Jumb. 85. 2837 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1920. Lands set apart as Provi&io'fUJ,l Btate Forests. by a right line to the point of commencement. ~ the same· I is delineated on sheet 47, roll plan 450, deposited m the Head [L.B.] JELLICOE, Governor-General. Office, Department of Forestry, at Wellington, and thereon bordered green. A PROCLAMATION. All that area of land in the Westland Land District, situate y virtue and in exorcise of the powers a:iicl authorities in Blocks XIV and XV, Waiwhero Survey District, and B conferred upon me by section thirty-four of the War Blocks II and III, Mawheranui Survey District, being Reserve Legislation and Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918, and 1592, and containing 10,000 acres, more or less. Bounded as section two of the State Forests Amendment Act, 1919, I, follows : Commencing at the north-west corner of Block XIV, John Rushworth, Viscount Jellicoe, Governor-General of the Waiwhero Survey District; thence due east along the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice northern boundary of said Block XIV to the north-east corner and consent of the Executive Council of the said Domi~on, Iof said Block XIV ; thence due south along the western do hereby set apart the national-endowment lands desonbed bound!Lry of said Block XIV for a distance of 8000 links; in the Schedule hereto as and for provisional State forests. thence due east to Moonlight Creek ; thence generally in a southerly direction, following along the right bank of said SCHEDULE. Moonlight Creek, to Section 3304, Block XV, Waiwhero TARANAKI LAND DISTRIO.T. Survey District ; thence generally in a southerly drection, ALL that area of land in the Taranaki Land District, con­ following along the northern, western, and southern bo_und­ taining by admeasurement 815 acres, more or less, being aries of aforesaid Section 3304, right bank of Moonlight Creek, Section l of Block II, Waro Survey District. As the same western and southern boundaries of Section 5, Block XV, is delineated on plan No. 86, in green, deposited in the Head Waiwhero Survey District, western boundary of Section 2, Office, Department of Forestry, at Wellington, and thereon Block XV, Waiwhero Survey District, northern and western bordered green. boundaries of Section 2943, Block III, Mawheranui Survey District, to the south-western comer of aforesaid Section WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT. 2943 ; thence in a south-westerly direction to the south­ All that area of land in Blocks I and II, Temiko Survey eastern comer of Section 2, Block II, Mawheranui Survey District, and Blocks IX and XIII, Waiwhero Survey District, District ; thence in a north-westerly direction along the in the Westland Land District, being Reserve 1591, contain­ north-eastern boundary of aforesaid Section 2 to its most ing by admeasurement 7,980 acres, more or less. Com­ northerly point ; thence in a south-western direction to a mencing at the south-western comer of Section 7, Block IX, point on the western boundary of Block II, Mawheranui Waiwhero Survey District, and proceeding along the southern Survey District, in line with the north -western boundaries of boundaries of that section and Section 3201 to the western aforesaid Section 2 and Section I, Block II, Mawheranui boundary of Section 2652 ; thence along the said western Survey District;. thence due north along.th'.e western bound­ boundary to a road reserve ; thence· along the western side aries of Block 11, Mawheranui, and,, Block XIV, Waiwhero of said road reserve to a point in line with the south-western Survey Districts, to point of commencement. As the same corner of Section 2998 ; thence across the said road and along is delineated on sheet 47, roll plan.450, deposited in the Head the southern boundary of the said Section 2998, a distance of Office, Department of Forestry, at Wellington, and thereon 2400 links ; thence due south to the northern boundary of bordered ii;reen. Block XIII of the said district ; thence along its northern, All that area of Land in the Westland Land District, ea.stem, and southern boundaries to the eastern boundary of situate in Blocks XIII, XIV, and XV, Ahaura Survey land set apart for the purposes of the Coal-mines Act, 1895; DiRtrict, and Blocks I, II, and III, Kopara Survey District, thence by the last-mentioned land to and across the Waiani­ being Reserve 1702, and containing 15,500 acres, more or whaniwha Creek; thence by the right bank of the said creek less. Bounded as follows : Commencing a.t the south-east­ to the eastern boundary of the Nelson-Grey coalfields area; ern comer of Section I, Block XIII, Ahaura Survey District, thence along the boundary of that area to the eastern side and proceeding along its eastern boundary to the north­ of the main North Road; thence along the said side of that eastern corner; thence due north to the right bank of Nelson road by Section 2987 to its north-eastern corner; thence Creek ; thence due east to the eastern bounda.ry of Block across Maukurunui Creek bv Section 298 ; to its northern­ XV, Ahaura Survey District ; thence· due south a.long the most corner; thence by a ·right line to the south-western eastern boundaries of that block and Block III, Kopara corner of Section 2, Block IX, Waiwhero Survey District; Survey District, for a distance of 300 chains ; thence due thence by that section and section l to the northernmost west to the eastern boundary of Block II of the said Kopara corner of the latter section in Block IX aforesaid; and thence Survey District; thence in a westerly direction by a right A !838 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 85 line to a. point on the Nelson Creek -Kora.re. Road, 90 cha.ins Iby Section 2442, Block X, Hohonu Survey District, by south of the northern boundary of the ea.id Block II ; thence Reserve 956, by the northern side of the I.a.ke Brunner Road, a.long the eastern side of the mid Nelson Creek-Kopa.rn Road by Reserve 956, ago.in by the northern side of the I.ake to the south-western corner of Section 1, Block XIII, Kopa.ra Brunner Road, by the right bank of Big Hohonu River, by Survey District; and thence in a. north-eagterly direction the eastern side of Old Marsden Road to the northern along the southern boundary of the aforesaid Section 1 to the · boµnda.ry of Block IX, Hohonu Survey District ; thence point of commencement. As the so.me is delineated on sheet due east, 25000 links ; thence due north to the north bound- 47, roll plan 450, deposited in the Head Office, Department ary of Block VI, Hohonu Survey District; thence due west of Forestry, a.t Wellington, and thereon bordered green. 28000 links ; thence due south, 25000 links ; thence due All that area. of land in Blocks XIII and XIV, Arnold east to the western side of Old Marsden Road ; thence by the Survey District, in the Westland Land District, being Reserve so.id side of that road, by Section 1874, Block IX, Hohonu 1600,. containing by admeasurement 2,430 acres, more or less. Survey District, a.gain by the western side of Old Marsden Bounded toward the north by Section 188Q, Block XIII, Road; thence by the right bank of the Teremakau River, by Arnold Survey District, by the western side of A.K. Line the northern side of the Cape Terrace Road to Tansey Creek ; Road, across that road, and by Section 1599, Block XIV, thence by the right bank of Tansey Creek, by the right bank of the said district, east by Education Endowment Reserve of Terema.ka.u River, by the western and northern boundaries 130 of Block XIV aforesaid to a. point in line with the southern of Block XIII, Wa.imea Survey District, by the southern side boundary of Section 1864, Block XIII aforesaid ; thence of Cameron's Road to its junction with Old Ma.rsden Road ; towards the south by a right line to the eastern side of Clifton thence by a. right line to and by Section 2705, Block I, Hohonu Road; and thence towa.rds the west by the said side of that Survey District, to its southern corner; thence by a. due-ea.st road, by Section 1871 and the production of its southern line to and by the left bank of Irishman's Creek to the ea.stern boundary across Kaia.ta Road, and by the ea.stem side of that boundary of Section 3057, Block I, Hohonu Survey District; road to the place of commencement. As the same is deline- thence by that section, across the Marsden-Maori Creek a.ted on sheet 47, roll plan 450, deposited in the Head Office, Road; thence by a. right line to the south-west corner of Department of Forestry, a.t Wellington, and thereon bordered Section 2706 of the ea.id Block I; thence by that section and green. a. road reserve to a.nd by the northern side of Limestone All that area. of land in Block II, Turiwha.te Survey Track, by the western bounda.ry of Block I, Hohonu Survey District, in the Westland Land District, being Reserve 1601, District, a. distance of 7000 links; thence due ea.st to a. point in containing by a.dmea.surement 1,000 acres, more or less. line with the western boundary of Education Endowment Re­ Commencing a.t the northernmost corner of Section 3174, serve No. 1453; thence by a right line to and by that reserve Block II, Turiwha.te Survey District, a.nd bounded thence and its northern boundary produced a.cross a.
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