SEPTEMBER CHAPELS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 ... ........ JAY L. KESLER Jay L. Kesler has been appointed President of Taylor University as of September 1st. A 1958 Taylor grad, Dr. Kesler has spent the past 30 years working with Youth for Christ/USA, serving as the organization's President the final 12 years. He is the author of ten books, the most recent being Family Forum and Par­ ents & Teenagers, as well as being the host of the . "Family Forum" radio program. "I want to reach the place where when one speaks of Christian higher education in America, he does not take a breath in the first sentence before the name of Taylor appears," Kesler <>tated recently. "I believe in this place, and I think it's one of America's best kept secrets." *****The "Circle America" team will visit and sing. * * * * * FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 . ACADEMIC CONVOCATION "Lov-i.ng God W-i.:th :the. M-i.nd" To begin the year with a sense of scholarship, with the-leadership of the Dean of the University, the faculty will present an Academic Convocation in full academic regalia. This celebration begins with a processional and includes performances by the Taylor Ringers and The Taylor Brass Ensemble, reports on scholarly achievements of the faculty, and a brief address from the Professor of the Year, Dr. Winfried Corduan. Dr. Corduan, associate professor of philosophy and religion, received the honor of dis­ tinguished professor for 1984-85 during the spring recognition convocation. MONDAY-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16-20 ......... SPIRITUAL RENEWAL WEEK Ray and An11e. OJtU.und l.oe.e. BJtoc.hUJte.) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 . TAYLOR WORLD OUTREACH Taylor World Outreach gives students th-2 opportunity of "hands on" ministry experiences while they are at Taylor. The mandate to "go and make disciples of all nations .... " can be a reality now for those who desire an opportun­ ity for God to use them. T.W.O. includes the following outreach opportunities: Discipleship Coordinators, Lighthouse, Youth Conference, World Christian Fellow­ ship, Community Outreach, and Taylor Christian Artists. Mrs. Diane Meyer is director of T.W.O. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 ..... MUSIC/WORSHIP "HymYI/.l and ChOJtMe.-6 60Jr. The. Fam-i.fy o6 God" Today's chapel will be a service of congregational singing from our new hymnal, Hymns for The Family of God. We wi 11 spend the hour singing favorite songs from the new collection as v1ell as explore new texts and melodies. Worshipers are asked to come prepared to contribute their voices to this celebration of our faith in song. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 . ....... DR. KENNETH 0. GANGEL K~~Ro66 6ok PARENTS' WEEKEND Dr. Kenneth 0. Gangel is Professor and Chairman for the Department of Christian Education at Dallas Theo­ logical Seminary, Dallas, TX. He received his BA from Taylor; M.Div., cum laude from Grace Theological Seminary (where he was named Alumnus of the Year in 1974); M.A. in Christian Education from Fuller Theolog­ ical Seminary; S.T.M., Concordia Seminary; Ph.D in College Administration, University of Missouri at Kansas City; post-doctoral study at Florida State University. He has a lengthy professional history of teaching and administration at Calvary Bible College, Kansas City, MO; Kansas City Regional Council for Higher Education; and at Miami Christian College, Miami, FL prior to his present position at Dallas Theolo­ gical Seminary. His pulpit ministry has covered hundreds of churches throughout America. While visiting all 50 states and 18 foreign countries, he has lectured in more than 1000 churches, schools and seminars. Dr. Gangel holdls board memberships in Christian Communica­ tions, Ltd. (Hong Kong), Evangelical Teacher Training Association, Mars Hill Associates, National Association of Evangelicals--Higher Education Commission, Scripture Press Ministries, South Africa Sunday School Associ ction--Christian Education Commission; and he is a contributing editor to the Journal of Psychology and Technology. He is the author of many books and more than 1000 articles in jour­ nals and periodicals. Dr. Gangel and his wife Elizabeth have two children, Jeffrey Scott and Julie Lynn. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 .... ....... MR. DAVID R. STEINER "Chk~.c,:t'-6 CaU : Le.ave. :the. 0-td - Be.g ~ n :the. Ne.rv" Dave Steiner is the 1985-86 Student Government Organization Presi­ dent. He is a senior Business Administration major and last year served as Chairman of the Student Senate, also as President of Delta Sigma Chapter of Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society in Business Administration. Today he will use as his text Philippians 3:10-14. OCTOBER CHAPELS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 .............. BISHOP JAMES S. THOMAS James S. Thomas has served as Bishop of the Ohio East Area of the United Methodist Church since 1976 and previous to that assignment he served as Bishop of the Iowa Area, having been elected a bishop in June 1964. Dr. Thomas holds a PhD from Cornell University. His honorary degrees from all across the U.S. are too numerous to list here. Other distinguished awards include the Distinguished Alumnus Award, Claflin College and Drew University; University Fe ll ow, Drake University and election to Phi Kappa Phi, Cornell U. Dr. Thomas was born in Orangenburg, SC. He and his wife have four daughters. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 MR. GR EG SPECK "PuJr..t.ue. Exc.e.Lte.nc.e." Greg Speck, originally from California, is a graduate of Bethel College, St. Paul, MN . He is founder and president of YOUTH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL. Greg is an extremely gifted youth communicator across the country, speaking to youth in various situations, but also spending time with them--quality time on a one to one basis--counseling and befriending. Greg's true­ to-life illustrations and humorous sketches captivate audiences of all ages. He identifies with youth, capturing their imaginations and hearts, while helping them to understand God's Word. Among his experiences, Greg worked as day camp director in Mt. Her- man, CA. In St. Paul, MN he worked in an elementary school with hyper-active children. In Wheaton, IL he worked at Sunny Ridge Home as a caseworker to troubled teenagers. MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 REV. GLANDION CARNEY Glandion Carney is director of urban ministries for WORLD VISION and is responsible for developing and organizing urban pastors' seminars and inner-city evan­ gelism projects for World Vision's U.S. Ministry Divi­ sion. He has a rich background in urban work, and most recently directed the inner-city emphasis of Youth for Christ International,where he organized leadership semi­ nars in urban areas around the world. Additionally, he served YFC as an evangelist, conducting an outreach campaign in South Africa, in 1982. Rev. Carney has served as pastor of Second Baptist Church in Wheaton, IL. Among his many affiliations in evangelical circles, he lists the international board of directors of Wycliffe Bible Translators and the board of directors of Christian Service Brigade, a church-related outreach to young men. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 ........... TAYLOR HERITAGE CHAPEL Hono ~ ~ng ALICE K. HOLCOMBE Alice K. Holcombe received her B.A. degree from Taylor University, with a major in English and Latin. Post graduate work was done at Ball State University in Library Science, and she received the B.A.L.S. (pro­ fessional degree in Library Science) from the Uni­ versity of Michigan in 1946. She served as Director of Libraries at the University of Dubuque in Iowa, 1950-52. For thirty-five years she was director of Taylor's library, retiring in 1983. Alice's many years of service to Taylor are reflected in a favorite verse of scripture: Thou dost show me the path of life; in thy presence there is fullness of joy, in thy right hand are pleasures for evermore . Psalms 16:11. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 TAYLOR FAMILY CHAPEL ~dent Ol"gaA i z atien S-enate 11ill select aAd discuss what tRey conside1 to bl'! the tlu ee top issues gf co n G-e.r-A-&R-C~. The Taylor Family Chapel is designed to "close the doors" and discuss in-house issues or concerns. Guests should be encouraged not to attend. ~ ;4!2~fh...J tud-r' ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ -tL /~ ~--&- ~a. MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 . INTERNATIONAL STUDIES CHAPEL Dr. Richard V. Pierard "C hWlc.h and Soc.~e.:ty ~n We.M~n EWlope. Today" What effect do Christians in Europe--specifically West Germany-- have on their world? What lessons can they teach American evangelicals? Dr. Pierard has just returned from a year as Fulbright Professor at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. He is professor of history at Indiana State University as well as an evangelical leader who has written and lectured widely on Chris­ tianity and society in America. He appears as part of the International Studies Committee's Focus on ~ester~ Europe. Dr. Pierard's numerous publications, 1nclud1n.g .both books and articles include such topics as religion an~ pol1t1~s~ conservatism and the New Right, evangelical Christi­ anlty, rel1g10n and Nazi Germany, Christian missions and European imperialism. ' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 SUMMER OF SERVICE CHAPEL / sometimes taking that first step to get involved in missions is t""\ the hardest. During this chapel, you 1~i ll have the opportunity . to learn first-hand from the students and faculty who took that step this summer. The wide variety of experiences ranged from , · · · · · m--+rt ItalY- to teaching English in Japan. This chapel could provide ZU\ the information you will need to consider taking that first big , ' / step. -v. ~ ~- .~o)~ RIDAY, OCTOBER 18 . MR. DON J. ODLE / \ "Nuu on. a Roof/' Taylor's 'own' Don Odle recently received yet another / distinction. He was named "Grant County Citizen • of the Year" by the Kiwanis Clubs of Grant County. Coach, athletic director, friend and ambassador for Taylor, Don Odle holds a special place in the hearts of Taylor alums and new students as well.
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