U R I Eddie Game and Tonight Debbie Page 5 VOL. XVII, No. 12—SIX PAGES PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE. R. I.. FEBRUARY 16. 1955 10 CENTS A COPY Dance Committee Members "February Frolic " Hockey Team Honored Set For Friday At Testimonial Dinner Named By Ball Chairmen At Country Club — ^ Te R aks The Blackstone Valley Club of Sophs Donate Gift 7t F?^nnS Providence College will hold its Feb- Affair ruary Frolic next Friday night. Feb- To Progress Fund ruary 18, at the Pawtucket Country Club. The BVC social committee has The Fighting Friars, Providence promised a gala time for all attend- Gifts and pledges totaling nearly College's spirited hockey team, were ing. Since this will be the last big 240 dollars have been received by honored last night at a dinner spon college dance before the Lenten sea- the Providence College Progress Fund sored by the Hockey Booster Club of son begins, it looms as one of the from the class of 1957 Father Charles Providence The colorful affair was social highlights of the school year. McKenna. O.P.. director of the drive, held at the Narragansett Hotel Vic Stevens and his nine piece or- described it as a magnanimous ges- Dick Rondeau, hockey coach, in- chestra. with a female vocalist, will ture. considering that the students formed this reporter that the dinner provide the music for the ever popu- were called upon to donate their time was held to honor the team upon its lar affair. The scene of the Frolic, and efforts to collect from Rhode entrance into the N.C.A.A. "1 think the new Pawtucket Country Club, is Island residents. it is a big step forward for the team regarded by many as the most beauti- Fr McKenna added that it was over and the college So far, the team is ful spot of its kind in the state of and above his expectations for the on a level keel and the boys art Rhode Island. students to make this donation in steadily progressing,' stated the pop- the name of the class. ! ular mentor. Bids for the semi-formal, non-flor- al event are S3.50 per couple and In a statement to the COWL, Fr Father Schneider, OP, a very may be purchased at the ticket booth Thomas McBrien. class advisor said strong supporter of P.C hockey, at in the rotunda of Harkins Hall or "The enthusiastic support of the Prog, tributed much of the progress of the from any member of the BVC ticket ress Fund by the Sophomore Class is team to th«. fine work of Coach Ron Ralph Gentile and Dave Reilly, chairmen for Senior Commencement committee, which includes the follow- another sign that the class of '57 will deau. He ; aid: "The boys have ad Ball, announce place and date of Ball. realize its high ideal: The greatest vanced marvelously in the past three ing members: Paul Sutton, Jack Kel- class ever to graduate from P C.' " At meetings held this week by ly. Charlie Gnys, Jim Hagan, Rollie years under Dick's guidance." he Senior class officers and the Hicks, Harry Toole, Paul Fournier, The sophomores were also in the The N.C.A.A. recognized the Friars and Tim Harrington. limelight last week when two hundred ommencement Ball Committee men, Dominotes Off For and fifty stout hearted persons braved in anothei way this year. Ed Mon- he place and date of the Ball were The Pawtucket Country Club is lo- Friday's fickle weather, and made the ahan. PC forward, broke the Albany Appearance cated on Armistice Blvd., in that city stag dance sponsored by the class a N.C.A.A record for goals scored in The Commencement Ball, a dinner and dancing will be from 8:30 p.m. financial as well as social success. the Springfield game by scoring 3 dance, will be held at the Sheraton till midnight. ; goals in 45 seconds. Biltmore Ballroom on Thursday, June Sophomore President Tony DeBer- Father Aloysius Begley, O P . Ath 2, it was announced by Ball chair- The P. C. Dominotes, representing ardino announced that girls represent- letic Director at the college, gave the men, Dave Rielly and Ralph Gentile. the College Glee Club, left by bus ing nearly twenty different schools invocation Father Vincent Dore, OP, at noon today for Albany, N.Y., Pyramid Players were on hand. Music was furnished Also, at these meetings, the Ball i Dean of Studies, represented Father where they will take part in a by Arnold Sarazen's band. Mr. Sarazen Slavin who was unable to attend Committee Chairmen were picked. minstrel show on Feb. 16, 17, and Consider Plays is vice-president of the class. Leonard Kiernan and Pete Bransfield 18th, sponsored by St. Teresa's Over two hundred guests heard the have charge of the tickets; Dave Parish of that city. team lauded by the several speakers Webster and Tom Brayton will handle The repertoire of the group will P. C.'s dramatic group, the Pyra- Day Off Denied who included: Terry Reardon, Gen •he arrangements; Jack Kelly and include such old favorites as "Ken- mid Players, met last Thursday to era) Manager of the Rhode Island tucky Babe", "Down on Thoity Thoid determine what play would be suit- Reds Harry Cleverly, Hockey Coach Pete Palmieri will select the favors and Thoid", "Old Songs", and the A request by the Student Congress at Bo ton University; John "Snucks (or the affair. The program will be able for presentation. A number of to have Monday, February 21, de- designed by Ronald McGee and Tom ever popular, "Mood Indigo". plays were submitted, among them Kelly, hockey coach .it Boston Col The group, originally the "Sep- were "Bell, Book and Candle," "Af- clared a free day has been denied lege; and Don Whiston, coach of the McNellis, while Bernard Fortin and tones", is now in its third year of by the Administration, it was learned Brown hockey team James Reynolds will send out invita- fairs of State", "My Three Angels", existence. Since its conception, the "All My Sons" and "The Detective today by a COWL reporter. Paul Connolly, P C. Alumni Secre tions. Len Riley and Steve Marry group has performed at all the Col- 1 Story." Of all those considered, Pres- A spokesman for the Congress tary. was toastmaster There were ave charge of the Ballroom. Tom lege concerts and on three occasions ident James Renzi decided that "My stated that the "Administration did several other speakers including the licci and Angelo DeRobbio will has performed individually, twice at Three Angels" would be most adapt- not feel justified in granting the re- representative of Governor Dennis J andle publicity, and Frank Barone the annual St. Vincent de Paul Con- able to the Providence College stage quest at this time." The Congress- Roberts, who unfortunately could not nd Gene Toro head the music com- cert in Providence and a third time However, this selection is not definite man added that the reason set forth be present. littce. Car placement will be ob- in New London, Conn. and is subject to change. for the denial of the request was The dinner had been suggested by lined by Bill Murphy and John Making the trip will be Seniors very sound and that the Congress lurphy. Jim Connors, Tom Coyne Tom Mc- No date, at present, has been set urges all members of the student Charles Hogan, Howard McGuinness Nellis and Leo Lavallee; Sophomores. for try outs, but one will be pub- body to respect the opinion of the George Murphy, and several other Meetings of all these committee Tom Molloy and Tony DeBarardino; lished soon. Administration in this matter. active alumni. i eads will be held this week for the and Freshmen Jim Felice and John I urpose of determining the price Coughlin. i f the Ball bid, and for the selection While in Albany, the group will be Six Alumni Finish if an orchestra. staying at the DeWitt Clinton Hotel Training Programs Combined Frosh And Soph Classes Hear Msgr. Murray And P. Tremont Six recent PC. alumni have suc- Juniors Talent Show cessfully completed specialized courses in schools of our armed On last Wednesday, the ninth of Monday, February 21 forces. Three of these men, Carl P. February, Monsignor Edward G Mur Buniva, Henry V Collins, and Ronald ray. Regional Chaplain of NFCCS, F. Lamarre. all class of '54. are and T Paul Tremont, President of On next Monday night at 8 00. the the team of Fandetti. Fournier, and R.O.T.C. grads who were commis- the New England Region, visited the J inior Class will present its TALENT Hicks will return in a not so serious sioned as second lieutenants right campus and spoke to the combined SHOW as a means of defraying the presentation of "St George and the here on campus last June. They re- Freshman and Sophomore classes on ftpenses of the coming PROM There Dragon" Versatile Joe Fournier, cently were graduated from the trans- the National Federation of Catholic rr ten acts scheduled, which promise running like mad back-stage, will portation officer's basic course of the College Students. ti< round out a full evening of di- follow up with a pair of solo pan- Army's Transportation School, Fort Monsignor Murray spoke on what • •rsifed performances tomines Jim O'Conner will return Eustis. Va. NFCCS is and mentioned that in the The show will begin with a short with a few more selections and then Middle Ages there was a student com- tte-act play.
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