Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC July 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986 7-10-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, July 10, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_July1986 Volume 72, Issue 173 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, July 10, 1986." (Jul 1986). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in July 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily EgJptian Southern Illinois University:;' Carbondale Thursday, July 10, 1936, Vol. 72, No. '17~ 12 Pages Department chair to bring grievance to Judicial Board By Dmd SMeta . Pro..-"'!ure for Faculty, which SWfWrtler was revised in April, Bender's and stacy Trlmn.ll matter must pass from tile SludenIWrtler COLA ck'an to John Guyoo, vice president for academic The Anthropology Depart· affairs, before tile JRB can Dl.Slt chair is preparing to rule on an appeal. appeal his grievance agafnst Bender said Guyoo reef· tile College of Liberal Arts fmned Jackson's decision in a dean before tile University's letter to Bender!!a:...i July 2. Judicial Review Board. Guyon .... as unavailable Lionel Bender, antbropoiogy Wednes~IY for comment. cr.air, said be is seeking legal Be"der reluctantly advice 00 tile matter but mllSt elaborated on his grievance, ~t his case to tile JRB by and said if tile ma tter is beard _u1y 24_ by tile JRB, he hoped tile board The grievance stems from would not make a decision Beooer's c:barae that John based 011 what was printed in Jacbon. COLA deen, granted tile Daily Egyptian. IIim a ~ inc."P.a8e f~ r " My grievance is against Fiscal 'fetOr 1\187 below the both tile merit and elJuity amount be received in FY 1966 amounts," Bender explaIDed. and below what comparable "My mootbly pay is S5 percent A damaged itr-tructors with full professor of the average of what people status would receive. at my level are getting, or is According to tile Univer· welcome ... sity's Approved Grievance _CHAJR,!'_12 The " Welcome to SIU· Ca~le " sign at the Board of Trustees to vote Poplar :s~t entr~DCe to tile University and four C8!11pus yield ~ were on presidents' 1 987 salaries A lWCIkdioa iImIIviIW o.oaJ :I:';:-~~~U~~ =:r::.-~ ~,...;: at about 3 a.m. Wedl-.lay, r=~U~l~a~~ vari.... _ c:rafbl. acconliDC to Capt. Can presidents ia acbeduIed to be The matler sliU bas to be lOrk, campus police. voted 011 at tile Board of submitted to tile Dlinois Board Patrick Perioo, 800 E . Trustees meetiL.'l! Thursday. of Higber Education for review GraDd 390, was cbarged The increases, not yet and approval as a ~ on­ with drunk c!riy;.ng and specified, would be per· in" truct\onal cavltal im­ damaging state-supported centages of tile current provement. property, Kirk said. SGlnries of Albert Somit and Another resolution involves . The Dtishap caused more Earl LP.!.e."Son, according to tht: replacement ~ roofing and than $SOO in damages, be tile :\,.;!!Iu!:io.'l. A: tile JWle tile additioo of attic insulation said. meeting of :be board, salary to the 39 buildings in A affiliated with distributioo pi."\IIS for faculty Evergreen Terrace. Student tile Cmty called l.be andstallwereaPln~'ffi. housing fees reserved for campus police to --' tile The meeting will be(in repair and replacement will be incident and ~. tile Thursday at about 11 iI .m . used to funa the l""0ject if vehicle, Kirk wei. after tile committee . neetinp, approved. The estimated cost Perino was 8llTeSted at his which begin aU a .no . It wil!lM! is $150,000. residence and Iak"" to the beld in die auditorium <A tile Jackson County Jail shortly School of Dl!llta! Medicine, Gus Bode afler tile incidel!t. Building 280, Alton. He was released Wed­ The bui1din« :Jf a training De5day. and locker room facility at Abe !IIartiD Field will also 6e voted 00 by the board. The estimated Staff photos by cost of tile project is $140,000 and is expected to be funded Qua aaya the Il'1u_ will _ J . David McChesney from three sources. About $35,000 wiD come from to " IIIet the pr!N!o:e:lta don'l student fees, $65,000 is ex· '- to eIgn up lor fooc! pected from private coo- ........ This ~orning New city commissioner outlines goals, plans By Tobr Et!UrI Cultural events President PbiI I_yOllS in f'!Il"iy 01\ city iAus. going to lee any rsuJla in ODe aim ofSiA July. Hia a~"'intment is Former USO PraideDt Tony year or hge>".,a. You won't sru.c students oftfo"4 have temporary and nlllSt be ap­ =man'~ admin!stratioo lee the 1'IIIIIIIa for four or -Page7 --"!hoe WI'OIII ~ttltude" toward prone! by tl>£.S1udent Sl!llate l1.::oIIow up OIl maDy city five ," their re!e11ODllllpa with tile In tile faD. iuuu affeetiq studenta, The city a&Jn CGII\IIIluICIII Concert raises city and a miIc:oDcepticn of Greer, a sophomore in Greer c:UiorIIed, addiDI that tile b mare ''l-.c:tlaDuy'' than EaaJiIh, is _ ol a arowinI $700 for Good their statua u CarboncJaJe Lyoaa' adiidDIItrallaD wouJd otberUSO"""m...... G~ relldenta, says new Un· IIIIIiIber of "DOD-traditlooal" try to won "'buId in band" said, IIIIIiIIC that It olteD playa S8maritanHOl.88 1er,raduate Student sb.1denta 01\ C8JIIPU'. He .. IS­ with city afficIaIa GIl iUdI men of an aclvenarlal diaD a ·-Page3 Orpnbatlon City Affair3 yean.oId and bas a wife, r._. r tbIIIk f_ City ~ nile. SUD, city AffaIn David CammIIaI_llidlael ~~. bebra. t'rior 10 being a .... C-mJa!aner IiaIciaIa are =to tile White Sox to stay "We are reIIdenIa of tbIa poiJIted city affaIR com· Madelenerbard GIl t!'. __ worked.. _ ...... CIIIiDIoaa by the community," Grw,r said miaIIODer, he ~ as a .............., at IIMt )iodrceIIt tnWtndyCIty W~l . "T'_18 ~_ for member of the city'. LIquar concerned with," Grew of the tim" ..aaiIi. .!toe maJorIty of ... W~ .-s AdYIIory Board, a poaIlIaD be CIIIDI:eded. "I tbIIIk _ just "I .....t IN City Council - Sports, Page 8 mare tll'Oe within tbIa city '!ban 1DtaIda1o~ . haw 10 pick up wIIIre .. left ~ lIIrJ ...n Ibe power of ' the bame from wllft _ ar--tI8Id lila pr\mar7 .... oIfand~.the ...... tbe ciIJ ••117 are ID caIroI. c::aJDe. ,,0 _ 10 impro¥e tha ..."..t "--':bIll!!!. But rw ._ aperieaced a G~ _ aPl')I\Dted city be'- alUdents and \be city "City ~c:v_ aff8lnJGllllllillJilner by "'SO aDd 10 .....ludeDl_ ....'1" .. added. ''You're not _ IT.JDIH1S, .... '1 Democrats insist on 2nd vote,in controversial Budge nOITa-ination News'Yrap WASHINGTON (UPI) - Democrats ,uho said be wa.( federal bench. His critics say ,nation/world Ser.a ~e Democra ts will i<>o inexpp~.Il''''-''ed and too R.!8 gan is choosing candidates strongir protest any effort by extreme fo.· Uk job. Manion, h • ..ed on their cooservativ~ Republican leaders ro prevent wbose father was a founding ideology instead of their legal F'rance, Soviet Union agree another vote on the con­ mern~ r;! the John Birch qualifications. troversial judicial nomination Soci~,y, has testified be did not After a dramatic to 2nd joint'space flight ol Daniel Manion, Sen. Paul know the poIici... ol the ex­ parliamentary gamble, Senate Simon, D·DI., said Wednesday. Irelnist organization. Democrats lost a prime op­ MOSCOW (UPI) - Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and In rema..rts prepared for Preside!lt Reagan, in an portunit}o to defeat Manion French President Francois Mitterraod held a third round of ~elivery before the Chicago interview Wednesday, told the outrightby a single vote. talks Wednesday, agreeing to a second joint rnaooed dll8ce flight Coundl of Lawyers and New York Daily News that iii two yean aod talks on International terrorism, a Soviet released in Washington, Simon " the attack against Manion is However, the 48-46 .vote led spokesman lIIIid. Miltel'l'aod in a rare television addtess to the called on the Senate to "render unfounded" aod " based 00 a It, a par"amentary deadlock Soviet people b)' a visiting fcrelgn leadel' said that although a full, free and clear decision" nU IllQp. r of atright when Senate Democratic France ill ~ to "strengtben ita armed r... .., es" it a!.lo wishes on the nomination, which has falseboods. " leader Robert Byrd ol West the militarY forces ol the East and West "bt, t'eC1aced to the been in limbo since an initial " I will never send a name up Vu-ginia moved to reconsider JowesUevel. " v<;le oCapproval.· 'ne 26. there tJl8t I.do not bell",,'''' Is the vote, which put the fuHy "unliCied for the nomination olf until after the Aftershocks stall ..rthquake cle.,r..up efforts. " We need to clear the taint of p<lI!i tion, , Reagan said 4 hts July Fourth r ...ess . the eulier vote," said Simon, Judicial nominations. A Senate parliamentarian PALM SPRINGS, Calif. (UPI) - Altet oilr.cks rumbled ~d resort nf who he.s been leading the filIi:! The battie over the COD­ said Wedfiesday the Manion shook the swank desert Palm SyringF WednesIlay, a day against the noniination ol serv,'live Indiana lawyer has vote will stand as cooCirmation I after the area's strongest earthQ'aate m seven years callS(Ai at Manion to the 7th U.S. Circuit escalated into a major test of if there iil no effort to recon­ , !-ast $2 million in aarnage.
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