The fisheries of the Kyoga lakes and the likely impact on them by human activities in the catchment Item Type monograph Authors Twongo, T. Publisher Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization Download date 27/09/2021 01:14:30 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/1834/35599 ... -:11-. ~_.:.. ,. r '-'1 r- 'y":.,..,...':: -. :". ,----....., ~ ...... ... -'~. '"./'{ '­ 1 .\!­ 'T ~--n E: F:- I E~ 1--8 E F.: I E": S 0 r::.- H<:Y"DC'::;f~ l_Ai"<E:S .t P.I/",! D -r H E L J[ iI< E::: IL_ ···R.... IMPACT ON THEM BV !--!l U 1""'1 J¢~~ R......X (.~ C~ -D"- I ~~.)' I -r :I: E S :r N T" D--~ E"': C':: "4 "T" c~ 1--1 1"'1 E N -;;­ :! 1 .. , • .. ! By T. Twongo Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization, P.O. Box 343, Jinja ,q'f! .. ~,,' y .~ ..::.~\ THE FISHERIES OF THE KYOGA LAKES AND THE LIKELY IMPACT ON THEM BY HUMAN ACTIVITIES IN THE CATCHMENT BY T" TWOI\IGO Uganda Freshwater Fisheries Research Organization, P"O. Box 343, JinJa ABSTH(.4CT A review of the historical development of the fishery resources of the Kyoga basin shows that the fishery based on the alien fishes which surplanted the indigenous species in the 19605 and early 19705 has been evolving. The record ca~ches of the 19705 and early 19805 were mainly influenced by increased nutrient supply and enlarged lake volume" The sudden collapse ifl the fishery particularly of the Nile perch in the mid 19805 was most probably imposed by bad fishing regimes. However, future trends in the fisheries of the Kyoga basin will most likely be controlled by nutrient availability and dynamics as well as by the impact of mans activities in the Kyoga catchment. if' • J. ~ -:~. ....' I "nRClDUC'r I 01\1 The current commercial fishery in the Kyoga basin is daminate-?d by two ali i,?r"l f i s h",}s : t h0? l'h 1 €.? t i L,-~ p i <? gT....~.PS::.tl9.!I!.t~~ !JJ...lfLt.!.f..h5.§. ~I and the N:i. 1e pEl r c h L.2.1;g§. D..Lt9":'~..:i..£..I::~g.. T Il8 t. \'lJ0 d om i il c\ n t species are native to la~e Albert, the River Nile below the Murchison Falls, Lake Turkana, and to many waters in Central and West Africa. These two fishes were introduced into the Kyoga c:atchmE.~nt t)E'twE~en 19~i4 ,,~rld 1.960 (Hamblyn, 1962:; f:3toili'2m.i:ln <:l.nd F~og e ""S , 1970), tog ~'? t he r" with b"JO t 1. 1a p i <:1 s Q.r:.Q.9..c tLt:~Q.!D..t:~~. l.~l.g~.~.~..t...ir;sJ::.\.?- and T.~~.Lapi...S\. ;,:iJ.1Ji~1 os'ti·?n·:5ibly to boost fishet-y production. the same fish species were l~ter introduced into Lake Victoria with a similar mot~ve. Following ,the establishment of these alien fish species in the Kyoga basi~ the diversity and abundance of the indigenous commercially important fishes declined so much that many of tl1em have virtually disappeared. On the other hand production of the Nile tilapia and the Nile perch in their new environment increased markedly through the 1960s and 19705 making fish output from the Kyoga basin second only to that of lake Victoria, nationally. However, since the early 19805 production of the Nile perch in the Kyoga basin declined dramatically leading to a collapse in the commercial fishery of this species by 1.985 (Twongo 1986; Marriotta, et aI, 1988). According to some experienced fishermen on Lake Kyoga, even the catches of the Nile tilapia in this lake have also declined. This paper reviews and discusses available information on the fisheries of the Ky6ga basin with a view to highlighting factors that have influenced, and those likely to affect future fishery production in this important centrally located aquatic resource. The Aquatic Enviranment~ The aquatic habitats of the Kyoga basin are said to have been formed during the Pleistocene when an old river valley~ possibly the upper reaChes of the Kafu River, was flooded due to backponding and/or spill-over from Lake Victoria, facilitated by tectonic activity (Beadle, 1974). A generally shallow dendritic aquatic system was formed in a sourcer-like depression. The present Kyoga aquatic system (Fig.i) is comprised by 2 three major lakes namely Kyoga (1821 km , length 190 km), Kwania (508 kmz~ 105 km) and 8isina (Burgis and Symoens, 1987). Other components of the system include many small, shallow water bodies often referred to as 'lakes' such as Lemwa, Nakwa and Nyaguo. These are typically situated along the courses of tributaries .such as the Mpologoma, Lumbuye and Okwere; and are surrounded by extensive swamp. Total surface area of open Ir • , )-' 'i, water of the Kyoga lakes is currently about 2700 km 2 while the permanent and seasonal swamps along the numerous tributaries cover about 2000 km 2 of an enormous catchment area covering about 74,700 km 2 , including the lakes. The permanent swamp con!:~ist.~; mainly o'f e;.~tensive matr:5 of papyt-u~,; (h:;Vl;L£~L..h,\,S!, flaPYJ.'"L!~~2_). Large expanses of these occur along the mid and lower courses of t.h€.~ t 1'"' 1. butari E:!S amp t.',,- in<;,1 in t.o eelS tet'n L2\ kE) I<yoga; and e:·~ tE!I}si\'2 papyrus islands plug much of the angle formed by Lakes Kyoga and Lake Kwania as they merge int.o the Kyoga Nile (see Fig.!). The environmental transformation of the Kyoga aquatic habits which accompanied the dramatic rise in water level between 196i and 1964 (Fig.2) are described by Ogutu-Ohwayo (1984) and Twongo (1985). The net result of this rise in lake level was to extend t.he open water area of the major lakes. The extensive submerged and emergent macrophytes, papyrus, and other wetland communities which typically fringed these lakes, and often formed floating islands (sudd) w~re inundated and slowly dSFayed. Disappearance of large expanses of floating papyrtJs to the south of Lake Kwania has practically extended this lake southwards to the channel of the Kyoga Nile. Only several large floating islands now separate Lake Kwania from t.he Nile (cf Fig 1 and Fig.?). The rise in lake level also substantially increased the depth of Lake Kycga and Lake Kwania to the current mean of t~ree and four metres, respectively. ASPECTS OF HYDROLOGY The hydrology of the Kyoga basin is summarised in Table 1, taken from Burgis and Symoens (1987) who quote reports of HYDROMET Survey of 1974 and 1984. Lakes of the Kyaga basin are comparable to a flow-though system. the main, and by far, the largest inflow into Lake Kyoga is from Lake Victoria via the Victoria Nile. The Nile current continuously flushes the Western portion of the lake emerging as the Kyoga Nile, the only outflow to the lake. Many tributaries draining Mt. Eigon and Mt. Kadam which, respectively, lie to to the eastern and north e~stern boarders of the Kyoga catchment, tilter through large expanses of seasonal and permanent swamp to converge into Lake Kyoga. Inflow through these eastern tributaries, for instance the Mpologoma, Lumbuye and Okere, is much less than the inflow through the Victoria Nile. This inflow however, increases greatly during the rainy seasons, (March to May and September to Noyember) when the tribut.aries normally reach full spate. Important tributaries also drain the catchment areas to the south (e.g. the Sezibw2 feeding Lake Kyoga~ and to the north e.g. the Okweny and Abalang emptying into Lake Kwani~ (Fig 1). According to calculation by Burgis and Symoens (1987) rainfall over Kyoga Lakes is less than the rainfall over the land catchment, and the rainfall over the lakes is 105s than the e\/C\porati.on from t.hem, :in a "not"·mal yeal~I'. ""'he I'-J":lt.("~r- b,:::\lancE)~ 'f:Dr 4 ;; !'> ~J the Kyoga basin given in Table 1 indicates a small positive be.lanCE? "for- the basin in a "nDI"'mal ye<:w".- HOll-Jev£:?r~ ifT'i:JOI'-t,~'H'lt fluctuations in lake level e.g. of Lake Kyoga occur monthly (Fig. 2), and annually (fig.3). These fluctuations appear to exert considerable environmental impact on the aquatic ecology and fishery of the Kyoga basin (Twongo, 1988). LIMNOLDGICAL CONSIDERATIONS Detailed information on the limnology of the Kyoga aquatic environment is quite scanty. It appears that bathymetric maps have not been made for Kyoga and Kw~niathe largest lakes in the basin. Therefore, while it is, for instance, known that Lake Kyoga is generally deeper closer to the northern shore, and much deeper along the Nile channel, it is not possible to visualise the topographic characteristics and spatial extent of various depth zones. Yet such information would be useful while evaluating primary and fish productivity patterns. Bathynletric information would, of course, be very important when considering navigation routes. Previous studies on physico-chemical and biological limnology of the Kyoga basin are few and limited in scope, and include the work of Evans (1962, 1982) on Lake Kyoga. A more detailed study of this aspect was reported by Mungoma (1987). Though rather limited by spatial and temporal coverage, the study indicated: a. That the inflow from the eastern and north easter~ portl0n of the Kyoga catchment makes an important contribution to thE' !J c1isso 1 '.led min'?I'··a 1 pOD I" 01' L.:::lkf!2 !<yoga:, par"ticu 1 a.t-'l y to that of calcium/magnesium bicarbonate/carbonate, 804 , Sand 8i03 .Si).
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