NEWSLETTER OF THE THEATRE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Volume 10, Number 4 Spring 1983 New Series TLA AT ALA IN LA TRANSITION FREEDLEYITLA AWARDS On Tuesday, June 28, the Theatre Li- "Due to circumstances beyond our con- The Theatre Library Association pre brary Association will conduct an all-day trol. " It has been a pleasure to be editor sented its annual book awards at a cock- program at the annual convention of the of Broadside for the past two years; how- tail reception on Thursday, May 17, in the American Library Association. The subject ever, my TLA involvement will be cur- Vincent Astor Gallery, The New York will be filmltelevision resources in Los tailed temporarily by the arduous task of Public Library at Lincoln Center. This Angeles. From 9:30-12:30there will be a completing a Ph.D. dissertation. While year's awards were presented by Erik Bar- panel discussion moderated by Anne C. Broadside has been passed into the cap nouw, Alfred Drake, Frank Perry and Schlosser, Director of the Louis 8. Mayer able hands of Alan Pally, I remain, with Carole Shelley. Library, American Film Institute. Partici- Barbara Naomi Cohen-Stratyner, an editor J.C. Furrus received the 1982 George pants will include Leith Adams, Archivist of Performing Arts Resources. Freeley Memorial Award for Fanny Kem of the Warner Brothers Collection, USC - Ginnine Cocuzza ble: Leading Lady of the Nineteenth Cerr Special Collections Library; Miles Kreuger, tury Stage (Dial) from Miss Shelley, a Tony President, the Institute of the American I am pleased, with this issue, to succeed Award winner for her portrayal of Mrs. Musical; Audree Malkin, Head, UCLA The- Cinnine Cocuzza as Editor of Broadside, Kendal in The Elephant Man. laumnce atre Arts Library; Bonnie Rothbart, Man- and shall endeavor to maintain the high Senelick received the Freedley Award ager, Picture Research Library, MCM; and standards which she has set. All communi- Honorable Mention for Cordon Craig's Bruce Torrence, Senior Vicepresident, cations previously sent to Cinnine may be Moscow Hamlet: A Reconstruction (Gem Federal Savings and Loan. The discussion mailed to me c/o Theatre Library Associa- wood) from Mr. Drake, who won a Tony will be followed by a lunch at Variety Arts tion, 111 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, for Kismet and played Claudius in the 1964 Center (no host, $5.W$6.00)or on own. New York 10023. Burton Hamlet. The afternoon portion of the program -Alan Pally jay Ley& and Zina Voynow received will consist of a tour of the Variety Arts the Theatre Library Association Award for Center and Library, the Academy of Mo- the outstanding book in the field of me tion Picture Arts and Sciences Library, and tion pictures and broadcasting for Eiserr the Louis B. Mayer Library of the Amer- stein at Work (Pantheon/MOMA). The ican Film Institute. There will be a wine award was presented by Eric Barnouw, and cheese reception at the AFI, to end by former Chief of the Motion Picture, Broad- 6:30,at which time the tour bus will return casting and Recorded Sound Division of to the Convention Center or a main con- the Library of Congress, author of A ference hotel. This program has been History of Braadcasting in the United planned in cooperation with the ACRL Cin- States, and ceauthor of Indian Film. A ema Librarians Discussion Croup. Theatre Library Association Honorable At present the afternoon event is com- Mention was presented to Thomu Nehon, pletely subscribed. In the event of cancel- for Kubrick: Inside a Film Artist's Maze(lt+ lations, tickets will be made available at diana) by noted film director and screem the morning session. writer Frank Perry. The George Freedley Award was estab lished in 1968 to honor the distinguished PERFORMING ARTS founder of the Theatre Library Associa- RESOURCES tion-a theatre historian, critic, and the first curator of the Theatre Collection of NEW OFFICERS Performing Arts Resources, Volume Eight, the The New York Public Library. It is given has been put into production with Book- for excellence in writing about the live The Board of Directors of the Theatre Crafters, Inc. of Chelsea, Michigan. Book- theatre. The Theatre Library Association Library Association has elected Dorothy 1. Crafters began their association with TLA Award was established in 1972 to ac- Swerdlove, Curator of the Billy Rose The with the publication of PAR 7, Lazzi: The knowledge excellence in writing in the atre Collection, The New York Public Li- Comic Routines of the Commedia del'Arte. fields of motion pictures and broad- brary at Lincoln Center, as President for Thanks to an extremely favorable review 1983-1983.Mary Ann Jenron, Curator of in the American Reference Books Annual, the William Seymour Collection, Prince PAR 7 is on its way to becoming a "best- ton University Libraries, has been elected seller." PAR 8 is Stage Design: Papers from as Vice-president. Continuing in their pres- the 15th SIBMUS Congress which was held ent positions will be Richard M. Buck as in New York in the fall of 1982. It is hoped Secretary-Treasurer and Brigitte Kueppers that TLA members will receive their copies as Recording Secretary. of PAR 8 in mid-summer. EXHIBITIONS Show koppers opened on March 16 at bition, which is part of the Library's parti- documents the accomplishments of black the Theatre Museum of the Museum of cipation in the "Britain Salutes New York" artists are displayed and the history of the City of New York, located in the Min- festival, focuses on the great theatrical black theatre in the twentieth century skoff Theatre Arcade, 1515 Broadway be- performers of London and New York, as is told. The exhibition will be on view hveen 44th and 45th Streets. This exhibi- well as the impact each had on the other. through September 12. tion features more than fifty of those fa- The wide variety of exhibited material bled moments when the show literally ranges from playbills and early prints por- stopped as audiences erupted into sponta- traying Edmund Kean as a Huron Indian neous and prolonged applause to express and Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van Winkle, their &light with a musical or dance to photographs and sheet music from number. Funny Face starring Fred and Adele The first show stopper on the New York Astaire and Lew Leslie's Blackbirds featur- stage occurred 160 years ago at the Park ing Bill Robinson. The exhibition also in- Theatre in lower Manhattan. The song was cludes oil paintings, ceramic figures, "Home, Sweet Home" from a now for- manuscripts, posters, rare materials, and gotten operetta, Clari, the Mail of Milan. pamphlets. Featured performers include In 1891 the operetta Robin Hood included The Booth Familv. William Charles a song with which Jessie Bartlett Davis Macready and ~dwinForrest, Ira Aldrich, stopped the show. It was called "Oh, Fanny Kemble, T.D. Rice, Gertrude Law- CALLS FOR PAPERS Promise Me and has since become rence, Beatrice Lillie, Jessie Matthews, FIRTIIFTR CONGRESS familiar to generations of brides and Bert Williams, and many others. Materials grooms. were drawn primarily from the Library's As has been previously reported, the Xth Many of the show stoppers are re- . Billy Rose Theatre Collection but addi- World Congress of the International Foun- created through vivid photographs from tional items were loaned by the Armstead- dation .for Theatre Research will take original productions. For example, the Johnson Foundation for Theatrical Re place in Clasgow from September lG23, exhibition includes three huge views of search, the Haward Theatre Collection, 1985. Delegates will arrive on Monday the dance sequence choreographed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Pier- September 16 and depart on Monday Sep George Balanchine to Richard Rodgers' pont Morgan Library, and others. The con- tember 23. The conference itself opens on "Slaughter on Tenth Avenue" from On cept, selection and much of the organiza- Tuesday September 17 and closes on Sun- )bur Toes. tion of the exhibition were the work of day September 22. Ten great show-stopping numbers are TLA members William Appleton and Ba- The theme is the mise en scene since depicted through the costumes worn by bette Craven. The exhibition, which was 1945 and papers are now called for. They the show-stopping performers. Included designed by Donald Vlack, runs through must be submitted in English and French are Bert Lahfs costume for "The Song of July 2. by November 1984, and should be approxi- the Woodman" from The Show Is On, Bar- mately 2,000 words in length. Possible sub bara Streisand's for "You Are Woman" jects include a particular production, a from Funny Girl, and Glynis Johns' for Scenes from the 20th Century Stage: series of productions of a given play, or an "Send in the Clowns" from A Little Night Black Theatre in Photographs opened on important, specific aspect of the work of a Music. Mary Martin's lynx jacket, which April 22 at the Schomburg Center for Re director. Late essays will only be received she wore while singing "My Heart Belongs search in Black Culture, 51 5 Lenox Avenue if notification has been given in advance to Daddy" in Leave It To Me, is on exhibit, (corner 135th Street) in New York City. and if they include material not available as is Joel Grey's master of ceremonies out- From the Williams and Walker musicals before September 1984. Catalogues, lists fit from Cabaret. The dress worn by of the early 1900s to A Soldier's Play, the of productions and non-thematic essays Andrea McArdle as she sang "Tomorrow" 1982 Pulitzer Prize winner, this exhibition will not be accepted.
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