REGISTER Istuaft Wsikly, Cotnta at B«oad-Cla»« Mitter at UM Post- VOLUME LII, NO. 24. ifln at ttat Baa*, & i. »od« tit Act of Hanb 8, 1»1». RED*BANK, N.J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11,1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 12; WINTER SETS IN EARLY. A LAWSUIT FOR $25,000. TALK ON INTOLERANCE. A TEACHING DEMONSTRATION. TO FORM FREE LOAN FUND FOR FATHERS RED CROSS ACTIVITIES MAIL SERVICE CHANGE, The First Skating on the River at A Gathering of Publlo School In- SCHOOLS IN Bed Bank Laat Week. DELIVERED BY RED BANK HIGH structors at Tinton Falls. A NEW ARRANGEMENT AT MID- MBS. ISABELLA PHILLIPS ASKS CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL CELEBRATION AT BED BAN* Ice which was four Inches thick In SCHOOL TEACHER. About thirty teachers of Shrews- JUNIOR SdOIETiV DLETOWN VILLAGE. places.covered the river at Red Bank THAT MUCH DAMAGES. bury township, Atlantic township WILL HELP NEEDY MEMBERS. TOMORROW NIGHT. last week. The first skating took II. Carl Kalt Speaks at Long Branch Shrewsbury borough. Little Silver, BUty-Ave School* Were EnroUea Las It Will Go In Effect Monday and I She Claims That Her Property In A Room Will be Rented at Itlvervlew r»ra.Io to be Held With HVsd Montb-FWteen <»rlsfani» Bag. place last Wednesday and a few oi High School When Essay Prixea Oceanport and Monmouth Beach Will Bring About Several Changes the smaller Iceboats were on the Holmdcl Township Near Keans- gathered at the Shrewsbury town- Hospital for Jewish People of Red and Roman Candles Aloi Made by Freehold BranoU—Firs -Jason C. Knight Gets Mall Carry- burg Has Been Depreciated In Val- Were Awarded—Some Strong Bank—Rabbi Nathan Witkin I'ub- river Thursday. Many eels were Points In His Address, ship consolidated school at Tinton """ «' .March-EiereKe, t0 fe. Aid Certificate* Awarded. ing Contract for 81,000. caught with spears which were ue by a Beverage Factory. Falls Friday afternoon to attend lishes Annual Report. Hold nt hi. James's School. aixty-hve Monmouth county school Jason C. Knight of Mlddletown vll- thrust through holes In the ice. So Mrs. Isabella Ph'illips, who lives at H. Carl Kalt, Instructor of English teaching demonstration. Some of A free loan fund will soon be es- at the Red Bank high school, gave tho teachers of the school taught the AH plans havn been made for thr- have enrolled In the Junior Red Crosi logo has fatten the contract for haul- far as freezing weather Is concerned Philllps's Mills, In Middletown town- tablished by tho Congregation B'nal r S nn ce society last month, making a total ol ing the mall beweon Midtilctown vil- winter has set In earlier than at any ship, has brought suit for $25,000 an address last Thursday afternoon lessons and some ot the children of Israel for its needy members. Loans w»i h ?",'' ° '«bratlon whk£ 77 aohools enrolled td. date. The lage arid New Monmouth. He will time since 1917. A ready market against the Monmouth cereal bever- in the Long Branch high school au- the school were the pupils. A pri-will be made to persons worthy of win oe helnearld nyt n«' *- ditorium on the subject of "Intoler- all thB chwchM fl schools enrolled In November wero as start this, work next Monday. was found for the eels at thirty cents age company. The beverage com- mary reading lesson was taught by the help and no interest will be lav follows: Quito a change will take place from a pound. Four motor boats got pany operates a plant near Mrs. Phli- ance," the occasion being the award- Miss Ethel Dreyer, third grade arith- charged. The borrowers will be al- " ' » W™* in the mov.! Manuquan high and grammar ichool- present conditions under the new car- frozen up In the river and the icelips's place where beverages arc ing of prizes, which consisted of metic was taught by Miss Dora Jaffe, lowed to pay back money loaned to Whltnvllh,' KldB« avenue North and South rier contract. In the past the New was broken up to get them to Frank made from grain. checks donated by the Long Branch sixth grade history was taught by them whenever they are able. Rabbi Smhm«f5«W. Ocean Gravo grammar «m York and Long Branch' railroad com- Dickman's boat works, where they Mrs. Phillips claims that the waste Lions club, to the winners of an essay Mrs. Pearl SiJzor and eighth grade Nathan Wltkln has asked the ladles' BradUy 1'ark icliooU of Noptuim townnhlp will be stored for tho winter. contest prepared on the subject of history and civics were taught by Hebrew society for help in establish- W«e End, GrMOry prlmarr, junior .hllh pany has transported all Mlddlotown products of the beverages made at relations bet and New Monmouth mall from the the factory aro discharged into a "Intolerance." Prizes wero won byMrs. Lois Worth. ing the fund. HR has also asked the GarMd avtnue. and Liberty atroet school Mary Pettlt, M. Abrams and Miss J He prime mover In this of Long Branch: New Bedford .ehool Mlddletown railroad station to th< brook which flows through her prop- society for aid in renting a room at. H. Soloway. the Rlvervlew hospital for the uac of Broad atr««t, Intermediate and Hudioi Middletowrt pos(office. This will no erty and that this waste product has Men s Christian association, r »tr«et itrammar Khools or Freehold; r«r» be tho case beginning with next Mon "THE FAMRY UPSTAIRS." encrusted both sides of the brook Cheater Packer of Scabright, repre- members of tho Rid Hank congrega- dl$e, SHoam. Thomjsonn Orove, Topanemu day. Tho railroad company now em- with a foul-smelling unattractive senting the Long Branch Lions, In- ELKS' BALL A SUCCESS. tion. The women's society pays for Project was originated by The of Frertold towmhlpi HlBhlandu horoual ploys two mon at tho railroad station, bacterial growth. Mrs. Phillips says troduced tho speakers/ and also the upkeep of tho Hebrew school and •t met with spontaneous aehool: Adelphla. Ardena, Port PUIna. Jer SHOWFBIDAY NIGHT AT ST. awarded the prizes. Selections by the bodies Var'OUS rcIiSlous i .ejvllle, North FarMtaeilale achoola o but only one man will work there af- that she had intended to develop her ANNUAL ELKS' BALL HELD LAST Sunday-school and finances many ac- JAMES'S SCHOOL. high school orchestra opened and tivities ot tho community center. Howel! towmhlp: Krancli Place and Churcl ter this week. The two men are property into homesltca, with a lake Thirteen banquets or dinner, will atrwt ««hool. of Keaniburit: Itunuon prl Raymond Despreax and Otto Wle as one feature, but that duo to theclosed the program. WEEK AT ASBURY PARK. Mr. Witkin said in his annual re- vite «chool and Jtumton public achoola No Comedy Will be Presented by St The following are some of the take place tomorrow night at seven gand. The railroad company has not brook being contaminated she has port last week that the endowment o clock in as many churches. ™S land No. 2, Little. Sliver; Engll.htowr yet issued any order as to which man Sames'a Dramatic Club for Benefit been unable to do this. She claims strong points of Mr. Kalt's address: About 500 Persons Wero Present of a room at the hospital and the or- tha and Mllhur»t schools of Ifatialapun town of a Special Charity—Large Num- or halls. At eight o'clock there Tin will be retained at Mlddletown. that her property near the brook has "No force will be so powerful In From Various Parts of tbe County ganization of a free loan fund were be a »hlpl Matawan high »nd Bramraat jchooli ber of Tickets Sold. conserving universal peace, nation- and Distant Places—Proceeds t< parade through the Belforil, Llnrroft. Mlddletown and Tor Mr. Knight got tho contract on a little or no value because of the stuff badly needed by the Red Bank Jew- f he town led Monmouth achoola of Mlddlotovm town. bid of $1,000. For several years Har- On Friday night of- this week that is dumped into the brook. Sheal tranquillty and community hap- be Used for Charity. ish community center. The report wnT ° J ' '-' — ahlps North Ccnlcrvlll" ol Itarltan towr old Hlllycr has been hauling the mal comedy entitled "The Family Up- has engaged tho firm of Qulnn, Par- piness, than the same virtue of toler- About BOO persons attended the covered the work and progress of the William H. R. White, Harry «, »hlp; Bed Bank senior Mlth. junior hi* ance which marked tho founders of Clayton, chief of police/and Col. £ between the Mlddletown village and stairs" will be presented at Stson. s & Doremus of Red Bank to rep- sixth annual charity ball of the Redcenter the past three years. He h. Cowan of Port Monmouth Mechanic itreet, Oakland »treet and Wei resent her in the lawsuit. our United States. thanked his parishoners for their as- B.r«»n Plae. «chool»; Seabrlsht boroug] Now Monmouth postoHlces for ?500' a James's high school auditorium by Bank Elk3 lodge Wednesday night at' Tho parade will form on Chestnut school: Shrewsbury borounh; Pine Brook year. Thla work required only a few St. James's dramatic society. A Although Mrs. Phillips lives In "Whatever growth this nation has the Berkeley-Carteret hotel at Asbury sistance and co-opcratlon and praised attained, whatever greatness it right- the various organizations of the syn- street in front of the armory The aehool! Cottons Park and Florence avenu minutes each day, but under tho new large number of tickets have been Mlddletown township, the property Park.
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