A COVERING- TOWNSHIPS OK Of Local 1IO1M0FX, MADI5UN mSLBORO. MATAtVAN People Ami AND E MAI MVATJ BOROUGH lirmtmt 94th YEAR — 3Slh WEEK Nati-jiiot E-.tltcrla! MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1%3 Single Copy Ten Cents Muddy, ftullcd Road Conditions Plague Malawan Newsboys Too j Million-Dollar 1 Break Cround For IS'eiv Glass Plant Apartment Layout. Malawan Township Proposed For Site MJtuwnr. Township joined M i' 1 wan uiui Keyport in tilt- past mun'h as a seal of gut den uparlnii'iH [in jfcf- activity when Domiuick C>rau Idir.eitl,' "Long liranch, filed apphiu li'in with Ihe township zoning h laul of adiustmt.Mil for .". variance f> , empting his SI 50",000 proposal f->r hind'he owns on Malawan iwc from the multiple uwtllniK i I ills 'of the/.oriin« r,rdinuui Six Ii slim ' lui s 1 ( bin cl llu pi in IIIJ | i utul (alls foi iw s (t v mini | I " p us submitt'd MUW I'IU units I I Lin. I idroum tnd M> tu i b< (I i in s o | i up on tin 10 t u i i I It n j fionts (Jifn i\ M it IH n Ai and urns back 510 ful nil, thi d i cUn Sim I irl- »i) It tuns al nj, th" bin nigh I ou ill ii) o 1 IIIL Ab> nK ui Rd. .strii.. :lu! cither way. - j There is space Tor 17 garages.! Foi the KiO dwelling units il'iWe . are '.Ml parking .spaces [irovidi.'d nlf-s'rei't. There it a .shopping mull, 1 residents. This Is Fredwood PI. as II appears entering from Ravine [for which there ure .11) parking David Codlspotl, Aberdeen Rd., a newipapcr delivery boy, finds he spaces allotted :ind a 41.!l)0-.-.qiiaie i b forced to abandonhi* bicycle and deliver papers on foot on muddy Dr. Irate citizens of the Ravine Dr. area filled the Borough Hull Tues- day night to appeal for emergency relief from the condition. foot piofesaionu) center wll'h 15! (.-"" and rutted roidjwhich'have been JubJscJ of complaints of Matawan parking spaces. j :;:.< Mr. Craudlnctti i.s u mumbur of ', New Gibb Showroom Assessment Cuts Matawan Township Mayor John Marz jr., (left) ! manufacturing plant. The plant will be located oq David Glbb, president ol Day* Council Mired In Wllllnm C. Gottscl-.alk, a State Qlbb Chevrolet, 110 Main St., Board of Taxation Conunlsiiloner, MuUwah, confirmed thi* morn- Tuesday granted approval of an tng' tb» auto firm U looking to assessment reduction ot from to show it will not COIIIIHIUIKI the | tin tventua) wtabJUhment of aft- Road, Mud, Woes tllU.SM to $58,000 In the personal school costs problem but will ac- ui-k Mber cehier of M» buslHcu ac- properly valuation assigned to a tuiilly provide, surplus tax revenues Plunt ill One-Sentence Ruling j ApprOVC Map ihrMy In fbjb «•«.' at a site on James C. Boyd, sewer consulting of from $3200 to S3800. Council alsu Matawan Township business. to aid with jchool costs. engineer, Tuesday reported to the votod to authorize constntction of u Superiur Cuurt Judces Harold ' „!, , «•» • 9mth Atlantic Ave. near the The reduction was granted for lie oiicu advanced a trailet park \. Price. Gerald T. Foley and i UL' «fi |> K(>llipf Q|W> BrwVvlew lection of th« Levitl Matawan Borough Council that police target rang* at the new sew- Key Enterprises Bowling Alley, the Crux Construction Co., Uniuri, er plant site. project In the township but ran Bzura's, Clark St. Mark A. Sullivan Jr. concurred With 'Reluctance Str«thmor« development. 1 Lower Main St., Matawan Town- into the prohibition ugltiml their in a unanimous decision Friday Is In default on 28 Items in his con- ship, owned by Frank Devlno. Mr. Mr. GH* emnia^td It would be tract vvhlch provides thai roads, u.se. Middletown Firm To In Appellate, Division upholding Planners Consent up to a ye«r befort Uve firm had Devlno had argued it county | the decision nf Judge Jnscph A. thU otw c«ot«r la operation. He where sewers are installed, will be Erosion Control board hearings, the valuations as- I The garden apartments prolect Seek Permit For It llalperu, June 1, 1961, In favor When Law Is Quoted Mated the property bad been se- restored to their original condition. signed to the equipment were out advanced for hi.-t land would be of Mndiuin Township Planning eared end iW die firm wm seek- The report came as no surprise of all proportion. close to a large such project |u.st j An application i.s to be made for Board and against Midlown I'rop- Madison -Township' Planning t* • »*wer tte-ln at thl. time to more than 40 residents who filled Work To Start Mr. Ooltschnlk, conduction ertii's Inc., Maywood, on tho. en ! M n a r d Thursday "relnctantlj" the borough hall to complain of 1 to tii* Strathmore awe' »ystan»- hearing on more than 10 appeal. , , ,, , . „ ,,,'oa the northeast corner of u seven- foreemenl o( a contract agree- i granted final approval to a major muddy and rutted road condi- Army Engineers T ment to alli.w Hi.11 lealty firm tu Tho Matawan Township Sewer- from Iho county tax bourd's T lie area nffected is an H-I50J , , „ , ; subdivision, a 175-huuse d(-'."clop» age Authority last night consid- tions which they blame on the findings last fall, also approved acre tracl 0Wllctl 1)v B ru lnl build .'1300 houses on maps ap- work of the Cruz firm and lack of Eye June 1 zone. This presents nn uikled prob-1 '" ' '" ered the tails on which It should an assessment reduction from li'iu for ihe board and Its attnr-1 Clark Si. This was disclosed al the proved in l!)55. Tlie tract on • nionl between Cottrell Rd. and handle the 1580-foot extension re- action (o ease the problem by the $125,000 to $110,000 for the Raima! which Ihe houses would go up is ; Rmitv !l, over the objection by Wit. council. The biggest beach erosion control ney on the shopping area, which I Keyporl Zonitig Hoard of Adjust- ulred to tie the proposed auto Co., Route .15 and Cllffivood Ave. which wuuld couslllute a secondary meiil meeting Tuesday by l.eioy north of I!mill' .116 and Hl'M ol \ liam Rice, the school boiru't Construction of the sewer system and hurricane protection program ltnuti' S. Harold (j. Smith, town- 8uslnesa location In with Hie ever attempted on the North Jer- In Matawnn Township. (continued on page four) I S. Brown, Main St.. Keyport. repre- I emissary, tliut the. developer ha1 pewett malnhead of the Levltt- started lust yoar with a contract senting Lyncar Corp., Miildlelown. ship attorney, appeared fur Ihe stipulation that roads must be re- sey Coast will get under way June township tind Aarun Heller, New- ! not made a satisfactory offer to ilia gtrathmore system. 1. That 1« the starting date set by the applicant. Mr. Brown sakl it stored to their original condition by would he a $250,000 ratable to be ark, lor the developer. sclt'Kil board yet. tho contractor. Since that time tha U.S. Corps of Engineers for a Van Brunt Firm three-year project to beef up the Undersized Lots j located alcng the Central Ruilrotid Tlie three Judges in the Appel- Mr. Rice slated that the "vol. council lias been bejelged. with eight-mile Rarltan and Sandy Hook ! of New Jersey Highlands division late Division expressed their con- untiiry" ronlribulion o! the develop- Seek More Talks complaint* of holes, ruts, dust, Bay lowland area between Morgan. Aids fn Exchange! tracts and would bo equipped with curring views In just a single er toward a school for the X~il pu« ruined lawns and shrubs and for In Middlesex County, and Port House Sites Hi' _ la $:it).00(l Just control device Ih-it sentence stating they upheld all pils the board of education estimat- most of the winter months, mud. Monmouth, Middletown Township. Y _ x r\ r I would remove all smoke and air the opinions expressed by Judge (M will IK- mining (mt of the dovcl- More Adverse Conditions On Regional Bill In Monmouth County. Sales To Realtor Transports Drugs In !lx)H,,,ion menace. llalperll n in hihi s ruling.. uginsl the iipini'nt in two-and-one-hulf sea i Residents complained of more Cuban Prisoner Trade i Mr- u«>wn promised the appli- Thu project follows an original realtors. The Mldtnwn firm nn- I was too meagre to meet the Inequities Still adverse conditions on Middlesex Run Into Protest cant would take a board commit- pealed the case utter suit was j of educating them. Rd., Matawan Ave., Fredwood PI., plan which provided for erosion Van Brunl and Son, Inc., Mu'.a- tee lo North Haven, Conn., so it entered against them fo, $1,000,- Would Exiit and flood control and hurricane Applications for vn.-iames to buy Mayor Juhn E. Keating then Union Ave., Oak and Cedar St«., wan trucking company, has taken I could be observed from a now plant 110(1 hy S.iyretown Realty Co.. asked Robert Sharkoy, Garfieid, mostly off tha Ravine Dr. section. protection for municipalities along and build houses on four 50 foot an active part in a phase of the i there o! identical design how free The Matawan Borough Council front totj In an R-7S residential f^ I * * • -_ . — P I.
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