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It contains statutes, rules, a discussion of pattern ju ry instructions, citations to leading cases, the Federal Rules of Evidence, and the newly adop ted Rules of Criminal Procedure. 812 pages, hardbound, ©1990, The Michie Company ......................................................................................... $8 5* Fa mil y La w in Alabam a: Pr actice an d Proce dure, by Rick Fernambucq and Gary Pate, is a working tool for the domestic practitioner, useful from the first client interview thro ugh enforcement of awards and agreements. This book blend s practical applications with analysis of legal principl es, and sets them in the context of everyday problems faced by lawyer s and their clients. Complete ly up-to-date , the book encom­ passes the latest changes in Alabama family law. 657 pages, hardbound, ©1990, The Michie Company .......................................................................................... $65* Al a bama Civil Procedu re, by Jerome A. 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Cover ing all torts which are actionable under Alabama law, it provide s up -to-date analysis of Alabama statutes and case law hold­ ings. The book offers practice guidance , and includes checklists and sample comp laints . 1065 pages, hardbound , with current supplement, <01990, The Michie Company ..... $7 5* THE COMPANY MICHIE ~ LAWP UBLISHERS SINCE t8SS l'l lllbHER, OI l Hl Llllll OI .\ I All.\~I.\ For more inJormation, contact your sa les representa tive: JIM SHROYER P.O. Box 346 • Wilsonville, AL 35186-0346 205/32~9899 Or call The Michie Company toll-free 800/562 -1215 ·r tus sales tax when~ applicable. IN BRIEF March 1992 Volume53. Number2 bor-"'Y-1 t,y The_.,,.... s,,,,,, eo,.., --·-·-,Po . Bo••1se, Momgome,y. Alaboma36101-- ONTHE COVER: Dogwoodsin bloomin MontgomeryCounty signal that spring will P1>ooo(205) 209-1515. FAX (205) 269-1501. soonarrive. Photoby Butch Guier,Nontgomerg ROOIN1"-· Huttlke< .,,.,,_.......... ...- ...... - ...Ed.tor Susan Stwock DoPaot.a.......... ..........Associate Editor M1rga101M u,phy...... ·-·-··"·--·- ·····.ManagingEditor INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Botrd ol Edilort CtalOCl Cornw.C.Mol'IIOOfl't'Y • Forrn t S l.im:a, Mobllf • A1'drtw P C.ml)Otll ~ham • W Seea;rs8arn,n., .- ., Legal Services Corporntion or AlabamaContinues its Effor1slo ProvideQualit y Alttat'l(le, Clf)' • M~ A M.. Bfmi,!ghlm • Md\ael L LegalServices to Needy Persons C"'1-- ·W•lamC Poll. Mo1,oo,:141'J• WillllfflJ unc.wooo.TUSQJfflbiil • Jef. By Penng 100 --·J Weaver....................................................................... .................................. UOl"*'G... L l-A. Mal'lclnl. -lo·. ~ Alo>L • Allrt-··" T. Aoge,I..· - Bic;.Wi9MA •· J. £ ....... .J, - · ..... LitigatingM inority ShareholderRights and the NewTort orOppressi .on H~W~Motc r•JDMW~IBin'l'I,,0.T-.-· By AndTl!lllP. Campbell............................................................................................... 108 --e.i,,, .,,,.••• ""'0 sr.ny- ~....., ,,- _Flcw...:ie .- • La,raJ."""' Pd.. ......".,.,.A.~ ........•Hot\.~ Smar1 MO\'u lo Beat the Recession: HowYour Legal Suppor1S taff A.Coilall..T~•s...nE ~ Can Makea Difference .......... eo...... , .. .. UrlNn ~A.~ Jr Simw,o.'am By Mory Jo Dennis........... .....................................................................................- .. 120 The Rule on Exclusion or Witnesses-Beyondthe Courb'OOm By). lister Hubbard.................................................................................................... 126 80.rd ol ComrnlHlontn 111OifWll. l!Ciw.,d pt r~ . Ji, CMIIOffl• 2nd On:ull. Jcihn A, l&llol• I.UY.,,_ • :lfd OlrCIIII,Lynn Robertson Ja,e;.aon, Clay1on • 4th Qcuft. Joh" W l<•l!r, Ill, Selma • 5th C..ailt.. JOIWIF. Oillo,\ rv. AM1allClt1Oily • 61h Clrwh, Pf.teeNo ,. President's Page.................. .................92 CLE Opporlunilies............... .............. 124 w...,P Crownovtf . Tutt.111100ta• 6lTt CW:llif.. Plac:. Ho Z Jo"" II..0.-....... fuaclloota • ?lh e«cu11.,Anhiw F Ale, 111, ExecutiveOirec.tor·s Report ................. 94 VolunteerLawyers Program . .............129 Nw!IIUO"• ttn Circuit.AJ Colitrnan.Oecall!r • 9ltl Corcu!I. WNffl O So\lCIQII.Jt. '°"P1)'1"11 • 100'!On:uit. Plec'ANo 1, Ridingthe Circuits ............................... 95 DisciplinaryReport ............... ............. 131 s.mi.llf H ,~ ~ • llllh Circuit.ptce No t. JarMt W 0.- I~• 10ll CltM, Pllloe No. :I. Bar Briers................................ - .... - ....96 Opinionsof the Ceneral Counsel ..... 132 J411!14'1• • Uo,,t 81,r,,..,. • 10lh CMam, Place hO '· s.i..-A. """"' · .a ~ . lOtl Ota.&. pi.,. No. YoungLawyers' Section ....................... 99 RecentDecisions ............................... .134 S.1- L --·100,,- ..... Nof. 0.. L. ... i . .. HWIQI.... • 10.. C::-0.. f"llc:9 Ni:,, 1, J. Legislati~\Vrap-Up ....... .................... 102 Consultant'sComu ...........................140 .,._. °""'- ••• ..... • IOfl.(:jifr(:uC,PlllCe Ho. I. D'aytOn H ......_.,. ... ,.1,-,a.a...""'°'Ho.9.C...,,S. BuildingAlabama's Courthouses ..... .104 Major Legislationof Interest............. 142 ........... ,, ••• ·- 0.0.... ....... ();11.()a: GeOt;e 19001• 11.......... 11th C.WC.11ober\M. .. ,It AboutMembers , AmongFirms . ....... .J16 Memorials................................. .......... 156 Anno,• 129 QIQ,c, W Kae W'llllutla.Tro, • l3llt ClroA, Plrc9,. I. VcaH. L-.Jt ...._. tlllCft:ul.Pw»No BuildingFund HonorRoll ................. 129 ClassifiedNotices ............................... 159 %,.&ro. Q ...,._ ~ • 1311 Oro.Ill.,,._Ho. 3, Lany U Sima.~ • t,U, Circuit, Pt.ot No • Benjamen T l\cltlir9.Mc:iOllt • ''"' (llr(ult. Jeny IC.SehiM . Jl$;lel' • 15th AIAIIAMASTATE BAR HIW>Q UARTERSSTAFF ~ PIIICeNo 1, RICNtd H 0-. MOt'lgOtl'ltry • 151ha, . 415Dmdtr A1'<1'U C.Montgomery. AL 36104 (205) 269 ,1515 CUC, Pl,ot No 2. Wlf'IOI Q DtYefNut. ~ • 15CII ~It. PIACtN o S.J.,,.. A. SNle, Momgorriery • 151h Ct'· t:x«u1l\'I!Dlr « tor .. - --·····- Rti,1inaldT . Hi'mnt:r. CA& PiNn~~I Secrtlary ............. -- ..·-·· ·----·· ·- ·Cal, SklnN!r CUI, Pl4loe"° , ,ME NI._Jf • 16111C.a,11, GtorQt P Food, Oln:Cllor o(Prognmu... ...,.... ..................... Keith6. Norm.an UIW)"t'rKrfett11I Stc,11u,y .. ..............Ktl hcnnt C. c,,amcr o.dlctl" • 1711\O,OUb , RGulld S, Mt1"1er, Df,mopol15• 18ltl C,;rouil, Conr11dM Fowle,. Jt., Columbliilf'\4• 191hCitc!Ail, J f.llt<l.lll\'f AublJlnt-,., ..........,--··-···· ·--·· ·.MatgantOoont Cr:iphlc A,u Sup,el'\+lsor•.•.•.... ..•.•..•.•.- .•, • ._ . •Maggit Stulltr RoQtinFaulh. Pr111tv• , 20chC1t1:u11, w,oe H , Saxiey.Oo 11W1 Publk~Uon, Ol,ttlOt ..............................Ma.rgmt Murphy Alnb.lm.lil.iW foundlldon. Inc. Olrtctor .. - ,.. Tl'ilC)' Oa.ni,I • 2111C;ifcu!t,, Jam•• II Han. J, .• 8reWWII• 22nd Citcult, Admluloru.Secretary ,.. ----. .--Norma J, Robbin,. Rcc<l)tlOOll>t··-·- · ·- .., _ .._ •..s.m.nllu 8ro,d\,l>y oVlnw" Powell.Ill An$11Utl• • 23,d CIN:ull. Plaoe' No 1. GeorgeW llioy•, Jt HutCtvilll• 23fd ~ PIICIIHo , Z.S Mtmbu i hip StMCu ·- ....- .....- ,.,-Alict Jo Hmdrix VofunLCtrLa•11oycr1 P"°"'"' 0.01'111~ . ti.ln!IYllt • 24th Cltcta1, JoM A. Rusull , Ill, MCL! &.Commh ttt s«nu,y ,___ .Ounc:Wddon °'""°' .--'1 ,llnd.l M.w,1co ~Yllle • .,.. On:l,il. NIIIOn Vnon,,. Han*Wt • 26ci C, CIA. 8cwel'I H ...... PtleM Olly • Vlft Ora.II. ~ -r Al.AM.'IAS TAT£ BARC EN'T'ERFOR PROFESSIONAL RESPOSS 181UTY ll _...,...,,. , T-. -0, 415 O..l<r A,'tnu,. Monlgomrry,AL 3611W 12051 ~ 1515 w..-.-- •-°"""'- ·-- e., .._w.,_. o. ... a.o,a •--0..... 21.a c.cuc.~ Fl CmmlC..-1 -- RollcrtW.l<om> C fWd\ ........._ ' 315-.Ora.I. W-. 0. Uielilon..£..,. """"'11"""""'Cffla>ICounMl c.n«nl eo..ucl~-------------------...J. 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