Former Mayor Unanimously Elected to City Council Seat Sat. in State I Legislature For 18 Years oi owon By NORM ROLLINS Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Staff Writer Iowa City's City Council, in Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto United Press lDternaUonal Leased Wires 5 Cenls per Copy Friday, April 13, 1962, Iowa City, la. a special meeting Thursday night unanimously elected Le­ Roy S. lereer to fill the unex­ pired four-year term of the late Make-Believe Mayor Dorr Hudson. Government Orders Mercer, of 709 S. Summit St., served as mayor of Iowa City Solons Reiect from 1954 through 1957. He also served a total of 18 years in the Jowa Legislature as a senator and ~presentative. Two 'Key Bills' He is president of Economy Ad­ Discuss New Councilman vertising Co. here and is also presi­ City Councilman Max Yocum comments on the selection of a new High School Debaters -Probe by Grand Jury dent of the HilL Bank and Trust City Council member during a meeting held Thursday night In the Defeat Urban Affairs Co. Council chambers of the Civic Center. Other Council members lis­ Mayor Pro-tem Fred Docterer Post, Iowa Tax Hike wid the response from Iowa City tening to Yocum are (from right) Fred H. Doclerer and William was heartening, almost spedacu­ Mus. The new Council member Is LeRoy Mercer, a former Iowa The high school student senate, lar, wlren the Council requested City mayor. -Photo by Joe Llppinco" Special Session A, or the 56th All­ suggestions for a new Council Iowa Forensic League contest un· member. derway at SUI, defeated two biUs Of 'Big Steel' Action c "There were 53 names submitted "I hope *we've *picked *a broad· government* as anyone* in* this city considered for adOPtion during the to the Council," Doderer said, minded person who can work and and in the state." first of two sessions held Thurs­ "and almost any name suggested think for the good of the commun­ "ll was very gratifying to me, day night. would have been satisfactory. Of ity. I also hope he will unify the in view of what I had regarded The students, competing for the the many people personally con- Council, and that the general pub­ as a division in the Council, that opportunity of qualifying for the (acted, all indicated a willingness lic will support the Council as a we were able to reach this unani­ National Forensic League student ~ Wants To See to serve." whole." mous agreement. semite, defeated an act to establish Doderer said the candidates were Explaining the action of the "With Merc.r's experience, and a cabinet department of urban af- selected on the basis of maturity, Council in quickly picking a new because of the high regard we fairs and an act to Increase the reputation, community service, in- member, Yocum said, "Just be­ all hold of him, I am sure we will Iowa sales tax for educational pur­ I If u.S. Steel terest in and concern for city gov- cause we've lost one city employe, be able to operate with a maxi· poses. ernment, and the ability to work either by death or leaving town, mum of cooperation and a mini­ Thlrty·nine senators and about with the Councll in the interest of we are not going to sit around and mum of friction." Mrs. L.wis 20 onlookers watched the neo· Controls Price Iowa City. wait for the city to go to pot. said. phyte legislators delve into the The original field of S3 nndi- "I think we can, read! a deci- Yocum said the Council should complexities of floor d.bat. and Congress Republicans dates was narrowed to 10 by the sion on the new city manager as pick a new mayor next Tuesday parliamentary procedure In con. Council Wednesday. Mercer was quitkly as we did on the new at the regular Council meeting. He sidering the bills. Say Real Inflation finilly chosen from the 10. He council member." Yocum said. said this needs to be done quickly, Two other student senates, North Danger Is Spending WI. unanimously e lee ted at Council member Thelma Lewis because there are sidewalks to and South, convened in Schaef(el' Thursday', meeting by written said she is pleased with the selec· bulld and streets to pave, and this HaIL to consider similar bills. About (Combined from L.... d Wires) b.llot. Ition of Mercer. "He is a man who can't wait until the snow starts to 165 student senators participated in Councilman Max yocum said: has as much experience in city fall. the three sessions. Competition in six other events of the Forensic League contest goes into the second round oC competi­ Students, Faculty, SPI Voice tion today. Winners in all events including the €irst (our rounds or debate will be announced by Phil E. Connell. assistant to President Hancher, during a luncheon in the Views on President's Report Union Saturday afternoon. The registration desk in the Union listed 285 students and 52 * * * * * * * * * faculty directors representing S2 Faculty: Well-Written Campus Leaders: Don't Student SPI Members Iowa high schools present for the But Lacks Justification Adopt Entire Report Oppose Parts of Report contest. An additional 80 stud.nts and 15 faculty adviser. from 15 By SUZANNE MONTGOMERY By DEAN MILLS By JOE GEHRINGER schools are expected to reg ister Staff Writer Staff Writer Staff Writer for today's competition. Faculty members and admin­ Campus leaders queried by The Student members or the board oC Lodging for the participants is istrators Thursday described the Daily Iowan about the recently­ Student Publications, Inc. rs P I) being provided in South Quad­ Exploin"s Purpose of Picketing Thursday criticized parts of the president's report on The Daily released President's report on The rangle and Currier HaU by the Uni­ Allin W. Dakin, administrative dean, list.ns on the Kell.r $lId the demonstrations symboliz. dissatis­ Iowan as both a well-written reo Daily Iowan unanimously opposed President's report on The Daily versity. Many students are also POrt reflecting a good deal of adoption of the entire report. Iowan. staying in private homes and Iowa steps of Old Capitol Thursday as Walter Keller, faction with the University's "inaction on dis- thought and a piece lacking in justi­ Many of the stUdents felt the Michael MaduCf, AS, Oak Park, City hotels. G, Brooklyn, N.Y., organizer of the anti-dlscrimln­ crImination." fication of its claims. recommendations would weaken IlL., said "putting The Daily Iowan ation picketing, explains his reasons for picketing. stUdent voice in The Daily Iowan under a board of control would SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Dewey B. Stu it, dean of the Col· TODAY lege of Liberal Arts, termed the and allow Administration control. give the University President al. AI Lee, G, president of the * * ~port, released Monday by a presi­ most dictatorial power concerning 7:30 I .m. - Drawings for topic. e * * * * Socialist Discussion Club, said the Iowan, if he wished to exercise In boys extemporaneous speaking, k S· A k · Phi Delts Initiate dential study committee, as gen­ Round Il. Board Room, Old Capitol. eraUy good with several worth· the recommendations look in­ it." • A.m. - Drawing lor topics by ,Iris PIe et Igns s HUlt Erbe-A Pledge ",hile ideas. nocuous, but in fact could be a The report recommended that In extemporaneous speaking, Round "subtle way of bringing direct 11. Board Room. Old Capitol' orel In· However, Stuit said, The Daily SPI be terminated and a board terpretation, Round II, 121/\ ~chaerfcr Administration supervision of In control of The Dally Iowan re­ Hall. R t?' From 'Way Back I Iowan should not be expected to 8:30 I.m. - Extemporaneous Speak· The Daily Iowan." be a professional newspaper. place it. Th. new board would Ing by boys. Round U, House Chamb· 'Where's Bias e pO r, After nearly 25 years as a pledge, Lee said the report's suggestion be composed of 11 members, five er, Old Capitol. Iowa Gov. Norman A. Erbe - who "On the whole, The Daily Iowan requiring a staff representative to 9 a.m. - Extemporaneous speaking New picket signs changed the students el.cted by the student by glrlJ, Round n, Board Room, Old has done a good job and its na· be at the Iowan "sounds like some­ bocly; two staH and faculty mem­ Capitol. tone of the picketing at Old Capi­ tional reputation is a testimony to thing Stalin might have thought 9:30 • •m. - Orlglnal oratory, Round tol Thursday. bers appointed by the President; II, Senate Chamber, Old Capitol. that fact," Stuit said. up." one faculty member elected by Hoon - Luncheon, faculty advisers Formerly, the marchers carried The Daily Iowan sometimes acts The replacement of Student Pub· the School of Journalism; one of flnallstsJ • private dining room, Iowa signs saying: "We Want Action On Memorial union. carelessly, but not irresponsibly, Iications, Inc. (SPIl with a "Board chosen by the University Faculty 1 p.m. - Expository speaking on Discrimination"; "Join The March said Stuit. This is a characteristic in Control" of the Iowan, said Lee, Council; and two alumni, at least Radio, WSUl Radio Studio E, En· To End Discrimination"; "Lincoln glneenn. BuUdlng; Expository Speak. of many newspapers, he added, seems evidence that the "President one ~f whom should be a profes­ on Television SUI television center; Did It, How Abo u t You"; and and not just student publications. wants to make sure what not to sional journalist appointed b y Drawing tor topics by boys and IIlrls "Equal Employment Opportunity In extemporaneous speaking, Round It Lane Davis, professor of poli.
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