Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1967-1968 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1967 Eastern Progress - 07 Dec 1967 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1967-68/12 SWEATER SEX IN WEATHER PERSPECTIVE Pafec 8 3Uj? iEaatmt Progress Pafce 7 Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 10 Pages Thursday, Doc 7, 194? end the Night is Featured as Production Breathitt Explains Funds Cut By Edward T. Breathitt ever, that actual state expend- Take for example, the com- this month was $5,927,300, which ■T JUDI LEDFORD Governor of Kentucky i PROGRESS STAFF WRITER ltures In all areas of state ser- parable expenditures for higher still leaves $35,362,321 more than . Eastern's Music department , No governor enjoys being forc- vices will still be far more this education, Including the various in 1963--or more than double what Mil present Amahl and the Night ed to reduce appropriations for year than they were four years state universities, Kentucky State lt was that year. Visitors, a Christmas opera by State agencies by a total of $24.1 ago-or even two years ago. And, College, the University of i.ouis- Another example lies In com- Oan Carlo Menotu, under the million as I did this month when a balanced budget will be handled vllle and the Council of Higher parison of the Minimum School direction of Miss Jannette Am- In-comlng revenue failed to the next governor. Education. Foundation Program, Including bolse-Chaumont, Sunday De- teach what had been estimated State departments or agencies The general fund expenditure teachers' salaries which are not cember 10, at 8:00 p.m. in Hiram when the budget was drawn up will not be so badly off as some In this category for the fiscal affected by the November budget ■s»sk Auditorium. IP early 1066. persons by their statements year 1963-64 was $32,803, 357. cut. la. 1951, NBC commissioned T This disappointment was tem- might have given you reason to The appropriation for 1967-68 The 1963-64 fiscal year app- MiaaHl to write an opera and pered somewhat by the fact, how- fear. was $74,092,076. The cutback ropriation for this program am Sanaa Christmas his deadline. ounted to $111,622,788. The total •vasted aa to want to write for this year was $163,142,691. at sat, his inspiration for Amahl Student Press to Push for Student Board Seat The $4,575,506 cutback ordered •MM one November afternoon still leaves the program $46,- 944,397 better off than In 1963. vfctte he was walking through The Kentucky Intercollegiate speaker ban and student repre- He warned agalns overplaying the Metropolitan Museum of Art Press Association unanimously sentatlon on collage governing of local minorities. Among the strongest protest- la Mew York city. supported a resolution favoring ations against the budget cute boards. The delegates also noted the have been those emanating from - happened to stop In front student representation on gov- need for increased scholarships, J^™™^' painting Adoration of the erning bodies of all colleges and "The organisation has laid the especially by Hleronymus Bosch. foundation for what it sees as Its Elected to serve as advisers with mental health. universities In Kentucky at Its to KIP A for the 1967-68 academic y he was flooded with sail convention on the George- future, a viable coalition of Ken- Regrettable as lt was to be rise of bis childhood tucky campus newspapers work- year were: Glen Kleine, ad- forced to make this cut, as well town collage campus Dec. land viser to the Eastern Progress; in Italy. Italians a. ing for their high quality re- as other cuts in appropriations nave a Santa Claus. Their Student seats have been en- sponslbllUty and freedom,*' KI- Mrs. Lois Sutherland, adviser that would quicken progress In ire brought by throe kings, dorsed In principle by Governor PA Pr ident John A. Zed said. *° *** student newspaper at the an areas of state government, University of Kentucky Northern Community College of Mental Health Is still way ahead oa camels wearing silver Edward T. Breathitt, Governor- -Zen, tte which produce a myster- elect Louie B. Nunn, Lt. Gov- communication senior presided University of Kentucky, Cov- of the appropriation it received over the groups' fall convention, inston; Mrs. Jane Vance ad- four years ago. tlnkllng. ernor-elect Wendell Ford and lMr to the ■se students cast In the pro- the Kentucky Student Association. He called the establishment * Georgetonian of For the 1963-64 fiscal year, are: Amahl, KayeAsher, The move was started by of too freedom and responsible Georgetown College, George- the Mental Health appropriation ltles study an obvious result town; and Kenneth Vance, of the |i ,569,286. This was ralaad Monna Breland; King the Student Congress and the 01 5 was 2 r. Dale Poling; King student newspaper at the Uni- of the convention's discussion P" *" Affairs Department at to $18,400,000 for the present David Stivers; King versity of Kentucky. Thomas Bonny; the Student Delegates from the ,vld Hayes; Shepherd and Eastern Progress who attended , Pat Gilbert and the convention were Fred Mul- Osborne who trained the llns, editor - In - chief; Re- ESalSESI!? Berea College Students vicU Mulllns, Linda Pet- gald Smith, news editor; Alan atlon in Kentucky." Barbara Shearer, and Trimble, assistant sports ed- One speaker sparking the study rta Hathaway Anne Laube, itor; and JoAnne Collins and was Gary C. Dickey, the former Seek Negro Speakers my England William Jones, Judy Ledford, staff writers. Troy State (Ala.) College editor A group called the Black Stu- 3. That Berea put a Negro — Holbrook Gary Grant. The organization's executive who was expelled after trying to dents of Berea Colllge have history course in the curricul- Children: Elisabeth Anne and committee also Initiated a study edltoriallre against the state charged that the college is not um. "We also feel that tee art y Ellse Baker Carla Op- oa the freedoms and responsib- legislature. living up to its long reputation and music departments should Brayn Hens el, Vlckl WU- ilities of the college student press Dr. Darlo PoUtella of the Uni- as a champion of racial Justice. exhibit a more positive emphasis In the state. versity of Massachusetts, Presi- These students have organized toward the artistic creations and : Karen Kieckner, It also took the first steps dent of the National Council of to bring changes which they say musical expressons of black ,-rapher Kathe Yacabone, toward provldilng a state wide College Publications Advisers will make the college's claims Americans." the students said. Frey, Glenn Mason, Gary news service for campus pap- and Director of Its Commlssloi fit reality. They recently pub- The protesters also declared: ers, KIP A will furnish Its mem- on the Freedoms and Responslb- lished a half-page article In the 'The black students do not Intend Ambolsa - Chaumonf s bars with Information and will ilities of the College Student college newspaper, The Pinnacle, to be showpieces on Integration o assistants are: Or- plan concerted editorial cam- Press In America, said that many making the following demands: so that Berea may successfully tra conductor; Mr. Oppelt; paigns on. Initially, two Issues campus newspapers are editor- mold poor whites Into middle- pianist Miss Frances tent may surface at the 1968 ially seeking "student power" as i. That Berea hire "several class exploiters of the black Si set; Tom Golden, General Assembly- A campus well as covering lt In their pages, black Instructors." The students American. Poling, Betty Latlmer, Anne - say teat collage officials claim •Whenever a white Berea stu- Kama LoveU Rw. Jim to be looking for 'qualified Neg- dent can say and believe teat tea -—, Jim Barns, Kayo Asher, roes, but that this is a "biased momentum of the black move- John Lockwood David Swaago Christmas Program to be criterion" since lt apparently ment Is 'communist-inspired * ■ay SpUlman; fighting; Bob Ky- doesn't apply to white in- we are no longer content. We awU and Steve Fagenbush; Make- structors. no longer Intend to maintain si- ap: Janet Stansbury, Pam Pope, Presented December 13 lent when racist dorm mothers Carol Watson; Costumes, Chrls- BY CAROL DURHAM Metegor, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and 2. Thai •*• college should Interfere with Interracial dat- ttaa Taulbee Properties; Lonnle There's Gotta be Water Down There Somewhere PROGRESS STAFF WRITER Carol Brassfleld, from Mt.Ster- engage more black performers ing." fields, Danny Wlnfleld, Nancy Once again Eastern students ling, are in charge of publicity *od entertainers, and enlist more Some of the black students Graves. A construction worker chip* away son scheduled for wlU be entertained by the Drum for the Drum and Sandal Club. Negro speakers for twice-week- visited Willis D. Weathrfoid, Admission to the production lees material as the Moore Science BaHttBa; near* completion. The $3 mlTiSon structure Is and Sandal's annual Christmas Mrs. Virginia Jinks is sponsor ly chapel meetings. The students Jr., president of tee college at 1* free. show. This year the club has for the organisation. charge that there have been only his home. They said ha told chosen an unusual theme, "A A new part of the program two black speakers on the campus them that college officials wore Creative Interpretation of Dick- this year will be a narrative te three years and no psrform- working on at least two of their Reception, Banquet, Game Highlight Activities en's A Christmas Carol." given by Susanna Ankrum. ers. demands. The announcement of Tommy that Eastern alumni, students Student Union Building.
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