to the report Introduction to the report In addition to the annual reports, ment systems, and a short analysis of corporate responsibility includes Introduction Kesko has published three separate stakeholder groups and key areas of most of the results of our environ- environmental reports for 1997-1999. impact. Performance Indicators have mental activities, but more details are The report on corporate responsibili- been arranged under three basic hea- available on Kesko’s Internet pages, ty is now being published for the first dings: economic, environmental and under ‘Environment’. The ethical time. Kesko considers wider repor- social elements. Information on de- quality control system presented in ting on corporate responsibility im- velopment over at least the last three the environmental report for 1999 portant, and hopes that companies years has been provided, wherever fi- can be found in this report under will show widespread commit- ‘social responsibility’, which now ment to adopting a uniform includes Kesko personnel, framework for reporting, too. The economic res- in order to facilitate ponsibility indicators company comparisons. have been compiled Kesko considers that from Kesko’s fi- ’Sustainability Repor- nancial statements. ting Guidelines on Eco- Kesko’s corpora- nomic, Environmental te responsibility re- and Social Performance’ port has not been veri- published by the Global fied by an impartial Reporting Initiative organisa- source. Kesko considers tion in summer 2000 best suits this that verification will only beco- purpose, and has therefore based its me necessary when sufficient reporting on these guidelines (see structure for international repor- www.globalreporting.org). ting practice – making provision Following the guidelines given by for verification – has been adopted. GRI, Kesko’s report on corporate res- A significant part of this report is de- ponsibility gives basic information rived from Kesko’s audited books about Kesko as a company, the senior and financial statements and from a management’s statement on the pre- gures have been available. A summa- partly certified environmental sys- sent situation in issues of responsibi- ry table of key indicators has been tem, so, although the figures have lity and on the vision for areas of fu- drawn up. not been verified, they are still very ture emphasis, descriptions of rela- Kesko will not publish a separate reliable. ted strategies, policies and manage- environmental report. The report on 2 Building for a better tomorrow Responsibility and honest working tion UNEP and many major interna- future areas of focus and targets. Our methods – one of Kesko’s seven basic tional organisations and associations vision is for corporate responsibility values – oblige us to maintain good support the Sustainability Reporting to be considered as a core area of ma- relations with society and our stake- Guidelines devised by GRI. The GRI nagement culture; its results must be holders. Although we have just system also mirrors the approach ta- measurable and any results published reached the first stage in our syste- ken by Kesko’s management regar- must also be open for verification by matic and target-oriented activities in ding key indicators of responsibility outsiders. At Kesko, this can already the sphere of corporate responsibili- and reporting on them, which is why be seen in the contents of the strate- ty, we have already accomplished ma- we have applied the GRI guidelines gies being built for the future, and in ny practical things. Our many deca- when preparing our report. the fact that more international stan- des of growth and profitability have Although we do not consider our- dards are being adopted. enabled us to provide a significant fi- selves completely ready to fulfil the We look forward to receiving a lot nancial contribution to the promo- requirements of international repor- of feedback on the ideas and hopes tion of social well-being. We have re- ting, we want to present our share- that this first report on corporate res- ceived wide recognition for our work holders with an evaluation of the re- ponsibility triggers off. There is lively for the environment and have every sults of responsible operations. Pub- debate on the subject, both national- reason to consider ourselves standard lishing this report is a means to hel- ly and internationally, and the num- bearers in the ethical quality control ping us see how our operations are ber of reports published is expected of products. linked to society and to consider our to increase significantly in the next Non-governmental organisa- few years. We believe that this cur- tions, trade unions and investors rent transition period will gradual- have shown a growing interest in ly lead to an established method of corporate responsibility. This inte- reporting, which will increase the rest is natural, and simply amount and availability of corpo- heightens the need for continuous rate information, thus facilitating interaction between companies comparison between companies and their stakeholders. Companies and tracking of their annual prog- must recognise the scope of their ress. responsibility, be capable of measuring the results of their res- Matti Honkala ponsibility and be willing to report President and CEO on these in public. In a scenario Kesko Corporation such as this, performance compa- risons can only function if there is consensus – preferably on an in- ternational level – regarding con- tents, indicators and reporting. One of the systems already available Matti Honkala, President and CEO is GRI, the Global Reporting Initiati- (right) and ”Kesko Employees of the ve. The UN environmental organisa- Month” in 2000. 3 tents Contents Con Introduction to the report 2 Eco-efficient construction 24 Building for a better tomorrow Success in energy savings 24 – statement by President and CEO 3 Significant changes in the Basic information about Kesko Group 5 environmental profile of electricity 24 Key indicators of corporate Transport 26 responsibility for 1998-2000 6 Emissions in transport 27 Future of corporate responsibility 8 Waste management and recycling 27 Vision of key factors in corporate responsibility 8 Recycling experiments in Strategies 9 electronics and furniture 28 Areas of influence 9 Water consumption 29 Kesko’s policies and management systems Use of materials 29 guiding corporate responsibility 10 Co-operation with suppliers 30 Key stakeholders 12 More K-environmental stores 30 Indicators of corporate Stakeholder co-operation responsibility and performance 14 and communications 31 Economic performance 14 Environmental risks, damages and accidents 31 Economic development from Social performance 32 the viewpoint of shareholders 15 Quality of management 32 Investments and store network 16 Employee statistics 33 Job development 18 Health and safety 34 Salaries, social security expenses and taxes 19 Salaries and other benefits 35 Employee pension and health insurance systems 19 Pensions 35 Suppliers of goods and services 20 Equality policy 35 Financial support 21 Training 36 Environmental performance 22 Unionisation 36 General 22 Ethical quality control of suppliers 37 Logistics and real estate are the key Terms and calculation of key indicators 41 areas in environmental activities 24 4 Basic information about Kesko Group Kesko as a company percent of the shares, and had 38.6 square metres and other premises for percent of voting rights. 64,000 square metres. The total floor Kesko is a marketing and logistics At the end of 2000, the market va- area of the premises rented for use by company, which develops retail lue of A shares was EUR 538 million the Group was 1,445,000 square met- concepts and operating systems. The and the market value of B shares res, consisting mainly of retail stores. commercial divisions – to be incorpo- EUR 629 million, with the total mar- The majority of the store premises rated during 2001 into subsidiaries ket capitalisation of the company owned or rented have been further wholly owned by Kesko – are respon- being EUR 1,167 million. rented out to K-retailers. sible for marketing, purchases, logis- tics and store sites as well as for retai- ling in home and speciality goods, hardware, builders’ and agricultural Personnel Suppliers supplies. The groceries trade accoun- In 2000, the average number of per- In 2000, Kesko bought products and ted for a little over half of the Group sonnel in the Kesko Group was services from about 42,000 companies net sales, which totalled EUR 6,308 11,099. Of these, 29 percent worked at the total cost of EUR 5.5 billion. Of million in 2000. Foreign operations for the parent company, 42 percent these, about 32,000 were Finnish supp- accounted for 4.5 percent of the net for subsidiaries engaged in retailing liers, accounting for 85.3 percent of sales. and 21 percent for other subsidiaries. Kesko’s purchases. Foreign suppliers – Kesko works in close co-operation A total of 938 employees, i.e., eight about 10,000 in all – accounted for 14.7 with K-retailers, who are the most im- percent of the total personnel, wor- percent. The major importing count- portant customer and shareholder ked abroad. The total number incre- ries were Germany, Spain, Sweden, Ja- group in Kesko. There were 1,622 K- ased by 106 persons; an increase of pan and Italy. retailers at the end of 2000. The one percent in terms of 1999 figures. Kesko is a member of the following number of K-stores – Kesko’s own re- international purchasing organisations: tail outlets included – totalled 2,017, Associated Marketing Services AMS Real estate and their sales were EUR 6.7 billion. (groceries), EuroMat (building and in- At the end of 2000, Kesko Group terior decoration products), Intersport owned 1,121,000 square metres of International (sports goods), EP:Inter- Kesko’s shareholders real estate, of which store premises national (home electronics) and World Kesko’s B shares (formerly ordinary accounted for 750,000 square metres, Wide Retail Exchange (business-to-bu- shares) have been listed on the HEX offices and warehouses for 307,000 siness Internet marketplace).
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