February 1, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E227 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HIRE A VETERAN WEEK the Arkadelphia Band Boosters. His dedication date these new military operations. Simulta- to making Arkadelphia a better place to live neously, many of the communities that sur- SPEECH OF could not have been greater. I am glad our round Fort Knox are preparing for the arrival HON. JOE BACA paths crossed and I had the honor of knowing of thousands of new military and civilian em- and working with Dan on health care issues. ployees and their families; negotiating con- OF CALIFORNIA My deepest condolences go to his wife, tracts for new homes, schools, businesses IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Shayron Looney Gathright of Warren; his son and road improvements. These are indeed ex- Tuesday, January 30, 2007 Michael Gathright of Frisco, Texas; his father, citing times for the region. Mr. BACA. Madam Speaker, I ask unani- Archie Gathright of Magnolia; his sister The Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal mous consent to address the House for 1 Maretta Bullock of McNeil; and to his 2 grand- Year 2007 budgeted approximately 5.6 billion minute. children. Dan Gathright will be greatly missed dollars for military construction at BRAC im- Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of in Arkadelphia and throughout the State of Ar- pacted bases. House Leaders are now pro- H. Con. Res. 5, which would direct the Presi- kansas. posing budget cuts that would reduce prom- dent to establish Hire a Veteran Week. f ised funding by approximately 3 billion dollars. As a veteran, I want to thank my colleague, COMMENDING DONALD HOFFPAUIR This funding shortfall would seriously impede Representative HOLT, for introducing this reso- necessary preparations at a number of bases lution on behalf of our brave troops who fight including Fort Knox, leaving the installation for our freedom. HON. CHARLES W. BOUSTANY, JR. and community ill-equipped to accommodate Madam Speaker, unemployment rates for OF LOUISIANA requisite changes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES veterans in their twenties are almost twice as Democrat leaders moved unilaterally to cut high as their civilian peers. Wednesday, January 31, 2007 these funds, contradicting Speaker PELOSI’s This is unacceptable. Mr. BOUSTANY. Madam Speaker, I rise pledge to ensure an ‘‘open, honest and full de- We’re sending 18- and 19-year-olds to fight today to applaud the devoted service of Don- bate’’ on all matters before the House. If my in a mistaken war in Iraq. ald Hoffpauir to the people of Acadia Parish. colleagues and I in the minority were allowed The least we can do is make sure that they Donald recently retired following twenty-two due consideration in the process, preserving have a good job when they come home. years of dedicated work in the Acadia Parish full funding would have been our top priority. The system is broken, Madam Speaker. Tax Assessor’s Office, where he served as a And our veterans are paying the price. In the face of significant changes, Ft. Knox Personal Property Manager. and other instillations need our full commit- Our veterans show us excellence in the bat- Throughout his career, Donald was known tlefield—they will show us excellence in the ment to provide in full resources that will allow as a skilled and loyal manager, always willing them to set new standards of excellence and workplace. to assist his co-workers and the many cus- I urge my colleagues to support this resolu- grow as an integral part of our nations de- tomers who called upon the tax assessor’s of- fense capacities. tion and to give our veterans the dignity and fice. respect they deserve. I ask my colleagues to join me and the peo- f f ple of Acadia Parish in wishing Donald IN MEMORY OF DANIEL Hoffpauir a happy retirement, and congratu- ADMINISTRATION INTERFERENCE GATHRIGHT lating him for his invaluable accomplishments WITH CLIMATE CHANGE SCIENCE for the state of Louisiana. HON. MIKE ROSS f HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH OF ARKANSAS EFFECT OF BUDGET RESOLUTION OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ON FORT KNOX IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, January 31, 2007 HON. RON LEWIS Wednesday, January 31, 2007 Mr. ROSS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to OF KENTUCKY honor the memory of my friend Daniel IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. KUCINICH. Madam Speaker, I gave the Gathright, who passed away January 25, attached statement, in opposition to the Ad- 2007, in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Wednesday, January 31, 2007 ministration’s interference in Climate Change Dan Gathright was a pillar of the community Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. I rise to register my science on January 30, 2007. of Arkadelphia and of Southern Arkansas for strong disappointment over the dramatic cuts Hearing on ‘‘Political Interference with decades. While attending school at Southern made to the Military Construction account in Science: Global Warming’’ January 30, 2007. State College, now known as Southern Arkan- this year’s budget for military installations af- I want to first thank the Chairman for hold- sas University in Magnolia, Dan worked as a fected by the 2005 Base Realignment and ing this hearing that, like so many other hear- dispatcher at the Magnolia Police Department. Closure Commission. ings we will be having, is long overdue. Global Upon graduating, he worked at Washington I am proud to represent Fort Knox. The warming will be a defining issue of this gen- Regional Hospital in Fayetteville before being overwhelming support demonstrated by local eration and of many to come. named Assistant Administrator at Crittenden citizens, base officials and elected leaders Memorial Hospital in West Memphis. In 1979, continues to cement Fort Knox’s position as a There is substantial scientific certainty Dan moved to Arkadelphia and joined the premiere military installation surrounded by around climate change. Scientists are con- Baptist Medical System where he served as communities that are wonderful places to live, fident that global warming is happening. Simi- Administrator of Twin Rivers Medical Center. work and raise families. larly, the vast majority of experts on the issue He was later named Administrator and Senior As a result of the 2005 Base Realignment agree that human activities are to blame. If Vice President of Baptist Health where he and Closure Commission recommendations, that was not obvious already, it will be after served until his death. Fort Knox is presently transforming from an in- this week when the Intergovernmental Panel Dan Gathright was a member of the First stitutional training installation to a multi-func- on Climate Change releases its long awaited Baptist Church of Arkadelphia, the Arkadelphia tional installation that will include an active report. Rotary, the Clark County American Red Cross duty infantry brigade combat team and the The only uncertainty to be debated is the and a Board Member of the Arkadelphia Army’s Human Resources Command. pace and intensity of warming that will face Chamber of Commerce. Dan also served as Construction has already begun on base to us. Will the pace of warming remain steady or President of the Clark County United Way and align infrastructure and industry to accommo- accelerate predictably? Or can we expect ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:28 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD07\E01FE7.REC E01FE7 hmoore on PRODPC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE E228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 1, 2007 more abrupt changes as enormous stores of he felt being an Armenian who happened to tire U.S. House of Representatives, for his methane hydrate, a gas with several times the be a citizen of Turkey—a country that fails to generous service and unflinching duty to our heat retention capacity of carbon dioxide, is acknowledge that the Armenian Genocide oc- great country. My colleagues and I wish him a released from the ocean floor and expanses of curred. As a result, Dink was charged and quick return to good health. permafrost? These gases are released as the convicted of insulting Turkey’s identity. In Oc- f natural mechanisms keeping them seques- tober 2005, after writing about the Armenian tered are broken down by warming. Perma- Genocide, he was given a 6-month suspended IN MEMORY OF NATHAN BARRETT frost melts. Ocean temperature and acidity sentence. rise. The historical record contains strong evi- Hrant Dink was killed because he was a HON. MIKE ROSS dence that abrupt climate change has cor- courageous and outspoken journalist and con- OF ARKANSAS responded with a single release of vast stores tinued to write his columns in hopes of edu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of methane hydrate. cating and informing the people of Turkey. As Wednesday, January 31, 2007 This uncertainty is real. It stands in stark Turkey continues to evolve as a modern sec- contrast to the alleged uncertainties that have ular state, it must understand that democracy Mr. ROSS. Madam Speaker, I rise today to been manufactured by those who stand to requires more than free elections; freedom of honor the memory of my friend Nathan Bar- profit by perpetuating the status quo as long the press is essential. rett, who passed away January 25, 2007, in as possible. I express my condolences to the family, and Pine Bluff, Arkansas. To resolve and manage the real uncertainty, colleagues of Hrant Dink. He was a coura- Nathan Barrett was a pillar of the commu- we must have the best scientific information geous, committed columnist, and a mentor nity of Warren and Bradley County for dec- possible at our fingertips in order to weigh and friend to many.
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