December 10, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1755 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MICROBEAD-FREE WATERS ACT OF HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ESTHER fifty years to the service of our Western New 2015 ORTIZ CARDENAS York community. Mr. Curley was born and raised in Buffalo, SPEECH OF HON. WILL HURD New York. After graduating from Canisius OF TEXAS High School in 1959, where he was first team HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES all Catholic in tennis, he moved to Boston, where he graduated with an A.B. degree in OF NEW YORK Thursday, December 10, 2015 mathematics from Boston College in 1963. He IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HURD of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise then returned to Buffalo to pursue an M.S. de- today to recognize the 100th birthday of Es- gree from Canisius College. Monday, December 7, 2015 ther Ortiz Cardenas of Del Rio, Texas. He was an instructor at D’Youville and A beloved mother of 12 children, grand- Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Canisius Colleges, where he lectured in statis- mother of 29 grandchildren, 48 great-grand- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of the tics, accounting, and business valuation tech- children and 8 great, great grandchildren, Mrs. Microbead-Free Waters Act. niques. Mr. Curley went on to work in banking Cardenas is a woman known for her devout at Marine Midland, before starting his own Microbeads, the small plastic particles con- faith, her hard work and her generous hospi- tained in many face washes and other cleans- business consulting company, St. Lawrence tality. Business Consultants, in 1977. ing products, too often end up in America’s Whether it was cooking from scratch, mak- lakes, rivers, and other water sources. In fact, He remains president of St. Lawrence Busi- ing clothes for the family, tending chickens, ness Consultants today, specializing in training a report last year from New York Attorney creating home-made soap or tending her gar- General Eric Schneiderman found that up to seminars, economic development projects, den to put food on the table, she always mergers and acquisitions, succession plan- 19 tons of microbeads could find their way into worked hard to ensure her family never want- my home state’s wastewater stream each ning, corporate valuations and ESOPs. At St. ed for anything. Lawrence Business Consultants, he became year. These particles accumulate pollutants, Knowing that God would always provide, the Washington liaison to Moog, Inc. He has increasing toxicity of our waters, and pose a Mrs. Cardenas never hesitated to feed the also played a role in statewide economic de- threat to fish and other wildlife that ingest hungry or help others who were in need. velopment, including consulting with New York plastic. When faced with troubled times, she turned to State’s Ownership Transition Services Pro- I commend the many leading companies God, believing in answered prayers. Surrounded by her family and friends, Mrs. gram and helping to retain more than ten- that voluntarily responded to these concerns thousand jobs in the state. by phasing out the use of plastic microbeads Cardenas celebrated 100 years on November 28th of this year. Mrs. Cardenas is without As a thirty year management seminar lead- in their product lines, including L’Oreal, er, Mr. Curley has conducted more than one Unilever, and Avon. question, a Proverbs 31 woman—a blessing to her family and her community. hundred seminars throughout the United I am pleased Congress acted this week to On behalf of the Twenty-Third Congres- States with more than 3,000 participants. act on this important issue, with bipartisan leg- sional District of Texas, congratulations to Es- He has served on the boards of several islation that will ban microbeads in personal ther Ortiz Cardenas on turning 100 years New York and international corporations, and care products beginning in 2017. young and may you celebrate many more. is a member of the Industry Trade Advisory Committee (ITAC) under the auspices of the This legislation builds on the momentum f from ten states that have passed legislation to Department of Commerce. ban microbeads—including nine just in 2015. CONGRATULATING THE CRYSTAL Mr. Curley was a distinguished member of Unlike some proposals that would put in place CITY HIGH SCHOOL HORNETS the board of the New York Power Authority an unrealistic timeline for implementation, or FOR THEIR 2015 MISSOURI CLASS from 2007 to 2012. And he was elected to phase in the restriction years later than H.R. 1 GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY STATE three terms on the Orchard Park Town Board, 1321, this federal legislation will grant all par- CHAMPIONSHIP where he served for 12 years and was re- ties sufficient time to eliminate microbeads, garded as an expert in public finance. He also while ensuring quick action on this growing HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER served as chairman of sewer district #3 and concern. The Microbead-Free Waters Act will OF MISSOURI was vice chair of the Southtown Recycling ensure consumers know that the products IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Consortium. they use each day will not pollute our precious Thursday, December 10, 2015 Mr. Curley has served in leadership posi- lakes and rivers. tions for more than two dozen charitable, civic Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise I urge the Senate to act quickly to pass this and philanthropic organizations. He founded today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- the Orchard Park Council of the Arts and was legislation, and congratulate Chairman UPTON gratulating the Crystal City High School Hor- a member of the National Board of Directors and Ranking Member PALLONE for their hard nets for their first place win in the 2015 Class work on this important bill. of the American Heart Association, Mercy 1 Girls Cross Country State Championship. Hospital of Buffalo, and the President’s Coun- This team and their coach should be com- cil of D’Youville College. He served as chair- f mended for all of their hard work throughout man of the Board of Trustees of Erie County this past year and for bringing home the state PERSONAL EXPLANATION Central Police Services, and director and championship to their school and community. chairman of the audit committee of a Western I ask you to join me in recognizing the Crys- New York foundation. The Orchard Park HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN tal City Hornets for a job well done. Chamber of Commerce voted him Man of the f Year, and he received multiple awards for his OF VIRGINIA HONORING D. PATRICK CURLEY service to the American Heart Association. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For forty-six years, Mr. Curley has been a Thursday, December 10, 2015 HON. BRIAN HIGGINS member of the Orchard Park Volunteer Fire Company becoming a life member in 1987. OF NEW YORK Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I missed a se- During this time he attended 5,147 emergency IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ries of recorded votes on November 30, 2015. and fire calls. Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘YEA’’ Thursday, December 10, 2015 An avid hockey enthusiast, he served as on roll call vote Number 644 and roll call vote Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in vice chair for the Southtowns YMCA board of Number 645. honor of D. Patrick Curley, who has dedicated managers, where he designed, financed, and ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:17 Dec 11, 2015 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K10DE8.016 E10DEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 10, 2015 built an indoor ice rink. He also founded the and Representative SANFORD BISHOP to urge with the 912th Human Resources Company in Southtowns Hockey Officials Association, and our colleagues in Congress to move towards Afghanistan, Krystyl brought a wide range of was a referee for 35 years. the construction and completion of the Na- valuable experiences to Capitol Hill. Mr. Curley is married to Carolyn G. Curley, tional Eisenhower Memorial as a fitting tribute From day one, Krystyl dove right into the the father of Jennifer Curley Reichert, Brendan to the Supreme Commander of the Allied role of a legislative aide and was as meticu- Curley, and Shannon Curley Tower, and the Forces in Europe during World War II and the lous as a seasoned staffer. There was never proud grandfather of eight grandchildren. He is 34th President of the United States. an issue she didn’t care to learn, and her known for his colorful attire and positive atti- As admirers of Dwight D. Eisenhower and fresh perspective was invaluable. Her experi- tude. He is a loyal, a proven consensus build- his impact on history, it has been an honor to ences in the U.S. Army Reserve and Florida er, cohesive team player, and a fair and effec- serve on the Eisenhower Memorial Commis- Department of Law Enforcement were instru- tive leader. He never missed a St. Patrick’s sion. It is our hope that Dwight D. Eisenhower mental in helping me introduce important leg- Day parade in Buffalo or New York City, or a and our country receive a memorial that prop- islation to stop fraud against veterans and in chance to sing ‘‘God Bless America.’’ erly commemorates his roles as General and securing critical funding for service members Mr.
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