Andrei Dimitrievich Sakharov 1921-1989 People and things Andrei Dimitrievich Sakharov, the quark model, and pioneer talented and versatile scientist, ideas in the quantum theory of fearless activist and staunch gravity. proponent of human rights, fig• He was not able to receive his urehead for Soviet perestroika, Nobel Award in person. From described in the citation for his 1980, during his exile in Gorki, 1975 Nobel Peace Prize as he tried to keep in touch with CERN elections and appointments 'spokesman for the conscience developments in science, receiv• of mankind', died on 14 Decem• ing physics literature, including At its December meetings, CERN ber. the CERN Courier, by registered Council elected C. Lopez, Rector of Beginning research at Lenin• mail. the Autonomous University of Ma• grad's Lebedev Institute in 1945 With the new direction in So• drid, and E. W.J. Mitchell, Chairman under Igor Tamm, he first came viet policy he reemerged as a of the UK Science and Engineering to prominence with his early popular champion in the USSR. Research Council, as Vice-Presi• 1950s contributions to thermo• Last year, accompanied by his dents, and Chris Llewellyn-Smith of nuclear fusion with Tamm, in• wife Elena Bonner, he embarked Oxford as Chairman of the Science cluding the idea to contain plas• on a visit of major world physics Policy Committee. ma in a magnetic 'bottle', later Laboratories. In 1990, the CERN Directorate to become known as the toka- In a message entitled 'The re• consists of Research Directors mak. For his fusion work he be• sponsibility of scientists' to a Pierre Darriulat, Walter Hoogland came an Academician in 1953 1981 New York meeting in his and John Thresher; Gunther Plass at the age of only 32, the youn• honour, he wrote 'scientists are as Director of Accelerators; gest ever to be so honoured. not only better informed than Georges Viands as Head of Admin• On the particle physics front, the average person, but also istration; and Hans Hoffmann as Di• his contributions included the strive for and enjoy more rector for Technical and Adminis• suggestion that the asymmetry independence and freedom. trative Tasks. of matter and antimatter in the Freedom, however, entails re• This reflects a reorganization at Universe could reflect the deli• sponsibility'. With steadfast ide• divisional level into research, accel• cate violation of charge-parity als and indomitable courage, erator and technical administration (CP) symmetry in the weak nu• Sakharov never shirked this sectors: Theoretical Physics (Lead• clear interactions, applications of duty. er, John Ellis), Experimental Physics (Jim Allaby), Electronics Facilities (Pier G. Innocenti), Computing Centre (David 0. Williams), Me• chanical Technologies (Gerard Ba- chy), Proton Synchrotron (Roy Bil- linge), SPS and LEP (Lyndon Evans), Accelerator Technologies (Horst Wenninger), Technical Ser• vices (Fritz Ferger), Administrative Support (Frans Heyn), Personnel (Georges Michel), Finance (Andre Naudi), Technical Inspection and Safety Commission (Keith Potter), Pension Fund (Christian Cuenoud). On people John S. Toll, Chancellor Emeritus of the University of Maryland and long-time member of US federal Andrei Sakharov in his Gorki apartment in 1985. (Soviet TV) CERN Courier, January/February 1990 29 Directors of several Yugoslav physics re• CERN Director General Carlo Rubbia; CERN search centres recently signed agreements coordinator for Eastern Europe Owen Lock. providing a framework for continued colla• Similar bilateral agreements are being drawn boration in CERN research. Left to right - up to consolidate ongoing collaboration be• Gabrijel Kernel of the University of Llubljana; tween CERN and research centres in other Tomaz Kalin, Director of Llubljana's Jozef East European countries. Stefan Institute; Guy Paic of Zagreb's Ruder Boskovie Institute; Krunoslav Pisk, Director (Photo CERN 524.11.89) Howell Pugh 1933-1989 General of the Ruder Boskovic Institute; science advisory bodies, has been Zuber of Saclay for his work in Vossfest at DESY appointed President of Universities quantum field theory. Research Association, the Govern• ing Body of both Fermilab and the Promising Italian theorist Giorgio Electron accelerator maestro Gus Superconducting Supercollider Gamberini of Pisa died tragically Voss, long-time member of the (SSC) Laboratory, succeeding Ed• last year, aged 28, just three days Board of Directors at DESY, actual• ward K. Knapp. after having formally presented his ly celebrated his 60th birthday last doctorate. summer during a spell at Stanford. On return to the DESY Laboratory This year's UK Institute of Physics in Hamburg in August, he was im• A wards include the Rutherford Me• Howell Pugh 1933-1989 mediately caught up in the commis• dal and Prize to theorist Roger Phil• sioning of the HERA electron ring lips of the Rutherford Appleton Howell Pugh of Berkeley, who died at its nominal energy of over 27 Laboratory, the Harrie Massey Prize on 7 November, was one of the GeV (November 1989, page 4). His (awarded jointly with the Australian pioneers of the new field of relativ- official birthday celebrations at Institute of Physics) to Richard Dal- istic (high energy) heavy ion colli• DESY were therefore postponed to itz of Oxford and the Maxwell Me• sions, having realized very early the November. dal and Prize to Cambridge astro• potential of CERN's machines for At a special colloquium, Maury physicist and cosmologist George this work. Most of the US partici• Tigner of Cornell sketched the his• Efstathiou. pation in CERN's ion programme tory of electron-positron colliders was due to his enthusiasm and from the pioneer Ad A ring in Rome CERN theorist Luis Alvarez-Gaume leadership, quite apart from the in the early 1960s through to to• shares UNESCO's Javed Husain role played by the Berkeley Labora• day's big machines, LEP at CERN Prize for young scientists. tory. Participating in one of the ear• and the SLC Stanford Linear Collid• ly experiments at CERN's Intersect• er. Among the Doistau-Blutet Award ing Storage Rings in 1972-3, he Thomas Weiland, formerly of recipients of the French Academy saw the potential of high energy DESY and now at Darmstadt, took of Science last year (April 1989, techniques for nuclear physics, and over to describe new acceleration page 23), were Paul Andre Cha- went on to become Scientific Di• techniques, particularly the promis• mouard, Michel Olivier and Andre rector of the Berkeley Bevalac in ing wakefield transformer he devel• Tkatchenko of the French National 1979, where he played a vital part oped with Voss at DESY in 1982. Saturne Laboratory, Saclay, for in setting up what was to become The final speaker, Paul Soding of their work in developing the MI• a highly successful programme of DESY, outlined the new insights in MAS injector, and Jean-Bernard heavy ion studies. physics that electron-positron col- 30 CERN Courier, January/February 1990 POSTDOCTORAL GROUP LEADER RESEARCH ASSOCIATE OR VISITING SCIENTIST FAST ANALOG POSITION IN EXPERI• ELECTRONICS MENTAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility in New• At the Kernfysisch Versneller In- port News, Virginia is searching for an electrical engineer or physicist to establish and lead a group charged with stituut (KVI) in Groningen, the developing fast analog front end electronics to be utilized with various particle detectors. These detectors will be Netherlands, nuclear physics is employed in the nuclear physics research program to be carried out at the 4 GeV superconducting electron 'acceler• done with light and heay ion ator now under construction. beams from a K-160 MeV varia• Required is an applicable degree plus several years experi• ble energy cyclotron. In addition ence in development of such circuits for use in physics research. Additional experience in obtaining small scale physicists collaborate in experi• industrial production of them would be useful. The group will be part of the CEBAF Physics Division and will be expected ments at GANIL and GSI. For to work closely with the physicists developing the detectors. these activities applicants are in• We offer a very competitive total compensation package and a stimulating work environment. vited for a postdgctoral, respecti• vely visiting scientist position. For prompt consideration, please send resume with salary history to: Employment Manager, CEBAF, 1200 Jefferson Applicants are asked to submit Avenue, Newport News, VA 23606. their curriculum vitae, three let• ters of recommendation and a list of publications as soon as possible to prof. R.H. Siemssgn, The Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility Director of the KVI, Zernikelaan An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer 25, 9747 AA Groningen, the Netherlands, telephone 31 50 633556, Bitnet: SIEMSSEN KVI.NL. UNIVERSITE DE MONTREAL POSTDOCTORAL Research Associate RESEARCH ASSOCIATE in Particle Physics THEORETICAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS Applications are invited for a Research Associate position in The theory group of the KVI invi• experimental particle physics, for participation in the OPAL collaboration, at LEP. The candidate will be required to contribute tes applications for a postdoc po• to the analysis. Experience in collision physics and in online data sition. The successful applicant acquisition will be an asset. will be working on the project The initial appointment will be for a period of 2 years. " Quantum transport theory of Please send a c.v. and the name of 3 references before March 1st, hadronic matter". 1990, to : Candidates are asked to submit Prof. L. LESSARD their curriculum vitae, three let• Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire Universite de Montreal ters of recommendation and a CP. 6128 list of publications as soon as MONTREAL P.Q. H3C 3J7 possible to prof. R.A. Malfliet, Canada Zernikelaan 25, 9747 AA Gronin• bitnet: LESSARD@UMTLVR gen, the Netherlands, telephone fax : (514) 343-6215 tel. : (514) 343-6722 31 50 633554, Bitnet: MAL• FLIET KVI.NL. CERN Courier, January/February 1990 31 After the opening last year of the United Na• tions General Assembly in New York, Presi• dent Jose Sarney of Brazil (left) visited Fer- milab, where he was shown round by Labo• ratory Director John Peoples.
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