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'W-. .in-r Table of Contents CAD/CAM INDUSTRY SERVICE Company Profiles TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVICE SCOREBOARD INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY PROFILES Adage, Incorporated Applicon Incorporated Auto-Trol Technology Corporation Cadnetix Corporation Calay Systems, Incorporated Calma Cimlinc Incorporated Computervision Control Data Corporation Daisy Systems Corporation Hewlett-Packard Company Intergraph Corporation IBM Corporaition MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation McDonnell Douglas Automation Company Mentor Graphics Corporation PDA Engineering Personal GAD Systems, Incorporated Prime Cominiter, Incorporated Racal-Redac Limited Scientific Calculations, Incorporated Silvar-Lisco Synercom Tektronix, Incorporated Telesis Systems Corporation Valid Logic Systems CCIS Company Profiles © 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June TOC-1 Table of Contents '•—• . y.'..i.. ,. s:;i/.fi3? Y^.^z:j(TA] r4A0\aA0 v/3iv75?0 vinutini '•"aT>-l"TKO'' :DJV5ia?'HHT Gi VK': W3'f/>:EY0 •j:zlnfjCj v"/ Js^-utv:: smrSe r- 3nc";f. an. ss'tij-'c: s'jfi aisnnurL' noiJiid:' (Page intentionally left blank) 3s:-i~cr.4 IfiJoT nionsrnA *. f^;;ii:lS:.3s>liJsM nsuhsmA rbi r:«3'i?st.ii;r7.:-/. ficofisniA. rir^ grrn iici,^ nsohsmA rir gfik.if'? riEihiifnA rft-> «^i.-ii;o<' sunevsi^ Leohsai/i xir !S.:-BrD noitudhfilG neonsmA rij v-3w^[2~/o ;i^ Jcod^i.!^' 1E3(/T i-I)5C'- S'ii.riS Jij-h£]rl flf-'S' ^-nOil£;oliqq/> nes drnioljisR •.111:. gri'orr-T ri-'- ?i;ofuoo iiin. .'Sy^ rst; 'hin'-i^rJO noi^w^nj^iG t: nOi^tv'" \ '• ;:3;Hi;Jy; TOG-2 © 1987 Dataquest Inc^grated Jung. * Q^S Company Profiles Tal^e-Tjf" Coritents CAD/CAM INDUSTRY SERVICE Industry Overview TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVICE 1 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW 1.1 Industry Overview 1.2 Total Market 1.3 Market Share 1.4 Applications 1.5 Regions 1.6 Platforms 1.7 Pricing 1.8 Revenue Sources 1.9 Distribution Channels '>!n-)ld JS; \UC: O V. 2 NORTH AMERICAN OVERVIEW 2.1 North American Total Market 2.2 North American Market Share 2.3 North American Applications 2.4 North American Platforms 2.5 North American Pricing 2.6 North American Revenue Sources 2.7 North American Distribution Channels 3 EUROPEAN OVERVIEW 3.1 European Total Market 3.2 European Market Share 3.3 European Applications 3.4 European Platforms 3.5 European Pricing 3.6 European Revenue Sources 3.7 European Distribution Channels 3.8 European Market by Region CCIS Company ProMes ^1987 Data'^iuest Incorporated June TOC-3 Table of Contents CAD/CAM IND,U^%y]^^§>gGE, (Continued) ZJZET^: 4 FAR EASTERN OVERVIEW H:)rv5:i.c' nrr r^z v/ 4.1 Far Eastern Total Market 4.2 Far Eastern Market Share HoriAi'-^OTj.. vDiBB'-^:.-: 4.3 Far Eastern Applications 4.4 Far Eastern Platforms 4.5 Far Eastern Pricing 4.6 Far Eastern Revenue Sources ^rrrtrri-:? t?vjlLii-.. v;;^:.-:i"."? -X^vSx 4.7 Far Eastern Distribution Channels \^w6Z iix^ci.;- FORECAST DATA BASE ?,K;\^ADi. APPENDIX A FORECASTS APPENDIX B MARKET SHARES APPENDIX C COMPANY HISTORY <;a ;t>;ic APPENDIX D DEMOGRAPHIC DATA APPENDIX E ECONOMIC DATA APPENDIX G GLOSSARY //t:;v-is;/0 -oiiBJvl :uov ;t-£0S70n JJOV^ APPENDIX L LOTUS DISKS ciJliirici JS;-'-';.;; • 3jJC/^ .' ;B?:;';U,? :) •iluo-xH "Vic •A 3i'ne\'!j JSJT:''-- 1; •:'. v-^c,. -~ '•' Tl,i, TOC-4 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June CCIS Company Profiles Table of Contents •lNt>U5tRY^ SERVICE Electronic Deit^ri-Amorii^tion'^Applications i05i-n:TriG_ TABLE OF CONTENTS •.ir'-'T 'C~ T\ T/TC'T •"• INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVICE li-W*. ; < -jCi''' 3^'''' ',:s>' 1 ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION ^n' ^:L:."QC'-. r/: h'- VjliLi'. m.. ,„ -.a 1.1 EDA Definitions 1.2 EDA Executive Summary 1.3 EDA Market Overview gi .suZ' nO'.w^j'iJ^ '• m;.^ 1.4 EDA Forecasts 1.5 EDA Market Shares ^''.•hr^ ^'i. 2 ECAE APPUCATIONS a -j-itr- — r~w y — "y ^, -v ^-J-^-r J. -r-^ir'- 2.1 ECAE Definitions ••¥• 2.2 ECAE Executive Summary 2.3 ECAE Market Overview 2.4 ECAE Forecasts 2.5 ECAE Market Shares /;r XI C }''J- ' ^',"-?H'' 3 IC LAYOUT •^3r z >.;U' 3.1 IC Layout Definitions '•>,.•"! 3.2 IC Layout Executive Summary Y^AcZC'^D 0 ^ '^A >' 3.3 IC Layout Market Overview 3.4 IC Layout Forecasts a::.-uG U'lc-i j :•: 3.5 IC Layout Market Shares 4 PCB LAYOUT 4.1 PCB Layout Definitions 4.2 PCB Layout Executive Summary 4.3 PCB Layout Market Overview 4.4 PCB Layout Forecasts 4.5 PCB Layout Market Shares CCIS Company Profiles 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June TOC-5 Table of Contents CAD/CAM INDUSTRY ^feRVl6E^ Electronic Design AutomationB ApjplS^tiohS ' (Continued) FORECAST DATA BASE S:jT^fiBZ n- APPENDIX A FORECASTS :/;"1^''" APPENDIX B MARKET SHARES gnoniruicu APPENDIX G GLOSSARY IL-'-'TtUC S'h, : .> ~ Elii-' APPENDIX L LOTUS DISKS if^i^Cic 1:,: ^C~'J J-.i iH^AJrl' T3:AR. TOC-6 © 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June CCIS Company Profiles Table of Contents C^jq^ INDUSTRY SERVICE FaciU^ieSiDe^ignjand Mapping Applications ihtiU'ib..::.'. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVICE 1 FACILITIES DESIGN 1.1 Facilities Design Definitions 1.2 Facilities Design Executive Summary 1.3 Facilities Design Market Overview 1.4 Facilities Design Forecasts -yiy—-.-j 1.5 Facilities Design Market Shares 2 MAPPING 2.1 Mapping Definitions 2.2 Mapping Executive Summary 2.3 Mapping Market Overview 2.4 Mapping Forecasts 2.5 Mapping Market Shares FORECAST DATA BASE APPENDIX A FORECASTS APPENDIX B MARKET SHARES APPENDIX G GLOSSARY APPENDIX L LOTUS DISKS CCIS Company Profiles © 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June TOC-7 Table of Contents CAD/CAM INDUSTRY SERVICE Mechanical Applications TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVICE 1 MECHANICAL CAD/CAM 1.1 Mechanical Definitions 1.2 Mechanical Executive Summary 1.3 Mechanical CAD/CAM Market Overview 1.4 Mechanical CAD/CAM Forecasts 1.5 Mechanical CAD/CAM Market Shares 2 SOLID MODELING 3 MCAE - MECHANICAL COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING 4 NUMERICAL CONTROL FORECAST DATA BASE APPENDIX A FORECASTS APPENDIX B MARKET SHARES APPENDIX G GLOSSARY APPENDIX L LOTUS DISKS CCIS Company Profiles © 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June TOC-9 Table of Contents CAD/CAM INDUSTRY SERVICE Newsletters TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO THE SERVICE GENERAL NEWSLETTERS 1987 CAD/CAM User Survey Results. The Navy Is Cutting Bait ... Technical Workstations—Explosive Market Growth Customer Service—The Key to Corporate Commit... Reality versus Hype: The Impact of the Intel CAD in the College... IBM More Than Challenges Digital with 9370 Computer Companies Move to Grab the Lucrative Intergraph Bucks Industry Trend... 1986 Dataquest CAD/CAM Conference Cites ... Workstation Vendors Rush out the Gate... Digital Announces New Numberbuster Digital Restructures VAX Product Line... IBM Announces PC RT RISC Technology System 1985 Japan CAD/CAM User Survey MECHANICAL NEWSLETTERS The Missing Link: Instant 3-D Hard Copy Autofact 1986... Mechanical Computer-Aided Engineering... ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION NEWSLETTERS Silicon Compiler Companies Merge ... Valid Targets PCB Market—Acquires Telesis Electronic CAD/CAM End-User Survey:... Surface-Mount Technology: The Opportunity... Dataquest's EDA Focus Conference:... The 1986 Dataquest Semiconductor Industry Conference. The Dataquest Semiconductor Megatrends CCIS Company Profiles © 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June TOC-11 Table of Contents CAD/CAM INDUSTRY SERVICE Newsletters (Continued) ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION NEWSLETTERS (Continued) Silicon Compilation Companies: Missionaries,... The 23rd DAC: So What's New? Cell-Based ICs Ignite Application Explosion ECAD Settles Down to Design Automation... Hewlett-Packard: Turnkey Supplier or Catalog... ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION NEWSLETTERS (Continued) ASIC Design Center CAD Survey ASIC: Crossing the Applications Threshold Valid Restructures to Meet a Changing Industry Silicon Compilation: Myth, Market,... Daisy Breaks New Ground in Japan... Turmoil and Transition Spell Opportunity IBM's EDA Announcement—Big Blue Sows Its CIEDS FACILITIES DESIGN AND MAPPING NEWSLETTERS CAD or GIS for Mapping: URISA Conference AEC Systems 1986—individual versus... TOC-12 © 1987 Dataquest Incorporated June CCIS Company Profiles Introduction to the Service DEFINITION OF THE SERVICE The CAD/CAM Industry Service (CCIS) is a comprehensive, worldwide information service that performs research on and analyses of the markets, companies, products, trends, and technologies of the CAD/CAM industry. CCIS provides research and decision support in five ways: • Research notebooks. These notebooks are detailed, frequently updated reference sources on the CAD/CAM industry. Market forecasts and analyses, annual shipments, market shares, and installed base information are provided. Profiles of major competitors are also included. • Inquiry privilege. This feature provides clients with direct access to the CCIS research analysts. The inquiry privilege allows clients to access the information most applicable to their specific needs. • Research bulletins. These event-driven publications provide a continual flow of timely information and Dataquest analyses on major industry events and issues. • Industry conference. An annual conference brings industry participants together to review the state of the CAD/CAM industry and discuss the major issues in an open forum. • Research library. Clients have access to Dataquest's extensive libraries for independent research.
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