1902. -CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 6895 the Mather Power Company to construct experimental span in minal Railway ·Company to construct a bridge am·oss the White Niagara River .at Buffalo, N. Y.-to the Committee on Interstate River in Arkansas; . and Foreign Commerce. A bill (H. R. 4103) granting a pension to William C. Hickox; Also, resolutions of Jewelers' Association and Board of Trade A bill (H. R. 7679) granting an increase of pension to Franklin of New York City, favoring the Ray bankruptcy bill-to the Snyder; Committee on the Judiciary. A bill (H. R. 8794) _granting an increase of pension to Henry!. Al o, protest of the Pure Oil Company, of Pittsburg., Pa., · Smith; {lgainst the passage of the ·ship-subsidy bill-to the Committee on .A bill (H. R. 9334) to amend an apt to prohibit the passage of the Uerchant Marine and Fisheries. special or local laws in the Territories, to limit the Territorial By Mr. SMITH of Kentucky: Papers relating to the claim of ind.ebtedness., and for other pm:poses; Rebecca Spencer for board and attention given to si-ck soldiers A bill (H. R. 10545) granting an increase of pension to Solo- and for feeding soldiers during the civil war-to the Committee mon P. Brockway; on War Claims. A bill (H. R. 12420) granting a pension to Wesley Brummett; By Mr. STEVENS of Minnesota: Resolution of St. Paul Turn- .A bill {H. R. 12828) granting a pension to Mary E. Culver; ver:ein, in favor of the South African republics-to the Committee A bill (H. R. 12865) Tegulating the use of telephone wiTes in on Foreign Affah·s. the District of Columbia; By:Mr. SUTHERLAND: Petition of D. L. Sprague and other A bill (H. R. 13278) granting an increase of pension to Levi H. citizens of Utah, in favor of House billi! 178 a.nd 179, for the repeal Collins; and of the tax on distilled spirits-to the Committee on Ways .and A joint resolution (S. R~ 105) supplementing and modifying Means. j certain provisions of the Indian appropriation act for the yeaT .By Mr. WRIGHT: Resolutions of _Fomona Grange, No. 7, of ending June 30, 1903. · Susquehanna County, Pa., favoring House bills 3521 and 3575, to . PETITIONS AND MEMO.RI.A.LS enlarge the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission- . · . to the Committee on Interstate and F.ol'eign Commerce Mr. PLATT of New York presented resolutions adopted at a · • ' mass meeting of citizens ·of Ticonderoga, N. Y., favoring the pur- -------- ; -chase by the United States Government of the old forts at Ti- SENATE. .conderoga and Crown Point in that State; which were referred -to the Commitliee on Military Affairs . .TUESDAY, June 17, 1902. He a1so presented a petition of sundry citizens of Brooklyn, N. Y., praying for the enactment of legislation providing that -The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m. eightbours shall bethemaximum woTk day in all trades and em­ Prayer by Rev. F. J. PRETTYMAN, of the city of Washington~ ployments; wbich was ref.erred to the Committee on Education The Secretary pToceeded to Tead the Journal of yesterday's and Labor. proceedings, when., on request of Mr. GALLINGER, and by unani­ Mr. CULLOM presentedapetitionof the illinois State Agency, mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. of Chicago, ill., praying for the enactment of legislation providing The PRESIDENT pro tempore, Without objection, the Jour­ for the :fimtl adjustment and settlem.ent of the swamp-land in­ nal will stand appro-ved~ demnity due the State of Illinois nuder the act of CongreBs ap­ OKLAHOMA, ARIZONA, AND NEW MEXWO. proved March 3, 1855; which was referred to the Committee on Mr. QUAY~ Mr. President, I desire to gi-ve notice at this Publie Lands. time that on Thursday next, after the conclusion .of the voting He also presented a resolution adopted at the Fifth International upon the Nicaragua Canal bill, I shall move to discharge the Com­ Congress of Criminal Anthropology, held at Amsterdam, Hol­ mittee on Territories from the bill {H. R. 12543) to enable the land, favoring the .establishment of psycho-physical laboratories peo~l.e of Oklahoma~ Arizona, and New Mexico to .form constitu­ for the practical application of physiological psychology to socio­ tions and State governments and be admitted into the Union on logical and abnormal or pathological data, etc.; which-was re­ an equal footing with the -origin-al States, and that the Senate ferred to the Committee on Education and Labor. shall proceed to the consideration of the bill. He also presented petitions of the International Association of Machinists, Ameri.can Federation of Labor, of Springfield; of liESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. the International Association of Machirusts, American Federation .A message from the House .of Representatives, by Mr. C. R. of Labor, of East St. L~uis, and of the International Association McKENNEY, its enrolling clerk, announced that the Honse had of Machinists, American Federation of Labor, of Batavia, ·all in passed with ame-ndments the following bills; in which it requested the State of Tilinois, praying for the passage of the so-called eight­ the concurrence of the Senate: hour bill; which were -refen-ed to the Committee on Education A bill (S. 640) to extend the provisions, limitations, and benefits and Labor. of an act entitled ~' An act granting pensions to the s.urvivom of Mr. BLACKBURN presented a petition of sundry citizens af the Indian wars of 1832 to 1842, inclusive, known as the Black Kentucky, praying for the adoption of certain amendments to the Hawk war, Creek war, .Cherokee disturbances, and .Seminole internal-re-venue law relative to the tax-on distilled spirits; which war; '' . was referred to the Committee -on Finance. A bill (S. 4850) to increase the pensions of those who have.lost Mr. WELLINGTON. I present-a memorial of the general as- limbs in the military or naval service of the United States or are sem.bly -of Maryland relative to the use o'f Maryland ,granite in totally disabled in the same; and the constr-uetion of the United States custom-house at Baltimore, A bill (S. 5269) to provide a .commission to secure plans and in that State. I ask that the memoTial be printed in the REo­ designs for a monument or memorial to the memm·y of Abraham ORD and referred to the Committee .on Public Buildings .and Lincoln, late President of the United States. Grounds. The message also announced that the House had passed the The memoria-l was referred to the Committee on Public Build- following bills and joint resolution; in whleh it requested the ings and Grounds, and ordered to be printed in the REUORn, .as concurrence of the Senate: follows: A bill (H. R. 10933) to provide for the erection, at Frederi-cks- Joint resolu_tiun No. il-Joint resolution ·of the general assembly of Mary- burg, Va., of the monument to the .memory of Gen. B:ugh Me1·cer, lana, requesting the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States Gov- which it was OTdered by Comrress, on the 8th da;v of April, 1 , ermm!-nt to require the use of Maryland granite in the construction of the ...., J 777 United States custom-house at Baltimore, Md. should be erected; Whereas a new custom-:h<=mse ii.9 to be constructed by the United States .A bill (H. R. 12141) to amend an act entitled "An act amend- Government-at Baltimere, Md. and ing section 4708 of the Revised Statutes of the United Sta.tes, in Whereas the State of Maryland produces asiineand durable a granite as · t · d ·a d the1•e :is produced else-where: Be it . r ela tion to pensrons o remarrre WI ows; an Re&o"Lved by the general assembly of the State of Maryland, ThattheSecre- A joint resolu-tion (H. J. Res. 6) in relation to monument to tary of the Treasm-y of the United :States Government be, a.nd he is hereby~ prison-ship martyrs at Fort Greene, Brooklyn, N. Y. requested to require that in the ·construction and erection of the Unitea States custom-house at Baltimore, Md .. granite stone produced from the ENROLLED BILLS &IGNED. quarries of the State .of MarJC].and be used. • Be it further 1·esolved, "That the secretary of state be, and he is hereby, au­ The mesBage further announced that the Speaker of the .HollSe t1wrized to tr.ansmit a copy of .the..c:e resolutions., under the seal of the Sta-te had signed the following enrolled bills and joint resolution; and to the said Secratary of the Treasury of the United State~ and to each of th6 Senators andRe_presentatives now in Congress from this ;:;tate. they were thereupon signed by the President pro tempo-re-: Witness our liands February 19, 1902. A bill (S. 3057) appropriating the receipts from the sale -and NOBLE L. MITCHEliL, disposal of public lands in States and Territo1·ies the bpeaker of the House of Delegates. -eertam to JOHN HUBNER, construction of irrigation works for the reclamation ·of arid lands; President of-the Sena,U• ..A. bill (S . .3992) granting an ;increase of _pension to David Jlri. THE STATE DF .MARYLil"'D, M:XECUTIVE D.EJ!ABTl\IEJ\""r. JicKnight; I. John W&lte.r ~governor ·of the -State of ·Maryland, and having A bill (S . .3060) authorizing the New;port Bridge" .Belt :and ~.er- control of :the _great seaLthereof, do her-eby ceri:icy that .the foregoing is ~ 6896 · CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J UNE 17, true copy of joint resolution No.
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