YOU'RE INVITED TO THE 200 I Officers Leadership Academy AUGUST 1-5, 200 I • MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE Pi Kappa Alpha,s Most Comprehensive Educational and Leadership Development Program Leadership A four-day personal and leadership skills development track has been included in this year's program. Fraternity staff, officers and guest faculty will facilitate programs on identifying personal strengths, building a mission statement, clarifying goals and developing a leadership strategy. Highlights The Officers Leadership Academy will feature the presentation of the Fraternity's chapter programming awards (including the Smythe and Newell Awards), the Distinguished Achievement Award and the Loyalty Award. Participants will also attend a baseball game at Memphis' new AutoZone Park, home of the AAA Memphis Redbirds. Chapter Programming Sessions will be presented on recruitment, risk awareness, chapter For more information, finances, the Fraternity's history and visit us on the web at Ritual, campus relations, alumni www.pka.com, development, housing, pledge or call Pi Kappa Alpha's education, chapter retreats and Memorial Headquarters, "motivating the membership". 901-748-1868. SIDELD&DWIOND • 2001 CHAPTER PRES ID E T LEADER HIP CO FERE CE A D RU H UMMIT 5 ETA IGMA CHAPTER RECHARTERED AT THE STATE IVER ITY OF WEST GEORG IA 6 2001 I TER AT IO AL WORK DAY 7 PI KAPPA ALPHA PRESENTS THE 2000-2001 SPORTS REV IEW 9 FOCUS ON LEADERSHIP: A INTERV IEW WITH TRUETT CAT HY 23 PIKE ALUMN I MAKING HEADLINE 36 PIKES 0 CD 37 DEPARTME T • FROM THE PRESTDE T'S DESK 4 CHAPTER OTES 23 EDUCAT IO AL FO DATION NEWS 26 INTERNAT!O AL ALUMN I ASSOC IAT IO EWS & OTES 33 ALUMN I NOTES 38 EWS OF BYGO E DAY 41 TELL US WHAT'S EW 47 RECRU ITME T 48 CHA PT ER ETERNAL 49 Above: Captain of th e University of Chicago Maroons basketball team Brad Hender on (Chicago. Iota Xi '98) is also a Rh odes Scholar. On the cover: Will Overstreet (Tenne ·ee, Zeta '99). a decorated SEC pe1forme1; tracks an Aubum Tige1: VOLUME 112 / NUMBER 1 / SPRING 2001 IDE r DE K Dear Broth ers, Home in Atlanta, I Durocher, who was reputedly linked to gam­ my great friend and retired Vanderbilt dean li stened on the radio bl er . In a stern meetin g, Chandl er handed K.C. Potter (Va nderbilt, Sigma '01) was recently to the f ir t Durocher a card with eight names and pl ainl y honorarily initiated. interview from th e stated, " You can't associate with these unde- Serving as yo ur international president is Braves' pring train­ irabl es and remain in ba eball." Thi s illus­ both an opportunity to learn and to be invi go­ ing. The sights and tration empowers all PiKAs to ha ve the cour­ rated by exemplary brothers. By the examples ound of pring age to remai n true to principles and demon­ of our alumni and undergraduates, I ca n at­ baseball represent the trate leader hip when ca ll ed upon . These are test th at Pi Kappa Alpha i prepared to look awakening of a new basic elements of Pi Kappa Alpha' founda­ with courage and fortitude directly into the eason. In pring­ tion . future and not blink. In the wan ing day of th e Ameri can Civil time, I occasionall y H. King Buttermore ITI War, General Grant was moving on Ri ch­ F ra tern a II y, encounter th e cent of (Vanderbilt, Sigma '63) fl owerin g shrubs that mond from th e North. While advancing 60 must have been near th e igma Chapter house mil es he lost 60,000 men passing through The at Vanderbilt, becau e they remind me of my Wildernes , Spottsylvania, and Cold Harbor. first spring in co ll ege and th e time our ingress But an eventuall y victorious Grant remained ~~-H. King Buttermore lTl program wa in full tilt. The days just prior to pos iti ve throughout and was heard to say, " If International President the long anti ci pated initiation ceremony are yo u see President Linco ln, tell him there's no pleasant memori es of a group of men who had turning back! " Likewi se, to alumni and un­ known each other for only a short time, but dergraduates ali ke, your Supreme Council 's What The Readers were soon to commit to be "broth er fo r life." commitment is to fo cus on our exce ll ence. We Are Saying... The arrival of pring i a time of rebirth for Pi cannot ignore th e occasional poor choice by Kappa Alpha's chapters. It is a time of inven­ someone in our orga ni za ti on. Th ere are over I' m writing to thank you for publish­ tory, and a tim e of looking to th e future. The I 0,000 undergraduates in ou r chapters and in g th e Shield & Diamond on the fac t that Pi Kappa Alpha, both stati sti ca ll y and 170,000 li ving alumni , and none of us is per­ website. Since I' m legally blind, I phi lo ophica ll y, is the pre-eminent fraterni ty fect. But, we can reali ze that mi stakes are the wou ldn ' t be ab le to read it otherwi e. in orth America moti va tes us to choose ac­ exception rather th an th e rule, and we can Now, all I have to do is use my creen­ ti ons th at will yie ld greater successes, and to ga in strength from the solid foundation in our reading software and I can keep up to focu on ways to strength en our brotherhood. beloved ritu al to turn di sappointment into date on deve lopments in Pi Kappa Al­ We must commit to exce ll ence o that occa- opportunity, and create ultimately another pha and at Gamma Chi Chapter at Okla­ ional di sa ppoi ntments and human frai Iti es success. homa State University. wi ll be overcome, and wil l ha ve little effect Your intern ati onal pre ident ha traveled Before the magazine wa published on our trategic plan for attaining new pin­ recently to Grand Lake, Oklahoma for a Su­ online, my wife Debbie, who is the edi­ nacles. preme Council qu arterly meeting that also tor of the Delta Delta Delta Fraternity A grea t book is Heroes, Plain Folks and included sessions for the President's Advi­ magazine Th e Trident, would read me Skunks by A.B. " Happy" Chandler (Tran ­ sory Forum and Hou in g Commi ssion; Phoe­ every issue cover to cover. While that sylvania. Kappa '19 and Kentucky, Omega) . ni x, Arizona for th e ational Interfraternity was great, I definitely enjoy the ability He served Kentucky a govemor as well a a Conference annual meeting; Orlando, to read the issue myself! U.S. enator, but hi s mark was trul y made as Florida for an interfraternal international Thanks aga in! You 've really helped commi s ioner of ba seball in the 1940s. A pre idents and CEOs summit; Carrollton, me continue my Fraternity ex perience. dec isive man with a moral foundation, Chan­ Georgia for th e triumphant rechartering of Keep up the good work. dler played a major role in Jackie Robinson' Eta Sigma Chapter at th e State University of hi stori c integrati on of th e nation 's ga me. West Georgia ; and Nashvill e and phi phi k a, AI o, he wo rk ed closely with th e chall enges Murfreesboro, Tenn es ee for another Su­ Tommy Shotwell faci ng one of ba eba ll 's most popular yet pre me Coun ci l meetin g, as well as the (Oklahoma State, Gamma Chi '89) feared managers, the Brookl yn Dodger Leo Cumberland Regional Conference at which Steven S. Vincent 2000-2002 Supreme Council ~Fe> Editor H. King Buttermore Ill MEMBER COLLEGEFRATERNITYEOITORSASSOCIATION Barbara E. Perkins President S HIELD & DIAMO ND rJSSN R750·7536) IS nn t..'tlucattona lJOurnal ft ~tanaging Editor D. Mark Anderson published by the l't Kapp:tAipha Frnterntty, K341 Wc~t Range Cove, \l empht~.~quartcrlymAutumn. Winter,SpnngandSummcr Each Heather L. Huffman Vice President member U:!eet\'e!i a cop)· of th e Slut•/,/ & D111moncl St'!nd SIDELD& 1 Editorial Assislant ~~~~hc~!~~cne~~a ~s:~~~~~~~~· ~~! ~"r~;~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :~~ Howard E. Goldstein matl.'riul Change ofJddrt'!~:. mu~t be reported promrtl y by gt\ ing full Jay Langhammer muuc.ehaptt'!r,oldandnc" addre(O$ Undergmdualccop•c,arema•kd Vice President 10 parents' home nddrc's unt1\ nddrcs:. change a Ocr grnduat10n Jason A. Patocka Copyr• ght 200 1 b) P1 Kappa Alpha Fmlcm•ty All ngh1~ rcscf\ed Allen W. Groves Pcnodtcals po~tagc panl at l empht~. Tennc~~ec oml add it tonal Christopher M. Peters Vice President matlmgoffices John S. Spranza Ill POSTMASTER: Scndnddresschangcs to SHIELD& DIAMOND, DIAMOI ContribuJors Kevin G. Knaus 8347 West Range Co,.c, Mcmphts, T 3KI25 Vi ce President OF PI KAPPA ALPHA Gwen DeShazo Irwin Carol A. Patton T.J. Turner Visit Pi Kappa Alpha Proof reading Undergraduate Vice President online at Pu b/is/t ed by Sandra H. Newsom Christopher J. Weather! Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity www.pka.com Undergraduate Vice President 8347 West Range Cove Circulation Memphis, Tennessee 38125 Raymond L. Orians Patrick A. Talley Jr. 901n48-1868 Executive Vice President Legal Co unsel PRJNT ED .S.A. 4 SPRING 2001 EDUCATIONA PROGRAMMI 200 I Chapter Presidents Conference & Rush Summit by jason A .
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