The Inventory of the Peter Rand Collection #1103 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Rand, Peter # 1103 10/20/95 Preliminary Listing I. Manuscripts. A. Files. Box 1 1. “Draft #1 for CHINA HANDS, (minus 40 pages in 2nd Snow section),” includes 17 notebooks, n.d. [F. 1-4] 2. “Draft # 3 for CHINA HANDS, 2nd Handwritten Draft,” includes 25 notebooks, n.d. [F. 5-11] Box 2 3. “Draft #4 for CHINA HANDS,” includes holograph notes, 619 p., n.d. [F. 1-4] 4. “Draft #5 for CHINA HANDS,” includes holograph notes, 28 notebooks, n.d. [F. 5-11] Box 3 a. Ibid. [F. 1-2] 5. “Endnotes for Drafts 4 and 5 of CHINA HANDS,” includes holograph notes, approx. 50 pages, n.d. [F. 3] 6. “Draft # 7 for CHINA HANDS,” includes holograph notes, n.d. [F. 4-10] 7. “Publishing Matter for CHINA HANDS,” includes printed material, holograph notes, 10/18/95. [F. 11] 8. Untitled file re: CHINA HANDS index, 85 p., n.d. [F. 12] II. Printed Materials. A. CHINA HANDS, page proofs, n.d. [F. 13] Rand, Peter (10/20/95) Page 1 of 1 Rand, Peter #1103 9/15/98 Preliminary Listing Box 4 I. Manuscripts A. By PR. 1. THE IMAGINATION OF THE ASSEMBLY, holograph copy. [F. 1] 2.. GOLD FROM HEAVEN, holograph copy. 3. THE MOON, holograph copy. [F. 2] 4. THE PRIVATE RICH, original typescript copy with corrections, 112 pg. [F. 3] 5. CHINA HANDS, original typescript copy with corrections. [F. 4-5] 6. ETERNAL PRINCE, holograph copy. [F. 6] Rand, Peter (9/15/98) Rand, Peter #1103 9/26/13 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 4 I. Research Materials. A. Files re: CHINA HANDS; may include printed materials; correspondence. 1. “Alex Buchman,” 1990-1995. [F. 7] 2. “Alger Hiss,” n.d. 3. “Belden,” 1989. 4. “Betty Graham,” 1947. 5. “Bisson,” 1943. 6. “China-Active File,” n.d. 7. “China Year Book – Sokolsky,” n.d. 8. “The Cold War,” n.d. [F. 8] 9. “Emily Hahn,” n.d. 10. “Fairbank Center,” 1991. 11. “Helen Foster Snow,” 1989. 12. “Helen Snow,” 1975-1989. [F. 9] 13. “Institute,” 1983-1984. [F. 10] 14. “Isaacs,” 1932-1945. [F. 11] 15. “Jack Service,” n.d. [F. 12] 16. “J.B. Powell,” 1937-1989. 17. “Lab Manual and Reports,” 1915-1940. 18. “Lattimore,” 1992. 19. “Millard,” 1916. [F. 13] 20. “Millard-Crane,” 1921-1925. 21. “Millard-Missouri,” 1914-1936. 22. “National Salvation Seven,” 1936. [F. 14] 23. “Nym Wales,” 1935-1990. 24. “Powell,” 1923-1961. [F. 15] Box 5 25. “Reporters and Red Chinese,” 1944-1946. [F. 1] 26. “Ruan, Ming,” 1992. [F. 2] 27. “Sullivan, Liv, Rand.” 28. “Theodore H White Papers,” 1936-1980. [F. 3-4] 29. “Til Durdin,” 1989. [F. 5] 30. “Utley,” 1939-1952. 31. “Wilbur Burton,” 1938-1982. 32. Untitled re: correspondence and professional materials for CHINA HANDS. [F. 6] 33. Untitled re: papers, articles, speeches, 1992. [F. 7-8] B. General re: CHINA HANDS; includes manuscripts; printed materials. 1. 1920-1997. [F. 9-16] Box 6 a. ibid. [F. 1-3] Rand, Peter (9/26/13) Page 1 of 12 C. Files re: CONSPIRACY OF ONE: TYLER KENT’S SECRET PLOT AGAINST FDR, CHURCHILL, AND THE ALLIED WAR EFFORT; includes printed materials; correspondence; manuscripts. 1. “A.P. Kent-Meeting-1944 Letter to Nat Convention.” [F. 4] 2. “Documents, Tyler Kent-FDR Finding key,” 1933-1938. 3. “Kent-FBI,” 1937-1939. 4. “Kent Interview 1982 Toland + BBC Interview Transcript,” 1978- 1982. 5. “Kent’s Interrogation, Kent’s Statement Knight’s Memorandum,” 1940. 6. “Problem Sets,” 1939-1960. 7. “Riegel,” 1934. [F. 5] 8. “T.K. to A.K.,” 1940-1945. 9. “Trotsky,” 1932-1946. 10. Untitled re: Tyler Kent, 2004. [F. 6] 11. Untitled re: “Anti-Semite and Jew” excerpt, n.d. D. General re: CONSPIRACY OF ONE: TYLER KENT’S SECRET PLOT AGAINST FDR, CHURCHILL, AND THE ALLIED WAR EFFORT, 1939-1945; includes printed materials. [F. 7-17] II. Manuscripts. A. Files re: drafts and notes; may include correspondence; printed materials. Box 7 1. “Bill Smith,” 1992. [F. 1] 2. “The Black Sheep,” n.d. 3. “Borodin,” 1972. 4. “The China-Hand Scenario,” n.d. [F. 2] 5. “China Sources,” 1981-1982. 6. “End Note Material,” n.d. [F. 3] 7. “Firestorm,” n.d. [F. 4-5] 8. “Firestorm I,” n.d. [F. 6-7] 9. “The Footnote Spy,” includes photos, 2004-2006. [F. 8-11] 10. “Future Revolutions, Christopher T. Rand,” n.d. [F. 12] Box 8 11. “Helena Leigh-Hunt,” 1995. [F. 1] 12. “Interview: Peter Rand and Robert Pepper Martin,” 1988. 13. “Isaacs I,” 1979-1981. [F.2-3] 14. “Jessica Mitford,” includes printed material, 1995-1996. [F. 4] 15. “Jews-In-China Conference: Harvard, 1992.” 16. “Knodel MS,” 1930-1934; includes subfiles: [F. 5-7] a. “Oct. ’30 1930.” b. “Feb. ’31.” c. “March ’31.” d. “April ’31.” e. “May ’31.” f. “June ’31.” g. “Yangtze River-June-Aug 1931.” h. “Sept. ’31.” Rand, Peter (9/26/13) Page 2 of 12 i. “Oct. ’31.” j. “Nov. ’31.” k. “Dec. ’31.” l. “Jan. ’32.” m. “Feb. ’32.” n. “Mar. ’32.” o. “April ’32.” p. “May ’32.” q. “July ’32.” r. “Dec. 1933.” s. “Isaacs Sr. Letter-1934.” 17. “Medavoy Memo,” 1999-2001. [F. 8] 18. “Notes for Current Fiction,” n.d. [F. 9] 19. “The Old Well,” n.d.; includes subfiles: [F. 10-11] a. “Red. 1 (p. 1-49).” b. “Red. 2 (p. 51-94).” c. “Red. 3 (p. 95-156).” d. “Red. 4 (p. 157-195).” e. “Red. 5 (p. 196-244).” f. “Red. 6 (p. 245-297).” 20. “RAND – M12,” n.d. [F. 12] 21. “Reporters and Politics in China,” n.d. [F. 13] 22. “Ripperber,” n.d. 23. “Ruan Ming – Happy Birthday Deng Xioping,” 1994. [F. 14] 24. “Translation: Ming,” 1992-1994. Box 9 25. 10 untitled files re: a. CHINA HANDS, n.d. [F. 1] b. Interviews with PR, Kissinger article, 1974. [F. 2] c. “Snow Rejoinders,” 1988. d. Rayna Simons Prohme, 1923-1927. e. Africa essays, “Epistle to a Friend Departing,” 1967-2004. [F. 3] f. Zanzibar, n.d. g. CHINA HANDS and Aimee Liv, 2 files, 2001-2002; includes subfile: i) “Aimee Liv,” 2001-2002. h. Self-portrait for “Whom it May Concern,” 1989. i. “The Evolution of Bias,” China Articles, 1944-1988. [F. 4] B. Screenplays, by PR, TS. 1. “Louise,” third draft, 111 p., 1990; 2 copies. [F. 5] 2. “Shanghai,” 173 p., n.d. [F. 6] 3. “Shanghai,” first draft, 183 p., n.d.; 2 copies. [F. 7-8] C. Novels by PR, TS. 1. Drafts; may include holograph notes; fragments. a. CONSPIRACY OF ONE, 257 p., 2013. [F. 9-10] b. CONSPIRACY OF ONE, 240 p., n.d. [F. 11-12] Rand, Peter (9/26/13) Page 3 of 12 c. CONSPIRACY OF ONE, 254 p., 2013. [F. 13-14] d. THE FOOTNOTE SPY, 270 p., n.d. [F. 15-16] e. THE FOOTNOTE SPY, 250 p., n.d. [F. 17] Box 10 i. ibid. [F. 1] f. THE FOOTNOTE SPY. i. “Introduction,” 50 p., n.d. [F. 2] g. GOBLIN, 78 p., n.d. [F. 3] h. GOLD FROM HEAVEN, 271 p., n.d. [F. 4-5] i. NOTES AND DIARIES, 150 p., 1959-1965. [F. 6] D. 2 book proposals re: autobiographical material, n.d. [F. 7] E. Biography summary re: Colonel Andrew I. Lyman, 1 p., n.d.; includes holograph notes. F. Biography re: Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich, n.d. G. 4 outlines re: China, 1993. H. Essays. 1. “Treasure from a Rana Palace,” 5 p., 1979. 2. “Joyce,” 4 p., n.d. 3. “Ballets Ruses 2009: A Presentation,” 18 p., 2009; includes holograph notes. I. Screenplay fragments, by PR, TS unless noted. 1. Re: Ferguson Shanghai, 37 p., n.d.; includes holograph notes. 2. Re: Fessendon, 5 p., n.d.; includes holograph notes. J. Book draft fragments, by PR, TS unless noted. 1. Re: Tyler Kent, 13 p., n.d. [F. 8] 2. Re: The Time of the Emergency, approx. 100 p., n.d. 5. Re: Massage, 12 p., n.d.; includes holograph notes. 6. Re: V.S. Naipaul, 5 p., n.d.; includes holograph notes. 7. Re: China, 21 p., n.d. 8. Re: Tangier, 20 p., 1973; includes holograph notes. 9. Re: Zanzibar, 12 p., n.d. 10. Re: Conrad, 100 p., n.d. [F. 9] 11. Re: China, 7 p., n.d. 12. Re: China, 34 p., n.d. 13. Re: China, 126 p., n.d.; includes holograph notes. [F. 10] J. Notes, n.d.; includes draft fragments. [F. 11-17] Box 11 1. ibid. [F. 1-4] K. Manuscripts by others. 1. “My First Revolution,” by Winthrop Knowlton, TS, 296 p., 2000. [F. 5-7] 2. “Book Proposal,” by Xiaoyong Wu, TS, 5 p., n.d. [F. 8] 3. “The Survivor,” by Clause Mueller, TS, 8 p., 1993. 4. “My Unknown Self,” by Mujtaba H. Datoo, holograph with TS notes, 5 p., 1976. 5. “Festschrift for Elliott Coleman,” by various authors, edited by David Beaudouin and John Domini, TS, 30 p., 1975. 6. “The Comanche Indians,” by James Rand, TS, 6 p., 1993. Rand, Peter (9/26/13) Page 4 of 12 7. “Harold Isaacs: Scratches on His Mind,” by Ira Wilson, TS, 30 p., 1976. 8. “An Unpublished Bit of History,” by Epstein, TS, 3 p., 1983. [F. 9] 9. “Corrupt,” by Robert Elegant, TS, 5 p., 1997; 2 copies. 10. “Ahmetjan Kasimi: A Chinese Paradigm for Uygur Cultural Hero,” by Linda Benson, TS, 42 p., 1991. 11. “Comments on the H.B. Morse Biography,” by Martha Coolidge, TS, 22 p., 1994.
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