NASA Conference Publication 10049 S V_t,,. I NASA-CP-10049-VOL-1 19960001796 First CLIPSConference Proceedings Volume i LIBRARYCOp_," :cP 0 5 1990 LANCLEY RES[Ah,CH _N/ER ff,_uPio_,V_RCt::IA •_ Proceedings of a conference hosted by the NASA-Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and held at the NASA .Johnson Space Center Houston, Texas August 13-15, 1990 .€,', Final Agenda itF'___ _3.............1176 01362 2304 i First CLIPS Conference August 13-15, 1990 Gilruth Center, Johnson Space Center Monday August 13 7:30-6:00 pm Late Registration 8:30-9:00 am Welcoming Address:Lawrence Herbolsheimer, DeputyAdministratorfor Code C, NASA PARALLEL SESSIONS 9:00-10:00 am A1 Engineering Applications B1 Intelligent Tutors and Training 10:10-11:10 am A2 Intelligent Software Engineering B2 AutomatedKnowledge AcquisitionI 11:20-12:20 pm A3 Network Applications B3 Automated Knowledge Acquisition lI 12:20-1:10 pm Lunch 1:15-1:45 pm Panel Discussion 'The Future of CLIPS," Robert Savely, Chris Culbert, Gary Riley, Brian Donnell 1:50-2:50 pm A4 Verification and Validation B4 Enhancementsto CLIPS-General I 3:00-4:00 pm A5 Space Shuttle Quality Control/Diagnosis B5 Enhancements to CUPS--General II 4:10-5:50 pm A6 Space Shuttle and Real-time Applications B6 Medical, Biological, and Agricultural Applications 6:00-7:00 pm Reception (Cash Bar) 7:00-9:00 pm Banquet and Keynote Speaker: Dr. F. Story Musgrave, NASA Astronaut Tuesday August 14 ./"..... 8:00-5:00 pm Late Registration PARALLEL SESSIONS 9:00-10:00 am A7 Quality Control Applications B7 Intelligent Databases, and Networks 10:10-11:10 am A8 Space Station Freedom Applications B8 User Interface I 11:20-12:20 pm A9 Space Shuttle and Satellite Applications B9 UserInterfaeelI 12:20-1:30 pm Lunch 1:30-2:30 pm A10 Artificial Neural Systems & Fuzzy Logic B10 Enhancements to CLIPS: Reasoning/Representation 2:40--4:00 pm A11 Parallel and Distributed Processing I B11 Enhancements to CLIPS: Object Oriented 4:10-5:30 pm A12 Parallel and Distributed Processing 11 B12 Enhancements to CLIPS: Graphics/X-Windows Wednesday August 15 8:00-12:00 pm Late Registration + PARALLEL SESSIONS 8:30-9:30 am A13 Aerospace Applications B13 Advisory Systems I 9:40-10:40 am A14 Simulation and Defense B14 Advisory Systems, and Intelligent Tutors 10:50-12:10 am A15 Intelligent Control :- 11:50-1:00 pm Lunch CLIPS Users Group Organizational Meeting 1:00-- 5:00 pm (1) Discussion and approval of a constitution for the CLIPS Users Group f (2) Nomination and election of officers MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL CHAIR FIRST CLIPS USERSCONFERENCE These Proceedings of the First CLIPS Users Conference mark an important milestone in the evolution of CLIPS. Until this time, CLIPS has been used mainly by individuals who had little knowledge of what others were doing. Now with over 3000 sites using CLIPS in government, industry,and academia, this Conference and its Proceedings offers people the "_ opportunity to learn how many others are using CLIPS. This dissemination of the state-of- the-art work offers many potential benefits to all CLIPS users. As more people hear about CLIPS, we expect further growth in the user community. Conferences like this are an important mechanism for increasing the growth of artificial intelligence technology. We -_ welcome your comments concerning CLIPS and how it can be improved. Joseph C. Giarratano University of Houston at Clear Lake MESSAGE FROM THE BRANCH CHIEF SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY BRANCH Since the first general distribution of CLIPS by my section in 1986, CLIPS has been continuously improved. The new version 5.0 of CLIPS that we will release in Fall 1990 has major enhancements by the addition of objects, generic functions, defglobals, integer data type support, and deftemplate type checking. All new versions of CLIPS are thoroughly tested to insure its performance in mission critical applications. _--_., CLIPS comes with a full set of documentation manuals, all the source code in C, a cross reference style and verification tool (CRSV), an intelligent tutor for learning CLIPS, an on- line help facility, and telephone support for technical questions. In addition to the version of CLIPS written in C, a version written in Ada is also available. An executable of CLIPS for the IBM PC and compatibles is available with puUdown menus and mouse support. Another version for the Macintosh designed for the Mac style interface is also supported. Since the complete source code for CLIPS is supplied, it can be compiled to run on any machine with a C compiler. CLIPS has been successfully ported to virtually every brand of hardware including Cray, Next, Connection machine, VAX, HP, and Sun. CLIPS is free to NASA and USAF users, and their contractors. The price to others is $312, and just $187 for universities. There are no royalties or fees for unlimited copies of CLIPS, thus making it a very cost-effective tool for distributingexpertsystems, and for education. Our success with CLIPS has led us to develop other advanced technology tools such as Nets for the development and delivery of artificial neural networks, Costmodl for _, estimating software development costs, and Compass for planning and scheduling. For additional information, please contact the Help Desk at (713) 280-2233. I am proud to have directed the development of CLIPS and seen it grow from a small internal NASA projectto over 3000 sites in just four years. CLIPS is an excellent example "_ of the spin-off benefits of the Space Program in maintaining the competitive edge of this nauon m an increasinglycompetitive world. Robert T. Savely NASA/Johnson Space Center .... _ ii MESSAGE FROM COSMIC _f-..... COSMIC, NASA'sComputerSoftwareManagementand InformationCenter,is proud to cosponsorthe FirstCLIPSUsersGroupConference. Since 1966 COSMIC hasbeenthe one centralmarketingand distributioncenterfor _ computersoftwarecreatedunder NASA funding.The COSMIC inventorypresently contains over 1,200 computer programs. In addition to artificial intelligence, applicationareas include:aerodynamics;compositeanalysis;computationalfluid dynamics; control systems; heat transfer; image processing; optics; project management;reliability;satellitecommunications;scientificvisualization;and UNIX utilities. Whilethis is not a completelist, it does indicatethe breadthof applications.Most programsare soldwithoutlicensingrestrictionsso programscan be usedas supplied or incorporatedintocommercialand/orin-houseprogrammingoperations. As partof NASA'sTechnologyUtilizationProgram,ourgoalisto savetimeandmoney for industry,other governmentagencies,and academicinstitutions.The COSMIC inventory,a valuablenationalresource,is maintainedto helpthe U.S. economykeep itscompetitiveedge. Forassistancein locatingappropriatesoftware,youcanwrite,call, FAX,or E-mailto explainyour requirementsW. e will reviewour databaseof NASAsoftwareand send descriptiveabstractsof eachappropriateprogram.Thereis nochargeforthisservice. COSMIC The Universityof Georgia 382 EastBroadStreet Athens,GA 30602 phone (404) 542-3265 FAX (404) 542-4807 E-mail [email protected] 111 CONTENTS Section Page Agenda .......................................................................... i Message from the General Chair First CLIPS User Conference ........................ ii _ Message from the Branch Chief, Software Technology Branch ........................ ii Message from COSMIC ........................................................... iii _' A1 SESSION: ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS AI.1 Three CLIPS-Based Expert Systems for Solving Engineering Problems .......... 2 A1.2 Building Engineering Expert Systems in CLIPS ............................... 39 A1.3 Dynamic Array Processing for Computationally Intensive Expert Systems in CLIPS ................................................................ 51 B1 SESSION: INTELLIGENT TUTORS AND TRAINING BI.1 Intelligent Tutoring Using HyperCLIPS ...................................... 62 B1.2 Developing an Intelligent Computer-Aided Trainer ............................ 69 B1.3 Incorporating CLIPS Into a Personal-Computer-Based Intelligent Tutoring System 75 A2 SESSION: INTELLIGENT SOFTWARE ENGINEERING A2.1 Hardware Independence Checkout Software ................................... 82 A2.2 Automating Symbolic Analysis with CLIPS ................................... 92 B2 SESSION: AUTOMATED KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION I B2.1 EDNA - Expert Fault Digraph Analysis Using CLIPS .......................... 118 B2.2 A Middle Man Approach to Knowledge Acquisition in Expert Systems ........... 131 A3 SESSION: NETWORK APPLICATIONS A3.1 JESNETExpert Assistant ................................................... 140 A3.2 The Network Management Expert System Prototype for Sun Workstations ....... 147 A3.3 Using CLIPS in a Distributed System - The Network Control Center (NCC) Expert System ........................................................... 155 B3 SESSION: AUTOMATED KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION II B3.1 From Data Rich to Information Wealthy - A Case for CLIPS .................... 168 '- B3.2 Supplemental Knowledge Acquisition through External Product Interface for CLIPS ............................................................... 174 B3.3 Rule Induction Techniques .................................................. 180 v 90:PT4:017froc Section Page ........ A4 SESSION: VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION A4.1 Enforcing Compatibility and Constraint Conditions and Information Retrieval at the Design Action ........................................................ 186 _ B4 SESSION: ENHANCEMENTS TO CLIPS- GENERAL I B4.1 Decomposing a Complex
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