William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORY AT THE BREMAN MUSEUM MSS 250, CECIL ALEXANDER PAPERS BOX 1, FILE 22 JEWISH HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE, 1902 - 1984 THIS PROJECT WAS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE ALEXANDER FAMILY ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum ● 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30309 ● (678) 222-3700 ● thebreman.org ( CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. '"'f. l- . h - I. l hrh1r '~· tnt~ ,JUJtf CHAIRMAN btl~. nl ~u!Stuh 7tfiiT.srh .,.-' ' . liH'. bt"~icn}1~.,n of '1.annr ':1· irbmnuu CHAIRMAN CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. MARCfl£ RELIGIEUSE OOUtlOD PROC£ SIONAI MAH rovo S'U SH'ORIM PRAYER //,HTING THE PE:R<>E:PTUAL LAMP ALDANY, OA. THE HEAVENS ARE TELLINCl HAYD'I "tnll ~llorna SERVICES PP. 59· o6 PRESENTATION OF THE KEY ..±Hr. 1lidor ;.fi. :Hrit.l\Shnbrr . ~ . 1 CHAIRMAN OF THE BUILDING COMMITTEE FEAR Y£ NOT, 0 ISRAEL BUCK ACC.E.PTANCE OF THE KEY SERVICES PRE.SIDE.NT OF THE CONGREOATlON I WilL IJX10L THF.E !coSTA PRAYER INVOCATION ;H1lbhi ~l,,~tp\! 1t~(,,H COLI \.fllU • CA ATZ CHAYIM VIOliN SOLO: "LF 0/,RN/fR SOMMEIL DE LA VIERC '' MASSFlNrTJ Al>DRf.S ;E,Jbhi;!s,lnc ~.l . ~Hr, ~ra S RMON <A~~ANNA.II (1,\. IV 1'11111 THIS HOLY DWELLING MOZART 4\'h·. ~~ t·,ml: :}l r .u:a llll RC'.JOIC£ IN THE LORD ;1.\yhb\ ~;;-('lt ~.ui) ~. 1£,,(it~cl; RMON C'" • • Rl HMOND. V ', ;l\nbhi ;J..n,j}hlmll!t"imt'T • HAT ANO OA T 'JN SANCTUS UNOD YEA, THE LOR!> 15 MINDFUL OF HIS ()WN. CON ECRATION .3.tt~bbi ~hwi~ Jllnr.>: '4E'!,t.r:LSSH N T T L' HODO SCHL. SINOF.R ~.rm}ll~ ~J!''ir "IN CONCLUSION" ;Httbbi.s 71!. ;?\. ~.m~hm, ~t'll SABBAT I V N NG 'iF.RVIC£ .:Jl\nmll;tiuu•r, 1J,,·uii:l fltm·x I WILL SING UNTO THE LORD TF'OEIS I/At..L£1UYAU <·OLn$71£/N ;full ~~!'mu\ ADORATION AND KADDISH RFNF':OICT/(1N .:H:a bbi :J~.H\M >1:. ,JH ,n<"nStlH fJ N EDICT IC'N MA 0'/. CIL CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. I-I EB REW BENEVOLENT CONGREGATION ATLANTA· GEORGIA 1867 - 1917 CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. Rabbi David Marx Our Kindergarten, 1915-1916 CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. A History of The Hebrew Benevolent Congregation .. of Atlanta, Georgia written in commemoration of its Fiftieth Anniversary by Rabbi David Marx 1917 CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. Hebt·ew Bent>.roleut Congregation. Atlanta. Georgia IIIIIIIRIIIIIIDDIIIIIIIIIIIIDIIIIDIIIUUIIliiiiiiiiiiiiiDOIIllllllUDDUDUUIJUIIIIIJUIIIIIIIIIhiiiiiiiiiiUU!IUUU!I!IIIIIIIHUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIniiUIIIIIIIIIIIIUODIIIIDDDIIIIIIIUIIDIIUIIDIIAD~nnaanalllll Strauu, Mrs. C. 3 57 Pulliam Street Strauu, Leo. C. 74 Briarcliff Road Strauas, Mrs. Marie 445 Washington Street Strauss, Oscar R. 361 Washington Street Sugarman, Louis . 35 1 Central Avenue T citlebaum, Morris 526 Washington Street Tipp. Mrs. C. H. Peachtree Street l,;llman, Albert L. 174 Bass Street Unger, Arthur A .. 399 Peachtree Street Victor. Ralph 303 Washington Street Vipnska, Dr. Sam. A. 229 Washington Street Visanska, Walter 620 Washington Street Wauer. Abc 276 S. Pryor Street Waaacr, Arth ur 276 S. Pryor Street Wcil. Sig. 325 Washington Street Weill, Simon 96 E. Georgia Avenue Weinfeld, AI. 4 I 0 Waahington Street Dedic:ued 10 .. Weias, Leo 19 E. 9th Street Wciu. Miss Sadie 19 E. 9th Street The Men and Women Wellhouae, Alvin Georgian Terrace whose loyally, sacrifice and efforl founded Wcllhouse, Henry Piedmont Hotel nurlured and developed lhe congrej:,"l!tion Wellhouse Louis Georgian Terrace Wilenaky, Harris 2 7 2 Washington Street 10 be n power lor good in the Wiaeberg, Ben. H. I 53 Myrtle Street midsl ol lhe people Wiaeberg. Sol W. 15 I Myrtle Street Witman, Leonard S. 605 Grant Building Witt, Carl I 0 ¥.! E. Harris Street Wolfe. Adolph . 426 Washington Street Wolfe, Joseph B. 41 2 Glenn Street Wolfeheimer, Carl 367 Washington Street Zacharias, Sig. D. 520 Waahington Street IIIIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIIIIIUIIII.MIIIIIIIIIIIIQUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIOQIIIJIIIIUIIIIIIIJIIIIUIIIIQIIIIIIIIIIIIII Pag-e Thirty-one CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. Hebrew B e n e v o l e nt C ongr e gation , Atlanta. Hebrew B e n e v o l e nt Co n g i'CF;atlo n , At l a nt a, Geor g ia DIIIIIICIIIIIIIGillllll UIJmlllliUIII U IUIUIUUUIUU DDWIUOUDDDOD UDIIIlatiUDODDUIIDDft!JUDil!IDUIIliDIWIWllliD!IlWlUimUWIIUIIIIIIUi ---IIIIIIIIIIIWIDIIIUIUUIIIIllal11lll11Hl1UllllllliiiiDDODUIIWDDillliUIUUiliiiOUDIIIUIUIIllmllllllllllliiBIUIIIllliiiiiiOU~ Scha ul, Henry 173 Richardson Street Scheer. Joh n 656 Washington Street Scheuer, Max Ca.-tersville, Georgia Schiff, Fred 38 W. Fair Street Sch indler, Mra. E. 5avannah. Georgia Schlesinger, Harry L. 3 75 W . Peach tree Street Schlesinger. Joe 3 75 W. Peachtree Street The Founders. Schoen, Isaac 306 Washington Street Schoen, Sam. 21 4 Washington Street I 20 E. 7th St.-eet Schwa b, Otto Although the Cong regation was sta rted on January I , I 867, Selig. Mrs. Jake 380 Washington Street all records up to August, 1877, are missing, with the exception Selig. Sig. 424 Washington Street of a Ledger of 1869, from which the na mes here set down were Selig, Simon 424 Washington Street taken. Shatzen, M. L. 558 Washington Street Shulhafe r, Authur A. 2 Peachtree Place Silverman, Max H. Georgian T e.-race Silverman, Dr. S. L. Georgian T errace August Abraham L Mansbach Simon, Ben 384 Washington Street Lewis Alexander David Mayer Simon. Mrs. C. H . 229 Washington Street E. Bloch Joseph Menko Simon. Julius 424 Washington Street Henry Cohen Martin Menko Imperial Hotel Sioman, Jake J onas L. Cohe n S. L. Mihalovitch Solomon, Mn. Rose 76 Windsor Street Levi Cohen Joseph Rich Solomonson, Henry L. 71 Sells Avenue Ben. L. Dann William Rich Sommer, He rman C. 45 I Washington Street Solomon Dewald Abra ham Rosenfeld Sommer field, Mrs. Abe I I 5 Peachtree Place Moses B. Eiseman Sommerfield. Dr. Jul E. 220 Ponce de Leon Avenue Moses F. Eiseman Louis Rosenfeld Sonn, Ralph A. 4 78 Washington Street Be n Fleischel Sigmond Rosenfeld Spiegel. Mo rris 75 Peachtree Street Joseph Fleiachel Ma rcus Saloshin Spitz, J. 73 E. 14th Street Moaea Frank Aaron E. Shulhafe r Spitz, H ugo 40 W. I 4th Street Herman Franklin W. Silverberg Springer. Dr. MBx Ca ndler Building Jacob Franklin Solomon Solomonson Stahl, Benedict 58 I Washington Street Max Franklin M. Sommer Stahl, Louis . 58 I Washington Street Morris Friedenthal David Steinheime r Steinau, Louis 4 60 Washington Street B. Friedman Emanuel Steinheimer Steiner, Adolph 2 I 0 Washington Street Joseph Hinch Isaac Steinheimer Steiner, Albert 256 Whitehall Street Jacob H irshberg Jacob Steinheimer Steiner, Ira 256 Whitehall Street S. Jacobi William M. Teitlebaum Steinheimer , Albert 779 W. Peachtree Street S. L. Levi Samuel W eil Steinheimer, David 452 Washington Street Leon Lieberman Mo rris Wiseberg Steinheimer, Ed. 2 I 2 Whitehall Street Steinheimer, Emanuel 606 Washington Street Steinheimer, Mra. Isaac 7 79 W. P eachtree Street Steinheimer, Jacob 4 3 7 S. Pryor Street Steinheimer. Morris 452 Washington Street Strauss, DAvid I 73 Richardson Street MMP''"''IPPI''IIIIII'IUIP·R-11~11111-·········..,..···- IS &L­ Page Threo CubaFamilyMss 250, Cecil Alexander Papers, The Cuba Family Archives for Southern JewishArchives History at The Breman Museum. llebr·ew Benevolent Congr·egation. Atl a nta. G eo rgia Hebr· ew Benevolent Co n g regation. Atlanta, G eo rgia IIIIIIIUDDIIUIIIBIIIII!IIIliUUDIIUDDUII IID!mDim!IIIIIOII I!DilDilllMDil D D llllllllli!IIIIDIUIJUI --lllllllllllOIIIlDDDD -IIUIU III IDIIUUDDUIIDOIIOIIIlllllllODIIIlllll1liJillliiiii1DIIIIIIllllliiillliiiiiiiii!IIIlll DU11111 DUDIDIIIIDI!-IUIDDI Rabbis. Needle, Harry 660 Ponce de Leon Avenue D. Burgheim 1868-69 Newelt, Louis Georgian Terrace Newelt, Samuel Southern Furniture Co. Benjamin Bonnheim 1870-73 Ninenbaum, S. E. 302 Rawson Street Henry Geraoni 1874-76 E. M. B. Browne 1877-81 Oberdorfer, Eugene I 124 Piedmont Avenue Olsan, Louis 52 Washington Terrace Jacob Jacobson 1881-88 Oppenheim, I. H . Piedmont Hotel Leo Reich 1888-95 Phillips, Ben. Z. 894 Ponce de Leon Avenue David Marx 1895 Regenstein, Joseph I 165 Peachtree Street Regenstein, Louis 250 Washington Street Presidents. Regenstein, Louis J. 45 7 Washington Street 5. L. Levy Regenstein, Mra. Mathilda 262 Whitehall Street Regenatein, Maurice H. Isaac Steinheimet 483 Wash ington Street Regenstein, Meyer 40 Whitehall Street A. Landsberg Regenstein, Mrs. M. 483 Washington Street Levi Cohen 1877-79:90-94 Regenstein, Sig. New York City Samuel Wei! 1880-82 Re isman, ). N. 264 S. Pryor Street Rice, Milton Meye r Wellhouse 1883-85 483 Washington Street Rice, Sol H . 303 Washington Street Jacob Haas 1886-89:95-96 Rich, Mrs. Bertha 361 Washington Street l1111a c Liebman 1897-98 Rich, Dan I I 6 Peachtree Circle )oaeph Hirsch 1899-1912 Rich, Morris 336 S. Pryor Street Albert Steiner 1913-14 Rich, Walter 50 juniper StrP.et Rosenbaum. Ralph laaac Schoen 1915- 49 W. 14th Street Roaenberg, Ha r ry 499 Washington Street Rosenberg, Dr. Herbert 425 Washington Street Vice-Presidents. Rosenberger, Mra. David 597 Washington Street Rosenfeld, Alex W. 2 18 Ponce de Leon Avenue Martin Menko Rosenfeld, Mrs. Louis 3 7 I Washington Street Meyer Wellhouse 1877-82 Rosenfeld, Simon I 06 Madison Avenue Jacob Haas 1883:85 Rosenfeld, Wm. H . I I 04 Piedmont Avenue Isaac Steinheimer 1884: 1890-91 Rosenthal, Ben.
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