Information Bulletin, MLSU eksguyky lq[kkfM+;k fo'ofo|ky;] mn;iqj Tel. 0294-2470166, 2470707, Fax : 0294-2471150 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.mlsu.ac.in H. E. Margaret Alva Chancellor Prof. I.V. Trivedi Vice Chancellor Dean, Post-Graduate Studies Dean, Student Welfare Dr. D.S. Chundawat Dean, University College of Science & Prof. K. Venugopalan Chairman, Faculty of Science Dean, University College of Commerce & Prof. Vijay Shrimali Management Studies & Chairman, Faculty of Commerce Dean, University College of Social Sciences & Prof. Sharad Shrivastava Humanities Dean, University College of Law & Dr. Anand Paliwal Chairman Faculty of Law Chairman, Faculty of Management Studies Prof. Karunesh Saxena Chairman, Faculty of Education Prof. Kailash Sodani Chairman, Faculty of Social Science Prof. Farida Shah Chairman, Faculty of Humanities Prof. Meena Gaur Chairman, Faculty of Earth Science Prof. Vinod Agarwal Officer Incharge of Co-Curricular Activities Chief Warden, Hostels Prof. D.S. Chundawat Chief Proctor Prof. M.S. Shekhawat Chairman, University Sports Board Prof. D.S. Chundawat Officer Incharge, Central Library Prof. S.N.A. Jaffery Co-ordinator, N.S.S. Prof. C.R. Suthar Director, College Development Council Prof. P.R. Vyas Director, Skill Development Centre Prof. Vinod Agarwal Director, Population Research Centre Dr. Monika Nagori Director, U.G.C. Centre for Women's Studies Prof. Director, Computer Center Prof. K. Venugopalan Convener University Central Anti Raggins Committee Prof. D.S. Chundawat 1 Information Bulletin, MLSU Director, University Employment & Advisory Bureau Prof. M.S. Hada Co-ordinator, SC/ST Cell Prof. P.M. Yadav Co-ordinator, Internet Centre Prof. K. Venugopalan Co-ordinator, Centre for Human Rights Studies Dr. Girdhari Singh Kumpawat Convener, Committee for Action against Women Prof. Meena Gour Harassment Director, Centre for Nehru Studies Prof. Sanjay Lodha Co-ordinator, Competitive Exam, Coaching Centre Prof. Pradeep Trikha International Students Advisor Prof. B.L. Ahuja Convener, University Media Cell Dr. Kunjan Acharya Co-ordinator, Entrepreneurship Development Cell Prof. Vinod Agarwal Project Officer, Centre for Adult Education & Dr. Vijay Pareek Extension Co-ordinator, Centre for Soft Skills Prof. Seema Malik Convener, University Research & Development Cell Prof. A.K. Goswami Convener, Equal Opportunity Cell Prof. Nafisa Hatimi Director, Centre of Initiative for Innovation & Prof. Sanjay Lodha Development Action Co-ordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell Prof. K. Venugopalan Convener, Intellectual Property Rights Cell Dr. M.S. Shekhawat Convener, Minority Cell D.M. Farooq Convener Disability Cell Deputy Librarian Dr. Ramkesh Meena Incharge University Sports Board Dr. D.S. Chauhan Administrative Officers Registrar Dr. R.P.Sharma Comptroller Dr. Kumudini Chanvaria Controller of Exams. Dr. R.C. Kumawat Dy. Registrar (Exam.) Shri Harkesh Meena Asstt. Registrar Shri Mukesh Barber Sr. Accounts Officer Dr. G.L. Vasita University Engineer Shri A.S. Khan Associate Officers (N.C.C.) Army Wing Lt. G.S. Rathore (University College of Science) Company Commander, No. 10 Bn. N.C.C., Udaipur Naval Wing Sh. Ajit Kumar Bhabhor Air Wing Dr. Devendra Singh Rathore (Care Taker) (University College of Science 2 Information Bulletin, MLSU ;D D;DQ@N ;D!@J :<@;DQ@N3 BC>F? 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