AUTHOR: Greg Brown SECTION: GENERAL NEWS ARTICLE TYPE: NEWS ITEM AUDIENCE : 94,448 PAGE: 1 PRINTED SIZE: 493.00cm² REGION: National MARKET: Australia ASR: AUD 12,683 WORDS: 946 ITEM ID: 1400466763 18 FEB, 2021 MPs in drive for nuclear energy The Australian, Australia Page 1 of 3 COALITION’S CLIMATE PUSH MPs in drive for nuclear energy EXCLUSIVE GREG BROWN Nationals senators have drafted legislation allowing the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to invest in nuclear power as two- thirds of Coalition MPs backed lifting the ban on the controver- sial fuel source to help shift the nation to a carbon-neutral future. The block of five Nationals senators, led by Bridget McKen- zie and Matt Canavan, will move an amendment to legislation es- tablishing a $1bn arm at the green bank to allow it to invest in nuclear generators, high-energy, low-emissions (HELE), coal-fired power stations and carbon capture and storage technology. The Nationals’ move comes as a survey of 71 Coalition back- benchers conducted by The Aus- tralian revealed that 48 were in favour of lifting the longstanding prohibition on nuclear power in the EPBC act. Liberal MPs Andrew Laming, John Alexander and Gerard Ren- © News Pty Limited. No redistribution is permitted. This content can only be copied and communicated with a copyright licence. AUTHOR: Greg Brown SECTION: GENERAL NEWS ARTICLE TYPE: NEWS ITEM AUDIENCE : 94,448 PAGE: 1 PRINTED SIZE: 493.00cm² REGION: National MARKET: Australia ASR: AUD 12,683 WORDS: 946 ITEM ID: 1400466763 18 FEB, 2021 MPs in drive for nuclear energy The Australian, Australia Page 2 of 3 nick are among backbenchers this stage”. A further 22 back- who want Scott Morrison to take benchers were undecided or did a repeal of the nuclear ban to the not respond to questions. upcoming election — a move that Other supporters of lifting the would open a new divide with ban on nuclear generation, in- Labor as the nation sets a course cluding Trent Zimmerman, Ted for a low-emissions future. O’Brien and Rowan Ramsey, be- “I’m very keen to see the pro- lieve the government should not hibition lifted,” Mr Laming said. move ahead with legalising the “It is something that has to be energy source while the proposal taken to an election so Austra- is bitterly opposed by Labor. lians realise there is a significant In-principle support for lifting change in energy policy.” Continued on Page 4 Mr Alexander said it was like “trying to fight Muhammad Ali with one arm tied behind your MPs in drive for back if you are going to ignore nuclear energy”. “This is a new era; let’s be right at the cutting edge,” Mr Alexan- nuclear energy der said. Continued from Page 1 On Wednesday, the govern- the nuclear prohibition is preva- Nuclear energy, which does ment was forced to delay a vote lent by members in every faction on a key piece of legislation to es- not produce direct carbon emis- of the Coalition, which has been sions, is used in nations that have tablish the Grid Reliability Fund divided over climate change after Barnaby Joyce pushed an set zero-net emissions by 2050 action since Tony Abbott became targets, including Britain, Can- amendment for the fund to be al- prime minister in 2013. lowed to invest in HELE plants. ada, France, Germany, Japan and City-based Liberal MPs who South Korea. The Biden adminis- The fund would sit within the back strong action on climate CEFC’s remit and support low- tration is also supportive of nu- change — including Jason Falin- clear power. emissions dispatchable power ski, Tim Wilson, Katie Allen, projects, as well as transmission West Australian Liberal Vince Andrew Bragg and Dave Sharma Connelly said Australia was being and distribution infrastructure. It — argue that nuclear should be is aimed at stabilising the energy “held back by an outdated ideol- an option in a technology- ogy that seeks to paint nuclear system and balancing the growth agnostic approach to Australia of intermittent renewables. technology as inherently evil”. finding a pathway to zero-net Ms Allen said, it was “hugely The new amendment pro- emissions. Conservative MPs posed by the Nationals would go who are cautious about green-en- significant” the US was progress- further than Mr Joyce’s push by ergy policies — including Mr ing with prototypes for small ensuring the CEFC — established Joyce, Senator Canavan, Eric modular reactors. by the Gillard government in 2012 Abetz, Craig Kelly, Kevin An- South Australian senator Alex to invest in green energy initia- drews and Tony Pasin — say nu- Antic said nuclear was “effective, tives — could help kick-start clear energy could provide an reliable, safe and virtually emis- nuclear projects as well as new option for a zero-emissions dis- sion-free”. “The radical left can- clean coal plants. patchable power source to bal- not have their ideological cake Senator McKenzie said: “We ance out the growth of and eat it too when it comes to en- compete against the world with intermittent renewables. ergy generation,” he said. one hand behind our back while The Prime Minister has sig- Mr Wilson attacked Labor and other nations avail themselves of nalled he will not move ahead the Greens as nuclear science de- cutting-edge, low-emissions with legalising nuclear energy niers. “You aren’t serious about technologies. For too long, Aus- unless there is bipartisan support climate change if you oppose nu- tralia has blocked energy innova- with Labor. MPs told The Austra- clear outright,” he said. “Only nu- tions such as nuclear and carbon lian Mr Morrison was unlikely to clear plus baseload renewables capture technologies in addition pursue a policy change on the can deliver Australia a sustain- to allowing (HELE) projects.” issue in this term of parliament. able net zero future with cheap, Out of the 71 Coalition back- However, small modular nuclear reliable electricity.” benchers surveyed by The Aus- reactors were included as a poten- Many government MPs ac- tralian, only Queensland senator tial technology in the federal knowledge the power source is Paul Scarr was opposed to chang- government’s technology invest- not currently competitive on ing the nuclear prohibition en- ment roadmap discussion paper. price, but say investment deci- shrined in the EPBC Act, citing a lack of community support “at © News Pty Limited. No redistribution is permitted. This content can only be copied and communicated with a copyright licence. AUTHOR: Greg Brown SECTION: GENERAL NEWS ARTICLE TYPE: NEWS ITEM AUDIENCE : 94,448 PAGE: 1 PRINTED SIZE: 493.00cm² REGION: National MARKET: Australia ASR: AUD 12,683 WORDS: 946 ITEM ID: 1400466763 18 FEB, 2021 MPs in drive for nuclear energy The Australian, Australia Page 3 of 3 sions should be a matter for pri- LIFTING NUCLEAR BAN vate companies and lifting the What the Coalition nuclear ban would encourage backbenchers say technological advancement. Other Liberal MPs in favour of 48 lifting the prohibition are: War- ren Entsch, Russell Broadbent, James Stevens, Ian Goodenough, Rick Wilson, David Fawcett, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Sarah Henderson, Hollie Hu- 1 ghes, James McGrath, Jim 22 Molan, Julian Simmonds, Bert van Manen, Ben Small, Dean In favour Undecided/ Smith, David Van, Terry Young Against won’t say and James Paterson. Nationals MPs who want the energy source legalised include Anne Webster, Damian Drum, Perin Davey, Llew O’Brien, Sam McMahon, Susan McDonald and Ken O’Dowd. Boothby MP Nicolle Flint has previously publicly backed nu- clear power. © News Pty Limited. No redistribution is permitted. This content can only be copied and communicated with a copyright licence..
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