THE SHERSTON CLIFFHANGER OCTOBER 2018 PUBLISHED BY SHERSTON PARISH COUNCIL DELIVERED FREE 5)&4)&3450/ $-*'')"/(&3 (:KF9<I A decade of dissemination! *OBEJĊFSFOUMFBHVF Sherston Parish Council has published the Cliff hanger How it works for ten years now. All non council articles are submitted Th e editing, advertising, by readers, local organisations and groups, so please artwork and distribution are keep sending your news in to make the publication as provided by a small army of 'PSHFU,1TIBOETXJUDIJOHBOUJDT .JDIBFM7BVHIBOTUFBSGVMGBSFXFMMPS#FMMT 4IFSTUPO.BHOBQSPWJEFEUIFIJHIMJHIUPGUIFDSJDLFUJOHTVNNFS interesting and useful as possible. about 30 village volunteers. )FSFBSFUIFSFDPMMFDUJPOTPGUIFUFBNTUSJVNQIBOUDBQUBJO"OEZ5SFNFMMFO "UUIFCFHJOOJOHPGUIFTFBTPO XFTFUPVSTFMWFT #VU QSPCBCMZ UIF NPTU QMFBTJOH BTQFDU PG UIF UIF UBSHFU PG QSPNPUJPO GSPN UIF $PUTXPME BOE TFBTPOJTUIBUUIFQFSGPSNBODFTXFSFTIBSFEBSPVOE %JTUSJDU-FBHVFTTFDPOEEJWJTJPO UIFTRVBEBOEUIBUOPPOFDPVMECFBDDVTFEPGCFJOH ɨ F QSFWJPVT ZFBS IBE CFFO XPFGVM OPU POF BQBTTFOHFS Th e Cliff hanger’s primary role is to inform all Submitted articles are edited QMBZFS EJE IJNTFMG KVTUJDF BOE XF XFSF SFMFHBUFE )BWJOHXPOUIFMFBHVF XFMMCFJOUIFUPQEJWJTJPO XJUIKVTUBTJOHMFWJDUPSZ4PUIJTTFBTPOXBTBMM OFYUZFBSXIFSFUIJOHTSFBMMZDPVOUɨ BUTXIFOXF BCPVU SJHIUJOH UIF BQQMF DBSU BOE OPUIJOH CVU TPSUUIFNFOGSPNUIFCPZT QSPNPUJPOXPVMEEP *E MJLF UP UIBOL FWFSZPOF DPODFSOFE GPS UIFJS *ONZmSTUUFSNBTDBQUBJO JUXBTBTUFFQMFBSOJOH TVQQPSUUISPVHIUIFTFBTPOBOEIPQFUIBUOFYUZFBS DVSWF +VHHMJOH USZJOH UP HJWF FWFSZPOF B SVO BT CSJOHTNPSFTVDDFTT residents and businesses within the Sherston Parish for spelling, date format and XFMMBTHBJOJOHNBYJNVNQPJOUTGSPNFBDIHBNF ɨ F QMBZFST XFSF 1IJM %VąFMM *BO (PVME "MBO JTOUFBTZ %JDLFOTPO 3JDIBSE $BSUXSJHIU +BNFT 7ZOOF #FO "OE ZPV DBO JNBHJOF UIF FHPT UIBU OFFE UP CF -JUUMFKPIOT %BO 1SJUDIFUU $ISJT -PWFMM +BNJF QSPUFDUFE 5VSOFS 8JMM.BUUIFXT 0MMJF$PY "OEZ5SFNFMMFO 'SPNPVSBMMPUUFEHBNFT XFXPOUFOBOEMPTU ,FW4NJUI 0MMJF.PPSF .BSL)PXFMM +FE1JUNBO GPVSUPPQQPTJUJPOBOEGPVSUPXFBUIFS&BSMZJOUIF $IBSMJF (SFFO %BWJE 'JUDI1BZUPO 1IJM .JMTPN Council area of council activities and notices. comprehension. Th e articles TFBTPO XFGFMUDPNGPSUBCMFUIBUXFXPVMECFQSPNPUFE #FO%JDLFOTPO #PC1BOBZJEFT &XBO.BTLSFZ (FPą XJUIPVUCSFBLJOHJOUPUPPNVDIPGBTXFBU (PPEXBZ %BWJE4VUDMJąFBOE4JNPO)VMBODF It is a great space for publicising local fundraising are then reviewed for relevance events and any new local businesses within in the and the edition is artworked. Council area are off ered editorial space as a one-off Once proofed and approved, the fi nal artwork is sent introduction. to a local printer for production. Th e printed copies are Th e Council cannot publish commercial articles then sorted and distributed to the volunteer ‘deliverers’ but ads can be placed and non-fundraising events can who drop them through your door. be submitted to the What’s On section. Political or If you’d like to get involved in any aspect of the religious views cannot be expressed either. Cliff hanger’s production, please contact Caroline Th e Cliff hanger is subsidised by the many advertisers Moore at info@sherstoncliff hanger.co.uk or 841405. who see the benefi t of supporting the publication as A few stats well as promoting their businesses. Both the council 10 years, 120 issues, 2948 pages, appx 130000 copies and local tax payers appreciate your continuing support. printed and distributed. Over a 1000 copies are printed each month and R&B Vehicle Services have advertised in every issue! distributed to all residences and businesses within the Council’s boundaries. Each edition is also available April Fools issue titles: online at www.sherston.org.uk Th e Coathanger, Chinwagger, Chaffi ngler! Th e fi rst edition in October 2008 is reprinted on A quiz has been devised to test your memory of the page 15. Note how familiar the articles are ten years on! Clanger over the last decade, see page 12. trepidation having never run a business before; to Sherston Post Offi ce Stores making the major decision to risk all and putting If you are not already aware, we are pleased to confi rm everything on the line to take the business to the Old that from Monday 1 October, the new owners of the School (which was seven years ago!) before fi nally shop and Post Offi ce will be Th e Midcounties Co- seeing both the shop and Post Offi ce fulfi lling all our operative Society who we feel are ideal to take good dreams by providing a comprehensive service to the care of our business for the foreseeable future and village and receiving recognition of such by receiving a indeed improve the overall service provided. number of prestigious awards. Whilst similar in name, the locally owned None of the above would have been possible without Midcounties Co-operative Society should not be the tremendous support we have received from confused with the Co-operative Group - they are everyone over the years which gave us the continued completely separate organisations. motivation and confi dence to try out new things and Please note that to allow for a Post Offi ce audit, a full re- invest to provide improved facilities. We are truly stock check and essential changes to be put in place, grateful to you all, thank you. Paul and Gail 24/9/2018 the shop and Post Offi ce will be closed on Monday 1 October and Tuesday 2 October. We will be open as usual up to 5.00 pm on Sunday Paul and Gail Mather 30 September when we will shut our doors for the last Th ere will be many in the village who will wish to time; the business will then re-open under the new acknowledge the huge contribution to Sherston that ownership of the Midcounties Co-operative Society Paul and Gail have made. on Wednesday 3 October at 9.00 am. Arrangements for this will be made by the Parish It has been a fantastic experience since we took Council, in conjunction with SOSCIC, over the over the shop and Post Offi ce 14 years ago way back coming weeks culminating in a gathering for them in November 2004; from our early days of fear and around Christmas. This and all previous issues are available to view and download at www.sherston.org.uk 2 More parking problems As a follow-up to the article in the September edition, residents should be aware that parking problems are not confi ned to Sherston High Street. Th e parking situation in Willesley has recently become a major issue and, from time to time, makes life a total misery for residents. Th oughtless excess parking has destroyed the verges in wet weather, restricted or th Copy deadline: 10 of the previous month. prevented residents’ access to their own properties, Send to editorial@sherstoncliff hanger.co.uk damaged drains or manhole covers, restricted traffi c or hard copy to Sherston Post Offi ce Stores. fl ow and generally made life diffi cult. In some cases, What’s On: contact Caroline Moore on residents have even been subject to verbal abuse. 841405 or info@sherstoncliff hanger.co.uk Please have consideration for other residents. Th e photos show just one example of poor parking Th e size and content of the Cliff hanger depends and volunteers after spending time and money to entirely on the amount of copy we receive from restore verges destroyed by parking damage last individuals and groups. So, if you feel you have something of interest, please don’t hesitate to tell us. winter. Around 400 words would be a maximum but the Sean Magee shorter the better and less editing would be needed. Willesley resident and parish councillor Top tip: if you’re telling us of an event coming up, write a short piece about it rather than just supply basic details or a poster. You will then get a short article published to help boost interest as well as a mention in our What’s On section. Don’t forget to Walk with Sue tell us how your event went, with a photo if possible. Join Sue McKechnie for a walk on Sunday 21 To advertise, contact: October. Please assemble at the village hall for Tahiti van Rooyen 10.00am with a return at the Rattlebone Inn around advertising@sherstoncliff hanger.co.uk 12.00noon for seasonal refreshments. Children and well-behaved dogs, the latter on leads, are very Advertising rates: welcome. Th e walk is entirely free and there is no for 12 months: need to book a place – just turn up on the day. 1/4 page £280; 1/8 page £150; and 1/16 page £70 for one month: 1/4 page £80; 1/8 page £50; and 1/16 page £30 Inserted leafl et drop £100 max size A5 Whilst every eff ort has been made to ensure the accuracy of advertisements Short Mat Bowls contained in this publication, Cliff hanger cannot accept any liability for errors and omissions. Inclusion of an advert should not be taken as an endorsement by Sherston Parish Council. returns to Sherston Please remember the Cliff hanger is delivered free Following a number of years’ absence, we have to every home and business in the parish – more returned to the village hall. We meet every Th ursday than 1000 copies. Th is and all previous editions evening from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. Please come along are also available online at www.sherston.org.uk and give it a try. We are a very friendly club and we PRINTED BY THE COMPLETE PRODUCT COMPANY, PINKNEY need more players. We have equipment for your use. This and all previous issues are available to view and download at www.sherston.org.uk 3 Midcounties opens store in Sherston Th e Midcounties Co-operative Food is coming Midcounties’ Best of Our Counties range, alongside to Sherston this month following the purchase of new food and drink suppliers from Wiltshire and Sherston Post Offi ce Stores. Th e store will close for neighbouring counties. Best of Our Counties two days on 1 October while it’s brought into Th e champions more than 2,500 products locally-sourced Midcounties Co-operative family, and will re-open to from the counties that the Society trades in.
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