READ! NEXT WEEK, OUR NEW STORY, " TOR LOVE OF COUNTRY." READ! BASE BALL, TR,AP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 43, No. II. Philadelphia, May 28, 1904. Price, Five Cents. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE CHAMPIONS GREAT MEET HELD BY THE YORK STILL FLOUNDERING. CITY GUN CLUB. The Veterans of the Team Seem to Over ICO Shooters Participate J. A. R. Have Lost Their Battiog Skill Not EHiott High Expsrt L. B. Fleming Oiie of the Players in Regular Form High Amateur Fen Cooper Won The Pitcliers Bracing up. Target Championship The Details. BY A. R. CRATTY. BY WILL K. PARK, Pitsburg, May 2.3. Editor "Sporting York, Pa., May 21. The fourteenth an- Life:" One department of the Pittsburgh ual tournaments of the Pennsylvania State where a defect existed has been braced portsnieu©s Association was held on. the up during the home stand. York County Agricultural Still another is yet to be Society grounds, here, this (shored up. The pitchers eek. It must be placed during the week ending 14th :i the list of "big shoots" put up a good defensive of the country, not only in stand, but. on the offensive ttendance, but in complete their comrades were unable ness of arrangements and to tear off chunks. The npidity of conducting the batting is light. Only in vents. v, one game during that week The Tournament Commit did the nine hit with any tee of the York City (inn degree of freedom, and in Club, under whose auspices this two hits broke up the the meet was given, were: game. One was a double Kli Spangler, N. M. Mo- A. R. Craffy and the other a homer at Sherry and Alien M. Seitz. J. A. R. Elliotl the right time. All this The manager was D. S. happened in Thursday©s game with Brook Daudt, of Philadelphia, and superintendent lyn, when Giant Cronin went in, had noth )f traps, Charles North, of the. Chamber ing and was told to stay there by his chief and pitch nothing- but underhand. lain Cartridge and Target Company, Cleve In the games the Premiers \vou from Phil land, O. adelphia there was THE SHOOTING ARRANGEMENTS NO HITTING ere first-class iii every particular. Five of moment. They won a game against Leggett traps were arranged in a line 45 Sparks on three hits, some of the tatter©s yards apart within the iuclosure of the chums being rather generous. In the game half-mile race track of the Agricultural pitched by Lush the champions got several Society. The background was not favorable runs handed to them. Manager Clarke is for record breaking, as a line of stables and making every effort possible to improve the row of maple trees, with an old oak or. batting work. He riffles his batting order two, offered a background none too suitable. almost daily and insists on morning prac The Leggett traps threw a good, steady tice. Nothing seems to break up the period flight 45 to 50 yards, with few broken of light batting. Good pitching comes along targets, and the solid squads of an eveu. with more than the usual frequency of WILTON J. LAMBERT, 100 shooters on the first regular day, Tues previous seasons, and this change of affairs day, completed the main program early m is a factor in the decline of batting of President of the Washing; on American League C©ub. the afternoon. The squads shot in the some champions. usual order, starting at No. 1 set and going The champions continued their good down the line in regular rotation. work during the past week, beating Mo- Graw©s would-be champions two out of reliable pitchers, and until they were se when they jumped onto the Pittsburgs and THE PRELIMINARY EVENTS. three, and also wiping up the diamond cured there could be no success expected. walloped them. Why wouldn©t the sport Monday had CO shooters, who tried the Frank Haller, a player agent for the Pitts- do better if the other tack was followed©/ traps, ©and 50 finished the program of 120 with the Bostons. The New Yorlt series shots. J. S. Fanning topped the list, show was chiefly enjoyable from the fact that burg team in many seasons gone by, could Credit to whom credit is due. The stand the Pirates drove Matthewson to the sta not stand the shot and took up the cudgel is a good one. Local scorers admitted the ing a return to old form by _ __ in behalf of more pitchers. He argued force of the position taken by the old breaking 114. Pfleiger, an ble and won their first game from him in that the time would come when the club man, but the manner in which they handled Ambler (Pa.) amateur, was two years. The only New York victory could use a good man or two. "Mind you," the game is the same the world over. was scored by McGiunity, who last year in his usual cool condition, said Haller,"! am not finding any fault with DILLON IS O. K. and stood second. J. M. was easy for Clarke©s men. In this game the old fellows, but I feel sure that you MeGinnity had everything and was simply On the Brooklyn team is that man Frank Hawkins, a professional, cannot keep up with tin; present staff." Dillou, whom Hanloii fought so hard for tied Pfleiger on 113. The iinhittable. There was great satisfaction Haller found Wilhelm, and every day he next three men in line were expressed over the manner in which Kos- smiles when he thinks of the good work in the tribunal. Dillon once piayed for the coe Miller acquitted himself in the last Pittsburgs. Fie was here for a period in paid experts. Trapshooters that the man is doing for "Buck." Haller were present from Ohio, game <*f the scries. In the opening game has been in the game for fifteen years or the days of W. Harry Watkins. He did with Boston the Pirates showed more of more and he vows that the style Wilhelni not last when the merger took place, for New York, New Jersey, their old form than in any game to date showed in the South in 1902 was the best an idea was conceived by the new owners Maryland, Delaware, Michi this season. Their runs came in splendid he had ever peeped at. that Dillon was like a certain other first gan, Connecticut, and from style, but hard, and the eight runs they NUT A POOR STAND. baseman once a Pittsburger, but now on all parts of Pennsylvania. made was the biggest score made by the "Ned" rianlon started an argument with the Americans: that is, he lacked the cour The trade wan, well repre J. M. Hawkins champions this season. Captain Clarke the local newspaper boys while here age to stand.a close play at the bag where sented by Elliott, Hawkins. led his team to victory, hitting four times by asserting that they looked at the ball in the spikes would play an important Fessenden, Butler, Fulford, Benjamin, Hull, safely. game with poor eyes. In other words, they part. If the man has- anything of that na Squier, Storr, Rike, Glover, Fox, Daudt, BARNEY©S QUIZ CLASS. often had a chance to help the sport in ture in liis make-up now it does not come Durston, Apgar, McMurchy, Gmbb, C. A. Col. Barney, who has all along held that general by a careful review of a game,, to the front. One thing is sure about the North, Baskervill, Keller, Lawrence, Her- the team did not need any new pitchers, but instead they hurt it. On Thursday the man; he can handle team plays with the jolted the newspaper gang on Friday. He Pittsburg men played poor base ball. This best. Let Dobbs, for instance get on the THE OPENING PROGRAM came out of his inner office, got up an defeat was seized upon by the newspaper bag, and then have Dillon come up. The started with an entry list that few State argument over scoring matters, and then men as the news item of the contest. They two worked the hit and run game finely shoots can boast of. One hundred entries slyly quizzed as to the name of the "gent" rapped the locals for their blunders, etc. here. Dillon hits everywhere. He can also were received for Tuesday, and all finished who declared that the pitching staff would Not a word was said about the style of move around on the bases, and in the the©first 10 events of 15© targets each. In. not do. Phillippe and Miller and Leever play used by the Brooklyns. In Hanlon©s games here stole a number of bases. Sev each of these events $8 .was added, which had just pitched three tine games off the mind his team had shown tactics creditable eral times, however, third was occupied went to make fifth and sixth money, the reel on previous days, and Barney©s com to the best nine in "the land. They had by a fast man and the catcher was hand main purse being divided 40, 30, 20 and© ment was well timed. The little magnate worked fine points often. Their play was ing out the short throw. Hanlon only 10 per cent. These events were open to glanced toward one paragrapher who two so systematic that they secured the worth smiles when asked as to the skill of Mr. all amateurs, the manufacturers© agents days before had a two-column screed say- of nearly every hit that they landed.
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