Newsletter of the International Association of GeoChemistry Number 59, November 2013 From the President In This Issue As we approach the end of the year, we're all busy trying to From the President ............................ 1 finish projects, get papers Association News ............................... 1 out, maybe get students Award Nominations Deadline ............ 2 through graduation, and all GSA 2014 Session Proposals ............ 2 kinds of other demands on Membership ................................... 2 our time. This is also the time of year when IAGC is asking PhD Students Research Grants ......... 3 for nominations for our 2013 Awards ..................................... 3 awards, detailed on the next Charitable Giving ............................... 5 page. IAGC awards are News from Elsevier ............................ 5 designed for almost everyone, from the young researcher (Ebelman Award) to recognizing an 2013 Meeting Reports ........................ 7 illustrious career (Vernadsky Award). Colleagues AIG-10 .......................................... 7 of any age can be nominated for Certificates of WRI-14 ......................................... 9 Recognition or Distinguished Service, and mid- late career scientists are considered for IAGC 2014 Meetings ................................ 14 Fellows. Need some inspiration? Have a look at GES-10 ....................................... 14 the membership list, which is available to all BIOGEOMON-8 ............................. 14 IAGC members through our website (although Urban Geochemistry ..................... 15 non-members can also be recognized by an award): Click here to view the member list - Just MinWat2014 ................................ 15 enter your member number or email address. Goldschmidt 2014......................... 16 Governance .................................... 17 Please take a small bit of time to nominate Membership Information .................. 18 someone who might deserve one of these awards. It’s a marvellous way to recognize the significant achievements of our colleagues, whether a scientific advancement, or service to our field or Society. Our motivations to succeed are deep &KULV*DUGQHU1HZVOHWWHU(GLWRU ,$*HR&KHPLVWU\#JPDLOFRP seated within each of us, but it’s an added bonus when recognized by an award. -Rich Wanty _3DJH Number 59 November, 2013 www.IAGC-Society.org Association News GSA 2014 Session Proposals 2014 IAGC Awards Nominations 7KHQH[W*HRORJLFDO6RFLHW\RI$PHULFD$QQXDO Deadline Extended PHHWLQJZLOOEHLQ9DQFRXYHU%ULWLVK&ROXPELD &DQDGD2FWREHU7KH,$*&URXWLQHO\ The deadline for the 2014 IAGC awards VSRQVRUVVHYHUDOVHVVLRQVDW*6$VRLI\RXKDYHDQ nominations has been extended to 15 December. LGHDIRUDVHVVLRQIRUQH[W\HDUSOHDVHVHQGD Please nominate a deserving colleague through SURSRVDOGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHVHVVLRQWRWKH,$*& the links below. The awards to be bestowed this %XVLQHVV2IILFH0DQDJHU year include: ,$*HR&KHPLVWU\#JPDLOFRP 7KH,$*&FRXQFLO ZLOOWKHQDSSURYHWKDWVHVVLRQSULRUWRRIILFLDO,$*& The Vernadsky Medal - awarded for a VSRQVRUVKLS distinguished record of scientific accomplishment in geochemistry over the course of a career: http://www.iagc-society.org/vernadsky.html Renew Your The Ebelmen Award - awarded to a Membership for 2014! geochemist of particular merit and outstanding promise less than 35 years old at the time of Don't forget to renew your IAGC nomination: membership for 2014 before January so http://www.iagc-society.org/ebelman.html you don't miss any issues of Elements magazine! Our annual The Distinguished Service Award - membership fee is STILL only $25 and bestowed on a deserving candidate to recognize includes a hard copy subscription to Elements as well as online outstanding service by an IAGC member to the access. Membership also rewards you Association or to the geochemical community with lower cost registration rates at that greatly exceeds the normal expectations of IAGC-sponsored working group voluntary service: conferences (remember, we have 3 http://www.iagc-society.org/distinguished_service.html working group meetings coming up in 2014). Online access to our IAGC Fellow - bestowed to a scientist who has journal, Applied Geochemistry, is made significant contributions to the field of available in 2014 for $79 for professional geochemistry: members and $59 for student members. http://www.iagc-society.org/iagc_fellows.html Renew with a credit card Certificate of Recognition - awarded to IAGC Members for outstanding scientific Renew with a check accomplishment in a particular area of Check your membership status geochemistry, for excellence in teaching or public service, or for meritorious service to the Association or the international geochemistry community: http://www.iagc-society.org/certificate_recognition.html Membership Demographics $VRIWKHWLPHRIWKLVZULWLQJZHKDYH,$*& PHPEHUVLQFRXQWULHV DOWKRXJKWKLVQXPEHU _3DJH Number 59 November, 2013 www.IAGC-Society.org FRQVWDQWO\LQFUHDVHVWKLVWLPHRI\HDUDVSHRSOH Ron Fuge, University of UHQHZ :HZLOOKDYHPDQ\PRUHMRLQLQJXVLQ ZKRMRLQHGDVSDUWRIWKHLUUHJLVWUDWLRQDWWKH:5, Aberystwyth (UK) – PHHWLQJLQ$YLJQRQ)UDQFHRUWKH$,* Distinguished Service Award PHHWLQJLQ%XGDSHVW+XQJDU\ IAGC Member Dr. Ron Fuge is receiving the Distinguished Service Last Minute Call for Award for excellence and Elsevier PhD Student dedication as Executive Editor of Research Grants the IAGC journal Applied Geochemistry from 1994-2012. Generously supported by Elsevier, the During these 19 years, Ron exhibited total PhD Student Research Grants help dedication and selflessness to this responsibility. support the cost of analytical needs of As a consequence, the journal has flourished geochemistry PhD students. under Ron’s leadership and editorial excellence. The annual number of published papers has Applications for Student Research increased steadily during his tenure and the Grants for 2014 will be accepted impact factor increased continually throughout through 1 December 2013. The recipients of each Student Research the past decade, so that today Applied Grant will be profiled in Elements, on Geochemistry is held in high regard within the the IAGC website and in the spring geochemistry community. edition of the IAGC Newsletter. Recipients will also receive a one-year Heinrich Wänke, Max Planck complimentary IAGC membership. For Institute, Mainz (GERMANY) – application instructions and to download the necessary forms, please IAGC Fellow visit: The honor of IAGC Fellow for www.iagc-society.org/phd_grants.html 2013 is awarded to Past-IAGC President Heinrich Wänke for outstanding research contributions in applying the principles and techniques of geochemistry to the study of the extra-terrestrial domain. Prof. Wänke is a prominent 2013 IAGC Awards German geochemist who pioneered the We are pleased to announce our Society Awards application of the tools and approaches of for 2013. These winners were originally profiled geochemistry to study the formation history of in the August 2013 issue of Elements. the solar system and its inner planets. As Congratulations again to all the recipients, and documented in more than 200 research thank you for your service to the IAGC and the publications, he developed techniques and geochemical community! applied geochemistry to the analysis of samples of solar system objects, producing diagnostic tools for the geochemical study of meteorites that lead to a better understanding of the history of irradiation processes and cosmic rays in the solar _3DJH Number 59 November, 2013 www.IAGC-Society.org system and to important constraints on the interactions from both geochemical and identification of parent bodies of meteorites. biochemical perspectives; understanding the Other research contributed to understanding the behavior of nutrients and toxic elements in the formation of the Moon and the accretion history environment and their mobility; characterizing of terrestrial planets. Through his personal work aqueous partitioning reactions at oxide and and as Director of the Cosmochemistry Division silicate surfaces; understanding interactions of the Max-Planck-Institute für Chemie in Mainz between mineral surfaces and species in solution from 1967-96, he provided major contributions to with applications to aqueous system transport. the development of geochemical techniques for He was a pioneer in the emerging field of nano- the in-situ analysis of planetary surfaces via space bio-geochemistry and was the first in his field to missions, especially Mars. He also played a major use atomic-force, scanning-tunneling, and high- role in the development and implementation of resolution transmission electron microscopy to the European planetary exploration program at study surface properties of nanomaterials of ESA. Prof. Wänke is a member of the Academia geological interest at the atomic level. Prof. Europaea, the International Academy of Hochella has been a Fulbright Scholar, a Astronautics, a member or an associate member Humboldt Award winner, and Virginia Scientist of several national Academies of Sciences, and a of the Year. He is a Fellow of six international former President of IAGC from 1988-92. He is scientific societies, a Dana Medal winner the recipient of many awards and honors (Mineralogical Society of America), and a former including the Jean-Dominique Cassini Union president of the Geochemical Society. He has also Medal of the EGU in 2005, and the EGS won the Brindley Lecture Award (Clay Minerals Runcorn-Florensky Medal in 1999. Society) and the Distinguished Service
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