European Scientific Journal September 2014 edition vol.10, No.25 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 THE EFFECT OF THE 10-YEAR EU MEMBERSHIP OF HUNGARY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN THE SUB- REGIONS OF NÓGRÁD COUNTY Part 2: Rural Development Beatrix Lenkovics, PhD Budapest Business School, College of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Hungary Csilla Kalmar-Rimoczi, PhD College of Szolnok, Hungary Vinkler Belane, PhD Abstract Located in the Northern Hungary Region, Nógrád County has the second smallest area and the smallest population among counties in Hungary. At the same time, Nógrád is also the most forested county in the country (nearly 40% of its cultivated areas is covered by forests), which provides excellent opportunities for active tourism and ecotourism. In addition, this county has the lowest number of towns in the country, which carries a potential primarily for rural tourism. Rural and natural tourism as well as cultural tourism offer alternative employment opportunities to the population of the county, which has four sub-regions rated as disadvantaged. The study is seeking an answer to the question to what extent the agricultural and rural policy of the EU contributed to the development of tourism in six sub-regions of the county during the 10-year EU membership of Hungary. Keywords: Nógrád County, sub-region, EU aid, rural development, development of tourism Introduction Nógrád County (NUTS3) with the second smallest area (254,548 ha) and the smallest population (202,427 persons) among counties in Hungary is located in the Northern Hungary Region (NUTS2). 39.28% of the cultivated area of the county was covered in 2013 by forests, with which it is considered the most forested county in Hungary. These inherent conditions 389 European Scientific Journal September 2014 edition vol.10, No.25 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 of the landscape offer the county the opportunity to exploit certain types of rural tourism (natural, eco-, active and hunting tourism and forest schools). The county is divided into six sub-regions named after six towns in it (in order by area): Pásztó (55,157 ha), Balassagyarmat (53,294 ha), Salgótarján (47,461 ha), Rétság (43,503 ha), Szécsény (27,769 ha) and Bátonyterenye (27,364 ha) (Hungarian Statistical Office, 2014). According to the delimitation applied in the Hungarian SAPARD Programme, four sub- regions in the county (Pásztó, Balassagyarmat, Rétság and Szécsény) qualify as ‘rural sub-regions’ (the proportion of those living in towns with a population density higher than 120 persons/km2 is below 50% in these areas), two subregions (Salgótarján and Bátonyterenye) fall within the category of what is called ‘non-rural sub-regions’ (Fehér, I., Kóródi, M. 2007). Based on the Government Decree No. 311/2007 (XI.17.) and the Resolution of Parliament No. 67/2007 (VI.28.) three types of disadvantaged, i. e. beneficiary sub-region types can be distinguished in Hungary: ‘disadvantaged sub-regions’ (Pásztó), ‘most disadvantaged sub-regions’ (Salgótarján and Szécsény) and ‘most disadvantaged sub-regions with complex programmes’ (Bátonyterenye). This study investigates through what EU-level rural development programmes and to what extent the tourism industry in this county, which is rich in natural and cultural values but has four sub-regions falling behind from a social and economic point of view, profited in the first 10 years of the EU membership of the country. Research Methodology The National Rural Development Plan (hereinafter the ‘NRDP’) and the New Hungary Rural Development Programme (hereinafter the ‘NHRDP’) aimed at agricultural and rural development served the development of tourist attractions and services in the county to a significant extent in the period including two EU budget periods (2004–2006 and 2007– 2013). In the case of the various EU measures, the disbursement amounts per bidder were summarised in tabular (MS Excel) form for the county and, within that, for the sub-regions. Due to the high number and large space requirement of the tables, only the analysis of the breakdown of the data by measure had room in the study. The EU aid amounts awarded on various grounds and the number of tenders supported under the individual measures are also stated in the study. The latter data are able to give an idea of the extent of interest through tenders and activity in the rural development measures. The data of the second Agricultural and Rural Development Programme (NHRDP, 2007–2013) are publicly available on the website of the Agricultural and Rural Development Office, also functioning as the Paying Agency of the Ministry for Rural Development. It was not possible to 390 European Scientific Journal September 2014 edition vol.10, No.25 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 narrow down the search on the website by larger areas (only by the name of the municipality or the bidder), so all 131 municipalities in the county had to be queried individually and separately for every year in the annual databases of disbursements. Only in this way could the data of the county and the sub- regions be delimited with reliable accuracy. However, the applications supported under the NRDP (2004–2006) have not been publicly available to date. Nevertheless, the related ‘Annual Reports’ have proved to be useful, because the percentage of disbursements by county and by measure can be found in them in amounts of euros8. Thus, the annual share of the county in the individual measures can be established approximately on the basis of the average EUR to HUF exchange rates for the given years as quoted by the National Bank. However, no data are available in the Annual Reports on either the amount of disbursements or the number of supported applications for the sub-regions (and not even at the county level for the latter). The disbursement data regarding the measures under the NRDP are presented under the relevant measures taken under the NHRDP. New Hungary Rural Development Program (2007-2013) It is the special feature of New Hungary Rural Development Program (hereinafter the ‘NHRDP’) - which runs parallel with New Hungary Development Plan (hereinafter the ‘NHDP’)- that while the Agro-Rural Development Operative Program financed from European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (hereinafter the ’EAGGF’) guidance funds was part of national strategic reference framework during New Development Plan (hereinafter the ‘NDP’), rural development was not part of operative programs in the EU budget cycle of 2007-2013 (Table 1, 2 and 3). Completely independent development program, apart from operative programs, was elaborated for its support. There was an EU decision in the background which took out EAGGF guidance department from Structural Funds from 2007, thus creating a new development fund under the title of European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (hereinafter the ‘EAFRD’). In order to utilise the grants of EAFRD, the EU Council Regulation No. 1698/2005 offered guidelines for EU member states along of four axes, which prepared their rural development programs and submitted for approval by European Committee according to this regulation. Since the NHRDP is a rural development program, the measures of its axes supported mostly the rural tourism which concern mainly the villages. Rural areas, however, can be found in the immediate surroundings of towns, too (forests, arable land, grassland, lakes), the protection and preservation of which is 8 The payments of NHRDP are shown in Hungarian Forint (hereinafter ’HUF’) in the internet database compiled by the competent agency. 391 European Scientific Journal September 2014 edition vol.10, No.25 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 also supported by the measures of the NHRDP. Therefore the program has a positive indirect effect on the tourism in the urban areas, too. Out of the four axes, the measures of Axis 1 (“Improving the competitiveness of agricultural and forestry sectors”) aimed primarily the improvement of quality and marketing of agricultural and forestry products in order to enhance the competitiveness of farmers. Table 1 Payments by NRDP (million HUF) in Nógrád county 2005 2006 2007 Total Nógrád county only regional data 776,56 639,47 1416 Source: Own work on the basis of the Report about the Implementation of National Rural Development Plan of Hungary (2005-2007) Table 2 Payments by NHRDP (million HUF) in sub-regions of Nógrád county Sub-region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Rétság 118,67 115,11 121,72 220,6 474,33 216,2 1266,6 Pásztó 120,2 292,12 87,65 369,11 319,35 594,66 1783,1 Balassagyarmat 165,12 313,16 204,16 466,24 512,13 445,57 2106,4 Salgótarján 82,28 151,58 166,06 551,7 464,48 399 1815,1 Bátonyterenye 24,37 67,27 29,78 109,4 220 115,16 566 Szécsény 88,74 151,35 79,76 254,32 381,42 232,3 1188 Total sub-regions 599,38 1090,6 689,13 1971,4 2371,7 2002,9 8725,1 Source: own work on the basis of mvh.gov.hu Table 3 Number of project proposals (pcs) supported by NHRDP in sub-regions of Nógrád county Sub-region 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Összesen Rétság 69 64 48 52 93 88 414 Pásztó 88 70 53 65 95 113 484 Balassagyarmat 78 72 83 87 113 124 557 Salgótarján 78 67 66 99 119 128 557 Bátonyterenye 39 26 34 38 29 55 221 Szécsény 59 57 24 52 77 59 328 Total sub-regions 411 356 308 393 526 567 2561 Source: own work on the basis of mvh.gov.hu The Axis 2 (“Improving the environment and the countryside”) encourages, on the one hand, environmentally friendly farming - with agricultural environmental management (code 214A, hereinafter ‘AEM’) and Natura 2000 aid (code 213) - as well as keeping less favoured areas (code 212, hereinafter ‘LFA’) under cultivation by providing area-based compensation aid for farmers who are at a competitive disadvantage.
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