GENERAL INFORMATION ONLINE ONLY FIREARMS NOW THRU SUNDAY, JULY 8TH LOTS BEGIN CLOSING @ 5PM PREVIEW DAY: FRIDAY, JULY 6TH FROM 8AM-4PM / B.A.O - - - - FIREARM’S PREVIEW NOW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - - - - SAFETY IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE AT SIERRA AUCTION We ask that you cooperate with us by abiding by our safety rules: 1. If you see an unsafe condition, please notify a Sierra representative immediately. We have representatives stationed in each selling room as well as outside. 2. The front door entry and walkway from Room 1 to Room 2 need to be kept clear for safety reasons in the event of an emergency. Please help us by not standing in this high traffic area. 3. Sierra has been a family affair since we opened the business 30 years ago. However, due to safety concerns and large crowds, it has become necessary for us to initiate a policy of NO CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 16. We hope you will cooperate and understand the need for this policy. 4. Service dogs are the only animals allowed on the property. This is for the safety and well being of our customers. 5. Sierra does not allow weapons (visible or concealed) on the premises per Arizona statues. 6. Please watch for moving auction vehicles and avoid standing in a position to block or impede moving vehicles. This will keep you safe and allow the auction to move rapidly. This will keep you safe and allow the auction to proceed in an orderly fashion. 7. Sierra will not release keys for vehicles that have been sold until we have determined that it is safe to do so. 8. Load out of each room and locations in the yard will be permitted after the last lot is sold in that area. However, keep in mind that if you need to enter with your vehicle, you will not be able to do so until the last vehicle is sold. Remember, no removal is permitted without a PAID receipt. It is the buyers’ responsibility to remove all items purchased. A Sierra representative will assist when possible. Sierra is not responsible for breakage or damage that occurs after the item is declared “SOLD” or during removal. 9. Please visit the Information Booth for any questions. If the booth is not manned, look for a Sierra representative. NOTE: Some of our Terms & Conditions have changed. Please review ALL changes within our Terms & Conditions. NO GUARANTEES MADE OR IMPLIED • PLEASE INSPECT ALL EQUIPMENT • EVERY ITEM SOLD “AS IS WHERE IS” • THIS LISTING IS ONLY A GUIDE 1 ORDER OF SALE Approximate Times Only - Times are subject to change and Items may be sold at a time earlier or later than posted below Estimated Completion Time 8:00 PM EST Please pay close attention to the Order of the Sale for auction times and location NO PHOTOGRAPHY OR VIDEO TAPING ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM SIERRA AUCTION ORDER OF THE SALE LOT APPROXIMATE NUMBERS SALE AREA SELLING TIMES AUCTIONEER DESCRIPTION OF INVENTORY 10000-12266 ROOM 3 FIREARMS Ends 7/8/18 @ 5pm ONLINE ONLY ONLINE ONLY FIREARMS UPCOMING AUCTION EVENTS July 2018 Auctions AZDOA STATE AUCTION 7/04 - ALL LOCATIONS ARE CLOSED JULY 4th LIVE/ONLINE 7/07 - Tucson Public Vehicle Auction @ 8am State Vehicles & Equipment, 7/08 - Online Only Firearms Begins Closing @ 5pm Computers, Restaurant 7/14 - Phoenix Public Vehicle Auction @ 8am Equipment, Surplus & more! 7/15 - Online Only Auctions Closing @ 5pm 7/20 - Phoenix Public Vehicle Auction @ 2pm LIVE/ONLINE Simulcast Auction 7/21 - Tucson Public Vehicle Auction @ 8am Begins on Saturday, August 7/22 - Online Only Firearms Begins Closing @ 5pm 18th@ 8am - Preview Friday, 7/28 - Phoenix Monthly Public Auction @ 8am August 17th from 8am-4pm! 7/29 - Online Only Auctions Closing @ 5pm ONSITE AUCTION LOCATION 1537 W. Jackson St., Phoenix, AZ 85007 Arizona’s Largest Public Auction Please visit us online at www.SierraAuction.com 2 NO GUARANTEES MADE OR IMPLIED • PLEASE INSPECT ALL EQUIPMENT • EVERY ITEM SOLD “AS IS WHERE IS” • THIS LISTING IS ONLY A GUIDE ONLINE ONLY FIREARMS - Ends Sunday @ 5 pm LOT BID LOT BID LOT BID NO. QTY DESCRIPTION AMT. NO. QTY DESCRIPTION AMT. NO. QTY DESCRIPTION AMT. 10000 1 GLOCK 17 PISTOL 9MM SN: APP822US W/ MAG, 10015 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: VKA509 NO MAG, GOOD 10031 1 GLOCK 23 GEN4 PISTOL 40 SN: RHK520 NO MAG HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 11-184482 CONDITION Inventory # 635432 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 637539 TE102715-23 Inventory # 637409 10016 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: HEV647 W/ MAG, GOOD CONDITION Inventory # 635426 10032 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: BHY864US W/ MAG, 10000 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: BUW343US W/ MAG, 10017 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: ASX988US NIGHT SIGHTS, HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDTION Inventory # a AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635731 NO MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635430 637531 10033 1 GLOCK 27 PISTOL 40 SN: PBG141 W/ MAG, 10001 1 GLOCK 27 PISTOL 40 SN: NKR051 W/ MAG, 10018 1 GLOCK 19 PISTOL 9MM SN: KM303US W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION 13-136478 TE162587-1 AVERAGE CONDITION 11-198192 TE104665-3 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635424 Inventory # 637211 Inventory # 637227 10034 1 GLOCK 19 PISTOL 9MM SN: VRD278 W/ MAG, REFINISHED SLIDE, GOOD CONDITION 15-028880 10002 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: EPM391US W/ MAG, 10019 1 GLOCK 23 GEN4 PISTOL 40 SN: BAKE016 NO MAG, TE217800-9 Inventory # 637213 AVERAGE CONDITION 11-141342 TE96294-3 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 2016-31749 Inventory # 637472 60002 Inventory # 633788 10034 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: KNZ870 NO MAG, a AVERAGE CONDITION 1110-06-0606 MM1 Inventory 10003 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: CXT254US W/ MAG, # 634139 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 15-052867 10020 1 GLOCK 30 PISTOL 45 SN: PYA779 NO MAG, TE225220-22 Inventory # 637400 HOLSTER WEAR, FAIR CONDITION 2016-31749 60003 10035 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: MMB814 W/ 3 MAGS, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 637529 10004 1 GLOCK 17 PISTOL 9MM SN: CGK437US W/ 2 MAGS, Inventory # 633792 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION P002-2015- 10021 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: DPX757US W/ 2 MAGS, 001411 6.29 Inventory # 637566 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 2017-22752 10036 1 GLOCK 42 PISTOL 380 SN: ABHH036 W/ MAG, 65052, 65053 Inventory # 633785 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 637538 10036 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: PBU9777 W/ MAG, 10005 1 GLOCK 19 PISTOL 9MM SN: FA529US W/ MAG, a AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 636533 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 1998-00277 10022 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: DBT765US NO MAG, 34538 Inventory # 633793 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 2016-14999 58068 Inventory # 633776 10037 1 S&W SD40VE PISTOL 40 SN: HEB7951 W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635445 10006 1 GLOCK 17 PISTOL 9MM SN: AZF497US W/ MAG, 10023 1 GLOCK 19 GEN4 PISTOL 9MM SN: YDC871 W/ MAG, HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 1998-00277 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 16-052445 34396 Inventory # 633798 TE265136-2 Inventory # 637423 10037 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: RAY5766 W/ MAG, a AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635744 10007 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: DSW597US W/ MAG, 10024 1 GLOCK 17 PISTOL 9MM SN: BKM973US W/ MAG, 10038 1 S&W SD9VE PISTOL 9MM SN: HEY1186 W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION 1998-00277 34537 Inventory FAIR CONDITION 12-069006 TE115799-1 Inventory # AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635447 # 633799 637442 10008 1 GLOCK 17 GEN4 PISTOL 9MM SN: UUP512 NO MAG, 10025 1 GLOCK 21 PISTOL 45 SN: LVZ973 W/ MAG, HOLSTER 10039 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: HFD0563 W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION 15-052867 TE225220-29 WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 11-178403 TE101704-1 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635440 Inventory # 637401 Inventory # 637464 10009 1 GLOCK 27 PISTOL 40 SN: CBH509US W/ MAG, 10026 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: CNY849US W/ 2 MAGS, 10040 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: PBR8002 W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635421 HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 11-138922 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635442 10010 1 GLOCK 30 PISTOL 45 SN: CEV666US NIGHT SIGHTS, TE95839-5 Inventory # 637427 MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635425 10041 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: DWX9907 W/ MAG, 10027 1 GLOCK 30S PISTOL 45 SN: BAWK346 W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION 12-049720 TE112750-2 10011 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: FDN390 W/ MAG, GOOD HOLSTER WEAR, AVERAGE CONDITION 16-129579 Inventory # 637441 TE281115-7 Inventory # 637413 CONDITION Inventory # 635431 10042 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: FXE6258 W/ MAG, 10012 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: DLU138US NO MAG, 10028 1 GLOCK 19 PISTOL 9MM SN: RMK326 W/ MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635377 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635420 AVERAGE CONDITION 16-042108 TE262610-1 Inventory # 637429 10043 1 S&W SW9VE PISTOL 9MM SN: DSN0474, NO MAG, 10013 1 GLOCK 19 PISTOL 9MM SN: DX601US MISSING 10029 1 GLOCK 21C PISTOL 45 SN: NRV191 NO MAG, AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635443 FRONT SIGHT, W/ MAG, FAIR CONDITION Inventory AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 637528 # 635429 10030 1 GLOCK 22 PISTOL 40 SN: GAZ136 NO MAG, 10044 1 S&W SD40VE PISTOL 40 SN: HFN0419 W/ MAG, 10014 1 GLOCK 23 PISTOL 40 SN: EUD393US W/ MAG, SURFACE RUST, FAIR CONDITION Inventory # AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635391 AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635428 637514 NO GUARANTEES MADE OR IMPLIED • PLEASE INSPECT ALL EQUIPMENT • EVERY ITEM SOLD “AS IS WHERE IS” • THIS LISTING IS ONLY A GUIDE 3 ONLINE ONLY FIREARMS - Ends Sunday @ 5 pm LOT BID LOT BID LOT BID NO. QTY DESCRIPTION AMT. NO. QTY DESCRIPTION AMT. NO. QTY DESCRIPTION AMT. 10045 1 S&W SW40VE PISTOL 40 SN: PDY5107 NO MAG, 10063 1 S&W 3953 PISTOL 9MM SN: NJF1570 W/ MAG, 10079 1 SPRINGFIELD ARMORY XD-45 PISTOL 45 SN: AVERAGE CONDITION 2016-16245 58278 Inventory AVERAGE CONDITION Inventory # 635353 US774066 NO MAG, FAIR CONDITION 15-055706 # 633768 10063 1 S&W 4006 PISTOL 40 SN: TFF3967 W/ MAG, TE224873-1 Inventory # 637224 10046 1 S&W SW40V
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