Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council 600 Group Y A Anderson & Sons Y A E Symes Y A Longworth & Sons Y A Monk & Co Y A. Monk & Co Y A. P. C. M. Y Acme Signs and Displays Y Acrian (UK) Y Addle Shaw & Latham Y AEGT Pension Trust Y Air Holdings Y Air UK Y Airwork Y Akroyd and Smithers Y Alcan Enfield Alloys Y Alder & Mackay Y Alexanders Discount Y Alfred McAlpine Y Alldee Nominees Y Allied Lyons Y Allmay & Layfield Y Alpine Double Glazing Y AMEC Amey Roadstone Y AMEC Construction Services Y Amey Roadstone Y Anchor Chemical Co Y 1 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Anthony Gibbs Holdings Y Arbuthnot & Savory Mills Y Ardon Contractors Y Ashton Court (Sale) Y Associated Engineering Y Associated Fisheries Y Augustus Barnett Y Automotive Products Y Avenfield (Pty) Limited - South Africa Y B.A.C. Y Babcock & Wilcox Y Babcock Power Engineering Y Baker Perkins Holdings Y Balfour Beatty Y Balfour Beatty Construction Y Bankers I T Y Barclays Bank Y Barfab Reinforcement Y Barratt Barrow Hepburn Group Y Bass Charington Y BAT Industries Y Battle Farm Lands Y Baxter Bros (1920) Y Baxter Fell International Y Beagle Nominees Y BEC Y 2 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Beecham Products Y Benson Turner Y Berkley Hambro Property Y Bernard Sunley Y BICC Y Biggs Wall Y Birmid Qualcast Y Blue Circle Group Y Boddingtons Y Bomag (GB) Y Border & Southern Stockholders IT Y Bovis Construction Y Bowater Y BPB Industries Y Bradford & District Newspapers Y Braithewaite Engineering Y Brammer Y Brewers Society Y Bricomin Farms Y Bricomin Investments Y Bridon Y Bridon Y Brintons Y Britannic Finance Trust Y British & Commonwealth (Group Y Management) British & Commonwealth Shipping Co Y British & Commonwealth Shipping Co Y (Aviation) 3 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council British & Commonwealth Shipping Co (Hotel & Travel Enterprise) British & Commonwealth Shipping Co PLC Y British Air Transport (Holdings) Y British Aluminium Y British and Commonwealth Y Y British And South American Steam Y Navigation Navigation British Commonwealth Investment Co Y British Engine Y British Investment Trust Bullock Y Construction British Leyland Y British Manufacture & Research Y British Ropes Y British Telecom Y British United Industrialists Y British Vita Co Y Brocklehurst Mews Maintenance Y Brooke Bond Leibig Y Brooklands House Y Bryant Construction Y Brymo Steel Y Building Employers Federation Y Building Joinery Components Y Burmah Oil Y C T Bowring Y C.B.I. Management Education Committee Y Caledonia Investments Y Cambrian Soft Drinks Y 4 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Cape Boards Y Cape Industrial Products Y Capital and Countries Property Y Carlton Mansions Y Carpets International Clayton Dewandre Y Cawoods Holdings Y Cayzer Gartmore Investments Y Cayzer Irvine (Group Finance) Y Cayzer Irvine (Insurance Management) Y Cayzer Irvine (Investments) Y Cayzer Irvine (Property Management) Y Cayzer Irvine & Co Y Cayzer Irvine Shipping Y Cayzer Ltd Y Cayzer Trust - The Y Cedar IT Y CEGB Y Cementmakers Federation Y Centre for Policy Studies - The Y Chanton Engineering Y Chapel Court (Ashton) Y Charles Stephenson Funeral Directors Y Charlton Leslie Construction Y Chartered Trust Agency Y Chevron Foods Y Chloride Industrial Batteries Y Christian Coull Consultants Y 5 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Chritian Salvessen PLC Y Chrysler UK Y Ciba Geigy Y City National Investment Trust Y Clan Line Investments Y Clan Line Steamers - The Y Clanair Y Clos-o-mat (Great Britain) Y Clothing & Allied Products Industrial Y Clyde Nominees Y Coalite Y Coates Bros & Co Y Coldflow Y Commercial Street Nominees Y Commercial Union Y Compair Broomwade Y Compaq Computer Corporation Y Concrete Y Consolidated Goldfields Y Consumer & Video Holdings Y Continental Union Agricultural Holdings Y Continental Union Finance Co Y Cookson Group Y Corals Racing Y Costain (UK) Y Costain UK Y Courage Y 6 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Courthaulds Y Coutts & Co Y Crabtree Vickers Y Crane Fruehauf Trailers Y Crewkerne Investments Y D T Bullock Y Dalepak Y Daniel Thwaites Y Davidsons Ltd Y De La Rue Y Dean Craft Fahey Y Delta Enfield Cables Y DFM Holdings Y Dickinson Robinson Group Y Distillers Y Dock & Airport Services Y Dominion General Trust Y Doncasters Shefield(Inco Europe) Y Donkin & Co Y Dow Scandia Y Dowsett Engineering Construction Y Dowty Communications Y Drake & Skull Holdings Y Drayton Japan Trust Y Drummonds Branch Nominees Y Dundee Office Royal Bank Of Scotland Y Dunlop Y 7 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Dupont Plastic Gas Pipes Y Duritas Trustees Y E C Stenson Y Eagle Star Y East Lancashire Papers Group Y Eastman Kitchens Y Edbro (Holdings) Y Edgar Allen Balfour Y Edifice Trustees Y Edinburgh West End Nominees Y Edmund Nutall Y Edmund Nutall Y Electra IT Y Engineering Employers Federation Y English and New York Trust Y English China Clays Y English Electric Y Equity Capital Trustees Y Evans Medical Y Ever Ready Holdings Y Everards Breweries Y Faber Prest Holdings Y Fairclough Construction Y Fairey Co Y Fairey Group Y Fairport Engineering Y Fasco Y 8 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Federated Employers' Press Y Field Aviation Co Ltd - Canada Y Field Industries Africa Ltd - South Africa Y Field Industries Ltd - Zimbabwe Y Field Tanksteamship Co Y Fitch Lovell Y Flemming Far East Trust Y Flemming Technology IT Y Flour (GB) Y Fluor Y Ford Motor Company Y Foreign And Colonial IT Y Formica Y Forthaven Y Forward Chemicals Y Fraser House commercial Developments Y Frederick Robinson Y Freemantle & Co Y French Kier Y French Kier (Const) Y Friends Provident Life Office Y Frobisher Gardens Maintenance Y Fry Construction Y Furness Withy & Co Y G Percy Trentham Y G Percy Trentham Y G.K.N Y 9 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Gallagher Y Galliford Sears Y Gartmore Investment Management Y Gartmore Securities Y GEC Y Geest Holdings Y General Combustion Y Geoffrey Osborne Y Geoffrey Osborne Y George Wimpey Y George Wimpey Y Gerrard & National Discount Y GES Y Gibson Crude Oil Purchasing Co Ltd - Y Canada Gillinghm Woodcraft Y Glasgow Stockholders Y Glass Bulbs Y Glaxo Y Goldsmiths Research Foundation Y Gordon Street Nominees Y Grand Metropolitan Contract Services Y Greater Manchester Economic Y Development Corporation Greater Manchester Residuary Body Y Green's Economiser Y Greenall Whitley Y Greene King Y Greene King Y 10 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Greenhalls Y Group 4 Total Security Y Guardian IT Y Guardian Royal Exchange Y H & J Quick Y H J Heinz Y Hall Engineering (Holdings) Y Halmatic Y Hampton's Wholefoods Y Hanley Economic Building Society Y Hanson Engineering Y Hanson Trust Y Hardys & Hanson Y Harlands of Hull Hambros Y Harry Neal Y Harry Neal Y Harrytown Hall Maintenance Y Hartwells of Oxford Y Hawker Siddeley Y Hazleton UK Y Head Office Nominees Y Hector Whaling Y Helix Y Hepworth Ceramic Holdings Henry Y Herbert Ferryman Y Hereford English Wine Y Hewden Stuart Crane Y 11 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Hiram Walker & Sons (Sctl) Y Hogg Robinson Y Homfray & Co Y Hotpoint Y Houlder Bros Y Howard Doris Construction Y Howson Algraphy Y Huntaven Properties Ltd Y Hunters Foods Y Huntfield Trust Ltd Y Hunting (Eden) Tankers Y Hunting & Son Y Hunting Associated Industries Y Hunting Associated Survey Holdings Y Hunting Associates Limited - Canada Y Hunting Aviation Management Y Hunting Composites Y Hunting Engineering Management Y Hunting Firecracker Y Hunting Gibson Y Hunting Group Y Hunting Holdings Y Hunting International (Holdings) Y Hunting Investments Y Hunting Oil & Gas Y Hunting Painting Contractors Y Hunting Petroleum (America) Y 12 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Hunting Steamship Co Y Hunting Survey & Photographic Y Hunting Surveys and Consultants Y Huntley & Sparks (Lands) Y Huntley Cook & Co Y Huwood Y Hyphen Fitted Furniture Y ICI Y Ilford Y Imperial Group Y Inner Guard Y Institute of Personnel Management Y Institutional Fund Managers Y Insulated Buildings Ltd Interiors Y Intercosmetics Y International Shipping Information ervices Y International Westminster Bank Y Iron Trades Insurance Y J Bibby & Sons Y J H Fenner & Co Y J R Govett Y James Galt & Co Y James Longley Y James Longley & Co Y James Neill Holdings Y James Walker Y Jenks & Cattell Y 13 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council John E Wiltshire Y John I Jacobs Y John Jones Excavations Y John Laing Y John Laing Construction Y John Mowlem Y John Wilmott Group Y John Wilmott Group Y John Wittshier Group Y Johnson Matthey Y Jonas Woodhead & Sons Y Jones Laing Wootton Y K Wool Products Y Keeton & Sons Y King Investigation Bureau Y King Line Y Kingsway Nominees Y Kleinwort Benson Lonsdale Y Kleinwort Charter IT Y Kleinwort Overseas IT Y Komatsu UK Y Kyle Stewart Y Kyle Stewart Y L.D.C. Trust Management Y Lake View IT Y Lamson Industries Y Law Debenture Corporation PLC Y 14 Company Subscribes Regional or Service Central Group Council Law Debenture Intermediary Corporation Y Law Debenture Overseas Y Law Debenture Trust Corporation PLC Y Laycock Engineering Lloyds Bank Y Lead Industries Group Y Legal and General Y Lincoln Woodworking Y Lindsay Oil Refinery Y Lindustries Y Lister Peter Y Lloyds Y Lombard Street Nominees Y London & Southhampton Stevedoring Co. Y London Brick Co
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