WORDS DITCHED FROM THE DICTIONARY ANT & DEC FREE The dynamic duo back on top HARRY STYLES From boyband heartthrob to individual stardom Vision Hemel | Edition 26 ViSIOnHemel edition26 | to advertise call 07883 789530 V1 New Spring Products ComeNewNew NewNewandNew visit our Spring SpringSpringshowroomSpringSpringProducts and try ProductsProductsProducts ProductsoutProducts the working samples!Spring New Come and visit our showroom and try out the working samples! working ComeComeComeComeCome the and and and andand visit visit visit visitvisitout our our our ourour showroom showroom showroom showroomshowroomtry and and and andand try try try trytry out out out outout the the the thethe working working working workingworking samples! samples! samples! samples!samples!showroom our visit and Come ORIGIN SLIMSLIMSLIMSLIMSLIM FLUSH REYNAERSREYNAERSREYNAERSREYNAERSREYNAERS FLUSHFLUSHFLUSHFLUSHFLUSH ORIGINORIGINORIGINORIGINORIGINREYNAERS SLIM SASHSASHSASHSASHSASH SASH BI-FOLD DOORS DOORS BI-FOLD SASH CASEMENT SLIDINGSLIDINGSLIDINGSLIDINGSLIDING DOORS DOORS DOORSDOORS DOORS CASEMENTCASEMENTCASEMENTCASEMENTCASEMENT DOORS BI-FOLDBI-FOLDBI-FOLDBI-FOLDBI-FOLD DOORS DOORS DOORSDOORS DOORSSLIDING UniqueUnUniqueUniqueUniqueique to to to to Swan, toSwan, Swan, Swan, Swan, Swan, to ique Un 7 Day Turnaround Day 7 Authentic more r Fo LiftLiftLiftLiftLift and and and and and Sliding Sliding Sliding Sliding Sliding ForFoForForFor more more more rmore more Authentic Authentic Authentic Authentic Authentic 7Sliding 77 Day7 Day 7Day Day Day Turnaround Turnaround Turnaround Turnaround Turnaroundand Lift forforforforfor a a aSlimmera Slimmer aSlimmer Slimmer Slimmer Slimmer a for Order to Delivery to Order Windows style Period PatioPatioPatioPatioPatio Doors Doors Doors Doors Doors PeriodPeriodPeriodPeriodPeriod style style style style style Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows OrderOrderOrderOrderOrderDoors to to to to Delivery toDelivery Delivery Delivery DeliveryPatio ProfileProfileProfileProfileProfile Window Window Window Window Window Window Profile decided to extend our offer until the end of March. of end the until offer DueDueDueDue toto toto theour the thethe successsuccess successsuccess ofof ofof ourour ourourextend recentrecent recentrecentto promotionpromotion promotionpromotion we’vewe’ve we’vewe’ve decided decided decideddecideddecided to totowe’ve toextend extendextend extend our ourour our offer offeroffer offer until untiluntil until the thethe promotion the end endend end of ofof ofMarch. 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ALL ON DISCOUNT take advantage of our incredible deals! incredible SLIM our CallCallCallCallCallof us usus usus to toto toto see seesee see what whatwhat whatREYNAERS you youyou you can cancan can advantage save savesave save and andand and take take take take take take advantage advantageadvantage advantage advantageand of FLUSH ofof of our of ourour our oursave incredible incredibleincredible incredible incrediblecan deals! deals!deals! deals! deals!you ORIGIN what see to us Call ANY SHAPE/STYLE REPRODUCED CONSIDERATECONSIDERATECONSIDERATECONSIDERATECONSIDERATESHAPE/STYLE ANY TIDY| TIDY TIDYTIDY TIDY WORKMEN WORKMEN WORKMENWORKMEN WORKMEN | | | |SENSIBLE SENSIBLE| SENSIBLESENSIBLE SENSIBLEESTIMATES PRICES PRICES PRICESPRICES PRICES | | | |FREE FREE| FREEFREE FREE| ESTIMATES ESTIMATES ESTIMATESESTIMATES ESTIMATES | | | |ANY ANY| ANYANY ANYPRICES SHAPE/STYLE SHAPE/STYLE SHAPE/STYLESHAPE/STYLE SHAPE/STYLE REPRODUCED REPRODUCED REPRODUCEDREPRODUCED REPRODUCEDSENSIBLE | WORKMEN TIDY CONSIDERATE SASH SLIDING DOORS CASEMENT BI-FOLD DOORS UniqueSwanSwanSwanSwanSwan to Swan,Windows Windows WindowsWindows Windows | | Beesons| | Beesons Beesons|Beesons Beesons Yard Yard YardYard Yard | | Bury| | Bury Bury|Bury Bury Lane Lane LaneLane Lane | | Rickmansworth| | Rickmansworth Rickmansworth|Rickmansworth Rickmansworth | | WD3| | WD3 WD3|WD3 WD3 1DS 1DS 1DS1DS 1DS 1DS WD3 | Rickmansworth | Lane Bury | Yard Beesons | Windows Swan TelTelTelTelTel 0808 0808 08080808 0808 155 155 155155 155 2428 2428 24282428 2428 | |Email || Email Email|Email Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]@swanwindowsltd.co.uk [email protected] and | Sliding |www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk || www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk|www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk For more Authentic 7 www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk Day | Turnaround [email protected] Email | 2428 155 0808 Tel for aWe’reWe’re We’reSlimmerWe’reWe’re a a alocal,a local,alocal, local, local, family family family family family run run run run run company company company company company that that that that that you you you you you can can can can can trust, trust, trust, trust, trust, armed armed armed armed armed with with with with with these these these these these prestigious prestigious prestigious prestigious prestigious awards... awards... awards... awards... awards... awards... prestigious these with armed trust, can you that company run family local, a We’re V2 ViSIOnHemel edition26 | to advertise call 01442Patio 220180 Doors Period style WindowsViSIOnHemel edition26 | to advertise call 07883Order to 789530 Delivery V3 Profile Window Due to the success of our recent promotion we’ve decided to extend our offer until the end of March. DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS FITTED BY THE END OF APRIL 2018! Call us to see what you can save and take advantage of our incredible deals! CONSIDERATE TIDY WORKMEN | SENSIBLE PRICES | FREE ESTIMATES | ANY SHAPE/STYLE REPRODUCED Swan Windows | Beesons Yard | Bury Lane | Rickmansworth | WD3 1DS Tel 0808 155 2428 | Email [email protected] | www.swanwindowsltd.co.uk We’re a local, family run company that you can trust, armed with these prestigious awards... V 6 ANT & DEC CONTENTS The Barber's Workshop 8 BY INVITATION ONLY Editor’s NEW BARBERS OPEN NOW 11 HOME & DIY notes... NEW BARBERS OPEN NOW 19 LOCAL NEWS Hello and welcome to 25 NATURAL DESELECTION this month’s edition of VISIONHemel. MAR18 Month of March 2018 26 HARRY STYLES Month of March 2018 At the time of writing, The Beast From The East 29 GARDENING has arrived in the UK. AALLLL HHAIRCUTSAIRCUTS 30 GERARD DEPARDIEU We have had days of freezing temperatures, just 31 FOOD & DRINK strong winds and heavy just Misha Mistry, Design Editor snow, which has caused ££88 34 BEAUTY havoc around the country. Offer only valid with this flyer on Schools closed as sites were deemed unsafe, the Offer only valid with this flyer on 37 PUZZLES payment roads were at a standstill and many flights across payment 38 HEALTH & FITNESS the UK were grounded. Excludes skin-fades But many workers braved the freezing Excludes skin-fades 40 FASHION temperatures and the snow to continue their jobs. The emergency services, in particular, battled 41 TRAVEL with the elements to go to the aid of those in need, plumbers worked day and night to get BUSINESS & FINANCE 43 boilers working again when pipes froze and councils 46 SPORT continued to grit the roads day and night to make them as safe as possible for drivers. 49 MOTORING Neighbours were checking up on the vulnerable and the elderly and getting them any shopping 50 THE VISION LISTINGS they may need. It goes to show that communities can pull together when they need to. In this month’s local news, gymnast Max Whitlock | CONTACT US [email protected] has been selected to represent England at the 01442 220180 | 07883 789530 Commonwealth Games and commuters were left with hours of delays following a crash on the M1. CO-ORDINATORS | Rebecka Fryer, Kim Plater Hosking Court I hope you enjoy this month’s magazine. CONTRIBUTORS | Amy Pollard, Charles Rae Maylands Plaza DESIGN EDITOR | Misha Mistry | [email protected] FOUNDER | Nik Allen | [email protected] Maylands Ave. Misha Hemel Hempstead 14. ANDANTE, 16. STROBE, 18. ODIUM, 19. BERG 19. ODIUM, 18. STROBE, 16. ANDANTE, 14. HP2 4BE 1. BACK SEAT, 2. MINOR, 4. LOATHE, 5. SPREADEAGLED, 6. FERRARI, 7. LARK, 8. MANIPULATION, 12. FORSAKEN, FORSAKEN, 12. MANIPULATION, 8. LARK, 7. FERRARI, 6. SPREADEAGLED, 5. LOATHE, 4. MINOR, 2. SEAT, BACK 1. DOWN 01442 769201 20. ENNUI, 21. OBELISK, 22. GUERNSEY, 23. X-MEN 23. GUERNSEY, 22. OBELISK, 21. ENNUI, 20. thebarbersworkshop.co.uk 1. BUMP, 3. GLASSFUL, 9. CANTATA, 10. RARER, 11. STRAIGHTAWAY, 13. ABACUS, 15. MERINO, 17. ADVANTAGEOUS, ADVANTAGEOUS, 17. MERINO, 15. ABACUS, 13. STRAIGHTAWAY, 11. RARER, 10. CANTATA, 9. GLASSFUL, 3. BUMP, 1. ACROSS ACROSS @thebarbersworkshop V4 ViSIOnHemel edition26 | to advertise call 01442 220180 ViSIOnHemel edition26 | to advertise call 07883 789530 V5 hey may have had their ups and downs over a long and impressive tenure in the spotlight, but devilish duo Ant Tand Dec are still going strong, with their sights set firmly on the future. It’s easy to forget that Ant McPartlin and Declan Donnelly started out on the children’s television show Byker Grove in the early 1990s playing PJ (Ant) and Duncan (Dec) – the names they would adopt for their short-lived pop career. But more impressive than the fact that those two young upstarts have slowly and steadily become television royalty - building an impressive fortune along the way - is how they have maintained their friendship,
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