•V { South Bend's Largest Stock of McGregor Sportswear WHITE as WINTER SNOW! Austinized TELO WEAVE Sport Shirt $5.50 UT yourseli in' this McGregor Pbeauty and really look your best at work or play. Smoothly styled, perfectly fitting, it goes over big with or without a tie. And it's Aus- tiiuzed—^that means Sanforized, Vat- dyed with the Crown Test Green Light for complete^, unquestioned washability! In South Bend TAXI FREE To Gilbert's GILBERT'S 813.817 S. MICHIGAN STREET SOUTH END G E S , TOR FOR MEN! \ 7 LETTERS AQUINAS LIBRARY Unsigned letters u-ill not be printed, altliough names will be withheld on i-equest.' Contri-jutors are asked to be ps brief rs possib'e. & BOOK SHOP, Inc. October 5, 1946. GENTLEMEN: I am from New York and I did not HEADQUARTERS for CATHOLIC BOOKS receive any tickets for the Army-Notre Dame game simply because I was not and RELIGIOUS GOODS told that I had to comply with certain regulations with an application. The reason I did not do this properly is because the student who came to our I I 0 E. LdSdiic — just four doors down the hill meeting did not tell us clearly what to from ElbeVs Music Store do. If he had why would so many fellows not do it. Certainly not to deliberately give away a few tickets to the Army game. Would you Mr. Editor give away a few tickets? No! Then why would I? Well I didn't. WHEN STYLE'S IM THB HCTURI I am not taking sides with Mr. Olwell, .just telling you that the information James A. Clemens, Jr., submitted was NOT cori-ect. If we students know this, then why do you write a retraction? Because you HAD to? Who is the edi­ tor? Your paper should be your own m M^<L^/ and not someone elses. In the future I sincerely hope you will collect your material intelligently and not print incorrect copy just be­ cause some pressure was applied. A Graduate Student. WlLLIAJNI McNULTY. This department has received numer­ ous letters ranging from the scurnlous to the inaiie regarding the "Scholastic's" editorial last week apologiziyig to the ticket office. All the ivriters except Mr. McNulty heat their chests fiercely ivhile coivering behind the cover of anonymity. As far as coercion being used to force the S'OHOL.A.STic to print the apology is conceo'ned, Mr. McNulty is muttering in his beard about a matter ivith ivhich he is entirely unfamiliar. In fact, in print­ ing the retraction the "Scholastic" acted contrary to the ivishes of University officials, ivho requested that the matter be dropped luithout further comment. In spite of this the apology was run be­ cause the editors believed that an in­ justice done to the ticket inanager, Robert Cahill, should be righted. As seen WATCHING FOOTBALL Tha BUCKINGHAM That an error ivas made someivhere PRACTICE along the line in informing students as Style No. 6627 to the mariner in ivhich the' Army tickets would be distributed to parents is evi­ dent, but the error was made by a stu­ dent tvho did not represent the ticket ^ouahA office and who did not have any connec­ W.L.D0U6LAS#SHaE CO., BROCKTON 15. MASS. tion tvith it. Any misinformation given out by this student at the Met Club meet- 210 SOUTH MICHIGAN STREET (Continued on Page 32) EWS & PICTURES • ••every Sunday Here's big news for sport fans! It's news about an 8-PAGE FOOTBALL SECTION in The Chicago Sun EVERY SUNDAY during the 1946 football season. This bigger and better sports section will give you a complete coverage of college, prep school and pro football. It will be cram-packed with action and diagrammed pictures, ..^-2^. scores and stories. Be sure to get The Chicago Sun EVERY SUNDAY and see the big 8-page football section, with stories by Warren Brown and a staflF of noted sports writers. CHICAGO SUNDAY SUN Siiideni Ph44»iti.... k^t^ PRINTS OF THE PAST Ah Green! lATISr 1902 'Twas only last week when I crawled TUNES Jan. 18: The Almondbury Handbell back from my nap at my 1:15 class, that, Ringers gave a two hour recital in upon opening the door of my suite (which I share with two other fellows, a Five Minutes More Washington Hall Wednesday morning. Careless Students in attendance, because their dog, a locker, and a drunk left over from Cincinnati Lou curiosity got the best of them, were re­ last year's Illinois game), I found gazing Tempo's Boogie All That Glitters Is Not Gold quired to use proper ethics and remain up at me, from an undignified position seated for the duration of the perfoi-m- on the floor, this year's edition of the ance. Jan. 25: Wednesday morning Student Manual, hot off the finger tips Copp's Music Shop of that fleet mercury who glides from recitals continued this week when Sol 122-24 E. Wayne SL Marcosson rendered forth on his violin. door to door depositing the messages of Students who rushed the gate (to get "the gods." out, of course) were severely reprimand­ For once in my life I took a second ed. .. Feb. 1: Wednesday morning re­ , look at this manmade obstacle to a merry - citals were abandoned this week. life (still the Student Manual), and with March 1: A high-scoring Irish basket­ tears of manly pride in my eyes and an ball team came from behind to tie over-sized lump in my throat, I swooped Logansport 15 to 15. April 19: The down and lifted it from its ignoble spot Chicago White Sox eked out an 8 to 8 —for you see, the "do's" and "don'ts" tie with the varsity' baseball team. and "cant's" and "musts's" were bound May 24: Beloit shut out the Irish 2 to in GREEN, the color of the Irish. PIPES 0. Nov. 1: Attention was tvirned How much more soothing than the last Saturday to St. Mary's Academy defiant RED of yester-semest3r's edition! 5^0 iS\ ill ion i-/lfer\ Sol J f where a throng, estimated to be well in Now, the thoxight of my little green excess of twelve persons, was on hand missal will surely draw me back to cam­ . .THIS IS WH)': I to witness the laying of the cornerstone pus by midnight and will keep me from \* Reduces nicotine md tars a for the new and beaixtiful St. Angela's the seething dens of Mishawaka. Now, * Filters ridkcs .in^l iu:ce> | Hall. Nov. 22: Because of a muddy I have a companion (my little green field, the football team only beat the missal) to provide me with warmth and * Improves tobacco aroni.i | pleasant reading on cold and rainy days. American Medical College 92 to 0. * Cools and cleanses smoke L Another popular excuse used to explain Tom Jackson, Sorin. the low score was that the rules only W'hen filttt /> itiiitit'd ti''t'» | allowed five points, instead of the pro­ tur$ a)id nicotine. rtpLu- | posed six, per touchdown. This One Didn't Work. Either iiith fresh one. Unprepared Student—^I got so worked up over that Pep Rally last night, Fathei-, that I just couldn't get settled PRINTS OF THE PRESENT down to the assignment. Wasted Valor —Bob Thompson, Lyons. My girl came out to see me play today And I sure showed the lass what I could do, Verboten Verse I got into the thick of every play Cold ioater is the best of drinks And wheii I plunged I cracked that line And fit for prince or king. in ttvo; But who am, I that I should take' I made some flying tackles that xvere The best of everything? beauts. Let pnnces revel at the tap. My blocking could be heard across the Kings at the pump make free. field; Champagne and gin and even beer The other team had ten plug-ugly brutes Are good enough for me. But through my pressure they • we're —Belvoir Castle, O.C. T)iade to yield. And ivhen I called upon my girl tonight Local Pet Peeve And asked her lohat she thought of the The would-be Bing Crosbys who pick affair study hours to audition in the halls. She said my stockings weren^t pulled —Attentive Abie, Lyons. up tight And that I had forgot to comb my hair; She said she liked the ticket seller best Mail or deliver all contributions to Because he toore sioank clothes and a THE STUDENT PRINTS, 124 Lyons bright vest. —T. E. B. Hall. ZOLTAN'S THESAURUS: CCLLEGE PARADE Pessimist—one who wears both a belt and suspenders. By LOU ALMASI and TOM HIGGINS Optimist—one who wears neither. Heredity—something a father believes in until his son in college stai-ts acting ON THE HOME FRONT: frain from giving heavy class assign­ like a darn fool. Poz'ing over a conglomeration of news- ments until their book store is able to Love—^the feeling that makes a girl papei-s, magazines, etc., we find that the supply all students with books. Not a think almost as much of a man as she sports writers have finally tabbed No­ bad idea. We're confronted with the same does of herself. tre Dame as the No. 1 team in the coun­ problem here at N.D., and a number of try. Wonder what took the experts so the profs are giving tests when only long to discover something every Notre half the students have books.
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