Content Far Eastern New Century Corporation 2020 Sustainability Report | Content Special Report 14 About This Report 1 Message from the Chairman Protect the Nation, Sustainability Strategy Blueprint Unite Against the Pandemic FENC’s Contribution to UN SDGs Identification of Stakeholders and n eeer , C uiy spread ro outreas in sia to a oa Material Topics pandei y te end o ay , oer iion peope were ineted and oer Boosting Stakeholder Dialogue iion peope ae passed away ordin to te ord an and nternationa onetary PE/PP and PE/PET Composite Fiber – The Skin-Friendly Inner Layer n te past, ost aeass on te aret were ade o FENC taes adantae o te Special Report Fund, oa eonoy sipped y oer in , resutin in anes in onsuer eaiors and te worrooe ode tat ed to restruturin o oa suppy ain suppeness o poyesterotton, wi is enter on uan sin, to produe ydropii, odoress, 1. Protect the Nation, Unite against the Pandemic e pandei aused sustantie ipat on orporate operation FENC suppies te ost ow piin and ypoaereni ae ass tat asor dropets easiy. 2. Developing Circular Economy uttinede aterias to te oa eatare industry urin te pandei, te Copany and Sustainable Value estaised arious antipandei easures to iniie its ipat Microfiber – The Melt-Blown Non-Woven Middle Layer 3. Promoting Sustainable FENC pioneered te irst iroier iter in te Development with Sustainable Finance word, wi an e paed on top o te etown nonwoen ari in te idde ayer o ae ass Fostering Robust Governance Coposed ainy o nanoier, tis produt an e used repeatedy ater rinsin, and os te arer Enabling Unlimited Innovation Protecting Public Health by Applying Innovative Materials Towards Pandemic-Fighting Products parties su as t is aso superior to reuar Navigating a Green Future edia ass wen it oes to iterin ateria, wi is aost as eetie as N ass wie usin Creating Inclusive Society FENC is apae o produin ediarade persona protetie euipent urin te ess etown nonwoen ier in te idde pandei, te Copany raped up te ateria suppy, prodution and appiation ayer e iroier is twie as eetie in reduin Cultivating Compassionate Bonds reatin resistane en used to produe N e oa pandei as aused sortaes in edia ass and antipandei suppies FENC ass, it eps users reate wit ease and redue Advocating Balanced Coexistence deeoped innoatie aterias and antipandei produts, tain pandei itin to a new ee y disoort oerin produts wit te iest uaity or eatare worers and te pui, FENC eps stop te Appendix spread o C and protets pui eat Polyester – Blood Collection Tube edia worers ust test ood sapes or To oat C, FENC appies its ore strents in te deeopent o arious C inetions and te nuer o suspeted antipandei produts, iin edia proessionas and te pui te est protetion to saeuard ases as drien up deand or testin as we as pui eat Currenty, FENC produes te raw aterias or ediarade ae ass in Taiwan and testin suppies and aterias, inudin ood anai e produts are sod wordwide, proidin te ost adaned uaity ateria to oa oetion tues Etra preautions ust e taen to edia and eat industries preent unneessary eposure to te irus ass is te onentiona ateria or ood oetion tues n addition, FENC donated N iion to te Centra Epidei Coand Center trou FENC deeoped an innoatie E ateria as repaeent t oers assie transuene wit nonproit oundation, itin te pandei aonside te eers o te pui ore duraiity t is aso easiy transported and stored Anti-Fogging PET Film – Anti-Fogging Face Shield Medical Gown Content C an e transitted trou eposure euar ediaFar Easternowns tendNew toCentury e unreatae Corporation and 2020 Sustainability Report | Content ro te eyes, nose and out Fae ass oer unoortae or eatare proessionas Typiay desined to 15 About This Report a deree o protetion or te enera pui e e disposae, tese owns are not riendy to te enironent Message from the Chairman eatare proessionas, oweer, are at a ier FENC pioneered protetie owns wit odor anain ier as Sustainability Strategy Blueprint ris o eposure ro dropets FENC we as reatae and waterproo oatin e owns are aso FENC’s Contribution to UN SDGs anuatures ae sieds wit poyester i e waterrepeent and antiateria e odor ontro ier is ore Identification of Stakeholders and ydropii tenooy ies te produt durae, wasae and enironenta e new own reaes Material Topics antioin property, oerin etter ision and te iest standard, ee , wi is ipereae y Boosting Stakeholder Dialogue saety or edia proessionas ood and te irus and reaty enanes strent and oort Special Report 1. Protect the Nation, Unite against the Pandemic 2. Developing Circular Economy and Sustainable Value 3. Promoting Sustainable Protecting Employee Health with Robust Anti-Pandemic Measures Development with Sustainable Finance ine C outreas erupted, oa eonoi rowt rate deiered neatie nuers or te irst tie in years Eary on, a FENC units responded y atiatin Fostering Robust Governance eereny response easures einnin in Feruary , a FENC sites oowed te Copanys antipandei poiies to protet te eat o a epoyees Enabling Unlimited Innovation Navigating a Green Future Establishing Effective Anti-Pandemic Measures for Critical Moments Creating Inclusive Society Cultivating Compassionate Bonds Advocating Balanced Coexistence Appendix iee eeuties ored eereny Eterna personne are not aowed to enter Faeass ust e worn at a ties upon ta are diided to wor on dierent days at oesti and internationa usiness trips response teas to present reuar status Copany preises uness neessary. enterin Copany preises separate oations ust e onitored updates ro a oations e Copany opies wit oernenta interna and eterna personne enterin ta ust report to Epoyee eat and e Copany opies and oordinates rodution sites in Cina ust set easures to ensure epoyee eat and Copany preises ust ae te Care yste daiy to tra eat te oetion o antipandei suppies to uarantine ones at sta doritory or opiane teperature taen and spray ruin onditions ensure adeuate protetion or sta durin tose returnin ro reote oations aoo or sanitier. usiness ours Content Optimizing Workflow to Ensure Steady Capital AdjustFar Product Eastern NewSales Century and Service Corporation to Maintain 2020 Sustainability Corporate Report Profit | Content 16 About This Report e Copany utiies ore strents to proote its antipandei produts, itiatin Message from the Chairman ipats ro saes deine in oter areas Sustainability Strategy Blueprint odowns around te word pose eport arriers e Copany epands te doesti FENC’s Contribution to UN SDGs aret and diersiies ustoer ase to iniie riss Identification of Stakeholders and e Copany osey onitors aro arriers, sippin opanies and ans to ensure e Copany aeerates diita e sortter pan is to redue unneessary Material Topics transoration, inudin upradin as and apita ependitures te id and on tie deiery ease reer to te setion on Coordinatin ustainae uppy Cain Boosting Stakeholder Dialogue oud syste, ideo onerenin onter pan is to iproe oan struture to eeopent sotware and eusiness syste redue iuidity and inanin riss Special Report 1. Protect the Nation, Unite against the Pandemic 2. Developing Circular Economy and Sustainable Value 3. Promoting Sustainable Development with Sustainable e Copany introdued A to e Copany strentens te train e Copany onstruted ustoer Finance eeute proets tat reuired repetitie o aount reeiaes and oerdue to and produt proitaiity anaysis and systeati anua operation, aiee ero ad det durin te syste to optiie te orderin Fostering Robust Governance iniiin restritions on pysia pandei ease reer to te setion syste ease reer to te setion on operations iposed y te pandei on eretin is anaeent uidin Custoer apport Enabling Unlimited Innovation Navigating a Green Future Creating Inclusive Society Cultivating Compassionate Bonds Advocating Balanced Exemplary Initiative That Led WHEF Coexistence Out of the Pandemic EF is a FENC prodution site oated in uan, uei roine in Cina, te epi Appendix enter o te C pandei n anuary rd, , te City o uan deared a tota odown s te iestranin eeutie, ant anaer anan u insisted on stationin at te pant wit te seurity uards to protet Copany property and oet antipandei suppies en te odown was inay ited, u ated uiy to appy or pant reopenin, ain EF one o te irst in uan Eonoi and Tenooia eeopent one to reopen e pant uiy returned to te prepandei ee o prodution us deotion and perseerane oosted te orae and soidarity, wi was reonied in Far Eastern pirit Award wit Eeene in Eepary nitiatie Content Far Eastern New Century Corporation 2020 Sustainability Report | Content 17 About This Report FENV Recognized with Outstanding Cohesion Program for the New Norm and Message from the Chairman Anti COVID-19 Award New Strategy in the Post-Pandemic Era Sustainability Strategy Blueprint FENC’s Contribution to UN SDGs n pri 6t, , FEN reeied utstandin nti C e Far Eastern Conention aters orporate eeuties at te year end to onitor internationa Identification of Stakeholders and Material Topics Award presented y ietna enera Conederation o aour in trends in te postpandei era Fied eperts are inited to sare teir oresits in oa trends Boosting Stakeholder Dialogue n ướ roine e award reonies FEN or ipeentin aid te C pandei eoitte Taiwan was aso inited to ondut a oneday worsop wit eetie antipandei easures aon industry peers in n eperts eadin te interatie disussions and sarin sessions to oruate orporate strateies in Special Report Phướ roine e pant is one o te two enterprises winnin tis response to te pandei 1. Protect the Nation, Unite against the Pandemic onor in n ướ roine e oriina worsop orat was desined y eoitte oa or its oa ients is worsop, 2.
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