Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Kolegium Nauk Humanistycznych UR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES KWARTALNIK NR 2(15)/2020 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego Rzeszów 2020 UR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES REDAKCJA: Paweł GRATA – redaktor naczelny Katarzyna FLISAK – sekretarz redakcji Jarosław KINAL – członek redakcji ds. baz danych RADA NAUKOWA: Laura ARDELEAN (Uniwersytet Oradejski), Aleksander BOBKO (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski), Sylwester CZOPEK (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski), Andrij GORBACHYK (Uniwersytet im. Tarasa Szewczenki w Kijowie), Petr JÜPTNER (Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze), Janusz KALIŃSKI (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie), Sławomir KAMOSIŃSKI (Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy), Jozef KAPOSZTA (Uniwersytet św. Stefana w Godollo), Despina KARAKATSANI (Uniwersytet Peloponeski, Korynt), Olga KUTSENKO (Uniwersytet im. Tarasa Szewczenki w Kijowie), Markijan MALSKI (Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki), Wojciech MORAWSKI (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie), Henrietta NAGY (Tomori Pál College), Grzegorz OSTASZ (Politechnika Rzeszowska), Jurij PACZKOWSKI (Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki) REDAKTORZY TEMATYCZNI: Krzysztof BOCHENEK (filozofia), Tomasz BOCHNAK (archeologia), Andrzej BONUSIAK (historia), Edyta CZOP (historia), Witold JEDYNAK (praca socjalna), Hubert KOTARSKI (socjologia), Beata LORENS (historia), Paweł Sierżęga (historia), Katarzyna TRYBAŁA-ZAWIŚLAK (archeologia), Krzysztof ŻARNA (nauki o polityce) ADRES REDAKCJI: Kolegium Nauk Humanistycznych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego al. T. Rejtana 16C, 35-959 Rzeszów, p. 31 tel. 17 872 13 03 e-mail: [email protected] Kwartalnik jest wydawany w wersji elektronicznej oraz papierowej. Podstawową formą wydawniczą periodyku jest wersja on-line. Redaktor językowy Elżbieta KOT Opracowanie techniczne Ewa KUC Redaktor tekstów w języku angielskim Donald TRINDER Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego Rzeszów 2020 ISSN 2543-8379 DOI: 10.15584/johass WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU RZESZOWSKIEGO 35-310 Rzeszów, ul. prof. S. Pigonia 6, tel. 17 872 13 69, tel./fax 17 872 14 26 e-mail: [email protected]; http://wydawnictwo.ur.edu.pl wydanie I, format B5, ark. wyd. 10,15, ark. druk. 10,125, zlec. red.39/2020 Druk i oprawa: Drukarnia Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego UR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES NR 2(15)/2020 ISSN 2543-8379 SPIS TREŚCI Spis treści ARTYKUŁY MAŁGORZATA SKOTNICKA-PALKA, MAREK BIAŁOKUR Why do we reject the wisdom from the past? Reflections on the practical dimension of values in historical education ...................................................... 5 KAZIMIERZ MACIĄG W kręgu problematyki pamiętników z podróży po Europie Franciszka Saleze- go Gawrońskiego ............................................................................................ 25 AGNIESZKA KAWALEC „Romantyczne” podróże Augusta Bielowskiego ............................................... 38 JOLANTA KOLBUSZEWSKA Academic emancipation of women. Scholarly careers of Polish female histo- rians (nineteenth and twentieth century) – case study ........................................ 56 KRZYSZTOF MROCZKOWSKI Ostatni krzyżowcy – brytyjskie działania militarne w sandżaku Jerozolimy w 1917 r. i ich wybrane aspekty propagandowe ................................................ 70 RAFAŁ ROGUSKI Bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców Galicji Wschodniej w latach 1918–1921 ............ 91 BOHDAN HUD, OLEG MURAVSKIY Charakter polityki agrarnej rządów polskich we wschodnich oraz południowo- -wschodnich województwach II Rzeczypospolitej ............................................ 113 TOMASZ BROWAREK Klauzule o ochronie mniejszości narodowych w Polsce w traktatach dobrosą- siedzkich po 1989 roku .................................................................................... 129 ARTYKUŁ RECENZYJNY MACIEJ FRANZ Nawet małe książki potrafią wywołać ogromne zamieszanie. Recenzja książki Jana Tomasza Grossa, Opowieści kresowe 1939–1942. Żydzi i Sowieci, Wy- dawnictwo Austeria, Kraków – Budapeszt – Syrakuzy 2019, ss. 89 ................... 145 UR JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES NR 2(15)/2020 ISSN 2543-8379 ARTYKUŁY DOI: 10.15584/johass.2020.2.1 Małgorzata Skotnicka-Palka1 Marek Białokur2 Why do we reject the wisdom from the past? Reflections on the practical dimension of values in historical education Abstract In times of rapid changes and large amounts of information, a lot of people, especially the young, attach no importance to the past. This is despite the fact that historical education develops intellectually and spiritually, building the identity of the individual and the nation and helps to understand problems of the present. Historical education is the totality of the various elements of education and knowledge which is connected with the transfer of achievements of our ancestors and the evolution of attitudes. In historical education these values occupy an important place. History allows us to understand the behaviour of other people, their emotions and needs. It is very important in history to respect norms and principles of tolerance and democracy. The values of historical education build the authority of and respect for rulers, reinforce a sense of connectedness with one’s homeland, the place of birth and residence. Historical education teaches young people values such as responsibility for their actions, it mobilizes them to work for their environment and creates the need for role models and figures of authority figures. We should remember that the education of young people in history clas- ses helps them function in the modern times and surrounding reality. A history teacher should implement the students to participate in the modern world by showing and shaping the educa- tional values of well thought-out and accurately matched examples from the past to the age of the students. These issues, based on the statements of valued researchers, are ad- dressed in the presented article. Key words: society, values, attitudes, historical education ARTYKUŁY 1 Dr Małgorzata Skotnicka-Palka, Instytut Historyczny Uniwersytetu Wrocławskie- go, ul. Szewska 49, 50-139 Wrocław, e-mail: [email protected], nr ORCID 0000-0002-1284-7028. 2 Dr hab. prof. UO Marek Białokur, Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 2, 45-084 Opole, e-mail: [email protected], nr ORCID: 0000-0002-8475-033X. 6 MAŁGORZATA SKOTNICKA-PALKA, MAREK BIAŁOKUR Introduction The eminent French historian, co-founder of the Annales school, Marc Bloch, wrote in The Historian’s Craft that “Misunderstanding of the present is the inevitable consequence of ignorance of the past” (Bloch 1953: 43). At the same time, when the first edition of Bloch's book appeared, in 1940, when Luftwaffe airplanes bombed London and other English cities, there was a debate over the need to reduce the Eng- lish budget, and most ministers almost without discussion wanted to limit spending on culture and education to help war production, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill allegedly questioned “Then what would we be fighting for?”. Also words of the Mexican historian Carlos Pereyra come from the first half of the last century. When he was asked “Why do we need history?” – he answered without hesitation - "Whoev- er does not refer to historical knowledge can’t answer any questions about the present day". We referred to these statements, agreeing, among others with the theses of Piotr Majewski's lecture from 2016, in order to once again try to draw attention to the role and importance of historical education in its broadest possible perspective. And we do this because we are sad to state that these universal statements, which the vast majori- ty of historians agree with, are unfortunately less and less accepted by the opinion of modern societies. This applies to both European nations that are closest to us, and societies on other continents. Unfortunately for those people, learning about the past, at the stage of school history edu- cation, is an impractical occupation. As a result young people especially are not very eager to learn history at school and rarely choose it as a field of study. The problem raised does not give peace to historians. And it is hard to be surprised. But at the same time, the opinions they draw, in terms of the causes of the phenomenon and its possible consequences, are no longer the same. We will present two of these opinions here. The first of these are the observations and opinions about the British historical edu- cation model in the book by Niall Ferguson Civilization. The West and the rest. Ferguson, an author known in Poland thanks to the best-seller book The Ascent of Money published in 2010, began his lecture in Civili- zation, probably not by accident, with the statement that today people pay too little attention to the dead and make a false choice of the future by rejecting the past (Fergusson 2011: XVIII–XIX). The professor of political and economic history at the University of Oxford, Harvard and New York also stated that “For roughly thirty years, young people at Western schools and universities have been given Why do we reject the wisdom from the past? 7 the idea of a liberal education, without the substance of historical knowledge. They have been taught isolated ‘modules’, not narratives, much less chronologies. They have been trained in the formulaic analysis of document excerpts, not in the key skill of reading widely and fast. They have been encouraged to feel empathy with imagined Roman centurions or Holocaust victims, not to write
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