Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 368] Friday 17 April 2015 ! " # $ " %& ' !"#$%&'%(%) ( ( ) * & & # $& && $& ( + & &,# - ( *. & # ( ( $$$%&'%(%)*#)'+, + [653] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 368] Friday 10 April 2015 [No. 73 Public Service Act 2008 REPEAL OF DIRECTIVES ISSUED UNDER THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 2008 Pursuant to sections 48 and 53 of the Public Service Act 2008, the following directives are repealed, effective from the date of gazettal. • Directive 07/12: Protection of Personal Employee Information • Directive 08/12: Industrial Instruments: Employment Security and Contracting Out Provisions ROBERT SETTER COMMISSION CHIEF EXECUTIVE (ACTING) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 10 April 2015 654 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 73 [10 April 2015 This page has been left blank intentionally [655] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 368] Sunday 12 April 2015 [No. 74 Queensland Constitution of Queensland 2001 PROCLAMATION I, TIMOTHY FRANCIS CARMODY, Chief Justice of Queensland, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, having previously taken the prescribed oaths, have today assumed the administration of the Government of the State as Acting Governor because His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor, is absent from the State. [L.S.] TIMOTHY CARMODY Acting Governor Signed and sealed on 12 April 2015. By Command Annastacia Palaszczuk God Save the Queen ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Acting Governor on 12 April 2015. 2. Published in an Extraordinary Government Gazette on 12 April 2015. 3. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 12 April 2015 656 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 74 [12 April 2015 This page has been left blank intentionally [657] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 368] Wednesday 15 April 2015 [No. 75 Queensland Constitution of Queensland 2001 PROCLAMATION I, PAUL de JERSEY AC, Governor, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, have today resumed the administration of the Government of the State. [L.S.] PAUL de JERSEY Governor Signed and sealed on 15 April 2015. By Command Annastacia Palaszczuk God Save the Queen ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor on 15 April 2015. 2. Published in an Extraordinary Government Gazette on 15 April 2015. 3. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 15 April 2015 658 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 75 [15 April 2015 This page has been left blank intentionally [659] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 368] Thursday 16 April 2015 [No. 76 NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 16 April 2015 His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, he has appointed the Honourable Anthony Joseph Lynham MP, Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and Minister for Sport and Racing from 16 April 2015 until the Honourable William Stephen Byrne MP returns to Queensland. ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR THE ARTS © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 16 April 2015 660 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 76 [16 April 2015 This page has been left blank intentionally [661] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources and Mines PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 368] Friday 17 April 2015 [No. 77 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Land Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 02) 2015 OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE Short title NOTICE (No 15) 2015 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 02) Short title 2015. 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road Land taken [s.9(6) of the Act] Closure Notice (No 15) 2015. 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by Brisbane City Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] Council for park purposes and vests in Brisbane City Council for 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and an estate in fee simple on and from 17 April 2015. temporary closure of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Objections 6RXWK5HJLRQ%ULVEDQH2I¿FH 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to a proposed road closure Land Taken mentioned in the Schedule may be lodged with the Executive Lots 31 and 32 on RP11147, area 474 m2 each, whole of Title Director, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, at the Reference 17152156, parish of South Brisbane. UHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQZKLFKWKHURDGLVVLWXDWHG (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 28 May 2015. ENDNOTES (3) Any objections received may be viewed by other parties 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 16 April 2015. interested in the proposed road closure under the provisions of 2. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. the Right to Information Act 2009. If you lodge an objection, 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. please include in your objection letter whether you would like to 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural be consulted if this issue becomes the subject of an access request Resources and Mines. under the Right to Information Act 2009. 5. File Reference - 079/0000590 Plans 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may Land Act 1994 be made at- REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD NOTICE (No 08) 2015 D WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG0LQHV2I¿FHVDW Mackay, Cairns, Bundaberg, Nambour, Toowoomba and Short title Innisfail; and 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily Closed Road Notice (No 08) 2015. E WKH/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHVRI:KLWVXQGD\5HJLRQDO Cairns Regional, Bundaberg Regional, Sunshine Coast Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] Regional, Toowoomba Regional and Cassowary Coast 2. It is declared that the area of land comprised in the former Regional; Road Licence mentioned in the Schedule is reopened as road. for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. SCHEDULE SCHEDULE &HQWUDO5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH PERMANENT CLOSURE An area of about 1.72 ha adjoining the south west boundary of Lot 5 on SP132695 and shown as Lot B on AP7895, being the &HQWUDO5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH 1 An area of about 3070 m2 being part of the road adjoining land contained within former Road Licence No. 0/220632, (parish the southern boundary of Lot 102 on SP225395 (parish of Conway, of Hampden). (2014/008353) locality of Airlie Beach) and shown as plan of proposed road to ENDNOTES be permanently closed on Drawing 13/541B/CEN. (2014/000078) 1. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 2 An area of 632 m2 being part of Mann Street and Mount Peter 3. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Road adjoining Lot 50 on RP706775 (parish of Grafton, locality of Resources and Mines. Edmonton) and shown as Lot A, plan of proposed permanent road closure on Drawing 15/048. (2014/003928) 662 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 77 [17 April 2015 6RXWK5HJLRQ%XQGDEHUJ2I¿FH 3 $QDUHDRIDERXWKDEHLQJSDUWRI:HEEHUV5RDGVHSDUDWLQJ Lot 36 on CK1560 from Lot 46 on CK1192 (parish of Bingera, locality of Elliott) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 15/054. (2014/008198) 6RXWK5HJLRQ1DPERXU2I¿FH 4 An area of about 246 m2 abutting the southern boundary of Lot 602 on RP79899 (parish of Bribie, locality of Golden Beach) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 15/084. (2015/002007) 6RXWK5HJLRQ7RRZRRPED2I¿FH 5 An area of about 89 m2 being part of Conloi Street abutting the north western corner of Lot 23 on SP180300 (parish of Drayton, locality of Toowoomba City) and shown as permanent road closure on Drawing DD2015/021. (2015/001035) TEMPORARY CLOSURE 1RUWK5HJLRQ,QQLVIDLO2I¿FH 6 An area of about 2.38 ha being part of the unnamed road intersecting Lot 6 on SP229045 (parish of Rockingham, locality of Silky Oak) and shown
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