The • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1985 The New Tradition 1985 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS Join Frank and Marge and The NEW TRADITION on a Barbershop Invasion of i I. {fl'~ , , Spectacular Scenery! And Harmony to waken the gods! 10 Fabulous Days· April 18·28, 1986. AH, and Metsovo. Then west to loanina and the METEORA GREECE! The very name casts a spell. Cradle port of Igoumenita where we calch the ferry to '::'ls~v~e of civilization. Birthplace of democracy. the island of Corfu, birth place of Prince Phiiip, COAFUe-e Homer. Aristotle. Socrates. Alexander the Duke of Edinburgh. Return to Athens through IQANINA Great. Mosaic icons. Great art. Incredible the Guif of Corinth to complete this happy monasteries. Great shopping. Delicious sea­ odyssey. food. Superb wines. And those barbershop chords will ring Come. Discover the enchantment of this throughout the land, from the narrowest fabled land. A panorama of mountains and streets to the top of the mighty Acropolis! • DELPHI valleys. Pristine white villages under bright Come. Enjoy Greece as few tourists have ever ~';;ENS blue Aegean skies. Golden beaches. Ancient enjoyed it. The lO-Day Odyssey is only $895 ports and colorful markets. Magnificent ruins. plus air. And if you want more there's an Warm friendly people. optional- /1 First there's Athens with special dinners, en­ AEGINA •/ tertainment and sightseeing tours. Then a 4-DAY MEDITERRANEAN CRUISE - April 28 ­ cruise to the isiands of Aegina, Poros and May 2. We'll sail Epiroliki Line's sleek Oceanus POAOS l// Hydra ... sparkling gems in the Saronic Gulf. to Crete, Rhodes, Mykonos, Patmos and a bit .~", Next, Delphi, home of the Oracie that guided of Turkey. Send the Coupon below for details. HYDRA the ancients for centuries. And on to Meteora But do come along. Sponsored by Harmony Services, Inc, ~ --------. j r------EDUCATIONAL TOURS INC. 6935 Souln Pulaski Road 1a-CLASSIC DAYS $895 /.(7, Chicago, IllinoIs 60629 APRIL 18-28, 1986 ~ >~ I plus ai, EaI (3121 167.()477 or 767·9076 I Dear Frank: I\ /;:~ I Please send me full details on your tour of GREECE and the GREEK ISLES, April 18-28, 1986. I ~GUARANTEED NAME _ ~ 4t:d~-~ . I c. I ~~..~ I ADDRESS I .""~'" ..• CITY_- ----------STATE ZIP ..I SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1985 Ibe VOL. XLV No.5 (ff/armonizer The HARMONIZER (ISSN 0017·7849) Is the official publication of the Society for the Prolorvatlon and Encouragemont of Barbor A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF Shop Quartet Singing In Amorlca, Inc, (S.P.­ S.P.E.B.S.a.S.A., INC., IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. E.B.S.a.S.A.), It Is published In tho months of January. March, May. July, Septombor and November at 6315 - 3rd Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140·5199, Second·class postage Features paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Editorial and Advertising oHlces oro at tho International Offlco. Advertising ratos available upon request. Publlshor assumes no rasponsiblllty for return 4 1985 TWIN CITIES CONVENTION of unsolicited manuscrIpts or artwork. Notice The Texans and Marx Brothers. alias The New Tradition, take the gold. of chango of address should be submitted to tho odltorllli offices of THE HARMONIZEA, 6315 - 3rd AVE., KENOSHA, WiSCONSIN 53140­ 8 MITCH MILLER RECEIVES HONORARY MEMBERSHIP 6199, at loast thirty days bafore tha next Well known conductor and musician Mitch Miller honored for his contributions publication date. A portion of each member's to the music industry and bringing singing to American homes. dues Is allocated to cover the magellno's sub· scrIptIon prlco. Subscription prlco to non­ ~ members Is $6 yearly or $1 an Issue. Foreign 10 TUCSON + BARBERSHOPPERS 1986 MID·WINTER subscriptions are $12 yearly or $2 an Issue. CONVENTION Copyright. 1985, by the Society for the Pre­ Something new has been added to the Mid·Winter convention in Tucson ­ servation and Encouragoment of Barber Shop a Seniors Quartet competition. QUltrtet Singing In Amorlca, Inc. 12 PHOTOS OF THE 1985 INTERNATIONAL QUARTETS AND ABOUT THE SONG IN THIS CHORUSES ISSUE 27 COMPETITION SCORING SUMMARY "Good Bye, My Lady Love" has been tremendously popular ever since it was 28 BARBERSHOPPERS DISPLAY THEIR LIMERICK WRITING introduced 'way back in 1904. The com­ TALENTS poser, Joe Howard, was a well·known When Barbershoppers write Society related limericks the result is worth print· vaudeville star for many years. Other ing. Read the gold medal limericks from this year's contest. son9s from his pen include "Hello, My Baby," "Honeymoon," and "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now." "Goodbye, My Lady Love" has been a favorite of competing quartets and Also In This Issue choruses for many years. Our new ar­ rangement uses all the correct melody and provides a slightly different treat­ 11 1986 MID·WINTER REGIS· 40 CHAPTERS IN ACTION ment in a few spots than we are used TRATION to hearing. 44 BARGAIN BASEMENT Try to observe the instruction and 32 HISTORICAL NOTES not sing it too fast. The original sheet 44 MINNEAPOLIS REGISTRA· music suggested a moderate tempo since 34 THE INSTITUTE OF LOGO· TION the lyric has a rather bittersweet flavor, PEDICS PLANS FOR THE somewhat like "I Wonder Who's Kissing FUTURE Her Now." Instead of charging through the music at breakneck speed, take it 36 THE BIG APPLE CHORUS easy and try to savor the thought behind BRINGS BARBERSHOP HAR· the lyric. MONY TO RADIO CITY MU­ SIC HALL CONVENTIONS INTERNATIONAL 1986 Salt Lake City, Utah June 29·July 6 1987 Hartford, Conn. June 28·July 5 1988 San Antonio. Tex_ July 3·10 1989 Kansas City, Mo. July 2·9 MIDWINTER 1986 Tucson, Ariz. January 22-25 1987 Sarasota, Fla. January 28·31 1988 Washington, D. C. January 27 ·30 1 International Officers President, Gilbort L. Lefholz, 13316 E 61st Streot, Kania. City, MO 64133 Immediate Past Prosldent, John T. Gillespie, Thinking Aloud 712 Newglllte Road, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Vice Presldont, Wl1Illllm K. Park, Box 621, Mendenhall, PA 19367 by Hugh A. Ingraham, CAE VIce Pre.ldent, Jim Warnor, 6760 Popler Avo-­ nuo, Suite 202, Memphis, TN 38138 Executive Director Vice President-Treasurer, Darryl Flinn, 7976 Cleveland Avonue NW, N, Canton, OH 44720 Board Members Cardinal, Ernie Nlckoson, 1702 Cameron Ct., Loxlngton, KY 40505 Central Stete., Winston Ra.hlelgh, p. O. Box 133,2420 E 3rd St., Fremont, NE 68026 Summer's a good time to get caught up what they want from barbershopping? DixIe, Charles McCann, P. O. Box 40969, Nashville, TN 37204 on your reading. We all have our favorites Of the 15 occupation classifications Evergreen, Tucker Goodwin, 7240 GlIhurst - fiction, biographies, how-to books. listed on the survey, do you know which Crescent, Richmond, BC V7A 1N9 Far Western, Fred Koch, 6942 E. Colle Betel­ But have you ever heard anyone say he's was the biggest? "Retired" at 31%, goux, Tucson, AZ B6710 IIl1nol., Robert CeornaI, 416 North 9th, Ma.. read a good survey lately? I have. It's more than 10% more than the next most coutah, IL 62258 one the Society just finished to find out listed occupation, "professional". Johnny ApptOlOod, Roy Wergors, 8681 Mock­ Ingbird Lane, Cincinnati, OH 46231 why our members stay in barbershopping. You know what these Barbershoppers, Land 0' Lakes, Del Ryberg, 306 - 17th St., Very interesting reading. And even more those who replied to the survey, had SW, Rochester, MN 55902 Mid-Atlantic, Don Vienne, 6212 Farm Pond interesting to analyze when we're think­ as their most liked activity? Chorus per­ Lane, Columbia, MD 21046 ing about getting ready for the Society's formances at 78.6%. Contest came in Northeastern, RIchard Young, Homestead Farm, Moultonboro, NH 03264 next 50 years. at only 57.1 %. A very high percentage, Ontario, Dy.on Plnhey, 16 Park.lde Crescent, Nepean, ONT K2G 396 A bit of background first. For years 93.1%, had sung in a chorus contest Pioneer, Fran Jonos, 1826 Eleanor, Lowell, we've been investigating why mem­ and 37.6% liked the contest "some­ MI49331 Rocky Mountain, Fred Wle.o, 3711 S. Har· bers leave the Society. Would it not be a times". Ian St., Denver, CO 80236 good idea to talk with the members that Aha. there he goes again. Ingraham's Soneca Land, Jim Eldrldgo, 211 Jefferson St., Warren, PA 16366 stay? Ask them what they like which running down contests. Not a bit. Thoy Southwestern, Ed Reedor, 2236 Flat Creek, keeps them coming back for more. So are a vital part of our system. I enjoy Richardson, TX 76080 Sunshine, AI Woodard, 368 Fairway North, a survey was designed and mailed to them as both a participant and a spec­ Tequesta, F l 33458 members who are renewing. Not all of tator. Contests have probably done more And Past International Presidents them. But a good sampling on a random to improve us musically than any other Hank Vomacke, 1881 Ro.e Straet, Sera.ota, basis. The results were turned over to factor. So what's his point then? Simply Fl33679 International board member Fran Jones this. Morrltt Auman, 2400 Wassner Dr., West Lawn. PA 19609 of Pioneer, who's chairing a committee We are an older Society. It may be 9urt Hul.h, P. O. 90x 1926, Twin Fall., 10 on our continuing retention problem. that some of these older members do not 83301 Fran's done an excellent compilation have the same red hot view of contests of the early results, and I think some as the younger members. They have International Office of the figures are interesting indeed. more time, but not the same inclination. The largest age group reporting is Maybe the competitive fires have been HUGH A.
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