vO Salomon Is . Untd1Crus TASMANIA graced.. Volume 47 Warburton, Victoria, July 12, 1943 The Holy Things of N his First Epistle to God's own people scattered over the earth, Peter sets I forth the standard of Christian per- G D fection in the following words: "There- fore gird up your minds and fix your hopes calmly and unfalteringly upon the boon that is soon to be yours, at the re- appearing of Jesus Christ. And, since you delight in obedience, do not shape your lives by the cravings which used to dominate you in the time of your ig- norance, but in imitation of the Holy One who has called you—you also must be holy in all your habits of life; because it stands written, 'You are to be holy, because I am holy.' " 1 Peter 1: 13-16, Weymouth's Translation. Here is a message to God's people who are looking for the return of Jesus, for the blessed hope so clearly set forth by prophets and apostles, and to which Peter H. S. makes reference in earlier verses of this STREETER same chapter, calls to holiness—the holi- ness seen in God. And this holiness is to dominate every habit of life. Everything associated with God is holy. Repeatedly throughout the Old Testament Without holiness shall no man see the which is in Christ Jesus." Peter tells us attention is drawn to this. His appeal to Lord. that "holy men of God" wrote these words. ancient Israel was, "Ye shall be holy; for Is it possible that man, degraded by sin, The world today is flooded with books, I am holy." In Isaiah He is called "The and helpless to do right, can ever reach many of which are far from what might- Holy One of Israel." Angels veil their the perfection of God? Does God ask be called holy books. Even of those which faces as they cry, "Holy, holy, holy, is the impossibilities? Never! He who said to are good, none can compare with the Holy Lord of hosts." Jesus is known as "Thy Abraham, "I am the Almighty God; walk Bible. That Book contains exceeding great holy Child," while the third person of the before Me, and be thou perfect," still says trinity is invariably called "The Holy and precious promises, that by these we to His people, "Be ye holy, for I am holy." may become partakers of the divine na- Spirit." Holy angels are sent forth to All His biddings are enablings. He has minister to those who are heirs of sal- ture. Thousands of promises are scattered made provision for every spiritual need, throughout the Word of God, promises vation. and sets before His people certain holy God planned to have a holy seed possess which, grasped by faith, will be our con- things which are both ideals and aids. stant victory in this corrupt age. Too this world. Sin came in and sought to A consideration of these holy things will nullify this ideal; but God has never lost give much encouragement in reaching often we allow the activities of life to sight of His original purpose to have a God's standard. rob us of the time that should be spent holy people possess the kingdom. Sinners in making provision against the day of will never enter the holy city. Only those Holy Scriptures wrath; and the time of test finds us who have clean hands and pure hearts Paul, writing to Timothy, speaks of the with rusty sword and unused shield. ascend the hill of God. Outside the city "Holy Scriptures, which are able to make Let us become expert in defeating Satan are the vile, the abominable, and liars. thee wise unto salvation through faith with an "It is written." [Registered at the G.P.O., Sydney, for transmission by post as a newspaper.] 2 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 12/7/43 Holy Law if the books we read are uplifting, the his faults. "Likeness to Christ and fellow- The Holy Scriptures reveal a holy law. thoughts we think pure, and the words ship with Him became his one desire." Rom. 7: 12. In Psalm 19 this law is said we speak helpful and cheerful, then the Judas, too,, saw Christ's miracles and to be perfect, converting the soul. body becomes more and more the dwell- heard His teaching, which he recognized Whether that law be that which governs ing-place of a holy God. as far above anything he had ever heard. the movements of the heavenly bodies, or He also loved the Saviour and felt a long- the moral law which regulates the actions Holy Conversation, or Habit of Life ing to be with Him and to be changed in of man, it is the most perfect thing in the Religion is not a cloak to be put on each character and life. "But Judas did not universe. Nothing that man has invented Sabbath; but a garment to be worn all the come to the point of surrendering fully to can take its place, and adherence to its time. God's ideal is higher than the Christ. He felt that he could retain principles would make a better world. Its highest human thought can reach, and his own judgment and opinions, and he standards are high, unattainable to man even the very thoughts are to be brought cultivated a disposition to criticize and in his unregenerated state. But God sent into captivity to His will. Our relation- accuse." Though Christ dealt tenderly His Son, and through Him condemned ship to each other in the family and with Judas, and did not openly rebuke sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of church, our business dealings, all should him till near the close of his exeprience, the law might be fulfilled in us who walk be above reproach. A holy God demands Judas hardened his heart in pride and not after the flesh but after the Spirit. strict integrity, and frowns upon all false- rebellion when his faults were pointed out. Our own efforts to keep the law will hood and inconsistency. Instead of warring against thoughts of bring us to the terrors of Mount Sinai; Thus God calls His people to holiness criticism of his brethren, he cultivated while coining to the cross, the burden of and freely gives the means of grace for them, until he became critical even of sin will roll away, and the blessed Lord, reaching His ideal. May the contempla- his Master's methods. Judas planned that the embodiment of holiness, will live out tion of the nobility of character thus out- John the Baptist should be delivered from the perfect law within us. Let the spirit- lined serve to accelerate our growth in prison, and his disappointment became ual perfections of the holy law, as re- grace and fit us for the heavenly life bitter when John was left to be beheaded vealed in the person of Jesus, be our con- which we are, if faithful, soon to enjoy. and Jesus retired, without aggressive war- stant meditation and delight, until, by fare, to a country place. beholding, we shall become changed into Notwithstanding his ability, Judas His holy image., handled unfaithfully the trusts committed John and Judas to his care, and "fostered an evil spirit of Holy Sabbath W. L. PASCOE avarice until it became the ruling motive of his life." The holy law reveals the holy Sabbath. By contrasting the characters and "My holy Sabbath" is different from other careers of John and 'Judas the Christian At the commencement of the last Pass- days of the week. It is a day dedicated to today may learn valuable spiritual lessons. over supper a heated discussion occurred God in which to contemplate His Word John and Andrew were the first to among the disciples as to who should be and works. We are especially warned follow Christ. They heard the proclama- the greatest in the Messiah's kingdom. against indulging in our own pleasures, tion of John the Baptist, "Behold the When the company was seated, John was words, and ways. Rightly observed, the Lamb of God," and looking toward Jesus found on Jesus' right side and Judas on His left. Sabbath is a wonderful means of grace, they. longed to speak to Him and learn if an aid in the development of character He were truly the Messiah. The Master served Judas first, and as and the promise of complete victory. Judas was the last of the twelve to his Lord performed the duties of a servant follow Him. Believing Jesus to be the the Spirit of God strove mightily with Holy Prophets Messiah, he pressed uninvited into the Judas, who had already contracted to God has used His holy prophets down circle while Jesus was .preparing the dis- betray the Christ; but now his heart through the ages to make known the ciples for ordination. In reply to Judas' longed to confess his sin and humble him- Saviour of men and to lead His people declaration, "I will follow Thee whither- self before his Lord. Even then it was not out of sin into the way of holiness. The soever Thou goest," Jesus gently stated, too late; but the pride he had fostered gift of prophecy is to remain in the church as in warning against hopes of worldly arose in his heart, and he resolved to until the coming of Jesus. As a people honour, "The foxes have holes, and the carry out his evil purpose.
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