iall!ontnlogia �ndita, NEW SERIES. VOL. IX, MEMOIR No. 2. REVISION OF THE JURASSIC CEPHALOPOD FAUNA OF KACHH (CUTCH). MEMO IRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. tJall!DtttlllDgia �tttlira, BEING FIGURES AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ORGANIC REMAINS PROCURED DURING THE PROGRE.�S OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. New Series. Vol. IX, Memoir No. 2. PLATES I TO VII. REVISION OF THE )URASSIC CEPHALOPOD FAUNA OF KACHH (CUTCH). By L. F. SPATH, D.Sc., F.G.S. CALCUTTA: GOVER�MENT OF INDIA · cENTRAL PDDLICATION l:JRANCH 1927 Govel'lliDent of IDdia PublioatioDI are obtaiDable from the Government of India , Central Publication Branch, Imperial SecretariatBuilding, 3,Government Plaoe, W., Calcutta, and from the following Apnta :- BUBOPB. OniOB o:r TBB BlOB COIDIISSIO.NBB FOB INDIA. � Gaosvuoa GuDBNS, LONDON, S. W. 1. • And at all Bookaellere. lliDJA DD OBILOB. PromaolalBook DeJo'tl : lladras :-Office of the Superintendent. Govenunu' , Pre. 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REVISION OF THE JURASSIC CEPHALO­ POD FAUNA OF KACHH (CUTCH). BY L. F. SPATH, D.Sc. , F.G.S. INTRODUCTION. WlfE� describing, two years ago, the Blake Collection of Ammoni1t>s 'from Kachh (Cutch), the writer (1924, p. 1) regretted that owing to the fact that he had not been able to re-examine "\Vaagcn's types, the affinitiefi of some of the oft-quoted Kachh species would have to remain 1mcertain· The kind offer, soon after, by Dr. E. H. Pascoc, the Director of the Geological Survey of India, to unde1take the revision of the Ammonite fauna of Kachh, was therefore eagerly accepted by the writer. l\lr. Oldham's anticiJlation of 1873 that Waagen's work would turn out to be one of the most important contributions to the Cephalopod palreontology of the Upper Jumssic fmn1ations ever issued, was completely realised, and the writer feels deeply grateful to Dr. Pascoe for entrusting him with the revision of so important a fnuua. Xoetling had stnted (1897, p. I) that \Vaagen's figures were in many eases considero.bly, and not always suecessfully restored. \Yaagen, however, above all, was an enthusiastic and skilled student o£ ammonites. although his results were often questioned by later workers, less versed in ammonitology than he was. Waagen's writings contain much, or perhaps it should be said, between the lines one can detect much-that may eseape the non-specialist.. Students of ammonites at least eannot fail to appreciate the work of this great palreon­ tologist, whatever views they may hold as to the permanent vn.lue of the opinions of the early evolutionary enthusiasts. It is scarcely fair to blame "raagen for misrepresenting most of J. de C. Sowerby's species of Kachh ammonites since these were based on redueed figures published in 1840. There is ce1tainly less exeusc for many of Waagcn's followers overlooking the wrong numbering of two of his plates. The writer previously mentioned that there are a number of new spceies in the Blake Collection. Others were discovered hy .Mr. J. H. Smith, of Bhuj in Kachh, to whose stratigraphical notes a.nd information regarding the local beds the writer is greatly indebted. It has also been found necessary to refigurc n nwnber of \Vaagen's types that had generally been misinterpreted by workers who had tl) rely merely on the idealised or restored figures. The adequate illustration of J. de C. Sowerby's species of 1840 is, of course, equally e�sential. B 2 REVISION OF THE JURASSIC CEPHALOPOD The writer, at first, had no intention of including in his revision of the­ Kaehh Cephalopoda the few known belemnites and nautili, chiefly because he­ had at his disposal only the originals figured in the first four plates of Waagen's memoir and not his whole material. On examination of these types, however, it beeame evident that here again the illustrations were occasionally mislead­ ingly restored by ·waagen's artist. It seemed advisable, in any case, to direct attention to errors and to refigure some of the specimens; but it is hoped that future collectors will not neglect the belemnites, which even if always fragmentary, aecording to Mr. J. H. Smith "swarm " in many of the beds of the well-known Kachh exposmes. Moreover, the generic nomenclature required revision and it was also eonsidered advisable to add notes on the belemnites in the Blake Collection in the British 1\Iuseum and, further, references to subse­ quent geological literature dealing with the Indian speeies or their allies, es­ pecially from other Asiatic or African localities. The same applies to nautili, the literature of which group is similarly asswning considerable dimensions. Nautili, again are few, and only the Dhosa Oolite yields numbers, which, how­ ever, aceording to Mr. Smith, are either too tightly embedded or else break up on weathering. It may be convenient to follow Waagen in taking first the belemnites and nautili and then the ammonites. With regard to general classification, the writer still "favours for the fossil forms of Cephalopoda, the division into three main orders, without reference to gills" (1919, p. 223). The Belemnoidea have lately (Naef, 1922) received exhaustive treatment and the Kachh mate­ rial is too scanty to throw much additional light on this Order. The classi­ fication of post-Triassic Nautiloidea, on the other hand, has been revised in the present memoir.
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