April 21, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 8781 By Mr. KLUCZYNSKI: By Mr. GERALD R. FORD: PRIVATE BILI..S AND RESOLUTIONS H.J. Res.1000. Joint resolution to au­ H. Con. Res. 629. Concurrent resolution re­ thorize the President of the United States to quest for the submission of a new budget for Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private proclaim August 28, 1966, as Polish Millen­ the fiscal year 1967; to the Committee on bills and resolutions were introduced and nium Day; to the Committee on the Judici­ Government Operations. severally referred as follows: ary. By Mr. LOVE: By Mr. GILBERT: By Mr. LOVE: H. Con. Res. 630. Concurrent resolution to H.R. 14593. A bill for the relief of Marla H.J. Res.1083. Joint resolution to provide authorize the printing of additional copies of Carmen Plaza De Alonzo; to the Committee for the designation of the second week of House Document No. 190 of the 89th Con­ on the Judiciary. May of each year as "National School Safety gress; to the Committee on House Adminis­ By Mr. POWELL: Patrol Week"; to the Committee on the tration. H.R. 14594. A bill for the relief of Vincenzo Judiciary. By Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts: Sparaco; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. SECREST: H. Res. 823. Resolution authorizing a Rep­ H.R. 14695. A bill for the relief of Alberto H.J. Res. 1084. Joint resolution relating to resentative in Congress who is a member of a Tortoroli; to the Committee on the Judiciary. travel and investment in France; to the certain committee to designate one of his employees to be cleared for access to classified Committee on Foreign Affairs. information available to the Representative PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. WIDNALL: in his capacity as a member of such commit­ H.J. Res. 1085. Joint resolution to provide tee; to the Committee on Rules. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, for the establishment of an Office of Deputy By Mr. POWELL: 376. The SPEAKER presented a petition Superintendent of the Arts within the Rec­ H. Res. 824. Resolution to amend section of Ralph Boryszenskl, Rochester, N.Y., rela­ reation Board for the District of Columbia to 8(b) (4) of the National Labor Relations tive to impeachment of Hon. Stephen S. develop and conduct a program of the arts Act, as amended, with respect to strike at Chandler, U.S. district judge for the western for the District of Columbia; to the Commit­ the sites of construction projects; to the district of Oklahoma, which was referred to tee on the District of Columbia. Committee on Rules. the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Armenian Memorial Day Not an Armenian alive today has been on the conscience of mankind which left untouched by these massacres. failed to support an innocent people in Grandparents, mothers and fathers, chil­ their great need. EXTENSION OF REMARKS dren and even newborn infants were The scars of these massacres are OF ruthiessly murdered. Whole families carried in the hearts and minds of every were wiped out with a single blow, and surviving Armenian. On this sad an­ HON. FRANK ANNUNZIO a new word, genocide, had to be coined niversary, Americans of Armenian de­ OF ILLINOIS to describe the Turks' efforts to destroy scent in the United States are looking to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES an entire race. their elected Representatives in the Con­ Thursday, April 21, 1966 The massacres in 1915 were a more gress and the Senate to secure some extensive repetition of the Armenian Mr. ANNUNZIO. Mr. Speaker, on measure of justice for the crime com­ massacres in 1895 and 1896, which hor­ mitted against them-a crime with Sunday, April 24, Armenians all <;>Ver the rified a civilized world and caused Glad­ which no other in recorded history can globe will observe the 51st anmversary stone, Britain's prime minister, to rise compare. of the ruthless Turkish massacres of the up and make the last public speech of his As citizens of the United States, they Armenian people. career in defense of the Armenian people In 1915 the Turks set out to extermi­ are asking that the Congress support im­ and against Abdul Hamid, the perpetra­ mediate Senate ratification of the Geno­ nate the ~hole Armenian Christian pop­ tor of these crimes. cide Convention, which is before the Sen­ ulation within the Ottoman borders. The Armenians are perhaps the oldest ate Foreign Relations Committee. They Systematically, and with cold callousness, of the civilized races in western Asia and are asking recognition of President the Turks first killed the writers, teach­ were the first nation in the world to ac­ Woodrow Wilson's decision on the terri­ ers, clergymen, and leaders of the Ar­ cept Christianity as their state religion. torial boundaries of the Armenian Re­ menian people. Then the able-bodied From time immemorial, the Armenian public as provided in the 1920 Treaty of men were brutally murdered and the has worked peacefully and industriously young women enslaved. The remaining Sevres which Turkey signed recognizing in the high mountains which are his Armenian independence. And further, women, children, and old people were home between the Black Sea and the they are asking for positive steps to right forced to march barefooted under the Caspian Sea. Here, church and people the wrongs of the past. blazing sun, without food or water, to­ have maintained with amazing vitality ward their ultimate destruction in the Mr. Speaker, as Members of this Con­ their traditions and culture against wave gress, let each of us examine our con­ remote deserts of Der-el-Zor. after wave of alien oonquest. For cen­ Along the way these helpless people science and let us do our utmost to al­ turies, the Armenian has been known leviate the memory of this unjustified were subjected to inhuman tortures and not only for his industriousness, but for crime against the Armenian people. mutilation, to rape and massacre, and his intelligence, his ingenuity, his cour­ those who survived these initial brutal­ age, and for his talent for handicraft, for ities, died one by one from exhaustion, commerce, and for intellectual pursuits. disease and starvation. The roads When Talaat Bay gave the signal for "The World Was There" where these caravans passed were piled the unwarranted massacre of the Arme­ high with the corpses of these innocent nians in 1915, he declared: victims of the Turks. EXTENSION OF REMARKS After this, there wm be no Armenian ques­ OF When the carnage was over 1,500,000 tion for 50 years. martyrs had been slain and another mil­ lion had been ruthlessly torn up from Fifty years have elapsed, and the 51st HON: WILLIAM S. MOORHEAD their ancient homeland and deported to anniversary of the massacres is at hand. OF PENNSYLVANIA the desolate deserts to die. Not only The Armenian question does exist, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES had the Turks attempted to annihilate shall continue to exist as a glaring reality Thursday, April 21, 1966 the Armenian nation, but at the same until justice is done, and reparations are time they tried to obliterate every trace made to the survivors of 1,500,000 inno­ Mr. MOORHEAD. Mr. Speaker, I of the 3,000-year-old Armenian civiliza­ cent martyrs. should like to call the attention of the tion. Universities, libraries, churches, The Germans have made reparations Congress to a superb documentary mo- and monasteries were burned, and with to the Jews, and until the Turks make tion picture, made by the National Aero­ them, irreplaceable antiques, paintings, similar reparations to the Armenians, nautics and Space Administration, en­ books, and relics were destroyed. the Armenian question will remain a blot titled "The World Was There." 8782 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE April 21, 1966 This film, produced and written by By­ plush resort hotel complex at Poland The lodge has contributed through the ron Morgan and Gene Starbecker for Spring, the Government is spending $6 years to many civic projects, and was. NASA, is an exciting report on the Proj­ million on a Job Corps training project especially active during World War II ect Mercury program. It was on exhibi­ for underprivileged girls. There are 100 with blood banks, bond drives, and USO tion at the National Gallery of Art last girls presently enrolled, with plans for activities. Refugees from the Hitler ter­ year for 2 months. It won first prize in 1,080 event-qally. It will require a staff rorism were given assistance by B'nai the television category of the National of 360-1 for every 3 girls. The annual B'rlth and Emes Lodge and support was. Aeronautic Association Film Festival and payroll of $2.5 million will represent also provided to the new state of Israel. represented the United States in the Sec­ $2,500 per girl, per year. Courses will Chapters participating by sending del­ ond International Aeronautic and Space include snow and water skiing, and egates to the celebration included those Film Festival, in Vichy, France, in 1965. dancing. in Bloomington, Peoria, Danville, Cham­ This is the story of a free and open so­ CASE NO. 4 paign, Galesburg, Spring Valley, Rock Is­ ciety and a free press in action. It em­ American drivers might prefer to drive land, Mattoon, and Quincy. phasizes the way in which our space pro­ schoolbuses in Thailand, where it costs gram, unlike the secrecy-shrouded Rus­ the United States $9,000 per year for sian program, is open to the world. All Peace Corpsmen for 2 hours a day driv­ communications media cover our space ing.
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