Berks C. E. Union on't two-strap training is part payment for assuring Post No. 7013, Veterans of Foreign sponsored by the Ministerial Associa­ Par brown, size* the continuance of the American way Wan will share with other Auxiliaries June 21—At 7:30 P. M. Musical Tea—Aid Society St. Paul's Reformed tion, and held in the local Churches, lyoo can afford of life, Col. Harry A. Markle, Jr., ex­ of Berks Council in presenting a dance June 22—Rotary—Talk on Hawk Mountain Sanctuary has an enrollment of 164 pupils, from ecutive officer of the 51st AAA Brigade, at the Veterans Hospital, Coatesville, June 23—Fire Company Auxiliary Kindergarten to Intermediates, inclu­ Pennsylvania National Guard, spoke Friday night. Memben are urged to Juno 23—Forty-first Anniversary Good Shepherd Home—Allentown sive. The faculty totals ten, and there Clifford to a group of 300 at ground breaking wear evening dresses. Mn. Mae Kunkel, June 23—Fire Company Auxiliary are 12 helpen. IIEBCR Hospital chairman, is in charge of local ceremonies for the armory of Battery C, June 24—At 8 P. M. Pomona Grange Chorus—Reading Fair Grounds For the fint time in the history of 337th AAA Gun Battalion in Kutz­ reservations. Rev. Richard C. Klick Juno 24-26—Berks Sabbath School Association Camp—Camp Swatara the School, there is an enrollment of r Shop town. The memben, at a recent meeting, 29 in the Intermediate Department, di­ June 24—Program, Daily Vacation Bible School—St. John's Church •» Topton This morning at ten, in two differ­ Klick, their mother, a teacher of piano, "The site is one for training in citi­ made plans to sponsor another Band rected by the Rev. Ralph H. Bornman, ent institutions in Pennsylvania, 254 concert at the Veterans Hospital at Juno 25—At 10 A. M. Food Sale—VFW Auxiliary—Fenstermacher Store assisted by his wife, with Mary Lou 99R1, past president of the Kutztown Wom­ zenship, respect for authority, discipline miles apart, the two sons of the an's Club, and prominent in Missionary and leadenhip," he asserted. Continual Lebanon in the near future. Room (former Stein's Cafe) Heisler as music director. Some of June 26—At 7 P. M. Community Vespers, Park—Rev. J. W. Bittner Raymond C. Heimbach 1 p.m., 6 to © Rev. I. W. Hick, retired Lutheran work, attended the Pittsburgh Com­ vigilance, personal sacrifice and willing Mn. Mamie Bast, Ways and Means them are brought via two local taxis a.m. to 9 p.m. minister, and Mrs. Klick, Kutztown, mencement, and her husband, the one acceptance of the responsibility which chairman, announced a food sale June June 28—Card Party, Grange Hall Raymond C. Heimbach, East Green­ from Krumsville, Spring Valley and were awarded their Doctorates. in Philadelphia. is ours as citizens of the United States, 25th at 10 a. m. in the Fenstermacher Juno 28—Installation—Business and Professional Woman's Club ville, the new assistant in the depart­ other nearby points, their fares fi­ Both summa cum laude graduates of Rev. Richard C. Klick were described as the price of freedom store-room, formerly Stein's Cafe, West June 29—"Night of Fun"—St. John's Lutheran Choir—Recreation Hall ment of Vocational Agriculture at KHS nanced by the host Church, Grace E. Main street. their father's Alma Mater, Muhlen­ A native of Allentown, the young by the speaker. June 30—Woman's Club—Mary Lou Taylor, Harpist since April, recently received a B.S. C. The same children also attend berg College, Allentown, they are the pastor was born May 22, 1912, and at­ Burgess Ira Moyer broke the ground A picnic will be held by the mem­ degree in Agricultural Education at Church school each Sunday via free Rev. Richard C. Klick, pastor since tended Strausstown, Bemville, Ham for the armory to be located near the ben July 31st at Kutztown Park, in Penn State. transportation. In addition to these, 1945, of Mary J. Drexel Home and burg and Kutztown High schools, prior Kutztown High school athletic field which the Post and children of all He achieved the dean's list, and was the registration includes,the following: Philadelphia Motherhouse of Deacon­ to entrance at Muhlenberg. During va­ on Apple alley. memben will share. 15 Receive Awards D. M. Slonecker secretary of Alpha Tau Alpha, profes­ 28 in Kindergarten with two teachen \ubes! esses, and Clifford C. Klick, who in cations he was director of religious edu­ Present at the ceremonies were offi­ Delegates—New Members sional fraternity, and secretary of the and four helpen; 53 in the three Pri­ December, 1948, became affiliated with cation at Camp Miller, Shawnee on cen and enlisted men from the Kutz­ Mn. Ilene Dougherty will represent At Scout Camporee collegiate FFA. He was a member of mary sections, with three teachen and the Crystal Section of the Naval Re­ the Delaware, a Lutheran camp for town battery, commanded by Lt. Carl the Auxiliary at the National Encamp­ Revisits "Home" the soccer team, Alpha Gamma Rho, four helpers; and 54 in the three Junior [tubes. If you search Laboratory, Washington, D. C. boys, and the summer prior to gradua­ Strittmatter. Officen from the 51st ment at Miami, Florida, in August; social fraternity, Chapel Choir, the classes, with three teachen and as many and Mn. Edna Oswald, president; Mn. A total of 26 Scouts and six adults, D. M. Slonecker, Enid, Oklahoma, helpen. Young Pastor Klick received ^the de­ tion, in 1932, summered in Europe AAA Brigade, 213th AAA Group, and Ex-GI Club, and the Penn State Chris­ 337th AAA Gun Battalion also spoke Minerva Moyer and Mn. Stella Ser- representing five troops of the North­ president of the bank at Okeene, Okla., in a trough gree of Doctor of Sacred Theology at While at Mt. Airy, also his father's east District, attended the* Court of revisited "home" this week. He made tian Association. He was graduated from The School will climax its work at a briefly. fass will attend the Department en­ East Greenville High school in 1943. special service in St. John's Union or length of Temple University, and Researcher Clif­ Alma Mater, he was student assistant campment in Philadelphia July 7-9. Honor and over-night Camporee at the the 1,250-mile motor trip with his son- ford Klick, the degree of Doctor of at the Frankford Settlement House, St. Music was provided preceding and Swimming Pool. Troops One and Four, He is a son of Mr. and Mn. Ray- Church, the night of June 24th, where following the ceremonies by the 243rd New memben initiated were Mn. in law and daughter, Mr. and Mn. S. Science in Physics at Carnegie Institute Jacobus Church, and Nativity Lutheran, Kutztown; Lyons, Longswamp and W. H. Dougherty, Bartlesville, Okla., mdid W. Heimbach, East Greenville. the cooperating Paston J. W. Bittner, fill be quickly Army band, Allentown. Millie Wink, Mn. Stella Fisher, Mn. of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. (Continued a. tafe ttx—column three) Topton participated. The newly-organ­ and his cousin and housekeeper, Mn. Ralph H. Bornman, C. L. Heckman, »»ly in therr Several guns and trucks of the type Miriam Yoder, Mn. Mae Schock and D. Horton Nace and Paul E. Schmoyer Mn. Dorothy Fronheiser. ized Bowers troop was represented at Clara Goeller, daughter of Charles Stand to to be used by the battery were on dis­ the campfire and participtaed in the Slonecker. Anna May Fegely take turns conducting the daily wor­ play at the site. VNA Support jntlets. stunts. He visited his sister, Mn. Sarah Her­ ship. Dr. John Fassett Edwards Has Been in The 160 x 237 foot plot of land was A contribution toward the mainte­ Personnel purchased by the borough of Kutztown nance of the local Visiting Nune was Awards were made to the following: ring, White Oak street, and his half- And Roy Meek Wed authorized. Second Class, presented by J. Russell brother "Ed" Slonecker, West Main. Kindergarten: Teachen: Mn. Floyd and presented to the state for the Cronrath, Mn. Wayne Dietrich; Help­ 50 Countries and Speaks Five Languages building. To be constructed of con­ Mn. Stella Serfass, in the absence of Brooks, Troop Committee member, He also made a special trip to Eagle St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Mertz­ coated may en: Kathryn Glasser, Carol Hauck, Mn.
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