Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1977 Daily Egyptian 1977 8-2-1977 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 02, 1977 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1977 Volume 58, Issue 193 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, August 02, 1977." (Aug 1977). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1977 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1977 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ..... " 101t/\ I At'l -1 lie mao gunman ..... VE'rythlng known '0 neurosurgeon... J,IC,u ..... t:' ~IJ't:l UdO :.dt.U'dU.'J flormatl • who calls himself Son of Sam claImed a :::::~n done in an attempt to save calm nei~hborhnod.. !'iow. poh~'.· said. sIxth life whfon a young woman died of a thev have to worn' that Sam mil, stnk.· massive gunshot wound in the skull. Kept alive oniy by a respirator. her anywhere 1ft the' city of Pight 'mllilOn :\Ionday naght. heart intt'rmittE'ntly faltering. her blood people Stac\' ~IO!;kowitz. a 2O-vt'ar-old pressure E'bbang, the allracllve But police now han' a vlcllm Who saw blonde: was fatallv wounded' at 2: JO Brooklyn girl \'18..'1 dE'scnbed as Iivin~ the gunman. deSCribed as belOlZ white. a.m Sunday while 'she sat In a parked minute to minute beforE' she succumbed about 5 foot 7. about ISO pound... bet· Woman dies: :ar undt'T a bnght stl't'et light with to brain dama(le cau.o;e-d bv the bullet ween 25 and 30 )Iears old and carrYing a nobt>rt \'iolante. 20. \"Iolante. who also and by the bone sphnterS from her .#Caliber revolver Ont' prevlou.<; VIC' was shot in the head. lost his left t'Ve skull. 11m also saw him. but (ould not give a and may lose Sight in hL'I right eye.' ~leanwhile. a force of 200 !'iew York good des<"n pt ion. Son of Sam's While 13 shootings have ~n at· police started anew in the!r search for A doctor at Kngs County H(lSpltal tributed to Son of Sam and his .44- the psychopathIC kIller. The Sunday said Violante had gi\'en police a caliber Bulldog revolver. seven victims shooting complicated their problems. description of the gunman "He ac­ sixth victim have survived. MISS Moskowitz was the -About a dozen men. induding one tually saw him.' said Dr .Jerrrev Sixth to die sinct' Son of Sam's first prime suspect, were removed from F're-edmar.. known attack one year and three days police suspect lists because all were un­ But Freedman. an ophthalmologISt. ago. der surveillance when Miss MoskOWitz noted that Violante had lost one eve to Her parents said she died at 5: JO and Violante were shot on a lovers lane the gunman. With the other at Icasi par­ p.m., 39 hours after she and Violante in Brooklyn. tially damaged. "'I don't know if he. were sho!o -The latE'St shootings were the hrst Violante can identify him. since we Prior to her death, a spokesman at outside Queens and the Bronx. where don't know if he'lI be able to see." Kings County HospItal said. beefed-up police patrols and teams of Freedman said. 'Egyptian'Daily 80uthem Dlinois Unilt-ersity Tuesday. August 2. 1m-vol. 58. No. 193 Area legislators demand hearing on lab shutdown B,see.er.a.ts never mentioned to legislators during ... appropriations hearings in the spring . ........... Buzhe\? is ctuiirman of the Senate Ap­ .,.., Eo.u- Writers propriations Committee. I..ea!S legis....... haw demaaded a Rep. Bruce R ichmoncl, D- put>lic hearing GIl the closing 01 the Car­ Murphysboro. also said he will oppose bondait' Public Health Laboratory. the closing 01 the lab because there is a "We believe before such a drastic need for it in Southern Illinois. step is taken. the Department 01 Public Richmond stated there is "in­ Health sbotdd hold public hearings on suffICient justification" for the Public the proposed closing of this laboratory Health Departmenfs action. which serves r1 counties of Southern In response to the protest by Southern Illinois." Seo. Kenneth Buzbee. D­ Illinois IeRislators. James Thayer. Carbondale, said Friday. associate direCtor of the Illinois Public Burnin' &nsOR The personnel at the lab, located on Health Department. said Monday the Chautauqua Street and Oakland department still plans to cloR the Car­ George Benson, jazz and pop guitarist, proudly displayed his im­ Avenue. were informed Wednesday by bondale facility. mense skill at both playing and singing to a huge crowd at the Dr. Paul Q. Peterson. director of the "'There are no plaM to postpone the MissiSSippi River Festival Friday night. A review of Benson's per­ Illinois Public Health Department. that closing date or to have a public hearing formance is on page six_ the lab would be shut down Sept. 1. on the matter," Thayer said. According to John Hawkins. chief Jim Skilbeck.. a spokesperson for the microbioloMist at the Carbondale governor. echoed Thayer's rflIlarks. facility, this was the first time flIl­ "' As I understand It, the decision is lEA talks break down pIoyes 01 the lab bad heard 01 the pretty firm:' Skilbeck said. B. A8drts S&nalDuiI Geoorge King. public relations direc­ closing_ ACCOnlIng to Kichmond. the decision - SIaII Writer tor for the lEA. saId. howevt'T. "The Buzbee lodged his protest in a joint to cloR the carbondale lab wiD affect After H hours at the bargaining lEA team was confident a settlement letter with Rep. Ralph Dunn. R­ health and environmental services in could be reached:' Carbondale. to Peterson. and to Gover­ the 27"1:OU11ty area. table. talks between the 111._1015 Education Association (lEA) and its Sl­ "'Virtually all the non-money issues nor James Thompson. When asked if the lab closing would they came to grips with.·· he said. After "An attempt was made to close the have a major impact on the migrant mflllber professional employes' union broke down Monda,. that. he said. the chief representative laboratory several years ago, and we health program she replied. "It is a walked out. saying if more I':loney was were as adamantly opposed thea as we major impact because we really count The talks involve a contract dispute not elfered for the employes then there are DOW," Buzbee and Duma said in the 'lbe Illinois Migrant Council Health between the union and the lEA which was 110 rea50II to talk. letter. Clinic. which has a five-moath budget has resulted in the lockc>ut 01 the Asked if arbitration would be Buzbee and Dunn were referring to • $lso. is CJae 01 the organizations af­ union's members. illC'ludir., the uniserv necessary to seuJe the dispute, Pool the c:utback in personnel at tile lab in fected by the lab closing. directors in Sout.hem Illinois. from said. "Our fearless leader, Dr. (Curtis) mo when the EnviruI>mental PrtJtec:. 'lbe clinic:. located in the Union­ their offtces. Plott tJEA executive secretary). lion Agency split with the Public Health Jackson County Labor Camp near Cob­ Monday marked the third week since doesn't believe in arbitration" for the Department. den. is used by about 350 persons. Terry Hale 01 Marion and Ben Bri'*Jey anion and the lEA. Leonard Wood. a mic:robiolo«ist with Stephanie Wong. head nurse at the of Harrisburg arrived at their Marion King said. "What we prefer is to have the Carbondale lab for 19 years. said clinic,said.. Southern Illinois res~ts uniserv offICe ooIy to find ~... the locks the negotiating teams to resolve the the number- 01 employes working at the from Cobden and Pulaski County who bad been c:banged. issues at the barpining table. Carbondale facility was reduced to "can', afford regular doctors' fees or Hale said Monday he is going to biD "'We sliD feel this can be settlPd if three in 19'18. who don't have anywhere else to go Sandy Asbsher. the lEA's board mem­ they would only get back to the table. .. Wood said the lab gradually returned comprise 20 per c:ent • lhcJse served at ber in this area. for reDt • his personal he said. "The next step is up to them. to its present staff of 11 after Goy. the clinic."' she added. belongings which he cannot remove They walked out." Walker look office in 1972. Wong said that the clinic's rmanc:es from his offICe. Pool said a date for the talks to Buzbee said the proposed closing was were limited and that funding for future Brinkley saAi he has not thought restDlle has not yet been set. clinic lab work would "probably have abnut taking s.lCh action. The union. Pool said. feels the lockout to c:&me from elsewhere." Absher could roOt be reached for com­ "will go pretty well into August.·· gus "If they close the lab here they're ment. Aristotel Pappelis. a member of the really affecting the migrant program:' The dispute involves 5eVt'Tal issues United Facultv ASSOCIation of Car­ 'Bode she said. "We offer free services and inekidlng salary and involuntary tran­ bondale's 111FAn coordinating com­ we can't afford the loss of thP car­ sfer of workers by the lEA. mittee. said. "The higher education bortdale lab."' Gene Pool. a media relations director level doesn't seem to be affected" by The clinic 5t'nds its throat C'Ultures. for the lEA and a member of the union.
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