N r n l e w r No. 87 - j f N ovem ber 2016 Bluebird Heritage Trail Pavement Waymarker THE DOVER SOCIETY FOUNDED IN 1988 Affiliated to the Kent Federation of Amenity Societies Registered Charity No. 299954 PRESIDENT VICE-PRESIDENTS Mrs Joan Liggett, Jonathan Sloggett, Tferry Sutton, Miss Christine Waterman THE COMMITTEE Chairman Derek Leach OBE, 24 Riverdale, River, Dover CT17 OGX Tfel: 01304 823926 Email: [email protected] Vice-Chairman Jeremy Cope, 53 Park Avenue, Dover CT16 1HD Tfel: 01304 211348 Email: [email protected] Hon. Secretary Beverley Hall, 61 Castle Avenue, Dover CT16 1EZ Tfel: 01304 202646 Email: [email protected] Hon. Treasurer Mike Weston, 71 Castle Avenue, Dover CT16 1EZ Tfel: 01304 202059 Email: [email protected] Membership Secretary Sheila Cope, 53 Park Avenue, Dover CT16 1HD Tfel: 01304 211348 Email: [email protected] Summer Social Secretary Patricia Hooper-Sherratt, Castle Lea, Tkswell St, Dover CT16 1SG Tfel: 01304 228129 Email: [email protected] Winter Social Secretary Beverley Hall, 61 Castle Avenue, Dover CT16 1EZ Ifel: 01304 202646 Email: [email protected] Editor Alan Lee, 8 Cherry Tree Avenue, Dover CT16 2NL Tfel: 01304 213668 Email: [email protected] Press Secretary Tterry Sutton MBE, 17 Bewsbury Cross Lane, Whitfield, Dover CT16 3HB Ttel: 01304 820122 Email: [email protected] Planning Chairman Pat Sherratt, Castle Lea, T&swell Street, Dover CT16 1SG Tfel: 01304 228129 Email: [email protected] Committee Alan Sencicle, Mike Weston, Beverley Hall Refubishment Chairman Jeremy Cope Committee John Cotton, Mike McFarnell, Jenny Olpin, Jim Pople, Sylvie Parsons, Mike Weston, Alan Sencicle Archivist Dr S.S.G. Hale, 34 Church Hill, Tfemple Ewell, Dover CT16 3DR Tfel: 01304 825670 Minute Secretary Yvonne Miller Web Page Mike McFarnell, Email: [email protected] Advertising Secretary Jean Marsh, 31 Millais Road, Dover CT16 2LW Tfel: 01304 206123 Email: [email protected] Committee Members Alan Sencicle, Email: [email protected] Web Site www.doversociety.org.uk 1 Content 2 E d ito r ia l A lan L ee 5 MAY SOCIETY OUTING T h e W ea ld a n d D o w n l a n d O pe n A ir M u se u m Derek Donnelly 7 M em bersh ip Sheila Cope 7 R iv e r D o u r Pa r tn er sh ip Jeremy Cope 8 JULY SOCIETY OUTING R oyal H orticultural S o ciety S u m m e r F low er S ho w Maureen Morris 12 P l a n n in g C o m m ittee Patrick Sherratt 13 C owgate C emetery Jeremy Cope 14 D over B luebird H eritage T rail L a u n c h a n d In a u g u r al W alk A lan L ee 1 7 C a pta in C arey, t h e Q u e e n a n d W orld W a r 1 S h ip p in g in t h e C h a n n e l Lorraine Sencicle 23 L o o k in g B ack F orty Y ears Terry Sutton 25 B o o k R eview s S.S.G. Hale 26 F ilm S h o w - B attle o f t h e S om m e A lan L ee 29 R efurbishment C o m m ittee Jeremy Cope 30 F o u r W h o M a d e R olls Terry Sutton 34 W illiam K no c k e r (1751-1847) Fa t h er to a S u c c essio n of T ow n C lerks Martyn Webster 39 D o ver is A w akening A lan Lee 4 4 A pplicatio n F orm fo r M em bersh ip 2 The Objectives 0/ ^ Editorial the Dover Society s this is the last newsletter before founded in 1988. A Christmas I would like to wish all of • to promote high standards of our members, advertisers and the staff of planning and architecture Adams the Printer a very merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous 2017. Special • to interest and inform the thanks must go to all those who work behind public in the geography, the scenes. They are much appreciated and history, archasology, natural their work keeps the Society alive and history and architecture of functioning. th e area Details of this year's Christmas meal are • to secure the preservation, inside the back cover. I would like to remind protection, development and you that you can bring non-members. It may improvement of features of encourage them to become members of the historic or public interest Society. If anybody would like to donate a prize towards the Christmas raffle could you • and commitment to the belief please pass it to a member of the committee that a good environment is a or Denise who runs the raffle. She can be good investment. contacted at the Society's meetings or The area we cover comprises through the editor. the parishes or wards of Could you write an article or story, with a Barton, Buckland, Castle, local theme, or write reports of meetings and Lydden, Tfemple Ewell, outings? Then contact the editor. Maxton, Pineham, Priory, River, St. Radigund's, Tbwn & Finally I would like to remind members of Pier and Tbwer Hamlets. the meal held at il Rustico before each of our All members receive three indoor meetings. This is an excellent chance Newsletters a year and in each to get to know other members and meet the speakers for that evening. It is always an year the Committee organises enjoyable event with a three course meal about ten interesting events - with a drink plus coffee/tea and biscuits all talks, tours, visits, Members' at a very reasonable cost. The usual start Meetings and usually a time is 6pm. Anyone who is interested in Christmas Feast. attending please contact Alan Sencicle, The Society gives Awards for Jeremy Cope or me for further details and improvements to the area, the menu. All contact details are inside the front cover. monitors planning proposals and supports, joins in or Alan Lee - Editor initiates civic projects and arts events. 3 COPYRIGHT All published material contained within this publication remains the copyright of its authors, artists or photographers. No article or image can be reproduced or used without the specific owners express permission. The owners can be contacted by way of the editor. Tfel: 01304 213668 Email: [email protected] DEADLINE for contributions The last date for the receipt of copy for issue 88 will be Wednesday 18th January 2017. The Editor welcomes contributions and interesting drawings or photographs. Taper copy' should be typed at double spacing. Handwritten copy should be clear with wide line spacing. Copy on computer disc or by e-mail is acceptable. Pictures via e-mail must be as high a resolution as possible in JPEG. Please ring 01304 213668 to discuss details. Publication in the Newsletter does not imply the Society's agreement with any views expressed, nor does the Society accept responsibility for any statements made. EDITORIAL A N D PRODUCTION TEAM Editor: Mr Alan Lee Proof Readers: Miss May Jones, Mr Tferry Sutton and Mrs Itessa George Advertising Secretary: Mrs J. Marsh Distribution Organiser: M r J. Cope Envelopes and Labels: M r J. Cope Area Distributors: J.Betts, M.Burton, C. Collings, J.Cope, J.Fox, J.Francis, E.M.Johns, J.Luckhurst, A.Mole, J. Morgan, M.Morris, D.Smith, G.Rapley, A.Sencicle, C.T&ylor, D. Gasking, D. Sutton ic ic ic ic ic DOVER GREETERS Dover Greeters are volunteers greeting visitors to Dover. We love doing it and invite you to come and try it once! Tel: 01304 206458 48 High Street, Dover CT161EE (Waxt to Charlton Centm) 01304 212702 DUALITYi 1 ■PROFESSIONAL I i%#l 1 REPAIRS11 m m 1 J^ll 1 i % # t - ..-..... .-it» LAPTOPS & PC’S P T R T fP * Broken Screen * H f§§i| Hk ^ A w J M #rv m m mm Running Slow ML.EZ I i 1 Virus Missing Keys *"■ „ 1 ....Data Recovery ^«iES^ Upgrades etc pP*'BiwP*i!I ^ irijl ^ 11 MOBILEIwl %JF t # i Sm Sum PHONIESI O V r 1 1 ■£»%*£ Smashed Screen :;; Broken case 11 I Software y t t j| Unlocking etc ^ V T ^ -Im Honest Reasonable Prices No Hidden Charges Quote given before work completed FREE* COLLECTION SERVICE FROM: CT13, CT14, CT15, CT16, GT17 Timed collection and Return (1 Hour Slots) from your home or work, ‘Free for any job over £40 otherwise £10 charge. 5 The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum 28th May 2016 -----------------------------Derek D onnelly------------------------------- # : * ' i w I*'", *** .< ''' m m m w 4 1 1 % , Downland Gridshell Building © Weald and Downland Museum n 8 o'clock start to what turned out to volunteers who form most of its workforce. Abe a lovely sunny day to the South The buildings on display originate from Downs National Park where the museum the Weald and Downland of Kent, Surrey, is situated about 3 miles from Chichester. Sussex and Hampshire and are spaced out Our driver for the day was Ian, who we over the large area (about 40 acres) most have had in the past, so we were in very with their own period kitchen gardens and good hands. Everyone was on time at the some with livestock. There is also a various pickups giving us a good start to working mill (17th century) which the trip and so we set off past the queues supplies flour to be sold in the museum of lorries out of Dover to our first stop at shop.
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