Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons Student Newspapers University Archives & Special Collections 5-18-2000 Easterner, Vol. 51, No. 28, May 18, 2000 Associated Students of Eastern Washington University Follow this and additional works at: https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers Recommended Citation Associated Students of Eastern Washington University, "Easterner, Vol. 51, No. 28, May 18, 2000" (2000). Student Newspapers. 679. https://dc.ewu.edu/student_newspapers/679 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives & Special Collections at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Monroe Hall construction to finish on-schedule Ian Klc.:i l :':1slt'rnt·r l/t'r,1,rtt'r Whe n s tud e nts nre walking to Hargreaves o r Kings to n Halls, it is almost certain tha t they will pass by the cons truc ti o n work being d o ne to Mo nroe Hall. The project has been underway s ince s h o rtl y after the beginning of fall qunrter. Even tho ugh it may seem the work will never be fini s hed, the cons truc ti o n is o n p ace fo r s ubs tantia l completion, mea ning that s tud e nts and faculty ca n nctually take oc­ c upa n cy in the building this October. Final comple ti o n h oweve r, will not be until Marc h 2001 . The cons truc ti o n is coming nl ~ ng s m oothl y with the o nl y s ub­ s tnntial problem s lated being n "water seepnge problem," s aid As­ sociate Vi ce Preside nt fo r Facilitie - and Planning Mike lri h . The re is water coming into the bottom o f the building nnd when pumpe d ou t the wnter kee p s coming bn c k. fl is b e li eved to be coming fr o m J city wate r line thnt runs th rough the PUB and pas t I le Hall. T he :,~ ~ ci ty o ffi c ials a re s ure to fi x the proble m , ho weve r, a nd it s h o uld n t f ho ld up cons truc ti o n . 1 "We hadn ' t plnnned tn put a p oo l in d o wn th e re," Iris h s nid . 0 The w o rk be ing done to res to re Monroe H a ll i o n a budg ' l o f ~ npprox imntc ly $ 12.8 milli o n whic h in lu les pr -des ign , le_ ign ;i nJ ;. cons truc ti n n. 3 ~ " We h,1v c no budge t overruns," ~a id Iri s h. " From m y per · p • li ve," Iris h s.1id , "M n roc Halli~ p robilb l o ne .& Monroe Hall has been under construction since the beginning of fall o f the · rn no the~ t o ns tru c ti o n job~ goi ng ri g ht nnw. Th e contr.1 c­ quarter. Despite a few problems, officials expect the construction to finish to rs hn ve ii gnncl r :rutatio n ilnd th •y ,He livi ng up l o it o n th, .., on schedule. pro jec t. " Faculty, students mourn treasured friend and mentor '" kn111kr I l:1n1ng1r,n ficia ls o nl ;i · ,1 "brief illness." uring hi. 13 y ',HS at E;,i s t­ \,, ,,1.11H bl,1,11 H e wa s s urvived b hi s e rn, Boate ng se ·rncd tu to uch wife, Opheli ;i , his two d ,.1Ugh­ everyo ne h ' ,1m e in o nt,1 c t t rs , Bre nd, ,rnd Mi che ll e, hi with. E ery once in a great while m o ther Fe li ci;i 1\ gy.1ko Me nsa h " I-l e re,1ll y w,1 s ,1 speci.-i l per­ the re is that person that nmes nf hi s ho me coun­ son- no ques ti o n," V into our li ves w h o makes it a ll tr f G h,1n .1 , ,1 nd U -------- s.-i id Jerry G nlm , different. l.ifl' is limitlessly bet­ . ix br !he r ~ ,,nd Personally, I 1~wu professor of ter fnr thei r ha vi ng been part s is ters. hope to follow in archeolog y r1nd ge- o f it. We smi le m o re, we laugh " I' m juSt his footsteps as an ogrnp h y. Gn lm more .-ind we li ve m ore. f-clix s hocked. feel I've worke d with 130.1 Ie ng w;is o ne o f these lost n good friend educator. He had Boateng in Monroe· people for countless fondl y, and n good co l- that spark that Hnll, and knew him s taff and s tude nts nt Easte rn. league," said Cnrlos made you thirst for from th e ti m e He was the director of what Maldonado, di rec- knowledge. Boa Ie ng firs t w.-is the n the Bla c k Ed ucation tor o f the C hi cano --------,, s tarted teaching at Program until he le ft in 1996 to Education Pro- Eas te rn in 1983. take a jo b as the director o f the gram. Maldonado Scott Finnie " I think, like a Professor of' African Bishop Joseph Johnson Black and Boa teng 1\merica n Swdies lot o f people, I feel C ultural Center at Vanderbilt worked closely to­ c hea ted for not be- EWU faces bright University in Nashville Tenn. gether within their separate pro­ ing able to know Felix longer. Bonteng died Wednesday grams. "He connected with a lot He had a lot to offer," said April 26, at the Vanderbilt Uni­ of people and he's a good man Galm. "In Felix's life, he al­ new decade versity Medical Center after who will be missed. My best ways put people first." what has been described by of- goes out to his family." Sally Burge with the Aca­ Allen Moody s tud e nts, they have b ee n demic Support Center also J-.'chtur pretty quiet during the d evel­ worked closely with Boate ng in o pme nt of the ma s te r plan Monroe Hall. " Whether you update, sa id Jim Kolva, who were a student or you were a Visitors t o las t week' s nlong with Walker Macy As ­ colleague, he ca red about you." Campus Ma s te r Plan Open soc iates is in c harge of th e For nine years Kay Mac k H o use received n look at the project. worked for Boa te ng as th e new and improve d EWU of "We haven ' t hnd much s tu­ Black Educntion Program sec­ the future-one that will be d e nt input," said Ko lvn . " I be­ re tary. "He never treated me as m o re s tud e nt-friend ly tha n li eve the primary rea o n i · the departme nt secretary. Not the c urrent he ney campus. be nu se m os t s tu dent nre o nl y was he a coll engue to m e, Bowling liln es, ice s kating he re fo r a s h o rt tim e be f re but he was my me nto r and n a nd o uts id e vend o r in th e m v ing o n ," \ h i lc n o tin g denr friend ." PUB arc but a few 1f th e that it co uld take e a rs fo r Scott Finnie, professor of Af­ c ha nges th a t ma , becom e re­ so m e o f the propos als to be rican American Studies, worked a lity within the nex t 10 year . imple m e nte d . w ith Boateng in the Bla ck Ed u­ The mas te r plnn is being Th e n x t s tep will be n ca ti o n Program . Finnie aid updnted to reflect the c h il nge pr e ntnti o n of th e m.-i s te r Boateng brought a " rea l per- in Ea te rn 's Mis · io n S ta te­ p la n reco mm e nd a ti o n t o onal flavor" to the Black Ed u­ m e nt to a m o re re id e nti a l th e U n ivcr it y ampu ca tion Program. " His sense of campus nnd to nccommoda te P lan ning o mmittec a nd to .& Dr. Felix Boateng, Eastern's former Director of humo r disarmed you, yet a t the the additional '1 ,300 s tude nts th Fn ilities S ubcommittee f th e Uni e rs ity Bo ard o f Black Studies, recently passed away. He was greatly ame time he had a kind of class, the Higher Ed uca ti o n Coordi­ professionalism a nd dignity that nating Board has planned for Directors . It is ex p ec te d tha t loved by all who knew him, and was instrumental in won your admiration." the EWU C heney ca mpus by a formal reco mm e ndati o n creating what is today the African American Studies 2010.
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