http://kentarchaeology.org.uk/research/archaeologia-cantiana/ Kent Archaeological Society is a registered charity number 223382 © 2017 Kent Archaeological Society ( 321 ) GENERAL INDEX. • Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury-, 89. Alva, Duke of, 212. Abell, Mr. H. F., lviii. Alyn, John, 174. Abree, Peter, 218. Alyngton, 299. Achard, —, 212. Amcotts, Sir Henry, 205. Achestan, 242, 255. America, 214. Acrise, 269. Ames, Sir Rauff, 301. Act Boohs, reference to, 93, 216, 219. Amhurst, Sergeant, 312. Actiw Pontifteum, by G-ervasii, 147. Amici.ma, 71. Adams, Arms of. 188. Amore, Gilbert, 180, 182. Adams, Elizabeth, 188 ; William, 18S. Amyas, Sir Raff, 301. Adamson, Sarah, 120. Amyes, Sir Rauff, 301. Addington, 101, 112, 113. Amys, Rev. Radulphus, 301 ; Rev. Addyngton, 300. Ralph, 301. Adene, Richard, 308. Ancient Mortar from Rochester, Adesone, Eev. John, 304 (2), 305. Analysis of, Iix, lx. Ady, Arms of, 204. Anderedsweald, 221. Ady, Alice, 204; Jane, 204 ; Nicholas, Andemach lava, 74. 204. Anderson, Andrew, 298. AESC, 125. Andredesleagh, 221. AEslingham in Frindsbury, lvii. Andrewe, Walter, 300. AEslings, lvii. Angle, see De L'Angle. Agnes, Prioress of Minster, 167, 168. Anglia Sacra, reference to, 146. Ailesfonl, 314. Anna, King of East Anglia, 145 (2). Ailsforde, 298. Annas, King of East Anglia, 145. Albans, see St. Albans. Anne Bullen, Queen of England, her Albinus, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 17, Badge, 194. 18. Anti-Jacobin Revwiv, reference to, 94. Albvciani, 69, 71. Antiquities, by Grose, 157. Alday, Jeremiah, 251 ; Thomas, 251. Antoninus Pius, Coin of, 65, 72. Aldersbrook Hall, 116, 117. Antony, William, 182. Aldworth, Thomas, 51. Antwerp, 211. Aldyng, 301. Appleton, Thomas, 245. Alefe, Rev. John, B.D., 87. Appowell, Rev. Edwarde, 295. Alen, Rev. Thomas, 303. Aprichard, Rev. Maurice, 303. Alestan the Reve, 242. Apuldrefield, see De Apuldrefield. Alexander Severus, Coins of, 61. Archceologia, reference to, 245. Aleyn, Thomas, 179. Archceologia Cantiana, references to, Alham, see De Alham. 17, 34, 42. 46, 83, 84, 89, 90, 93, 95, All Saints, Sudbury, 90. 96, 126, 127, 133, 139, 148, 151, 164, Allan, John, 174 (2). 166, 209, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, Allectus, Coin of, 72. 253, 254 (2), 290, 297, 309 (2), Alleyn, Arms of, 187. 310. Alleyn, Ann, 187 ; John, 187 (3). Archasological Congress, 144. AUott, Rev. Jacobus, 307 ; Sir James, Arolweological Journal, references to, 307. 23, 82, 149. Aluph, 90. Archer, Sir Anthony, 264 ; ltev. John VOL XXII, X 322 GENERAL INDEX. 110 (2); see also L'Archer and Robert, 297 ; Eev. Robertus, 294 (2) ; Le Archer. Thomas, 32 ; Will's, 179. Ardagh, Colonel Sir John C, K.C.I.E., Balfe, Robert, 33. C.B., xlix. Balfer, Robert, Mayor of Maydeston, Arden, 223. 316. Ardennes, 38. Bamborowe, 298. Aries, 20. Banke, Rev. He'ricus, 305. Armada Invincible, La, by C. F. Duro, Banks, Mr. W., lxi. 164. Bar., by Dugdale, 238, 241. Arnold, Lucy, 100 ; Thomas, 100 ; Dr. Barbour, Rev. Thomas, 109 (2). —, 100. Barden, Little, 269. Arowsmyth, Sir Adam, 308. Baret, —, 31 (2). Arragan, 237. Bai'graue, Rev. Johannis, Canon of Arragon, Catherine of, her Badge, 192 ; Canterbury, 92. Ferdinand of, 192. Bargrave, Frances, 91, 92 ; Isaac, 92 ; Arundel, Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev. John, Canon of Canterbury, 86. 91, 92 ; Robert, 92. Arundell, Ricardo, Comiti, 172. Barham, 95, 96 (2). Asche, 238. Barham, his Ingoldsby Legends, 156. Ascherste, 300. Barham and Phtchley Tracts, by Ash, 237 (31, 255. Bishop Ashton Oxenden, D.D., 96. Ash by Sandwich, 35. Barkar, Rev. William, 304. Ashe, 267, 305. Barker, Rev. Hu'frids., 309; R,ev. Ashe next Sandwiche, 279. William, 87. Ashford, lviii, 89, 90, 207, 209. Barlyll, Rev. Henric', 309. Ashforde, 104. Barmyng, 298. Ashtell, Mr. John, Iii. Barmyng, East, 298. Assche, 237. Barnarde, Will's, 179. Asshe, 307. Barret, James, 32 ; —, 31, 32. Asten, Nicholas, 29. Barrett, James. 33 ; Sir William, 302 ; At Crouch, Thomas, 314. Rev. Willms., 302 ; —, 32 (3). At Mere, Thomas, 298. Barton, Rev. Charles, D.D., 94 (2) ; At Thane, John, 314. George, 103 ; —, 185. Athence Cant., reference tn, 89. Basing, John, 256 ; see also De Basing. Athena Oxon., by A. A. Wood, 91, 92. Basset, Ralph, 263. Atkys, Rev. Georgos, 301. Bassett, —, 183 (2). Audle, Elizabeth, 289. Baston, 113, 114. Augmentation of Livings, reference to, Basyngges, see De Basyngges. 91. Bate, Margaret, 186; Richard, 186. Aungi, Walter, 314 ; William, 314. Bath, Bishop of, Reginald, 261; Dio- Auren, Wmi., 298. cese of, 267. Austen, Jobn, 301. Bathe, Rev. John, 295. Austin, Capt. Geoffry, 34; George, 34 Battely, History, 130, 132 (3), 133, (2), 35, 39, 41 ; Capt. George, 34, 41, 143; his Antiquitates Huinpince, 43 ; —, 34, 36 (2). 129 (2), 143. Auvergne, 237. Battle Abbey, 229. Averell, Thomas, 300. Bax, Arms and Crest of, 198 (4). Awger, Richard, 29. Bax, Ann, 198 ; Jane, 198 ; John, 198 ; Axtane, Hundred of, 237, 255. Sarah, 198 (2).; Stephen, 198 (4). Avlesford, 255. Baxster, Rev. Arnold, 294. Aylsford, 298. Bayeux, Odo, Bishop of, 261. Aylsforth, 306. Bayley, Rev. John, 305. Aynforth, 309. Baylis, H. T., 237. Baynham, John, M.P.. 183. Bacheler, —, 213. Bazeley, Henrietta, 100 ; Rev. W., 99 ; Badelesmere, —, Lord, 312. Rev. William, 100. Badlesmere, see De Badlesmere. Beach, 252. Badlesmere with Leaveland, 201. Beauchamp, Mercy, 35 ; quartering of Bailye, Rev. Johannes, 302. Arms of, 37. Baker, " Bloody," 228 ; Daniel, 180 ; Beaufort, House of, 192, 193. John, 119 ; Sir John, 228, 230 ; Rev. | Beausberg, Hundred of, 241, 247. GENERAL INDEX. 323 Beauties of England and Wales, by Biarritz, 96 (2), 97. Edward Wedlake Brayley, 34, 35 Bible Educator, edited by Dean Ed- (2). ward Hayes Plumptre, D.D.. 98. Beauvoir, Rev. Osmund, 219. Biblia Cotton., reference to, 268. Becket, Thomas a, Archbishop of Can- Bickley, 98 ; St. George's, 99. terbury. 35, 43 (4), 264. Biog. Hilt., by Granger, 90. Becknam, Catherine, 92. Birchington, lxii. Beckwith, Arms and Crest of, 206. Birde, Sir John, 308. Beckwith, Edward, 206 (3); Mary, Billing, 240. 206 ; Mary Frances, 206. Birt, Rev. John, D.D., 290. Bede, his JSoclesiastioal History and Bishopsbourne with Barham, 93 (2). Saxon Chronicle, 17,18(4), 22, 123, Bisshoppelsbourne, 241. 125, 126 (4), 128 (2), 129, 130, 131, Bitborow, 300. 132, 137 (2). Blackf riars Abbey, Arms of, 194, Bedford, 253. Blaokheath, 99. Bedford, John, Duke of, 246. Blacus, Rev. Robertus, 306. Beeching, Arthur T., 270, 271. Blaggo, Rev. Richards., 309; Rev. Belchester, 263. Ry'oharde, 296. Bell, Marye, 104. Blair, Robert, 20. Bello Oampo, see De Bello Campo. Blakdene, Rev. John, 299. Belsey and Woodhams, Messrs., Iii. Blake, Rev. Robertus, 306. Bendon, Elizabeth, 308. Blakeman, see De Blakeman. Benecroft, 240. Bland, John, 228. Benedictine Monasteries, 166. Bligh, Mr. Arthur, Iiii; Hon. Ivo, Iiii. Benedictine Order, 166, 191, 275, 289. Blomefield, F„ his History of Noifolk, Benenden, 45 (5), 46 (2), 48, 219; 86. Free School, 47. Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 84. Benenden Church, Detached Campa- Blondeville, 272. nile of, by Canon Scott Robertson, 45. Blore, —, his Rutland, 114, 122; see Benet, Galfred, 179 ; Thomas, 179. also De Blore. Benett, Josua, 102. Bloxam, —, 14. Benison, —, 213. Bloxheme, 263. Bennet, Thomas, 280. Blundel, William, 258. Bennett, Bartholomew, 284, 285 ; Bar- Blunt, Fanny E., 291 ; Rev. James thow., 284 ; Barthw., 285 ; Diana, Henry, 291 (2). 285 ; Edith, 100 ; John, 285, 287 ; Blythe, Ralph, 180. Mary, 280. 284 (2), 285 ; Thomas, Boar Place, 116, 121 (3). 33, 280, 285. Boarded Groin, 123, 141 (2). Benson, Archbishop of Canterbury, Boarplace, 121 (2). 101. Bocher, Julyen, 300. Bere'gr, Rev. Johannes, 303. Bocton, see De Bocton. Bergavenny, Henry Neville, Lord, 270. Bocton Malherb, 217 (2). Bergham, 240. Bode, Arms of, 196, 197. Berham, Arms of, 231. Bode, Ann, 279 ; Anne, 284; Annie, Berkshire, 99, 190. 191 ; Edward, 284 ; Elizabeth, 280, Bernard, see Fitz-Bernard. 284 ; Grace, 279 ; Joan, 279 ; John, Berry, his Kent, 92, 95 ; Kent Pedi- 191, 198, 279 (2), 280, 284 (3); grees, 96 ; Susseco Genealogies, 115. Margaret, 280, 284, 289 ; Mary, 198, Berstead, 92. 280 (5) ; Rebecca, 198 ; Rev. Tho- Bertha, Queen of Kent, 18, 26, 139, mas, 110 (2); William, 279. 144, 145. Bodill, Rev. Johannes, 304. Beste, Thomas, 308. Bogherst, John, 308. Betenham, Arms of, 231. BoghttoD, Edwardo, 296. Betenham, Anne, 104; John, 104. Bohun, see De Bohun. Betenson, Albinia, 100. Boley Hill, lvii. Bethersden, 89 (2), 93, 158, 161, 163. Bolyngton, 237. Bettenham, John, 104. Bolynton, 262. Bettishanger, 90. Bond, Richard, Mayor of Quinborow, Bettisworth Castle, 186. 174(2); Rychard, 174. Bexley, 297, 308 (3). Bone found at Darenth, 71. Bexlye, 308. Bonham, Arms of, 198. V 2 324 GENERAL INDEX. Boniface, Pope, 222, 232, 249. Brenchesle, 273. Boninton, 238. Brenchley, 265, 299 (2), 313. Bonnington, 238 (2). Brenley. 186 (2), 187, 188 (2). Bonninton, 238. Brent, Margaret, 88; Rev. Thomas, Bonnyar, —, 218. 110 (2). Bononia, 132. Bret, Joh'es, 179 ; Rubene, 179 ; Will's, Book of Sewers, reference to, 141 (2). 179 (4). Boor Place, 121. Bretagne and Eichmond, John de Bore Place, 112 (3). 113 (3), 114, 115, Drux, Duke of, 252. 116, 118 (2), 119 (2), 120 (2), 122 Breton, Rev. R., 219 (2) ; see also Le Breton. Borham, 239. Brett, John, 182; William, 173. Borstal (Fort), Rochester, xlix. Bridge, Hundred of, 264. Borstall, Margaret, 289. Bridges, Anne, 206 ; Mary, 93 ; Bev. Bosnell, Rev. Rob'tus, 300. Nathaniel, 93 ; Thomas, 205. Bosworth Field, 193. Bridlington, 292. Boteller. Rev. Thomas, 273. Bridlington Quay, 292. Bottel, Richard, 256. Brighton, 95. Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury, Brikenden, John, 273. 86. Brisley, Elizabeth, 308. Boughton, 90, 187 (3), 188, 189; Brisset, Jordanus, 232 ; Muriel, 232. Church; 188. Bristol, 204. Boughton Aluph, 42, 219. Britain, 17, 18, 27, 124, 125 (3), Z31 Boughton Blean, 188. (2), 134, 140. Boughton Malherbe, 216, 218. British Archseological Society, 15. Boughton-under-Blean, St. Peter and British Association, 124. St. Paul, Coats of Arms in, 186.
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