212 Meredith Street • Kennett Square, PA 19348 www.stpatrickkennettsquare.org MASSES February 25, 2018 Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Second Sunday of Lent Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12 Noon Weekday Mass: 7:30 AM Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM Saturday CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM Holy Days of Obligation - See Sunday bulletin. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays 8 AM to 7 PM Parish Office 205 Lafayette Street And he was transfigured before them, and his clothes Telephone: 610-444-4364 became dazzling white. (Gospel) Fax: 610-444-2129 Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday Clergy Religious Ed. Center Rev. Christopher B. Rogers, Pastor 210 Meredith St. Rev. Victor F. Sharrett, Pastor Emeritus Buffington House Rev. Andres Garcia, In Residence 227 Lafayette Street Oblates of St. Francis DeSales, Sunday Assistance 236 Deacons James K. Madonna and James J. Elliott MISSION STATEMENT St. Patrick Church, in the process of strengthening its Catholic Community, seeks to make the gospel of Jesus Christ better known and loved through prayer, stewardship and good works ST. PATRICK CHURCH, KENNETT SQUARE, PA PRAYER INTENTIONS All praise and glory is yours, Lord our God, for You have called us to serve You in love. Bless our sick: Ro Teel, Gweneth Malchione, Bill Ewell, Ronald Hall, Frank Reck, Michael Odorisio, Monday, February 26, Lenten Weekday 7:30AM Elaine Baccino Sr., Mario Lorenzut, Ginny Basilio, Pastor Dan r/o Tony & Ginny Basilio Nicewonger, Steve Briley, Ana Teresa Encar- Tuesday, February 27, Lenten Weekday nacion, Robert “Mack” Marc-Aurele, Adriano 7:30AM Larry Giancola D’Angelo, Clara Dunlap, Phil Morehead, Rosemary r/o Joe & Roseann Jester F. Madrigale, Tim Ewell, Ida DiNorscia, Rosa Ma- Wednesday, February 28, Lenten Weekday ria Santos, Ilidi Brown, Rosaline Holloway, Phyllis 7:30AM Jonathan Claudy r/o M/M George Martin Palos, Thomas Layug, Steven Mangini, John Pelle- Thursday, March 1, Lenten Weekday grino, Thomas Kelleher, Angela Smoker, Diane 7:30AM Giovanni Angelucci Jones, Woody Sinson, Giovanna Sankus, so that r/o Rita & Angelo they bear this illness in union with Your Son’s obe- Friday, March 2, Lenten Weekday dient suffering, restore them to health, and lead 7:30AM Elaine Baccino them to glory. Amen. r/o St. Patrick’s Guitar Group Saturday, March 3, St. Katherine Drexel, Lenten Weekday 8:00AM Special Intention Vigil, Third Sunday of Lent OUR FAITHFUL DEPARTED: May the soul of 5:00PM Elaine Baccino Mary McDonald and the souls of all the faithful r/o Sandy & Justin D’Antonio departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Sunday, March 4, Third Sunday of Lent Amen. 7:30AM Mass for Parishioners 9:00AM Dino Fieni r/o Fred & Rose Marie Fieni 10:30AM Clifford Hemphill r/o Donna Miller Good and loving Fa- 12:00PM Clifford Hemphill ther, watch over and r/o Y.C. & Brenda Chan protect all who serve in the Armed Forces of our nation. Sur- round them with your Stations of the Cross love and care & bring them safely home. every Friday at 7:00PM during Lent. NOT on Good Friday. SGT Richard Baffa SSG Raymond Burke III Sunday, March 25 at LT Michael Crawford 7:00PM in Church Capt. Dominic Paul DellaPelle, USMC LCPL Ben Farrell, USMC Chief Petty Ofcr 1st Cl Shauna McNeely SFC Tyler Nellens Join us for this beautiful evening of prayer, meditation E1 Airman 1st Cl Andrew Szonntag and reflection with the Franciscan Mystery Players, a very gifted group of young people. 236 SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 25, 2018 FROM THE PASTOR My Dear Parishioners, Praised be Jesus Christ! This weekend, I am happy to welcome to our parish Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie as we begin our 2018 Sunday Lenten Series. The McKenzies are a Catholic couple, naves of Drexel Hill, Pa and two people who know the power of the living God. For in March of 1992, their daughter Bernadee received a healing miracle from God, Himself. And in December of 2000, aer much invesgaon from doctors throughout the world, the miracle was officially confirmed and recognized as such by the Catholic Church leading the way for the Canonizaon of St. Leonie Aviat, the foundress of the Oblate Sisters. Be sure to come back to Church on Sunday aernoon at 1 PM to hear the rest of the story! Next week, the series connues with the witness of Mr. Robert Gutherman, the official miracle for St. Katherine Drexel. You’ll noce this weekend in the pews some brochures regarding the Annual Catholic Charies Appeal (CCA). This is a familiar reality to all of us in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and this year marks the 60th Anniversary of this important outreach. The CCA is the single most important fundraising iniave of the Archdiocese and thru its efforts the social service ministries of the Church are enabled. Last year, you and many of our parishioners contributed $41,359 to the CCA! That was an awesome response and a testament to the generous parish that we are. This year, the goal set for us by the Archdiocese is similar $41,659. In the coming weeks, you’ll find mailings for the CCA in the mail and I ask your aenon to them. I know that there are many such mailings sent from all sorts of organizaons, but CCA is different. CCA supports local social services which enable so much to be done in our Archdiocese. In this Season of Lent, I ask that your almsgiving go toward this appeal. For more informaon or to see this year’s CCA video, please see the website: www.catholicchariesappeal.org Finally, a word of thanks to all who have responded to the Parish Survey, our Parish Plans for our 150th Jubilee Year and our plans for our Church renovaon. Details for the laer two items will be forthcoming, but suffice it to say that our Jubilee Year will be an excing one, giving us all a chance to celebrate and contribute to the legacy that is St. Patrick’s. Peace, Fr. Rogers LAST WEEK FOR PARISH SURVEY Man Up Philly Our parish survey is entering its last full week. Special Saturday, March 3, 2018 thanks to all who have assisted with this project: members Neumann University of our parish pastoral council and all who have taken me to fill it out. In this week, please connue to like and share Mirenda Center it on Facebook, spread the word to fill it out. In this week, 1 Neumann Drive, Aston please connue to like and share it on Facebook, spread the This year we celebrate the 10th Annual Man Up Spirituality word to neighbors and if you have NOT as of yet completed Conference in the Archdiocese. The conference provides an it, please do so. Official close date is next Monday, March opportunity for men to come together in true Chrisan broth- 5, 2018. erhood and to hear inspiraonal talks from fellow men on the journey of faith. This day will include Adoraon, Reconcilia- Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries Post Aboron Healing Retreat on and will conclude with Mass. To register: ManUp- March 9, 10, 11 –Call Lauren at 215-720-5828. Philly.com/registraon. 236 ST. PATRICK CHURCH, KENNETT SQUARE, PA PARISH NEWS AND EVENTS THIS WEEK AT ST. PATRICK PARISH Each Sunday of Lent, join Sunday, February 25 us for these special PREP 10:20AM S events. The three talks will be held in the Church Small Groups Meeting 7-8:30PM BH Basement after the 12:00 Baptism 1:30PM C Mass from 1:15-2:30PM. Speaker Denise McKenzie 1:15-2:30PM CB February 25: Denise McKenzie: The Power of Monday, February 26 Prayer PREP 4:50PM S On March 25, 1992, Denise’s 14 year old daughter ex- perienced a life changing event when her debilitating ESL Class 6:30PM S illness of almost 3 years suddenly and miraculously Small Groups Meeting 7-8:30PM BH disappeared on the 4th day of a novena being said for Tuesday, February 27 her cure by a little known French nun, Mother Francis de Sales Aviat. This miracle led to the canonization of Bible Study 10:00-11:45AM BH Mother Aviat, now known as St. Leonie Aviat. Bible Study 7-8:45PM BH March 4: Robert Gutherman: The Gift of Hearing Small Groups Meeting 1-2:30PM BH In 1974, Robert Gutherman experienced a serious ear Small Groups Meeting 7-8:30PM PO infection which led him to Children’s Hospital of Phil- Wednesday, February 28 adelphia. It was there that he experienced a miracle of Choir 7:00PM C profound sorts. A miracle attested to by doctors, a mir- acle that led to the canonization of St. Katherine in ESL Class 6:30PM S 2000. RCIA 7:00PM PO March 11: Fr. Connolly: The Passion Narrative of Small Groups Meeting 10-11:30AM & 7-8:30PM BH St. Mark Thursday, March 1 St. Mark’s Gospel has been referred to as a long Pas- Small Groups Meeting 10-11:30AM & 7-8:30PM BH sion account. As we get ready for Holy Week, come and learn what makes his Gospel so unique and how to Ladies of St. Patrick Mtg. 1:00PM BH make ready for a special Holy Week. Knights of Columbus Mtg. 7:00PM CB 150th Celebration Comm. Mtg. 1-3:00PM BH Jubilee Celebraon-Help Wanted Friday, March 2 Various commiees connue to plan acvies in ancipa- Stations of the Cross 7:00PM C on of the parish Jubilee celebraon in 2019. As we devel- Saturday, March 3 op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two Rosary 8:30AM & 4:30PM C important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies.
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