Romantic Sociability: Social Networks and Literary Culture in Britain, 1770-1840 Edited by Gillian Russell and Clara Tuite Index More Information

Romantic Sociability: Social Networks and Literary Culture in Britain, 1770-1840 Edited by Gillian Russell and Clara Tuite Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 0521770688 - Romantic Sociability: Social Networks and Literary Culture in Britain, 1770-1840 Edited by Gillian Russell and Clara Tuite Index More information Index abolitionism: see slavery Barbauld, Anna Letitia 18, 62–79, 82–101, Ackermann, Rudolph 129 138; Address to the Opposers of the Repeal 72–3; Addison, Joseph 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 44 ‘Autumnal Thought’ 77–8; ‘Character’ of Adorno, Theodor 214 Priestley 89–90; Civic Sermons to the People 74, Aikin, Anna Letitia: see Anna Letitia Barbauld 85, 98–100; ‘Devotional Taste’ 99; and Aikin, John, D. D. 62, 64, 66–7, 75 Dissent 62–79, 83, 85, 89, 99–101; Eighteen Aikin, John, M. D. 64, 69, 71, 74, 77, 83–4, Hundred and Eleven 77–9, 84, 101; Epistle to 115; Evenings at Home 83; Miscellaneous Pieces in Wilberforce 73–4; Evenings at Home 83; and Prose 83 friendship 67, 75, 77, 82, 83–4, 92–3, 98; Aikin, Lucy 64–5, 69, 70, 74 ‘The Invitation’ 68; letters 82–3, 89, 98; Alderson, Amelia 19, 52, 167, 177, 178, ‘Lines to Samuel Rogers in Wales on the 181, 182 Eve of Bastille Day, 1791’ 74; Miscellaneous alterity 160 Pieces in Prose 82, 83; ‘The Mouse’s Petition’ Alien Act 212 86–7; ‘On A Lady’s Writing’ 67; ‘On Mrs amateur acting: see theatre P[riestley]’s Leaving Warrington’ 86; Poems America: colonies 24, 27–8; as place of exile (1873) 63, 66–70, 82; and Joseph Priestley 97, 104, 115; Republic 32–3, 36, 116; 84–90, 97–101; and Mary Priestley 86, 88, Revolution, War of Independence 28, 30, 90–5, 97–8; ‘A Summer Evening’s 32, 34, 45, 65, 191, 169 Meditation’ 69–70; ‘Thoughts on the Amidei, Cosimo 29 Devotional Taste, on Sects, and on Amsterdam 26, 28, 31, 36 Establishments’ 87–9, 99;‘ToaGreat Andrews, Miles Peter 110 Nation, Written by a Lady’ 75;‘ToaLady, Anstey, Christopher 134 with some painted flowers’ 76, 91–3;‘ToDr anti-sociability 15–16, 194, 200, 205; duel, as Aikin on his Complaining that she neglected form of 48; introspection as 4; and sensibility him’ 83–4; ‘To Dr Priestley, Dec. 29, 1792’ 8–9; and shame 54, 201, 204–5; and solitude 100–1; ‘To Mrs P[riestley], with some 4–5, 19–20, 206; and spies, surveillance 15, Drawings of Birds and Insects’ 91; and Mary 45, 50, 95, 126; theatre of 160 Wollstonecraft 72, 76, 78, 91–3 Ari`es, Philippe 10 Barbauld, Rochemont 63, 69, 70–1, 77, 78, Armstrong, Isobel 64 87 Arno Miscellany, The 107 Barbour, Judith 191 associations: see societies Barlow, Joel 50 Austen, Jane 8–9, 14, 96 Bee, The 56 Australia 19–20, 128 Bell, John 211 Belle Assembl´ee, La 211, 230 Bacon, Francis 181 Bible, the 201 Baillie, Joanna 71, 159; on sociability of Binhammer, Katherine 187 theatre 146 Binns, John 45, 47 Bailyn, Bernard 28 Birmingham 27, 33, 35, 36 Ballard, T. G. 113 Birmingham riots: see riots Banks, Thomas 49 Blackwood’s Magazine 186 259 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521770688 - Romantic Sociability: Social Networks and Literary Culture in Britain, 1770-1840 Edited by Gillian Russell and Clara Tuite Index More information 260 Index Blake, William 37 Honest Whigs 28; Keep the Line 110, 113; bluestockings 71, 82, 135, 227, 229 King of Clubs 37–8, 40; women’s 227; see Blum, Carol 200 also debating; spouting Boaden, James 104–5, 113 Cobbett, William 13, 14 botany 96 coffee-houses 5–6, 7, 12–13, 14, 15, 17, 18–19, Borsay, Peter 3, 127 43–58, 126, 174, 176, 213, 214, 226, 229; Boswell, James 2, 17, 44, 113 Lloyd’s 6; the Percy 43–4, 57 Bourdieu, Pierre 11, 229 Cohen, Mich`ele 3 Bowlby, Rachel 230 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 2, 17, 27, 38–40, bowling greens 127 54, 69, 77, 78, 104, 116–18; and Brainbridge, Mrs 124 associationism 109; Biographia Literaria 109, Bradley, James 27 148; and conversation 138; and friendship Brewer, John 3 148; The Friend 148; as lecturer 117, 123–4, Bright, Henry 65, 68, 70, 73 134–5, 137–40; ‘Reflections on Having Left British Lady’s Magazine 231 a Place of Retirement’ 117; see also brotherhood 100 imagination; fancy Brunton, Anne 104, 174 commercial society: commercialism 186–7, Brussels 25, 31 188, 195, 219, 228; and coffee-houses 48; Buenos Aires 25 and Dissenting culture 65; see also capitalism; Bulwer-Lytton, Edward 189 consumerism Burke, Edmund 29, 87, 96, 116, 195; companionship 17–18, 20 Reflections on the Revolution in France 8, 56, 85, communality 10, 16 97, 98, 110, 112–13, 128, 140, 175, 195 conduct books: see also textuality Burney, Charles 229 consumerism 211, 213–4, 218–9, 222, 224, Burney, Frances 135, 178, 214; Cecilia 215; 231; see also shopping Evelina 215; The Wanderer 228, 230; The conversation 2, 3, 5–7, 17–18, 20, 24–5, 52, Witlings 214–15, 225–6, 228–30 91, 97, 105, 116, 137, 188; and classical Butler, Judith 11, 188, 194–5 public sphere 11–13; and coffee-houses 43, Byron, George Gordon, Lord 187; The Blues 56; conversation rooms 123, 132–3, 140; 134–37; Byronism: see Lister, Anne; Childe feminine 84; ‘free familiar’ 62, 66–7; ‘ideal Harold’s Pilgrimage 193; Don Juan 193, 196, 202 speech situation’ 48–9; republican 27–8, 31–2, 36–7 Cambridge, University of 104 conviviality 1, 4, 5, 17–18, 20, 43, 45, 49, 55, Calais 50 129 Campbell, Thomas 38 Cooper, Thomas 49 Capellen, Joan Derck van der 36 Cooper, Thomas Abthorpe 167 capitalism 9; see also commercial society Copeland, Edward 223 Cappe, Newcome 66 counter public: see public Carlson, Julie 224 courtrooms: see law Carlton House 54 Cowley, Hannah 108 Castle, Terry 197 Cox, Jeffrey 17–18 Chandler, James 116 Critical Review 53 Chanel, Coco 189 Crisp, Samuel 229 Christensen, Jerome 186, 188, 195 Cromwell, Oliver 211 citizenship, discourse of 82 Cruikshank, Isaac 129 civic ideal: civics lessons 73–4, 212; civic Curll, Edmund 28 participation 75, 83, 85, 98–9; civic virtue 44 Dalton, John 134 Clairmont, Mary Jane 178, 182 Darby, Barbara 227, 229–30 Clare, John 2 Darwin, Erasmus 96 Clark, Peter 3, 5, 11 David, J-L. 114 class 3–4, 16, 18, 50, 67, 141, 207, 217, 223 Davy, Humphry 38, 123, 134, 135 Clavigero, Francisco Javier 33 debating 4, 14, 15, 16, 43, 49, 57, 58, 126, closet drama: see theatre 128, 138, 216–18, 222, 224, 227–8, 233; and clubs 3, 5–6, 7, 13, 15, 24, 26, 36–7, 49, 56, conviviality 129; parliamentary 73; women 213, 222; Beefsteak 110; gentlemen’s 133; in 132, 216; see also societies © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521770688 - Romantic Sociability: Social Networks and Literary Culture in Britain, 1770-1840 Edited by Gillian Russell and Clara Tuite Index More information Index 261 Delany, Mary 96 Equiano, Olaudah 34 Della Cruscans 104, 110; Della Cruscanism Erskine, Thomas 52–3 104, 108, 110, 111, 112, 116; see also Robert Everest, Kelvin 117 Merry Examiner 18 De Quincey, Thomas 186–7, 195, 203, 206 Derby 126 Fair Penitent, The (Nicholas Rowe) 168 Devonshire, Georgiana, Duchess of 135 fancy 118 diaries: see textuality Farington, Joseph 125 Diderot, Denis 32 fashion 132, 135, 137, 189, 190, 196, 205, Dilly, Charles 28 211–2, 215, 218, 230–1; see also embodiment; Dilly, Edward 28 sociability, fashionable; style dinners, sociable 4, 17, 113, 176, 191, 193; Felski, Rita 204, 205 Bastille anniversary dinner Birmingham 93; Fenwick, Eliza 171 at Benjamin Robert Haydon’s 1–2;at Field, Barron 19–20 Thomas Holcroft’s 180; at Joseph Johnson’s Fitzgerald, Edward 114 70–2, 174–5, 180; at Elizabeth Montagu’s 71; Florence 104, 107 at the Percy coffee-house 43–8, 52–3; Florence Miscellany, The 107–8 radical dining 14; Society for Constitutional Flower, Benjamin 75 Information dinner 50; at Horne Tooke’s 49 Fordyce, Dr James 92 D’Israeli, Isaac 125 Fox, Charles James 37, 111; Foxite Whigs 37, Dissent 13, 18, 27, 29, 32, 89, 118; Burke on 50, 110–11 85; ‘Dissenting sociability’, 93; and public France 230 sphere 82–3; see also Anna Letitia Barbauld; Franklin, Benjamin 27, 28, 36 Dissenting academies; Joseph Priestley; riots Fraser, Nancy 10, 15, 213 Dissenting academies: Hampstead 70; fraternizing 25, 35, 36 Warrington 62–78, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89–90, freemasonry 27, 29, 30–1; see also Illuminati 91, 97–8 French Revolution, the 8, 14, 24, 26, 29, domesticity 56–8, 64–7, 69, 75–6, 98, 137, 34–6, 45, 56, 57, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72–3, 74, 141; ‘domestic virtue’ 83; see also privacy: 97, 99, 104, 105, 110, 111, 116, 125, 154, 195; private sphere; sociability, domestic see also politics Doody, Margaret 225, 227 friendship 17–18, 20, 72, 75, 77, 83–4, 90, Dunlap, William 167 100–1, 148, 150, 162–3; ‘Dissenting Dwyer, John 7, 8 sociability’ and 93–4; female 82, 92–3, 98; Dyer, George 39–40 intellectual 66–7; theatricality of 148; see also companionship; fraternizing Eagleton, Terry 13–14, 44, 213 Frost, John 43–58 Eaton, Daniel Isaac 15, 28, 50, 54; Politics for Fuseli, Henry 72, 168 the People 50, 55, 113–14 Edinburgh Review 38 Gallagher, Catherine 228 education 62–70, 71, 73; female 62–70; see gallantry 192 also Dissent; Dissenting academies; gambling 133 knowledge Garrick, David 138 Eidouranion 124–5 George III 100 Eldon, Lord: see John Scott gender 5, 11, 18–19, 75–6, 82–3, 189–91, Elias, Norbert 190 194–6, 205; female masculinity, 189–90, 191, elocution 139 194–5, 202; and knowledge 83–4, 96, 101; embodiment 187–9, 190–1, 195, 217; see also masculinity 195; see also embodiment fashion; gender Geneva 27, 28–9 empire, British, 20; see also slavery genius 82, 90, 101, 174 Empson, Ellen 196 gentleman 44, 46, 48, 50, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, Enfield, William 62, 64, 65, 67, 74 190–1, 195; see also radicals, gentleman Enlightenment 6, 7, 25–6, 28, 30–5, 166, Gentleman’s Magazine 110, 212 213, 218, 233; public sphere 16, 124, 125, Gerrald, Joseph 50, 54, 128–9 213; Scottish

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