FAHNEN FLAGS DRAPEAUX (Proceedings of the ICV, Zurich, 1993) THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION collections of museums and tours to historic and scenic OF VEXILLOLOGICAL ASSOCIATIONS sites or sessions of the FIAV general assembly, but plen­ (FIAV) ty of opportunities for social contacts as well, where old friendships can be renewed and new friendships can be The International Federation of Vexillological Associa­ won. Later the much sought-after congress proceedings tions (FIAV) is an umbrella federation of organisations summarise the events and results of such a congress. and institutions devoted to the study of history and sym­ During a congress the general assembly meets. In bolism of flags of all kind and from any era. Today FIAV between two congresses FIAV is administered by its counts 39 members from all the 5 continents, the major board consisting of the president, a secretary-general member groups being European and Northern and a secretary-general for congresses. These three per­ American. There are 37 FIAV full members, with a right sons reside in different countries and at least in two dif­ to vote at the general assembly, and 2 associated mem­ ferent continents. The board is elected by the general bers, which have vexillology only as a subsidiary field assembly every two years during a congress. The gene­ of interest. FIAV represents a total of nearly a thousand ral-secretary is responsible for editing an annual infor­ individual vexillologists, who are organised in national mation bulletin (INFO-FIAV), which is distributed to the or regional associations. members of FIAV During a congress the general assem­ FIAV was founded during the 2" International Con­ bly of FIAV may admit new members, it decides on gress of Vexillology in Zurich on 3 September 1967 and general guidelines of the Federation and amendments was later officially confirmed by the general assembly of the constitution and chooses the site and organiser during the 3'" International Congress in Boston in 1969. of the next congress. The 12 founding (charter) members were the «Swiss During the Zurich congress in 1993 FIAV admitted Society of Vexillology*, the two Dutch associations seven new full members from Argentina, Belgium, «Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde* and Canada, Germany and Slovenia. Warsaw was chosen «Stichting voor Banistiek en Heraldiek*, the flag section as site of the 1995 congress and its organisation was of the British "Heraldry Society*, the German «Wappen- conferred to the Muzeum Ziemi Pan (Earth Flag Center), Herold*. the French "Association Francaise d'Etudes to the Polish Vexillological Society and to the Flag Internationales de Vexillologie*, the Belgian "Office Design Center, all being located in Warsaw, Gdndalogique et Hdraldique*, the flag section of the Italian "Accademia di San Marciano* and the US- The flag of FIAV American "Flag Research Center*, "National Flag Foun­ The rectangular flag of FIAV (proportion 2:3) shows dation*, "North American Vexillological Association* on a blue field two yellow halyards, extending horizon­ and "United States Flag Foundation*. tally from hoist to fly and forming two interlaced loops. The aim of FIAV is to promote vexillological science The halyards allude to vexillology, the study of flags. on an international standard, to co-ordinate the activi­ The blue field and the halyards evoke the maritime ori­ ties of the various national and regional vexillological gins of the first flags too. The interlaced loops recall the associations, to facilitate exchange of information love-knots well-known to heraldists. They symbolise the among the members and, on an individual scope, to friendship which unites vexillologists all over the world. bring vexillologists closer to each other. The loops formed by the halyards resemble two world Since 1965 vexillologists have convened every two years hemispheres, and in adding the four ends of the to hold an international congress which is organised halyards, we have the number six, which stands for the under the auspices of FIAV by one of its members. These six continents of the world. These elements of the flag international congresses usually last for five days, during thus underline the international character of the which a rich and varied program is offered, including Federation. The fact that the halyards extend across the not only scholarly lectures and seminars, visits to flag whole flag and disappear beyond either end expresses the considerable and almost infinite extent of vexillolo­ gical research in time and space. A number of flags of international organisations dis­ play alight shade of blue, whereas the FIAV flag has a dark shade of blue. Several publications show the FIAV flag erroneously with a much too light shade of blue. The initial design was created by Klaes Sierksma. In 1967 the congress committee of the II. International Congress of Vexillology in Zurich slightly modified the design, which was then definitely executed by Paul Report on the FIAV General Assembly REPORT ON THE FIAV GENERAL ■ United States Flag Foundation (USFF): William ASSEMBLY Spangler (by proxy) • Sveriges Heraidiska Sallskap (VSHS). Sebastian The FIAV General Assembly took place during the XV Herreros (by proxy) International Congress of Vexillology at the Landes- ■ VexilologickyKIub (VK): Ales Brozek museum in Zurich on 23, 25 and 27 August 1993, with 19 of FIAV's 23 members present. The Gesellschaft fur Osterreichische Heereskunde (GOH), the Nordisk Flagselskab (NF) and the SUMMARY Partioheraldikot Ry (PR) had sent no accredited repre­ ■ 7 vexillological associations and institutes were sentative. After the regretted death of Dr. Ottfried accepted as new FIAV full members: AAV CEBED, Neubecker the Wappen-Herold (WH) is no longer func­ CFA, CIDEC, HVK, SS and WVRI. tioning. The GA took a minute of silence to honour Dr. ■ The FIAV General Assembly voted not to join UNES­ Neubecker. CO, though later it decided to have the SFV and SEV The statutory quorum was fulfilled with 19 members investigate the UNESCO question again and to report out of 23 present. to the Board. Two volunteers were chosen as vote-counters: Ron ■ Warsaw was elected as the site of the XVI. FIAV Strachan and Michael Paul. Congress, to be organised in 1995 by the Earth Flag The minutes of the FIAV General Assembly of Center. Barcelona, July 1991, were unanimously approved. • The proposal of the SFV to host the 1997 Congress The FIAV president announced a change of order of in Paris was welcome. A moral commitment of FIAV the agenda, since he would step down from his post, to adjudge the 2001 Congress to the United Kingdom hence a new president would have to be elected. To (under condition of the presentation of a report on give the GA time for deliberations before the election its preparations in 1995) was voted. of a new Board, he announced the names of candi­ • The Vexillon was awarded to Marfa-Jos$ Sastre y dates as listed in the questionnaires received. The can­ Arribas. didates for president were (in alphabetical order): W. ■ The Board of FIAV will decide alone on adjudgement Crampton, K. Harrington, S. Herreros, W. Jurecic, R. of the Vexillon. KlimeS, J. Kosic, A. Rabbow, I. Sorli. Other candidates ■ William Crampton was elected FIAV president. were welcome to offer themselves. ■ Ralph Bartlett and Dr. Emil Dreyer were confirmed as The candidates for FIAV membership were secretary-general for congresses and secretary-gene­ introduced by its representatives: ral respectively. ■ Asociacibn Argentina de Vexilologla (MV): Gustavo Tracchia (by proxy) ■ Centre Belgo-Europben d'Etudes des Drapeaux MONDAY, 23 AUGUST (CEBED): Michel Lupant FIAV president Rev. Hugh Boudin officially opened ■ The Canadian Flag Association (CFA): Kevin the General Assembly (=GA) at 8 p.m.. Written creden­ Harrington tials of members were presented and verified by the ■ Fundacibn Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Board of FIAV. Culturales (CIDEC): Gustavo Tracchia (by proxy) FIAV member representatives: ■ Heraldischer Verein «Zum Kleeblatt* (HVK): Dr. ■ Associacid Catalana de Vexil.lologia (ACV): Jordi Gunter Mattern (by proxy) Pdrez ■ Slovenski Scit - HGV Club (SS): Walt Jurecic ■ Centro Italiano Studi vessillologici (CISV): Alfredo ■ World Vexillological Research Institute (WVRI): Roman Betocchi Klimes ■ The Flag Design Center (FDC): Alfred Znamierowski ■ The Flag Institute (FI): Michael Paul After consideration of all candidates the GA procee­ ■ The Flag Research Center (FRC): Dr. Whitney Smith ded to vote on admission of the candidates one at a ■ Flag Research Centre of Sri Lanka (FRCSL): Ralph time. CFA and CEBED were voted in unanimously, SS Bartlett (by proxy) and MV were voted in by 21 votes in favour and I ■ Flag Society of Australia (FSA): Ron Strachan abstention each (note: the 3 members of the Board ■ National Flag Foundation (NFF): George F. Cahill have one vote each). The WVRI was voted in by 16 yes ■ Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vlaggenkunde (NW): and 6 no. General controversy ensued on the mem­ Gerrit J. ten Hoeve bership status of HVK and CIDEC. Some members fea­ ■ North American Vexillological Association (NAVA): Dr. red that these two candidates might threaten the inde­ Scot Guenter pendence of vexillological science, since both are main­ ■ Socibtb Suisse de Vexillologie (SSV): Dr. Emil Dreyer ly devoted to heraldry, and hence an associate status ■ Sociedad Espahola de Vexilologla (SEV): Sebastian was proposed. The fact that these candidates come Herreros from countries where a FIAV member already exists was ■ Societas Vexillologica Belgica (SVB): Rev. Hugh criticised. Other members underlined the vexillological Boudin merits of these candidates, also pointing out, that a cou­ ■ Southern African Vexillological Association (SAVA): ple of FIAV members are heraldic associations. They Bruce Berry argued too, that 4 countries already have at least two ■ Tumbling Waters Museum of Flags (TWMF): Dr. members in FIAV, so full membership should not be Whitney Smith (by proxy) denied. Generally FSA, FRC, NFF, USFF and TWMF FAHNEN FLAGS DRAPEAUX (Proceedings of the IS*** ICV, Zurich, 1993) favoured an associate membership, whereas mainly Warsaw: W.
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