sneaonaacricaEe^s o County JLeadet Newspapers o U) VOL.58NO.02 I " " SPRINGFIELD, M\J.,THURSDAY,OCTOBER 23,1984-2* '"i Two sections in * 1 .si" in Club proposal rappea By-MARK YABLONSKY outrageous. I don't know 'what Bill shouldn't be considered. I am in A recent proposal from the Boys Cieri couldJiave been thinking of shock." . and Girls Club of Union that would when he proposed this idea. Now, it's Cieri, who originally introduced bring a "satellite'^ branch of. the the idea to Triolo several months national organization to Springfield ago, soys the club's offering was not has drawn sharp criticism from necessarilyiinal. " ••I leading—township recreation-of- LWV plans I4!ij jvll] ^l^^v^^o^^^^m "That doesn't mean we're going to - ficials, who have berated the plan as . ''outrageous." ; . : ,' • two forums accept their proposal,"-Says Cieri, Township Commltteewoman Jo- adding "that (he governing body . Ann Pieper and Recreation Director ' The Springfield League of would meet with the Boys and Girls Mark Silance have charged that the Women .Voters will hold its an- Club qdmmiltee in order to deter- proposal submitted to Mayor nual candidates' night on Oct.'27 mine what services the organization William Cieri by the Union club - at 8 p.m. in- the 'cafeteria of would provide. which is one of niore than 1,100 Gaudineer School. The public is nationwide — will cost the town too invited to hear the candidates' , "Their terms are not necessarily - much hioney and will usurp the platforms and to ask questions of- the final terms!-As far as I'm con- authority and need of the township's The candidates. cerned, that's a proposal by them 1986C0MANCHE and before anyone criticizes it, we. 1 recreation program, •v Running for the two seats on JEEP, A cyl. cng. autp trans, pwr- str/brks, ought to have a meeting with them to COME IN TODAY AND t-ols,.BSW trs, AM radio, Stk No, 253;«, LIST Under terms of the proposal, the the township Conpmittce 'are Democrats William Welsch and determine what that money is going :' PR ICE $10,999'. '- : 30-year-old Union affiliate will tdprovide." TEST DRIVE THE NEW provide a paid, professional staff to Sy Mullman- and Republicans FULLPRICE Howard' Massler and Stanley 1987 ALLIANCE GTA SAVE $2581 "conduct educational, cultural and Triolo has said that a branch of the recreational'' -programs" in. the Pink. Toni Coffee, editor oLthe New Jersey Voter, will -be-the Union affiliate "can only do good former Raymond Chisholm School, -thingsJn-Spdngfield^Land-that ana win pperaie programs six days Trroderatorforthtrcvening: A candidates' night for organization's ability to raise money a week from Monday through would 'eliminate the necessity of;'" Saturday, with the facility being freeholders in Union County will be sponsored by the II leagues charging "exorbitant fees," . The open Until'9 p.m. on weeknights. The Union affiliate's executive director club has offered to lease the 05-year- that make up the Union County Council League of Women has also emphasized that a new Boys 1987 old building for a five-year peripdat and~~Girls Club chapter in the "a. cost of $1 annually...... • . • Voters. The forum will be field in . IN REMEMBRANCE—Teacher Elaine; Scurfis,yleJSJ, and Sandmeler School the auditorium at Union CoUnty Chisholm school would hot super- , Principal Michael An.to.ll.no.led a memorial prograrrV'la'sfweek in which a tree wat The club has requested, however, sede the authority or programming that the township itself provide College in Cranford oh Oct. 28 at 8 WRANGLER planted In memory of the school's late principal, William C. Fat Ion". From left, art p.m. of the township's recreation- 1986 ALLIANCE Insurance, maintenance and "basic •.' department,, '•-.'• JEEP, 6 cyl. eiig,; 5 spd, man.'trans, pwr . Jeffrey Schwartz, Daniel Hammer and Meri Morrocco, • There are six .candidates for -•-• RENAULT, A eyl. ong, A spd rtiari. Irans. operating costs." as well as utilities.; pwr slr/brks, buc sts, r. del., 2 dr.., SIR No, strVbrks, bgc sts, vln r.f-2 dr., extra cap fuel The town would be asked to pay the three freeholder seats: "We've submitted the proposal," ' 142-6, LIST PRICE SA497. tank, Stk No, O-IH, LIST PRICE ti 1.490V $75,000 for the basic operating costs. Republicans Paul p'Keefe, in- says Triolo, who declined toidiscuss "I'm so astounded at the proposal, cumbent; Edmund Palmieri and it .in detail. "We have not received: FULL PRICE FULLPRICE Janet Whitman; and Democrats SAVE $1000 I can't begin to tell you," says any feedback to this proposal and SAVE $999 Pieper, the official'overseeing the Michael J... Lapolla, incumbent; we're waiting to hear from them," ByMARKYABtQNSKY -. inventory control, curriculum, opportunity ' to meet with their, recreation department, who -said Brian W. Fahey, incumbent;' and Tht;ee . new administrative • discipline, student products arid .childreris' instruct6rs in 'a "coor-; that-at an earlier meeting with the • Gerald Green. Currently serving as the location 1986 ENCORE LS 1986COMANCHE assistant -to Gaudlneer School • student, communications at stipends dlnatbd effort" to save those parents '•. UnioV affiliate's executlveMirector, •'•'• The public is invited to hear the for the township's teen center, the . 1986 ALLIANCE 1986 ALLIANCE of $333 each. The appointtnents t6ok RENAULT, 4 cyl. enj. auto 1EEP, 6 cyl. er* 5 jpd. nun. Principal Richard Broqkel arid tho' '•'• -children in different Russell Triolo,'she and Silance had candidates and address questions former Chisholm School was RENAULT, 4'cyl. enj. 4 spd RENAULT, 4 cyl <ma .1UI0 Inns, pwr stf/brks. jp. mil- lr,ini. pwr tir'brut. buc tit. trans, pwr str/brks. air.. tilt fatibformatibri'of f 1IS2 clublubs within ththe."';.e ; effectimmediately..; '-'.-, .• ., from'laking'pM^ to them. nun. trans, pwr str/brks, buc rors.,l/|lass,styl«dwhiijtep ; : : 'been'«6ia4hat'^ffie'"ciab'hdd'a "bot- acquired by the town from the Board ais.lriwhidr t>tk No 01* whl,, r. del; T/jliss, AM/FM. middle school's extra-curriculur •'•'- AAo'mMy)^g>foll%upp^rtl^aa.titfe.'-.,.\f^^w6rk.'i ''' '' ;''v' ' • '. sis. Stk No. 256-6 LIST PRICE Li&T PRICE JW, • • biimber, Stk. No. 090-6. LIST ; : tom'l^ssi .pock'et of hipney"; !l,o. cotir of Education- in-1983.for nearly Stk. No. 002-6. LIST PRICE PRICE SI 1.055. ,:progriim.::rJBceiv.ed:,;jMnanlmous-ip::^q(ti^JichbdlS*lub.'.'.)>ropcisoi.. which - .^>nic attempt is to make it rhdre 1 $6457,'. •..;• ' $9693, . ~~7 tribute toward the"plan. "I-can't no longer fl qiiesiUoh of. 'let's hear It $350,000, carter;•;; the':bUitHlng•bad FULLPRICE ,. ft proval from the Springfield Board of.". had Cjirlior been endorsed by.._ convenient-for''the - parents -by i FULL PRICE trgn FULL PRICE $8216 FULL PRICE $8995 . believe\thaWhey hBVO~the' SAVE $500 *™' SAVE $817 .•Wo". OVER 215 NEW CARS AVAILABLE Education at its regular business Brocket-:,as conducive To" children coordinating; the elementary , and ministratlve offices; The school Was ( 1986 CHEROKEE" • receiving .a' ^nurturing 'transition to ask what they're asking for.' 1986 WAGONEER. meeting Monday. : -..'^- u-V-'.'"'- •:•;'•': middle school: .conferences,'' ex- :. "If they, have $75,000 they "can, use 'T wouldn't use''this proposal to. closed to students in 1972. 1986 SPORTSWAGON 1986 CHEROKEE JEEP, 6 cyl. aulo.trans, pwr 1ARED0.JEEP, 6 cyLluto GaudineorV teachers: Joseph' -f.rprn-child-centcredi'.solf-contalned. plafned school superintendent Gary : blow my nose because it stinks;" Until recently, the building had RENAULT.: 4 cyl. aulo Irans, JEEP, Acvl.'Autotr,*,n&, pwr 80CHER0KEES slr/brks; till whl.,' rl rack,sp trans, pwi slr/brks/win7dr : for recreation, then" why the hell 70 ALLIANCES 1 elementary schoojs • ..1W their pwr str/biks. cr con, rl rack. r. str/brK», till whl..' console mlns,, a/c, .AM ladW, Int. Icks, till whld;crcoii, but sts. Blanda, Rdosevell Williams and HYiedland, ': ' didn't they give It to us before when" '•: says Silancb, who says Triolo had also been under consideration for rl rack,. tp niirrori, ,-ilr" 5 WAGONEER LTDS wipers.' extra cap - fuel tank. •AM/FM Slcreo Tape. Stk. Nd. • departmentalized,: subject-centered. del. I/glass, radials. AM/FM 20 ENCORES * Judith, (Jaihes will now officially 1 Also receiving first-reading ap- mentioned earlier that the affiliate possible use by the Fire Depart- w conv. ip Chiol pkg. Slk. .No. Slk. No. 091-6. LIST PRICE 251-G. LIST PRICE JX9.376. we""were begging for repairs to"the stereo., Slk.'No.- 220-6. LIST serve as administrative assistants to high school years, '' '•• • -..': proval was the district's new drug .. would be able, to provide $100,000. ment, as opposed to plans calling for 073.4.' AM radio. LIST 3GRAHDWAGONEERS 117,176 FWJLMMCI pool," she says in reference to the , PRICE.*)!.'*" PRICEIIS.Ut- FULLPRICE #,_«oi /Brocket In aneffort to help alleviate and alcohol policy (hat was recently : toward the project if Jhe clubfs the • renovation of the Municipal FULL PRICE FULLPRICE $13,995 2SP0RTWAG0NS 20 COMANCHES MVtuaoo $14,976 SAVE $2381 >15.JJ-> Democratic majority on the five SAVE $2001 some of the ''burden" on the new Among the 12 after-schbbl club finished by Friedland and the , rnemberTownship.Cpmrnittee, \; .'.-. executive committee gave its ap- Building. In order to~hoiise fire principal'1 due •-.to'':the : earlier board's Policy Committee. Unlike / proval. "They must think the people department facilities, however, at > activities will bo environmental "We've been using a Band-Aid N \J70\J70\J70 -abolishmenl: of .the vice principal's. science, culture and performing the: previous policy, -which was in this town are stupid; This is an least part of the school would have to ' approach becausd we couldn't get.
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