Te Shutle March 2018 The Next NASFA Meeting is 6P Saturday 17 March 2018 at the New Church Location d Oyez, Oyez d Not-A-Con 2018 The next NASFA Meeting will be 17 March 2018, at the NEW regular meeting location and the NEW regular time Chair Judy Smith has relayed the current state of planning (6P). The Madison campus of Willowbrook Baptist Church, for Not-A-Con 2018. It will be Friday 19–Saturday 20 Octo- has moved to 446 Jeff Road—about a mile from the previous ber 2018, with a “dead dog breakfast” Sunday 21 October for location. See the map below for directions to the church. See those who stay over at the hotel. Speaking of which, it will be the map on page 2 for a closeup of parking at the church as at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Huntsville Airport. The well as how to find the meeting room (“The Huddle”), which is address is 8956 Madison Boulevard, Madison AL (behind the close to one of the back doors toward the north side of the KFC & Waffle House) though, depending on your route, it church. Please do not try to come in the (locked) front door. may be easier to access from Sullivan Street. This is just off MARCH PROGRAM Exit 9 from I-565, about a mile from the Huntsville In- Details of the March Program are TBD, but Judy Smith is ternational Airport. planning a game or other interactive event. MARCH ATMM New Church ~0.8 miles Tracey and Jim Kennedy will host the March After-The- Location north of US 72 Meeting Meeting at the church. The usual rules apply—that is, Willowbrook Madison Map To please bring food to share and your preferred drink. Also, 446 Jeff Road NW please stay to help clean up. We need to be good guests and New Huntsville AL 35806 leave things at least as clean as we found them. Meeting FUTURE PROGRAMS •April—Les Johnson will speak on “Graphene—The Super- Location strong, Superthin, and Superversatile Material That Will Road Jeff US 72W Kroger Fuel (aka University Drive) Center Kroger “Picture Day” Shopping Center The church has requested a picture of each of the groups Slaughter who meet at the church, including NASFA. Please wear a Road Con†Stellation T-shirt to the 17 March 2018 NASFA meet- Old Church ing, where we will take the picture. Location Continuing Our 38th Year of Publication Inside this issue… Nebula Awards Nominations .....................................................6 News & Info ...............................................................................2 Spectrum 25 Awards Nominations ............................................6 Minutes of the February Meeting.............................................. 4 Awards Roundup ........................................................................7 NASFA Calendar........................................................................5 Letter of Comment................................................................... 12 Deadline for the April 2018 issue of The NASFA Shuttle is Monday 2 April 2018 Revolutionize the World.” tomatically updated as events (Club Meetings, local sf/f/h Other programs for 2018 are still in work. Judy and Sue are events, etc.) are added or changed. You can view the calendar always looking for new program ideas, especially if you can online at <tinyurl.com/NASFACal>. run one yourself. FUTURE ATMMs We need hosts for most future months in 2018. Email <nasfa. [email protected]> to volunteer or inquire. (May is News & Info spoken for by Mary and Doug Lampert. October is nullified by Not-A-Con 2018. November may be spoken for. All other HUGO/CAMPBELL/RETRO-HUGO NOM DEADLINE months are open.) The deadline for nominating for the 2018 Hugo Awards, FUTURE CLUB MEETING DATES/LOCATIONS 2018 Campbell Award, and 1943 Retrospective Hugo At present, all 2018 NASFA Meetings are expected to be at Awards is almost upon us. You have until 11:59P PDT on 16 the normal meeting location except for October (due to Not-A- March 2018 to nominate online or have your printed ballot Con 2018). Most 2018 meetings are on the normal 3rd Saturday. received by Worldcon 76. Full info is online at <www.world The only remaining meeting currently not scheduled for the con76.org/hugos>. normal weekend is: The awards will be presented at Worldcon 76, to be held •11 August—a week earlier (2nd Saturday) to avoid Worldcon 16–20 August 2018 at the McEnery Convention Center and CHANGING SHUTTLE DEADLINES various hotels in San José CA. You must have been a mem- In general, the monthly Shuttle production schedule has been ber—as of 31 December 2017—of the 2017 (Helsinki), moved to the left a bit (versus prior practice). Though things 2018, or 2019 (Dublin) Worldcons to nominate. You must are a bit squishy, the current intent is to put each issue to bed be a member of this year’s con in San José to vote in the about 6–8 days before each month’s meeting. final round. Please check the deadline below the Table of Contents each Nominating for the Retro-Hugos may be more difficult month to submit news, reviews, LoCs, or other material. than for the contemporary awards given the additional 75- JOINING THE NASFA EMAIL LIST year time lag. The Shuttle published a list of online re- All NASFAns who have email are urged to join our email sources in the February ish. Since then, another source has list, which you can do online at <tinyurl.com/NASFAEmail>. come to our attention—Nicholas Whyte’s LiveJournal site The list is usually low traffic, though the rate is rather variable. <nwhyte.livejournal.com/tag/retro%20hugos%201943> Generally the list is limited to announcements about club activ- includes blog posts with suggestions for Novels, Series, ities plus the occasional message of general interest to north- and Related Works. Alabama sf/f/h/etc. fans. Non NASFAns are both encouraged 2019 WORLDCON MEMBERSHIP RATES TO RISE and welcomed to join the list, but please only do so if you’re The next increase in membership rates for the Dublin interested in the above restricted topics. Worldcon <dublin2019.com> (to be held 15–19 August NASFA CALENDAR ONLINE 2019 at Convention Centre Dublin in Dublin, Ireland) will NASFA has an online calendar on Google Calendar. Interest- be 3 April 2018. Depending on Attending Membership type, ed parties can check the calendar online, but you can also sub- the rise will be €5–€20. Also, the €5 discount for presup- scribe to it and have your Outlook, iCal, or other calendar au- porters will expire. See <dublin2019.com/join-us> and <dublin Park Here(ish) Map to New Walkway Meeting “The Huddle” meeting room Location— Back Door Parking Final Approach & Pond Parking Road Jeff Willowbrook at Madison (New Location) 446 Jeff Rd NW Huntsville AL 35806 "2 2019.com/media-release-3-dublin-increase-attending-member 2017 WORLDCON UPDATES ship-rates> for details. Last year’s Worldcon 75 (Helsinki) has posted a number of WORLDCON YOUNG ADULT AWARD— post-con updates. PR 6 includes a number of convention wrap- AND YOU THOUGH THAT WAS SETTLED up articles. One anonymous Hugo recipient provided an article You may (perhaps should) recall that after years of back and that boils down to “let the committee ship your Hugo for you forth on the matter, last year’s Worldcon Business Meeting and under no circumstances try to take it as carry-on luggage.” finalized the creation of a Worldcon Young Adult Award. Or Sage advice. You can see the PDF (A4 format) at <www. almost finalized it—the name chosen (Lodestar Award) still worldcon.fi/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/pr6.pdf>. needs final passage at this year’s Worldcon in San José. The Souvenir Book is also available in electronic form, but Now a new piece of business is being promised by Chris M. only to members of the con. If you missed the notice of that, go Barkley and a number of co-signers to change the name of the to <members.worldcon.fi> and follow the prompts to first log award to something they have picked but say they will not in (with the email address you registered with the con) then make public until the Business Meeting. (See, for instance, open the Souvenir Book PDF. reporting at the File 770 blog <file770.com/?p=41112>.) Finally, the long-promised upload of the Hugo ceremony You can probably guess that many folks don’t particularly video is at the Worldcon 76 YouTube site <www.youtube.com/ like this kind of teaser, especially when changing the name at channel/UCT_U7RhKFr-If4pusZY6g8A/videos>. You may this point would cause at least one and possibly two years of recall that technical difficulties prevented the planned live additional delay before things are finalized. Or re-finalized. stream of the ceremony. As part of that issue, the first 15 min- You can also probably guess that there’s no way the to-be- utes of the ceremony was not recorded, missing the intros and proposed name would remain secret. Available evidence says the Best Fan Artist Hugo presentation. Text explaining this and it’s very likely that the proposal will be to name the award after announcing both the finalists and winner in that category was the recently deceased Ursula K. Le Guin. While most people added to the beginning of the video. would be fine with Worldcon honoring Le Guin, there is doubt GUFF VOTING OPEN in various minds about (1) whether this is the best way of doing The Going Under (or Get Up and Over) Fan Fund has so, (2) whether she would be a good choice for a YA award, opened voting for the 2018 race. In this southbound year, the and (3) whether the award should be named after anyone.
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