1971 WorldMags.net Juiy-OMER incredible, withwith PPPPArnold.lt Arnold. It waswas when when JaggerwasJagger was knocking knocking around withwith ChrissieChrissie Shrimpton.Shrimpton. Well, Well, I'd knownknown Chrissie forfor yearsyears and yearsyears andand sheshe waswas determineddetermined toto help me,me, andand sheshe gotgot Mick toto come down and makemake aa record andand we we diddid aa thing byby Carole KingKing that Wilson Pickett recorded. "Come"Come OnOn Baby"Baby" it waswas called.called. It hadhad Keith RichardsRichards playingplaying bassbass andand rhythmrhythm guitar,guitar, NickyNicky Hopkins,Hopkins, Keith Emerson,Emerson, all ofof GeorgieGeorgie Fame's Fame's brassbrass section,section, RonnieRonnie Wood,Wood, and Mick andand JimmyJimmy MillerMiller producedproduced it.it. Me andand PatPat sang.sang. Apparently MickMickthought thought Immediate were were going going to to paypay for thethe session andand ImmediateImmediate turned roundround and and said said theythey thoughtthought hehe was going toto pay,pay, andand nothingnothing everever got done with it.it. I'd lovelove toto hearhear thethe tapes. Mick'sMick's stillstill gotgot them.them. After PowellPowell camecame The HoochieHoochie Coochie Men,Men, right?right? II waswas approached by Baldry, yeah. The Stones had just gone on the road. approached by Baldry, yeah. The Stones had just gone on the road. A They leftleft KenKen Colyer'sColyer's Jazz Jazz Club Club and and we, we, The The Dimensions, Dimensions, movedmoved in. J It waswas terrible.terrible. WeWe knew knew two-and-a-half two -and-a-half numbers.numbers. ItIt usedused to getget packed outout everyevery Sunday afternoonafternoon andand we had to taketake overover their place. WeWe dieddied aa slow andand sadsad death.death. Anyway... two weeks later, Baldry approachedapproached me me andand asked asked me me ifif I wantedwanted to join his band. "I'm"I'm goinggoingto to leave Cyril," hesaid.he said. I said,said, "Yeah,"Yeah, great." great." And And then then CyrilCyril died.died, JanuaryJanuary 9,9, 1965... wouldwould that bebe right?right? And that waswas allall a bitbit sad, andand I hadhad toto stepstep in.in. JohnJohn moved moved upup andand tooktook Cyril's placeplace andand I tooktook John'sJohn's place. place. II remember remember when I1 firstfirst joined,joined, nono oneone wantedwanted toto know. JohnJohn fmsrEwmx WITH m was thethe only oneone whowho believedbelieved inin me. TheyTheywere were hi a horriblehorrible loadload ofof bastards bastards inin thatthat band,band, butbut theythey 'JtfA all changedchanged theirtheir mindsminds in the end.end. ThereThere was Jeff SMALL FACES Bradford, anan incredibleincredible fingerfinger-picking -picking guitar,guitar, CliffCliff MM W0OO • RJiMMYLAM£ iAN MACl A CAHKCNMfMlk Barton, who'swho's nono longerlonger withwith us...us... Both ofof youyou andand JohnJohn werewere singing? Yeah,Yeah, wewe usedused JflTMI. £U£sr Amsrs to dodo aa bitbit ofof a a duet duet there. there. TheThe firstfirst songsong II everever sungsung professionally onon thethe stagestage -1-I waswas gettinggetting £35£35 a namssmm week, whichwhich waswas aloadofbread a load ofbread then-was then-was "Night ^3^ Time Is TheThe Right Time".Time". AndAnd 1I tooktook aa leaperleaper to do it. ft I rememberremember Cliff BartonBarton gavegave meme aa leaper leaper because because more money.money. RickyRicky BrownBrown didn't didn't I waswas soso scared. scared. II was was up up for for about about three three days,days, butbut want to leaveleave homehome 'cos he'dhe'd justjust gotgot I didn'tdidn't halfhalf singsing thatthat number...number... II onlyonly had to dodo oneone AilTILRffie-1.7"AFA7 married, soso wewe couldn'tcouldn't go further number. ThenThen I I started doing doing "Tiger "Tiger In In Your Your Tank",Tank", than Manchester. The dramasdramas wewe which was my show-stopper, "Dimple In Your Jaw", had in that group. Real dramas. which was my show -stopper, "Dimple In Your Jaw", CAIEXPU, SACKAMOfTJ had in thatgroup. Real dramas. mm * * . AW jj ^2 mm ■ <»»i LJ m things like that.that. rw sack-a...n.1'0:eite,ER TICK.ar 40,1T5 s,,R,P_S - roxmlev.4 & w4CAOSTovo. got e^vvat, SON WPCs ROW-43.LO ;isitvwfika-m-r-f orufpC. Was therethere aa leaderleader ofof that that group?group? 1115404C11ec Recoiro Gehekall. The , 4.410.0Jrr ••ta-"i. toio-ioo* on. mi-I.-*".s.,,,trf Have youyou alwaysalways sungsung in the samesame way? way? Yeah,Yeah, butbut c&IF or T.cwerv.c...rr ...pc.- 3 Well, thethe leaderleader toto meme isis alwaysalways thethe Jr.m.FRaziffirmatiffavm. pRoiu/cnafis I wasn'twasn't veryvery goodgood then.then. II waswas tootoo consciousconscious ofof bloke whowho collectscollects thethe readies,readies, so itit trying to soundsound black, II suppose.suppose. II had had to to workhard workhard * rureu must have beenbeen Brian.Brian. ButBut musicalmusical to findfind myself,myself, youyou know.know. Everybody'sEverybody's gotgot to gogo policypolicywas was up to threethree ofus.ofus. LikeLike ifif through thatthat period.period. II can'tcan't listenlisten toto anythinganything I wanted wanted toto dodo a a newnumber new number thenthen before my firstfirst solosolo album.album. II can'tcan't listenlisten toto thethe BeckBeck albums albums anyany more.more. I hadhad toto putput itit forwardforward toto thethe "board"."board". I nevernever reallyreally gotgot onon withwith AugerAuger that that They reallyreally grategrate onon me.me. Vocally, that that is;is; everything everything else is great.great. TheThe well. LookingLooking backback onon it,it, there waswas nevernever anythinganything reallyveryreally very originaloriginal vocals on thethe Beck albumsalbums were so bad.bad. about the Steam Packet. WeWe probably probably soldsold ourselves ourselves on on our our characters characters more thanthan our music. ItIt waswas a goodgood visualvisual band,band, withwith everybodyeverybody tryingtrying to Where did you go afterafter The HoochieHoochie CoochieCoochie Men? Men? Well therethere waswas firstfirst outdo each other withwith clothes.clothes. We We could have gone to AmericaAmerica atat oneone a littlelittle intermissionintermission ofof unemployment,unemployment, not knowingknowing whatwhat toto dodo becausebecause point withThewith The Animals,Animals, butbut JohnJohn turnedit turned it down,down, the the silly sillybastard, bastard, the bandband busted up.up. This was aa veryvery sad sad point, point, because because John'sJohn's managers managers though maybemaybe itit waswas aa goodgood thing. thing. I I remember rememberwhen when JohnJohn turnedturned itit downdown then were determineddetermined to to make make him him into into a a star. star. He He waswas always veryvery easilyeasily his actuallinewas:actual line was: "MyAmeric"My American an public isn'tisn'treadyforme." ready for me." Nick Logan led. HeHe stillstill is,is, although although he'she's gettinggetting his head togethertogether a a bitbit now.now. So thethe group disbanded. II wasn'twasn't thatthat upsetupset thatthat thethe groupgroup bustedbusted up, but I - NMENME SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER 1818 - wasn't that worriedworried aboutabout doing doing anything anything else. else. In In fact,fact, II thoughtthought that II - - wasn't goinggoing to to sing sing again. again. I thought,I thought, "Oh "Ohs---, s—, that thatwas was aa goodgood laugh;laugh; putput WITHTTH STEAMSTEAM PACKET, PACKET, did did you you feel feel you you were were all all playing playing it downdown toto experienceexperience andand do somethingsomething elseelse now."now." something that would be moremore appreciatedappreciated in timestimes toto Eventually I waswas just just looning looning about about andand JohnJohn camecame upup andand saidsaid that'sthat's allall W:come? I diddid withwith TheThe HoochieHoochie CoochieCoochie Men, butbut whatwhat wewe failed, let'slet's startstart anotheranother group. So we started SteamSteam Packet.Packet. were doing with SteamSteam PacketPacket waswas justjust likelike aa white soulsoul revue.revue. LikeLike a white Ike & TinaTina. Turner Turner show show but but nowhere nowhere nearnear as good. With TheThe The lineuplineup mostmost peoplepeople rememberremember ofofSteam Steam PacketPacket was youyou andand JohnJohn Hoochie Coochie MenMen I! thoughtthought we were playing somethingsomething thatthat nobodynobody and JulieJulie DriscollDriscoli and and Brian Brian Auger. Auger. Was Was it always likelike that?that? Yeah, Yeah, it else was.was. ItIt was was probably probably thethe finestfinest Chicago-typeChicago -type bandband ever. started likeli ke tthat. hat. ThenThen everybodyeverybody sort sort ofleftof left oneone byby one. What recordsrecords areare therethere around from from those those days? days? SteamSteam Packet nevernever Was itit a ahappyband happy band to to be be in? in? No,No, not realreally. ly. TheThe on only ly rea really lly happy happyband band I'veI've made any, becausebecause we werewere allall onon different different labels.labels. OftheOfthe HoochieHoochie O X beenin,been in, where where there'sthere's nono backbiting oror throat cutting,cutting, isis this group,group, thethe Coochies,Co ochies, therethere isis just just oneone recordrecord ofof me me and and JohnJohn singingsinging together.together. It's t/) o Faces. ThereThere was alwaysalways aa bit of...of... well, youyou know,know, JulieJulie waswas alwaysalways inin lovelove called "Up"Up Above MyMyHead",aB-sideofa Head", a B-side ofa Baldry single, and that's o Baldry single, and that's X o- with somebody and and Micky Micky WallerWaller waswas inin lovelove with with her, her, and and Brian Brian wanted wanted probably all thatthat camecame out ofof thatthat period.period. WorldMags.net 120 HISTORY HISTORY OF OF ROCK ROCK 1971 1971 .
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