December 19, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 2385 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS COMMEMORATING THE 50TH ANNI- peake Bay until 21 August 1944. On that date Enterprise which was in formation off the VERSARY OF END OF WORLD the U.S.S. MISSOURI departed for the Gulf MISSOURI's port bow. At 0805 this ship to- WAR II of Paria, Naval Operations Base, Trinidad, gether with others in the formation opened B.W.I., arriving on 25 August 1944. The ship fire at an enemy plane identified as ``Nick'' conducted gunnery, flight, engineering and or ``Helen''. The plane burst into flames and HON. JIM SAXTON other shakedown exercises in the area until unsuccessfully attempted to crash the U.S.S. OF NEW JERSEY 17 September 1944. MISSOURI then returned Intrepid. At 0828 and 0850 the ship opened fire IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to New York. The ship remained in New on enemy planes. The first was observed to Monday, December 18, 1995 York Harbor until final departure with Task be damaged when the ship ceased fire and Group 27.7 on 11 November 1944 for Cristobal was later splashed by the Combat Air Patrol Mr. SAXTON. Mr. Speaker, as we draw to Canal Zone. Transited the Panama Canal and while the second was downed by gunfire. At a close of 1995 I thought it appropriate to arrived in Balboa on 18 November on which 1316 the MISSOURI opened fire at a plane once again remember the 50th anniversary of date the ship joined the Pacific Fleet. Depar- which dropped a bomb near the U.S.S. York- World War II. Our Nation owes deep gratitude ture from the Panama Canal Zone was in town and at 1320 fired upon a plane which ap- to the men and women who proudly served company with Task Unit 12.7.1 on 19 Novem- proached to 2,500 yards. Both of these planes ber and the ship arrived in San Francisco were destroyed by gunfire. A number of our country during its time of need. Bay on 28 November. The U.S.S. MISSOURI One such veteran, a constituent of the Third enemy planes remained out of range in the escorted by the destroyers BAILEY and vicinity of the formation until 2115 when the District of New Jersey, Harold Loeffler, served TERRY departed San Francisco on 18 De- last plane of the day was splashed by a night aboard the USS Missouri during World War II. cember 1944 as Task Unit 12.7.1 and entered fighter. While serving on the Missouri, Mr. Loeffler wit- Pearl Harbor, T.H. on 24 December 1944. The On 19 March eight enemy raids were nessed the signing of the Japanese surrender. U.S.S. MISSOURI as part of Task Unit 12.5.9 tracked by radar before sunrise but none In a letter by Mr. Loeffler to my office, he ex- departed Pearl Harbor on 1 January 1945 closed to within range. At 0708 firing was pressed his thoughts on the battleship and the headed westward. On 13 January 1945 the seen on the horizon and almost immediately war. I have included his letter and a history of MISSOURI arrived at Ulithi, Western Caro- a carrier in Task Group 58.2 was seen to line Islands and reported to Commander burst into flame. This carrier was later iden- the USS Missouri, as it appeared in the Third Fleet for duty and on 26 January to tified by TBS as the U.S.S. Franklin. During commemoratorive program honoring the bat- Commander Fifth Fleet. The ship operated the balance of the day there were a number tleship, 10±2±95, so that they may help us re- from Ulithi conducting provisioning and of alerts and enemy planes were downed by member our victory 50 years ago. training exercises until 10 February 1945. the Combat Air Patrol but none approached WE ARE THE LAST 10 FEBRUARY TO 5 MARCH 1945 within range of the formation. During the We are the last. After we are gone there The ship departed Ulithi Anchorage on 10 period 19 to 21 March there were numerous will be no more. No one will follow in our February 1945 in Task Group 58.2 and oper- reports of enemy aircraft in the area, how- wake. For over 100 years we were the pride of ated in Task Force 58 during the period from ever, these were either accounted for by the the Navy. We were battleship sailors!!! 10 February to 5 March in preparation for Combat Air Patrol or did not approach with- We were with Dewey at Manilla. We died and support of the Iwo Jima operation. As in range of MISSOURI's guns. on the Maine in Havana. We manned the part of Task Force 58 the ship participated in On 24 March the ship, with others, was de- dreadnaughts and sailed around the world in the first East Carrier Task Force strikes tached from Task Group 58.4 to form Task Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet. We pa- against Tokyo on 16 and 17 February 1945. Force 59. As part of Task Force 59 the ship trolled the Atlantic during the ``War To End The anticipated opposition to these strikes participated in the bombardment of south- All Wars'' as the 6th Battle Squadron in the did not materialize. However, on the evening eastern Okinawa Shima on March 24. This British Grand Fleet. of 19 February, while steaming off Iwo Jima, was accomplished at extreme range and ac- As the battleships grew larger we grew several small groups of unidentified aircraft curate assessment of damage was therefore, with them becoming more technically were discovered by radar to be closing the not possible. Thereafter the ship fueled and skilled as improvements in armament, engi- formation. The ship opened fire on one of rejoined Task Group 58.4 on 26 March 1945 neering and communciations advanced. As these targets and an enemy aircraft ten- and as part of Task Force 58 the ship contin- technology progressed, we progressed to be tatively identified as a ``Helen'' burst into ued to operate off Okinawa Gunto and par- the finest sailors in the world. Battle- flames and crashed for a successful conclu- ticipated in strikes against Kyushu until ship Sailors! sion to the ship's first action against the May 6. During this period there were fre- Then came Pearl Harbor. We gallantly enemy. quent alerts and enemy aircraft were de- fought off the sneak attack. We saved what The ship participated as part of Task Force stroyed by Combat Air Patrol in the vicin- we could to fight another day, but our losses 58 in the 19 to 23 February air strikes in sup- ity. The ship opened fire on 29 March 1945 on were devastating. Every battleship sustained port of the landing forces on Iwo Jima, the 25 a plane which unsuccessfully attempted to damage. The Arizona became a water mau- February strikes against the Tokyo area and dive upon the U.S.S. Yorktown and on 7 soleum for her ghostly heroic crew. the 1 March 1945 strikes against Okinawa April the ship was with Task Force 58 during Fittingly, when the end came, the surren- Shima. the air strikes which sank the Japanese bat- der instruments were signed aboard a battle- tle ship Yamato. ship! 5 TO 13 MARCH 1945 On 11 April 1945, Task Force 58 was engaged Extended life was given battleships with As part of Task Force 58, the ship re- in neutralizing sweeps against southern Korea, Nam, the Mid-East and Desert Storm mained at anchor in Ulithi Anchorage engag- Kyushu airfields. During the morning one and now they are needed no more. The last ing in routine repairs and replenishment enemy raid was destroyed by the Combat Air were removed from the Naval Registry in from 5 to 13 March. On 9 March the ship was Patrol. At 1330 several groups of unidentified August 1995. reassigned from Task Group 58.2 to Task planes were reported approaching the forma- We are the last. After we are gone there Group 58.4. tion. By 1340 reports had been received that will be no more. No one will follow in our 14 MARCH TO 14 JUNE 1945 13 enemy planes had been splashed and that wake. For over 100 years we were the pride of The ship departed Ulithi Anchorage on 14 3 others were approaching the formation at the Navy. We were BATTLESHIP SAILORS! March as part of Task Force 59 and following high speed and low altitude. At 1442 the ship HISTORY OF THE U.S.S. MISSOURI (BB±63) exercises in company with Battleship Squad- opened fire on a low flying ``Zeke'' and al- The U.S.S. MISSOURI was built by the ron Two on 14 and 15 March, the MISSOURI though many hits were observed, the pilot Navy Yard, New York, her keel being laid on joined Task Group 58.4 on 16 March. As part succeeded in crashing the side of the MIS- 6 January 1941. She was Christened by Miss of Task Force 58 the ship participated in the SOURI immediately below the main deck at Margaret Truman on 29 January 1944, and 18 and 19 March carrier aircraft attacks frame 169 on the starboard side. Parts of the placed in full commission by the Com- against Kyushu and the Island Sea area. Dur- plane were scattered along the starboard side mandant Navy Yard, New York on Sunday, ing the afternoon and night of 17 March of the ship and the pilot's mutilated body 11 June 1944.
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